Dr Victoria Pagan
Senior Lecturer
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 1736
- Address: Newcastle University Business School
Floor 8, Room 8.08
5 Barrack Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Before joining the Business School in May 2011, Victoria worked for 9 years in commercial research and consultancy for the public sector, local government and non-departmental public bodies. Prior to this, she worked as a researcher for an audience development agency and as a learning support assistant within a local comprehensive school.
Current Roles and Responsibilities
- Deputy Subject Group Head, People Planning, Leadership Work and Organization Subject Group
- Post Experience Senior Tutor
- Module Leader, BUS3003 Advanced Business Practice
- BA (Hons) Anthropology, University of Durham, UK
- MA Management, University of Durham, UK
- PGCert Academic Studies and Practice, Newcastle University, UK
- PGCert Research Training, Newcastle University, UK
- PhD Organisation Studies, Newcastle University, UK
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Chartered Management and Business Educator
- Board Member, Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS)
- Associate Editor, Culture and Organisation journal
- Community of Practice, GenderSAFE
- Member of the British Academy of Management
Current work
My current research interests are focused around:
- Knowledge: its generation, uses, and violations (epistemic violence, epistemic injustice)
- Morality and ethics: the expression / suppression of moral emotions
- Social justice: equality, equity, diversities, inclusion / exclusion
My work in progress involves an exploration of the uses, and impacts of the uses, of non-disclosure agreements in a range of workplace contexts, in terms of:
- Implications for freedom in terms of restriction and liberation across work boundaries (employee/employer perspectives)
- Metaphor and story as a way to resist their impact (NDAs murder knowledge, ghost stories remain)
- Tensions between secrecy and transparency, understanding the space between the two
- Voice – muting, silencing
My PhD used Bourdieusian theory to examine how socio-economic order is challenged by different forms of organizing, power relations and decision making in global debates.
Industry Relevance
In my previous research and consultancy role, I managed and delivered fieldwork on a range of projects for a number of clients. Example reports for which I was lead author are as follows.
- Scottish Arts Council: Review and Evaluation of the Quality Framework
- Scottish Arts Council: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Cultural Co-ordinators in Scottish Schools Programme
- Scottish Arts Council: Final Reports - Cultural Coordinators in Scottish Schools Cultural Co-ordinators in Scottish Schools Programme: Monitoring Report - Executive Summary
- pfeg: Evaluation of What Money Means
Undergraduate modules
I have been teaching at the Business School since 2012 on a range of modules. Current teaching responsibilities include Module Leadership for BUS3003
Postgraduate work
I am currently Senior Tutor for Post Experience Programmes
- Pagan V, Kirk S. World-makers and social justice: Strategies of (in)action? . Strategic Change 2024, 33(5), 371-381.
- Pagan V. Intersecting liminalities and transition rites: Non-disclosure agreements and misconduct in organizations. Culture and Organization 2025, 31(2), 143-161.
- Pagan V, Haynes K, Reissner S. Accountable selves and responsibility within a global forum. Journal of Business Ethics 2023, 187, 255-270.
- Pagan VK. 21st Century Bridling: Non-disclosure agreements in cases of organizational misconduct. Human Relations 2023, 76(11), 1827-1851.
- Pagan V. Fantasy to (evade) order: Vicarious schadenfreude. Ephemera 2022, 22(1), 173-188.
- Pagan V. The murder of knowledge and the ghosts that remain: non-disclosure agreements and their effects. Culture and Organization 2021, 27(4), 302-317.
- Yarrow E, Pagan V. Reflections on front‐line medical work during COVID‐19 and the embodiment of risk. Gender, Work and Organization 2021, 28(S1), 89-100.
- Pagan V. 'The challenge is who rules the world': Accounts and implications of transnational governance interactions. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2020, 14(4), 344-362.
- Pagan V, McGuigan E. Lecturer-Student Collaboration as Responsible Management Education: Benefits and Challenges. Journal of Business Ethics Education 2019, 16.
- Vincent S, Pagan V. Entrepreneurial agency and field relations: A Realist Bourdieusian Analysis. Human Relations 2019, 72(2), 188-216.
- Pagan V. Being and becoming a "good" qualitative researcher? Liminality and the risk of limbo. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 2019, 14(1), 75-90.
- Reissner SC, Pagan V. Generating employee engagement in a public-private partnership: management communication activities and employee experiences. International Journal of Human Resource Management 2013, 24(14), 2741-2759.
- Reissner SC, Pagan V, Smith C. 'Our iceberg is melting': Story, metaphor and the management of organisational change. Culture and Organization 2011, 17(5), 417-433.
Authored Book
- Reissner SC, Pagan V. Storytelling in management practice: Dynamics and implications. London: Routledge, 2013.
Book Chapters
- Pagan V, Zaeemdar S. Performing leadership for radical change: Women’s embodied activism through theatre. In: Thompson, RJ; Topuzova, L, ed. Embodied Somatic Leadership for Peacebuilding and Protest: Women’s Counteroffensive to Violence and Injustice. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024.
- Howe-Walsh L, Kirk S, Pagan V. Business Schools, Accrediting Agencies and Gender: Washing or Spinning?. In: Gardiner, R; Elliott, C; Fox-Kirk, W; Stead, V, ed. Genderwashing in Leadership: Power, Policies and Politics. Leeds, UK: Emerald, 2024, pp.216.
- Pagan V. Reflections, distortions – the mirrored academic. In: Robinson, S Bristow, A Ratle, O, ed. Doing Academic Life Differently: Portraits of Academic Life. Routledge, 2023.
- Pagan V. Engagement, Wellbeing and Inclusion. In: French, R Rees, G, ed. Strategic People Management and Development. Kogan Page, 2022. In Press.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Pagan, V. ‘Let’s move on’ – problematizing progress in cases of institutional abuse. In: British Academy of Management 2024: Achieving transformation for greater good: Societal, organisational and personal barriers and enablers. 2024, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK. Submitted.
- Pagan V. Sustaining the organization at all costs?. In: British Academy of Management, 2023, Towards Disruptive Sustainability: New Business Opportunities and Challenges. 2023, University of Sussex Business School, Brighton, UK: British Academy of Management.
- Pagan V. Misconduct in organizations – NDAs as a poros out of aporia?. In: Human Relations 75th Anniversary. 2023, London, UK.
- Watson J, Zaeemdar S, Lopes A, Pagan V. Exploring Alternative Forms of Social Care Delivery in Tackling Structural Gender Inequalities. In: Gender, Work and Organisation Conference. 2023, Stellenbosch, South Africa: GWO.
- Pagan V. Beauty and destruction – the use of NDAs by religious organisations. In: Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS). 2023, The American University of Paris, France.
- Pagan V. Misconduct in organizations – NDAs as a poros out of aporia?. In: British Academy of Management. 2022, Manchester, UK: British Academy of Management.
- Pagan V. NDAs – an instrument of disembodiment. In: 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Gender, Work & Organization Conference. 2021, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
- Pagan V. Liminal space and difference in organizations. In: Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS 2021). 2021, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark: SCOS.
- Pagan V. Believing ghost stories, believing in women. In: Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), 2019. 2019, The York Management School, York, UK. Submitted.
- Pagan V. (Anti-)humanity and (im-)morality: Vicarious schadenfreude through Dante’s Inferno. In: 35th EGOS Colloquium: Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organizations. 2019, Edinburgh, UK. Submitted.
Online Publications
- Pagan V. What does it mean to be a dangerous woman in the workplace?. University of Edinburgh, 2016. Available at:
- Pagan V. Rethinking capitals: global capital beyond the financial. ICAEW, 2016. Available at:
- Pagan VK. State of Global Power - Definitions, Distributions and Functions in Our Globalised World. Transnational Institute, 2015. Available at:
- Reissner SC, Pagan V. Storytelling in organisational communication. Chartered Management Institute, 2011. Available at:
- Reissner SC, Pagan V. Employee engagement: The use of storytelling. London: Chartered Management Institute, 2011. Available at:
- Pagan, V. Affect in Organization and Management. Organization Studies 2023. In Press.
- Pagan V. The Woman’s Voice by Patsy Rodenburg [Online]. The Sociological Review Magazine 2023.
- Pagan V. Integrating Gender Equality into Business and Management Education. Gender in Management 2018, 33(1), 80-84.