Dr Wee Chan Au
Lecturer in Management Practice
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- Address: 5 Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SE
Dr Wee Chan Au is a Lecturer in Management Practice at Newcastle University Business School (NUBS). She received her PhD in Human Resource Management from Monash University.
Wee Chan is interested in supporting young people to engage in social innovation and social entrepreneurship activities. She is a certified trainer of the Active Citizens Social Enterprise (ACSE) programme and an active member of the East Asia Region ACSE Facilitators Network by the British Council. She engages young people to take active roles in sustainability and addressing social issues through various educational endeavours, which led her to receive the 2021 Dean’s PRME Education Excellence Award at Monash Business School. In addition, wee Chan collaborates with support organisations, including British Council, Impact Hub and Social Innovation Movement, to bridge research and practice. Her research work supporting the wellbeing of young social entrepreneurs was nominated for the PRME Faculty Recognition Award for excellence in SDG integration in 2021.
Before joining NUBS, Wee Chan was a Senior Lecturer in Management at Monash University Malaysia. She was the Program Co-lead of the International Study Program, Ambassadors for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub, PRME, and Coordinator for Master in International Business (Research Pathway). While at Monash University, Wee Chan received the Engagement and Impact Excellence Award in 2018 and 2020; she also received the Supervisor of the Year Award for her PhD supervision by the Monash University Postgraduate Association in 2020. She is a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Wee Chan’s research interest lies in work, health and wellbeing, especially the challenges in attaining work-life balance in today’s fast-paced economy and rapid technological advancement. She explores the manner and extent to which organisational and HR practices impact work and wellbeing. Fundamentally, she is interested in people and the development of human capital – what motivates employees and entrepreneurs, how do they respond to personal or structural constraints, setbacks and challenges? She is also interested in using research to shed light on groups less represented in the mainstream research, including migrant live-in domestic workers, young social entrepreneurs in Southeast and East Asia, and refugee entrepreneurs in Malaysia.
She has published her work in edited books and in leading scholarly journals, such as Journal of Business Ethics, Career Development International, Human Resource Development International, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Personnel Review. Her work has also been featured in media, such as The Pioneers Post, The Star (Malaysia), and The National Tribune (Australia).
She sits on the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Managerial Psychology and the International Editorial Board for Community, Work and Family.
In addition, she has received funding (Approx. USD 1.15 million) from the British Council, Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) Australia, Academy of Science Malaysia, Economic Planning Unit (Malaysia Prime Minister’s office), the Ministry of Higher education, Malaysia and various industry bodies in Malaysia and Asia-Pacific region.
Selected External Funding:
06/2023 – 05/2025, BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants funded research project on “Women Entrepreneurs for Climate Resilience: Challenging Norms and Gaining Support” (PI, £9,771)
01/2023 – 01/2024, British Council Going Global Partnerships – Gender Equality Partnerships funded research project on “Promoting gender equality in Pakistan Higher Education: How to break the ceiling while having caring responsibilities” (Co-I, GBP £24,379.79, GEP26-22 UK-Pakistan)
01/2019 - 09/2022, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia’s Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) funded research project on “Work, Health and Well- Being: An In-Depth Study of the Healthcare Sector in Malaysia” (PI; £12,990) FRGS/1/2018/SS03/MUSM/03/1
10/2019 - 06/2021, Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) & Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) international project entitled “Changing the Story: Building Inclusive Civil Societies with, and for, Young People in Post-Conflict Settings” led by the University of Leeds funded research project on “Building Inclusive and Sustainable Civil Society: A Social Entrepreneurship Toolkit Created by and for Young People” (Co-I; £99,380.20) AH/R005354/1
01/2019 - 01/2020, Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) & Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) international project entitled “Changing The Story: Building Inclusive Civil Societies with, and for, Young People in Post-Conflict Settings” led by the University of Leeds funded research project on “Youth-led social enterprises in Malaysia: Shaping civil society by and for young people” (Co-I; £25,993) RG.MODL.114343.011
11/2017 – 10/2020, Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) Australia funded research project on “Business Sentiment Study” (Co-I; £16,804)
12/2017 – 01/2019, The Newton Fund British Council Grants (Newton Ungku-Omar Fund) for UK-Malaysia Researcher Links Workshop, “Advancing work, health and well-being in rural and urban Malaysia”, (PI; £45,200) 2017-RLWK8-10364
06/2014 – 12/2016, Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister's Department, Malaysia on “Knowledge Content in Key Economic Sectors in Malaysia: Phase 3 (MYKE III)”, (Co-I; £364,916)
12/2013 – 11/2015, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia’s Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) funded research project on “Unleashing the Potential of Women Entrepreneurs: A Study of Malaysian SMEs”, (PI; £12,067) FRGS/2/2013/SS05/MUSM/03/2
Research Awards:
2021 - Best paper award - The Careers Division, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Paper: Keep Calm and Work from Home: Strategies Used by Dual-Earner Households with School-Age Children
The paper was also nominated for the 2021 Carolyn B. Dexter Award (To papers that best meets the objective of internationalizing the Academy)
2016 - Best paper award - Social Issues in Management Track, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Paper: Corporate social responsibility in Indian Family Firms: A socioemotional wealth perspective
2013 - Best paper award - International Journal of Manpower Track, The International Network of Business and Management Journals Conference
Paper: Exploring the effects of two types of workplace support on work-life balance
Completed Research Supervision
- 01/2018 – 05/2022, PhD, Main-supervisor, “Maternal healthcare in Kenya – An institutional perspective of women’s agency”, Monash University.
- 12/2017 – 11/2021, PhD, Main-supervisor, “Investigating a within-organization sustainable career: An empirical study in Malaysia”, Monash University.
- 12/2013 – 11/2017, PhD, Co-supervisor, “Pathways for career success: A study of Muslim women in Malaysia”, Monash University.
- 01/2014 – 09/2017, PhD, Main-supervisor, “Human resource management in the Bangladesh garment industry: An exploratory investigation”, Monash University.
- 06/2020 – July 2022, Master in International Business, Sole-supervisor, “Pursuing of career success - An investigation of pharmacy career”, Monash University.
- 01/2016 – 12/2016, Master in International Business, Main-supervisor, “Parental orientation influence on work-life balance and protean career decisions of early career employees”, Monash University.
- 01/2015 – 12/2015, Master in International Business, Main-supervisor, “The work-life balance of domestic workers in Malaysia: A Qualitative Study”, Monash University.
- 01/2014 – 12/2014, Master in International Business, Main-supervisor, “Social entrepreneurship: An empirical investigation of social entrepreneurs in Malaysia and Singapore”, Monash University.
Honours and Postgraduate Diploma
- 01/2021 – 12/2021, Postgraduate Diploma, Sole-supervisor, Family-supportive supervisor behaviour: An exploratory study in Sri Lanka, Monash University.
- 03/2017 – 06/2018, Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Honours), Co-Supervisor, “Disability in Singapore: An exploration of institutional roles & responsibilities”, Monash University.
- 08/2016 – 11/2017, Postgraduate Diploma, Main-supervisor, “An exploratory study of women entrepreneurship in Bangladesh, Monash University.
- 07/2016 – 06/2017, Postgraduate Diploma, Co-supervisor, “An exploratory study of social entrepreneurship in Kenya, A developing country context. Monash University.
- 01/2015 – 12/2015, Postgraduate Diploma, Co-supervisor, “Corporate social responsibility in family business: Insight from India”, Monash University.
- 01/2014 – 12/2014, Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Honours), Main-supervisor, “Social entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe: The role of social entrepreneurs as change agents”, Monash University.
Teaching Qualifications:
2022 – Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy (UK)
2016 – Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Monash University
BUS1015 Management and Organisation
BUS1016 Academic and Professional Skill Development
BUS3053 Management Consultancy Project
NBS8490 Business in Action (MBA)
NBS8491 Personal and Professional Transformation (MBA)
NBS8600 Practice-based Dissertation in International Business Management
NBS8993 Academic Mentoring for MSc International Business Management
Modules taught in previous HE institution:
MGW3234 Social Entrepreneurship
MGW1010 Introduction to Management
MGW3681 International Management
MGX5890 International Study Program in International Business
MGX5000 Introduction to Management Research Method
MGX5901 Research Report (Introduction)
MGX5900 Research Report (Final)
- Beigi M, Shirmohammadi M, Au WC, Tochia C. We were all in it together: Managing work from home as dual-earner households with school-age children. Journal of Organizational Behavior 2024, 45(4), 539-557.
- Rossenkhan Z, Au WC, Ahmed PK. Role Incongruity and Prejudice: Barriers in Malay Muslim women’s careers experiences. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Au WC, Stephens S, Ahmed PK. Relational HR Practices in Malaysian SMEs: An Ethics of Care Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics 2024, 191, 323-336.
- Teow HH, Au WC, Ahmed PK. Navigating Sustainable Careers: The Role of Subjective Career Success, Career Crafting, and Social Capital. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Teow HH, Au WC, Ahmed PK. Competency development opportunities and organizational citizenship behaviors: The mediating role of subjective career success. Career Development International 2024, 29(4), 452-465.
- Drencheva A, Au WC, Li Yew J. Working For Impact, But Failing to Experience It: Exploring Individuals' Sensemaking in Social Enterprises. Business and Society 2023, 62(7), 1458-1495.
- Shirmohammadi M, Beigi M, Au WC, Tochia C. Who moved my boundary? Strategies adopted by families working from home. Journal of Vocational Behavior 2023, 143, 103866.
- Au WC, Drencheva AM, Liew JL. Narrating career in the social entrepreneurship: Experiences of social entrepreneurs. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 2023, 14(3), 343-369.
- Au WC, Stephen S. I am not just a nurse: The need for a boundaried ethic of care in the context of prolific relationality. Journal of Business Ethics 2023, 186, 493-510.
- Mostafa AMS, Yunus S, Au WC, Cai Z. Co-worker undermining, emotional exhaustion and organisational commitment: the moderating role of servant leadership. Journal of Managerial Psychology 2023, 38(3), 194-209.
- Drencheva AM, Au WC. Bringing the Family Logic in: From Duality to Plurality in Social Enterprises. Journal of Business Ethics 2023, 182, 77–93.
- Shirmohammadi M, Au WC, Beigi M. Remote work and work-life balance: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and suggestions for HRD practitioners. Human Resource Development International 2022, 25(2), 163-181.
- Shirmohammadi M, Au WC, Beigi M. Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Life Balance While Working from Home: A Review of the Research Conducted During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Human Resource Development Review 2022, 21(4), 473-516.
- Au WC, Beigi M, Shirmohammadi M. Running their own show: Malaysian women entrepreneurs’ kaleidoscope careers. Career Development International 2021, 26(5), 613-639.
- Rossenkhan Z, Au WC, Ahmed PK. Unbundling subjective career success: A sequential mediation analysis. European Business Review 2020, 33(1), 60-79.
- Au WC, Chatrakul Na Ayudhya U, Tan YS, Ahmed PK. The work-life experiences of an invisible workforce: The case of live-in women migrant domestic workers in Malaysia. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 2019, 39(5), 567-583.
- Au WC, Ahmed PK. Relationships between superior support, work role stressors and work-life experience. Personnel Review 2016, 45(4), 782-803.
- Au WC, Ahmed PK. Sustainable people management through work-life balance: A study of the Malaysian Chinese context. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration 2014, 6(3), 262-280.
Book Chapters
- Bhattacharya A, Au WC, Croy G. Using the theory of planned behavior to develop business students into capable change agents for socially sustainable development. In: A. Silenskyte, M. Cordova, M. A. Schmitz, & S. M. Toh, ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Social Sustainability in Business Education. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
- Teow HH, Au WC. The Relationship Between Burnout and Turnover Intention Among Early-Career Employees in Malaysia: The Role of the Supervisor. In: Oruh, E.S., Adisa, T.A, ed. Employee Wellbeing in the Global South. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp.43-65.
- Au WC. The unheard voices behind the closed doors: An investigation of live-in migrant domestic workers in Malaysia. In: T. Adisa, C. Mordi, & E. Oruh, ed. Employee Voice in the Global South: Insights from Asia, Africa and South America. Springer Nature, 2023.
- Yew JL, Au WC, Drencheva A. Impact investment in Southeast Asia: An overview and framework. In: de Jong G; Faber N; Folmer E; Long T; Unal B, ed. De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2023, pp.365-388.
- Au WC, Drencheva AM, Liew JL. How do refugee entrepreneurs navigate institutional voids? Insights from Malaysia. In: Pickernell D; Battisti M; Dann Z; Ekinsmyth C, ed. Disadvantaged Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, 2022, pp.121-144.
- Au WC. High commitment HR practices in Malaysian SMEs. In: T. Adisa; C. Mordi, ed. HRM in the Global South: A Critical Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp.253-281.
- Au WC, Nourin S, Ahmed PK. The unfolding process of women’s entrepreneurship in a patriarchal society: An exploration of Bangladeshi women entrepreneurs’ experiences. In: U. Guelich; A. Bullough; T. Manolova; L. Schjoedt, ed. Women’s Entrepreneurship and Culture: Socio-cultural Context, Traditional Family Roles and Self-determination. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, pp.47-67.
- Au WC. The implicit and explicit influence on work-life balance in Malaysia. In: T. Adisa; G. Gbadamosi, ed. Work-life Interface: Non-Western Perspectives. Springer, 2021, pp.313-342.
- Nourin S, Au WC, Ahmed PK. Wellbeing assessment of pull and push women entrepreneurs. The case of Bangladesh. In: Lepeley,MT; Kuschel,K; Neubell,N; Pouw,N; Eijdenberg,E, ed. Wellbeing of Women Entrepreneurs. A Global Perspective. Routledge, 2020, pp.324-342.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Shirmohammadi M, Au WC, Beigi M. What have work-life balance scholars learned from the covid-19 pandemic? A systematic literature review. In: 29th International Research Conference in the Americas by the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD). 2022, Virtual.
- Drencheva AM, Au WC. Venture changes as identity work: Responding to identity-implicating experiences during a crisis. In: 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 2022, Seattle, USA. In Preparation.
- Shirmohammadi M, Au WC, Beigi M. Remote work and work-life balance: What have we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic?. In: Work and Family Researchers Network Conference. 2022.
- Au WC, Stephens S. A Critical Consideration of the Ethics of Care in Nursing Work. In: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference. 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland: EURAM.
- Au WC, Shirmohammadi M, Beigi M. “Who is on-call to take care of my kids?”: The country and occupation contexts enabling informal childcare and nursing careers. In: 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. 2022, Seattle, WA, USA: Academy of Management.
- Beigi M, Shirmohammadi M, Au WC, Tochia C, Hashemian A. Keep calm and work from home: Strategies used by dual-earner households with school-age children. In: 81th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). 2021, Academy of Management.
- Drencheva AM, Au WC, Liew JL. Subjective experiences of positive impact in social enterprises: Working for impact, seeing impact. In: 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). 2020, Virtual: Academy of Management.
- Au WC, Beigi M. Authentic, balanced, and challenged women entrepreneurs: A qualitative study in Malaysia. In: 11th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network. 2019, Tilbury University: Dutch HRM Network.
- Uddin MJ, Au WC, Ahmed PK. Do institutional pressures drive change? Evidence from Bangladesh garment industry. In: 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). 2018, Chicago, Illinois, United States: Academy of Management.
- Qureshi RA, Sandhu MS, Au WC. Corporate social responsibility in Indian Family Firms: A socioemotional wealth perspective. In: 76th Academy of Management (AOM) Conference. 2016, Anaheim, California, USA: Academy of Management.
- Yew JL, Drencheva A, Hough O, Au WC. Doing Good, Staying Well: A Wellbeing Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs. Social Innovation Movement Malaysia, University of Sheffield, Impact Hub Phnom Penh, Monash University, 2021.
- Vaithilingam S, Nair MS, Ahmed PK, Au WC. Industrial Skills Framework for the Malaysian Plastics Industry. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association, Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia, Monash University Malaysia, 2020.
- Nair MS, Ahmed PK, Vaithilingam S, Narayanan P, Au WC. Business Sentiment 2020/2021: A Perspective from Malaysian Executives. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) Australia & Monash University Malaysia, 2020.
- Nair MS, Ahmed PK, Vaithilingam S, Narayanan P, Au WC. Business Sentiment 2019/2020: A Perspective from Malaysian Executives. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) Australia & Monash University Malaysia, 2019.
- Nair MS, Ahmed PK, Vaithilingam S, Narayanan P, Au WC. Business Sentiment 2018: A Perspective from Malaysian Executives. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) Australia & Monash University Malaysia, 2018.
- Nair MS, Ahmed PK, Vaithilingam S, Narayanan P, Au WC. Business Sentiment 2016/2017: A Perspective from Malaysian Executives. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) Australia & Monash University Malaysia, 2017.
- Nair MS, Ahmed PK, Vaithilingam S, Au WC. A Study of the Malaysian Plastics Industry Skills Needs. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association (MPMA) & Monash University Malaysia, 2017.
- Nair MS, Ahmed PK, Vaithilingam S, Au WC. A Study on Knowledge Content in Key Economic Sectors in Malaysia Phase III (MYKE III) Final Report (Phase 2). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Prime Minister’s Department Malaysia & Monash University, 2016.
- Nair MS, Ahmed PK, Lee C, Vaithilingam S, Au WC, Teh PL, Hilles AQS. A Study on Knowledge Content in Key Economic Sectors in Malaysia Phase III (MYKE III) Final Report (Phase 1). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Prime Minister’s Department Malaysia & Monash University, 2016.
- Ahmed PK, Hilles AQS, Au WC. Sustainability in a Global Market: Strategies for Unlocking the Potential of the Halal Industry. Jeddah: Islamic Development Bank, 2015.