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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research

Our collaborative research on entrepreneurship and innovation allows us to face challenges and address change.

We work to understand the value of individuals and organisations, how value is produced, and the meaning it holds. We generate socio-economic impact and have cutting-edge impact on contemporary challenges. Our research is interdisciplinary and collaborative, and we seek to build an inclusive research culture.

Our diverse set of research expertise is at the forefront of issues facing entrepreneurship and innovation. In our research, we draw on different theoretical lenses and methodologies.

Our work is underpinned by our commitment to five research imperatives:

  1. the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in addressing societal changes
  2. thriving entrepreneurship and regional innovation ecosystems
  3. shaping place-based policy agendas
  4. creativity, sustainability and technology as cornerstones of 21st century firm success
  5. the value of sociological and interdisciplinary lenses in understanding entrepreneurial and innovative behaviour

Our research themes

We research:

  • innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity
  • policy and evaluation
  • small business regulation
  • regional and sectoral development
  • innovation and entrepreneurial systems and management
  • entrepreneurial finance
  • entrepreneurial education
  • psychology and cognitive processes

We conduct our research through a variety of methods and theoretical perspectives. We prioritise approaches designed to further pro-social and sustainable outcomes.

We co-produce research with:

  • groups of entrepreneurs and innovators including those with distinctive shared demographics (e.g. age, ethnicity or gender)
  • diverse communities, contexts and places
  • policy makers
  • creative practitioners
  • firms with distinctive characteristics (e.g. deep-tech start-ups, green businesses)
  • students and educators

We work with these groups at critical points in the lifecycle. This includes times of crisis, failure, launch, growth, and scaling up. We do this to build resilience, improve performance, and contribute to educational outcomes. We help to build the capacity of those we collaborate with, and contribute to their impact.

Our research settings include:

  • the cultural and creative economy
  • the third sector
  • universities
  • emerging economies
  • the local region

Research spotlights

Much of our research is carried out in collaboration with external partners. We work with partners from the public, private, and voluntary sectors.

Boosting the UK's cultural and creative economy

We're working to boost the UK's cultural and creative economy and shaping national and regional policy. We're researching this through projects such as:

These projects map the creative industries across the North East, showing skills profiles, business models, and growth. The maps have shown where creative micro clusters are found, both in rural and urban areas. This helps to guide business support, including with a £50K Rural Challenge fund for creatives in the countryside.

The Creative PEC provides data and policy recommendations for national and regional government. This work is done in collaboration with the Royal Society of Arts in London. A recent initiative includes the Northern Creative Corridor: a combination of authorities and industry stakeholders across the North. The coalition aims to join up creative industry research and development, investment, and skills.

Another example of our collaborative research is More Than Meanwhile Spaces. We worked closely with practitioners, funders, and policy makers to co-develop new, more sustainable practice models for freelancers and grassroots arts organisations.

The Tyne Bridge as seen from the Glass House. Purple tinted lights brighten Newcastle

Entrepreneurial ecosystems

We conduct research on entrepreneurial ecosystems and the role of universities within them. A current project in this field is Entrepreneurial Universities Engagement and Collaboration with Rural Communities. The aim of this project is to look at how entrepreneurial universities engage, support, and collaborate with rural communities. Rural-based SMEs' innovation and entrepreneurship needs can differ from their urban-based counterparts. Entrepreneurial universities are seen as anchor institutions in supporting economic and social development.

Our research also examines how entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems evolve in different contexts. We focus on the role of universities and individuals, including entrepreneurs and scientists. We also study peripheral regions and the role of place in the growth of entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Blue lights added in over a rural setting show the links within rural communities

Entrepreneurial education

We engage externally to the development of entrepreneurial education. This work includes leading a Community of Practice for Educators interested in Design Thinking. Design Thinking is a mindset and an approach to learning, collaboration, and problem-solving. It can encourage learners to enquire, think differently, and develop reflexivity. Recent projects have included:

  • co-designing the student experience with students
  • design sprints for external organisations

We are the lead on Entrepreneurship Threshold Concept International Collaboration Group (ETIC). The group explores the value of the threshold concept approach in entrepreneurial education. Projects have included:

  • aligning an educator team in a collaborative curriculum redesign
  • the evaluation of a training programme designed to encourage the commercialisation of doctoral research findings
A diverse group of MBA students having a discussion around a table. A woman with a medium-brown skin tone is smiling and leading the conversation, while the others listen attentively. A laptop is open on the table.

Funding and grants

Our research is funded by a range of bodies, including:

  • the Economic and Social Research Council
  • the Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • the Leverhulme Trust
  • Arts Council England
  • European Regional Development Fund
  • Northern Powerhouse
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
  • Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Catalyst Fund in partnership with the British Academy
  • ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation Fund