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Marketing Research

Our colleagues use their extensive global knowledge to further the field of marketing.

The Marketing research community engages in knowledge-shaping societal debates. It deals with a range of issues from many different areas of marketing.

We base our research on:

  • a multi-methodological approach
  • interdisciplinary understanding

Research themes

The Marketing research community covers several broad areas of research. These include:

  • consumer behaviour
  • digital marketing
  • marketing, health, and sustainability
  • services marketing

Research spotlights

Our research serves society, the scientific community, and the business world. We work with consumers, policy makers, businesses and organisations. We're all working towards positive societal impact.

Drawing on the Evolutionary Theory of Loneliness and Social Interaction Theory

This research explores the social and psychological factors of technology use. It also covers its impact on emotions and behaviours.

The project develops arguments on the benefits of mitigating loneliness. We examine how technology and businesses may have played critical roles in interventions.

This project is led by Dr Qionglei Yu, Reader in Marketing.

Blue lines showing a group of people connected via technology

Researching plastic waste and the circular economy

Dr Josephine Go Jefferies hosted interactive exhibits from academics, business, and local government. Exhibits matched the theme of “Assessing local knowledge of plastic packaging waste”.

This project was in collaboration with colleagues working in Chemical Engineering.

Plastic waste, including bottles and cups, floating in the sea

Funding and grants

Our research often receives external funding from bodies including:

The National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise

The centre seeks to foster an enterprising countryside. It undertakes research, innovation, and policy exchange activities. Its research includes both qualitative and quantitative research. Recent work includes:

  • improving the sustainability of community spaces
  • the adoption of e-cargo bike delivery services
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)

KTP funded a project curating contemporary art in the heritage sector. This project was in collaboration with Vindolanda Trust and the School of Arts & Cultures.

This project was granted the 2024 Engagement and Place Award for engaging for cultural benefit.

British Academy (2021)

Funding studies on empowering young women in the Indian job market. Lead by Professor of Marketing, Andrew Lindridge.