Postgraduate Study Abroad
Expand your horizons. Studying abroad offers an unmatched experience.
Why study abroad?
Spending time studying abroad helps you learn more about yourself. You'll get to study at one of our prestigious partner universities. You will deepen your academic learning and develop new skills. This will help set you apart from other graduates.
Study abroad offers you a unique opportunity to see the world whilst enhancing your degree knowledge. It provides you with the chance to:
- meet new people and build international networks
- improve your language skills
- increase confidence in working on an international scale
- increase cultural awareness
- gain valuable life skills not taught in the lecture theatre
- deepen your academic learning
- enhance your knowledge
- develop new skills
- see the world
- enhance your global perspective
We have a range of international experiences for you.
Postgraduate semester abroad
What is the semester abroad?
It is an opportunity to study a complementary subject for one semester at an overseas partner university. You would be studying with the partner university on an exchange basis.
The experience takes place at the end of your studies, once you have submitted your dissertation. You'll develop new skills to set you apart from other graduates.
Studies undertaken at a partner university will not count towards a double/dual degree award. However, you'll receive a transcript from your host university evidencing your achievements.
Visa information
Please note that students who complete this scheme will not be eligible for the UK graduate work visa.
Where can you study?
You can study at the below partner universities:
- University of Strasbourg
- Grenoble School of Management
- Kedge Business School
- ICN Business School
- EDHEC Business School
- Frankfurt School of Finance – ideal for Economics students
- WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
- TUM – Technical University of Munich
- University of Mannheim
- Luiss Guido Carli
- University of Navarra
What you need to know
During your study abroad year, you'll pay reduced tuition fees to Newcastle University. You won’t pay tuition fees to the partner university as an exchange student.
You are responsible for securing the relevant visa, and paying for:
- accommodation
- travel
- living costs
You can find out more about student exchanges on the University Global Opportunites page.
Don’t speak another language? Don’t worry! Most of our partner universities teach in English.
We'll recognise the experience in your degree title (eg MSc Business Management with Study Abroad).
Global challenges
If you’re looking for a challenge, take part in a global competition. Show your skills and knowledge in a subject area and it could be your passport to global experience.
You will work across time zones and continents with students from some of our world-class international partner universities.
Gain an insight into what it’s like to work in a virtual team, something many global employers will need you to do daily.