Our History
Almost forty years of Cancer research at Newcastle University.
Opening of the Great North Children’s Hospital
The 246 bed Great North Children’s Hospital ensures that the care we offer to each and every child is second to none. As the regional referral centre for North East England, it serves a >3 million population and houses our childhood clinical research teams and paediatric ECMC centre.

Opening of the Wolfson Childhood Cancer Research Centre
Built following a £5.5 million fundraise, our Wolfson Centre is home to more than 90 childhood cancer researchers. We work as multi-disciplinary translational teams in dedicated facilities, closely linked to the Great North Children’s Hospital.

Launch of the Newcastle University Centre for Cancer
Our multi-disciplinary Centre opened in 2019, replacing the NICR. The Centre brings together all cancer and cancer-related researchers from across all three Faculties at Newcastle University, to make research advances and translate them to the clinic. It provides the research environment for >100 principal investigators and their teams.