Success Stories
The group were awarded the Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) 'Innovation in Practice Award' for 2022 for our work in establishing a national Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) programme of work to optimise the treatment of childhood cancer patients across the UK. The award is designed to recognise teams finding new ways to solve problems to deliver for the public, showing commitment to new ideas and experimentation and transforming care in the area of childhood cancer. We were previously announced as winners of the ‘Best innovation in service provision - partnership across the pathway’ category at the Quality in Care Excellence in Oncology awards in London. The prize was awarded for initially setting up the TDM service that Newcastle now provides at a national level for a range of widely used anticancer drugs.
The group were also finalists in the Bright Ideas in Health Awards in 2018. These Awards celebrate the achievements of individuals and teams working within the NHS, industry and academia, who have risen to the challenge of identifying services provided to patients that can be improved, either through a technical innovation or through better service delivery.