Staff Profile
Professor Derek Mann
Professor of Hepatology
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3851
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle Fibrosis Research Group
4th Floor, William Leech Building
Medical School
Newcastle University
I am Professor of Hepatology with a specific interest in the biology of liver disease and cancer, and to deliver pre-clinical research that directly translates to clinical studies. Ongoing work of my team and in collaboration with colleagues at the CRUK Scotland Centre in Glasgow is funded by a renewed CRUK programme grant that is focused on the manipulation of neutrophils as a means to enhance immunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma. The most recent work of my team has laid the foundations for an ongoing CRUK funded clinical trial using the CXCR2 inhibitor AZD5069 in combination with durvalumab (anti-PD-L1) in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with the concept that this treatment converts neutrophils from a pro- to anti-tumour phenotype. In addition we are designing ex-vivo and in vitro models of HCC to enable improved drug discovery platforms that recapitulate the complex multicelllular nature of the HCC tumour microenvironment. My team is also currently funded by an MRC grant to investigate mechanisms by which cellular senescence promotes liver steatosis and inflammation. My previous work on the epigenetic and transcriptional control of liver fibrosis was the basis for my election to Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2017. I am currently a member of external grant reviewing panels for the MRC and Yorkshire Cancer Research, and a founding scientist and director of FirboFind Ltd.
Research Interests
Tissue fibrosis, Inflammation, Ageing, Cancer.
Gene regulation (epigenetic and transcriptional)
Cell biology of myofibroblasts and neutrophils.
Current Work
Discovery of therapies for the prevention and treatment of chronic liver disease and cancer.
Discovery of biomarkers and therapeutic targets for tissue fibrosis.
Understanding the basic regulatory mechanisms that control cell phenotype, function and fate with the emphasis on events at the level of gene transcription.
Research Roles
Group Leader
Postgraduate Supervision
Currently supervise several PhD students
Esteem Indicators
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (2017)
GSK Programme.
8-year pre-clinical research programme aimed at discovering biomarkers of fibrosis and advancing anti-fibrotics into clinical studies. £1.4M. 2011 – 2019. Mann is PI.
NIAAA (NIH) UO1 Collaborator Programme Grant.
Epigenetic regulation of alcoholic liver fibrosis. $2M. 2016 - 2021. Mann is joint PI.
MRC/Newcastle Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Centre for Ageing and Vitality. £3,500,000. 2015-2020. Mann is Co-Director (Sir Doug Turnbull is Director).
EU Collaborative Grant.
Elucidating Pathways of Steatohepatitis. Euros 6M. 2015-2019. Mann named
Abbvie. Collaborative research investigating mechanisms of fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 2016-2018. £594,195. Mann is PI.
Abbvie. Collaborative research aimed at identifying biomarkers that predict fibrosis progression in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 2016-2018. £597,701. Mann is Co-I.
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Programme Grant.
Towards targeting neutrophils in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2017-2021. £1,740,000. Mann is joint PI.
MRC MICA Programme Grant (in collaboration with GSK).
Molecular drivers of fibrosis at the hepatic epithelial-mesenchymal barrier. circa-£2M.
2018-2022. Mann is PI.
Industrial Relevance
Funded collaborations with GSK and Abbvie.
- Collins A, Scott R, Wilson CL, Abbate G, Ecclestone GB, Albanese AG, Biddles D, White S, French J, Moir J, Alrawashdeh W, Wilson C, Pandanaboyana S, Hammond JS, Thakkar R, Oakley F, Mann J, Mann DA, Kenneth NS. UCHL1-dependent control of hypoxia-inducible factor transcriptional activity during liver fibrosis. Bioscience Reports 2024, 44(6), BSR20232147.
- Lockhart SM, Muso M, Zvetkova I, Lam BYH, Ferrari A, Schoenmakers E, Duckett K, Leslie J, Collins A, Romartinez-Alonso B, Tadross JA, Jia R, Gardner EJ, Kentistou K, Zhao Y, Day F, Morseburg A, Rainbow K, Rimmington D, Mastantuoni M, Harrison J, Nus M, Guma'a K, Sherratt-Mayhew S, Jiang X, Smith KR, Paul DS, Jenkins B, Koulman A, Pietzner M, Langenberg C, Wareham N, Yeo GS, Chatterjee K, Schwabe J, Oakley F, Mann DA, Tontonoz P, Coll AP, Ong K, Perry JRB, O'Rahilly S. Damaging mutations in liver X receptor-α are hepatotoxic and implicate cholesterol sensing in liver health. Nature Metabolism 2024, 6, 1922-1938.
- Rimmer L, Mann D, Sayer AA, Amarnath S, Granic A. A Silver Bullet for Ageing Medicine?: Clinical Relevance of T-Cell Checkpoint Receptors in normal Human Ageing. Frontiers in Immunology 2024, 15, 1360141.
- Orange ST, Leslie J, Ross M, Mann DA, Wackerhage H. The exercise IL-6 enigma in cancer. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 2023, 34(11), 749-763.
- Vucur M, Ghallab A, Schneider AT, Adili A, Cheng M, Castoldi M, Singer MT, Buttner V, Keysberg LS, Kusgens L, Kohlhepp M, Gorg B, Gallage S, Barragan Avila JE, Unger K, Kordes C, Leblond A-L, Albrecht W, Loosen SH, Lohr C, Jordens MS, Babler A, Hayat S, Schumacher D, Koenen MT, Govaere O, Boekschoten MV, Jors S, Villacorta-Martin C, Mazzaferro V, Llovet JM, Weiskirchen R, Kather JN, Starlinger P, Trauner M, Luedde M, Heij LR, Neumann UP, Keitel V, Bode JG, Schneider RK, Tacke F, Levkau B, Lammers T, Fluegen G, Alexandrov T, Collins AL, Nelson G, Oakley F, Mann DA, Roderburg C, Longerich T, Weber A, Villanueva A, Samson AL, Murphy JM, Kramann R, Geisler F, Costa IG, Hengstler JG, Heikenwalder M, Luedde T. Sublethal necroptosis signaling promotes inflammation and liver cancer. Immunity 2023, 56(7), 1578-1595.e8.
- Sabater L, Gossart JB, Hernandez I, Rico D, Blanchard A, Borthwick LA, Fisher AJ, Majo J, Jiwa K, Collins A, Abbate G, Oakley F, Mann DA, Mann J. miRNA Expression in Fibroblastic Foci within Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Lungs Reveals Novel Disease-Relevant Pathways. American Journal of Pathology 2023, 193(4), 417-429.
- Zadran B, Sudhindar PD, Wainwright D, Bury Y, Luli S, Howarth R, McCain MV, Watson R, Huet H, Palinkas F, Palmini RB, Casement J, Mann DA, Oakley F, Lunec J, Reeves H, Faulkner GJ, Shukla R. Impact of retrotransposon protein L1 ORF1p expression on oncogenic pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma: the role of cytoplasmic PIN1 upregulation. British Journal of Cancer 2023, 128, 1236-1248.
- Leslie J, Hunter JE, Collins A, Rushton A, Russell LG, Ramon-Gil E, Laszczewska M, McCain M, Zaki MYW, Knox A, Seow Y, Sabater L, Geh D, Perkins ND, Reeves HL, Tiniakos D, Mann DA, Oakley F. c-Rel–dependent Chk2 signaling regulates the DNA damage response limiting hepatocarcinogenesis. Hepatology 2023, 78(4), 1050-1063.
- Victorelli S, Salmonowicz H, Chapman J, Martini H, Vizioli MG, Riley JS, Cloix C, Hall-Younger E, Machado Espindola-Netto J, Jurk D, Lagnado AB, Sales Gomez L, Farr JN, Saul D, Reed R, Kelly G, Eppard M, Greaves LC, Dou Z, Pirius N, Szczepanowska K, Porritt RA, Huang H, Huang TY, Mann DA, Masuda CA, Khosla S, Dai H, Kaufmann SH, Zacharioudakis E, Gavathiotis E, LeBrasseur NK, Lei X, Sainz AG, Korolchuk VI, Adams PD, Shadel GS, Tait SWG, Passos JF. Apoptotic stress causes mtDNA release during senescence and drives the SASP. Nature 2023, 622, 627-636.
- Labiano I, Agirre-Lizaso A, Olaizola P, Echebarria A, Huici-Izagirre M, Olaizola I, Esparza-Baquer A, Sharif O, Hijona E, Milkiewicz P, Milkiewicz M, Gonzalez-Romero F, Aspichueta P, Monte MJ, Marin JJG, Vucur M, Luedde T, Marzioni M, Mann DA, Bujanda L, Rodrigues PM, Banales JM, Perugorria MJ. TREM-2 plays a protective role in cholestasis by acting as a negative regulator of inflammation. Journal of Hepatology 2022, 77(4), 991-1004.
- Leslie J, Mackey JBG, Jamieson T, Ramon-Gil E, Drake TM, Fercoq F, Clark W, Gilroy K, Hedley A, Nixon C, Luli S, Laszczewska M, Pinyol R, Esteban-Fabro R, Willoughby CE, Haber PK, Andreu-Oller C, Rahbari M, Fan C, Pfister D, Raman S, Wilson N, Muller M, Collins A, Geh D, Fuller A, Mcdonald D, Hulme G, Filby A, Cortes-Lavaud X, Mohamed N-E, Ford CA, Raffo Iraolagoitia XL, Mcfarlane AJ, Mccain MV, Ridgway RA, Roberts EW, Barry ST, Graham GJ, Heikenwalder M, Reeves HL, Llovet JM, Carlin LM, Bird TG, Sansom OJ, Mann DA. CXCR2 inhibition enables NASH-HCC immunotherapy. Gut 2022, 71(10), 2093-2106.
- Esparza-Baquer A, Labiano I, Sharif O, Agirre-Lizaso A, Oakley F, Rodrigues PM, Zhuravleva E, O'Rourke CJ, Hijona E, Jimenez-Agüero R, Riaño I, Landa A, La Casta A, Zaki MYW, Munoz-Garrido P, Azkargorta M, Elortza F, Vogel A, Schabbauer G, Aspichueta P, Andersen JB, Knapp S, Mann DA, Bujanda L, Banales JM, Perugorria MJ. TREM-2 defends the liver against hepatocellular carcinoma through multifactorial protective mechanisms. Gut 2021, 70(7), 1345-1361.
- Lagnado A, Leslie J, Ruchaud-Sparagano MH, Victorelli S, Hirsova P, Ogrodnik M, Collins AL, Grazia Vizioli M, Habiballa L, Saretzki G, Evans SA, Salmonowicz H, Hruby A, Geh D, Pavelko KD, Dolan D, Reeves HL, Grellscheid S, Wilson CH, Pandanaboyana S, Doolittle M, Von Zglinicki T, Oakley F, Gallage S, Wilson CL, Birch J, Carroll B, Chapman J, Heikenwalder M, Neretti N, Khosla S, Masuda CA, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, Jurk D, Mann DA, Passos JF. Neutrophils induce paracrine telomere dysfunction and senescence in ROS-dependent manner. The EMBO Journal 2021, 40(9), e106048.
- Bianchi A, Marchetti L, Hall Z, Lemos H, Vacca M, Paish H, Green K, Elliott B, Tiniakos D, Passos JF, Jurk D, Mann DA, Wilson CL. Moderate Exercise Inhibits Age-Related Inflammation, Liver Steatosis, Senescence, and Tumorigenesis. Journal of Immunology 2021, 206(4), 904-916.
- Zaki MYW, Mahdi AK, Patman GL, Whitehead A, Mauricio JP, McCain MV, Televantou D, Abou-Beih S, Ramon-Gil E, Watson R, Cox C, Leslie J, Wilson C, Govaere O, Lunec J, Mann DA, Nakjang S, Oakley F, Shukla R, Anstee QM, Tiniakos D, Reeves HL. Key features of the environment promoting liver cancer in the absence of cirrhosis. Scientific Reports 2021, 11(1), 16727.
- SiejkaZielinska P, Cheng J, Jackson F, Liu Y, Soonawalla Z, Reddy S, Silva M, Puta L, McCain MV, Culver E, Bekkali N, SchusterBockler B, Palamara PF, Mann D, Reeves H, Barnes E, Sivakumar S, Song C. Cell-free DNA TAPS provides multimodal information for early cancer detection. Science Advances 2021, 7(36).
- Garcia-Macia M, Santos-Ledo A, Leslie J, Paish HL, Collins AL, Scott RS, Watson A, Burgoyne RA, White S, French J, Hammond J, Borthwick LA, Mann J, Bolanos JP, Korolchuk VI, Oakley F, Mann DA. A Mammalian Target of Rapamycin-Perilipin 3 (mTORC1-Plin3) Pathway is essential to Activate Lipophagy and Protects Against Hepatosteatosis. Hepatology 2021, 74(6), 3441-3459.
- Sabater L, Locatelli L, Oakley F, Hardy T, French J, Robinson SM, Sen G, Mann DA, Mann J. RNA sequencing reveals changes in the microRNAome of transdifferentiating hepatic stellate cells that are conserved between human and rat. Scientific Reports 2020, 10(1), 21708.
- Attard V, Li CY, Self A, Mann DA, Borthwick LA, O'Connor P, Deehan DJ, Kalson NS. Quantification of intra-articular fibrosis in patients with stiff knee arthroplasties using metal-reduction MRI. Bone and Joint Journal 2020, 102(10), 1331-1340.
- Ball SL, Cockell SJ, Wilson JA, Mann DA, Fisher AJ. Microarray analysis of primary epithelial and fibroblast cells in chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps. Rhinology 2020, 58(6), 581-587.
- Leslie J, Millar BJM, del Carpio Pons A, Burgoyne RA, Frost JD, Barksby BS, Luli S, Scott J, Simpson JA, Gauldie J, Murray LA, Finch DK, Carruthers AM, Ferguson J, Sleeman MA, Rider D, Howarth R, Fox C, Oakley F, Fisher AJ, Mann DA, Borthwick LA. FPR-1 is an important regulator of neutrophil recruitment and a tissue-specific driver of pulmonary fibrosis. JCI Insight 2020, 5(4), e125937.
- Leslie J, Garcia Macia M, Luli S, Worrell JC, Reilly W, Paish HL, Knox A, Barksby BS, Gee LM, Zaki MYW, Collins A, Burgoyne RA, Cameron R, Bragg C, Xu X, Chung GW, Brown CDA, Blanchard AD, Nanthakumar CB, Karsdal M, Robinson SM, Manas DM, Sen G, French J, White SA, Murphy S, Trost M, Zakrzewski JL, Klein U, Schwabe RF, Mederacke I, Nixon C, Bird T, Teuwen LA, Schoonjans L, Carmeliet P, Mann J, Fisher AJ, Sheerin NS, Borthwick LA, Mann DA, Oakley F. c-Rel orchestrates energy-dependant epithelial and macrophage reprogramming in fibrosis. Nature Metabolism 2020, 2, 1350-1367.
- Worrell J, Leslie J, Smith GR, Zaki M, Paish H, Knox A, James ML, Cartwright TN, OReily S, Kania G, Distler O, Distler J, Herrick A, Jeziorska M, Borthwick LA, Fisher AJ, Mann J, Mann DA, Oakley F. cRel expression regulates distinct transcriptional and functional profiles driving fibroblast matrix production in systemic sclerosis. Rheumatology 2020, 59(12), 3939-3951.
- Fielder E, Tweedy C, Wilson C, Oakley F, LeBeau FEN, Passos JF, Mann DA, von Zglinicki T, Jurk D. Anti-inflammatory treatment rescues memory deficits during aging in nfkb1−/− mice. Aging Cell 2020, 19(10), e13188.
- CorreiaMelo C, Birch J, Fielder E, Rahmatika D, Taylor J, Chapman J, Lagnado A, Carroll BM, Miwa S, Richardson G, Jurk D, Oakley F, Mann J, Mann DA, Korolchuk V, Passos JF. Rapamycin improves healthspan but not inflammaging in nfkb1-/- mice. Aging Cell 2019, 18(1), e12882.
- Malehmir M, Pfister D, Gallage S, Szydlowska M, Inverso D, Kotsiliti E, Leone V, Peiseler M, Surewaard BGJ, Rath D, Ali A, Wolf MJ, Drescher H, Healy ME, Dauch D, Kroy D, Krenkel O, Kohlhepp M, Engleitner T, Olkus A, Sijmonsma T, Volz J, Deppermann C, Stegner D, Helbling P, Nombela-Arrieta C, Rafiei A, Hinterleitner M, Rall M, Baku F, Borst O, Wilson CL, Leslie J, O'Connor T, Weston CJ, Adams DH, Sheriff L, Teijeiro A, Prinz M, Bogeska R, Anstee N, Bongers MN, Notohamiprodjo M, Geisler T, Withers DJ, Ware J, Mann DA, Augustin HG, Vegiopoulos A, Milsom MD, Rose AJ, Lalor PF, Llovet JM, Pinyol R, Tacke F, Rad R, Matter M, Djouder N, Kubes P, Knolle PA, Unger K, Zender L, Nieswandt B, Gawaz M, Weber A, Heikenwalder M. Platelet GPIbα is a mediator and potential interventional target for NASH and subsequent liver cancer. Nature Medicine 2019, 25(4), 641-655.
- Perugorria MJ, Esparza-Baquer A, Oakley F, Labiano I, Korosec A, Jais A, Mann J, Tiniakos D, Santos-Laso A, Arbelaiz A, Gawish R, Sampedro A, Fontanellas A, Hijona E, Jimenez-Aguero R, Esterbauer H, Stoiber D, Bujanda L, Banales JM, Knapp S, Sharif O, Mann DA. Non-parenchymal TREM-2 protects the liver from immune-mediated hepatocellular damage. Gut 2019, 68(3), 533-546.
- Moran-Salvador E, Garcia-Macia M, Sivaharan A, Sabater L, Zaki MYW, Oaklet F, Knox A, Page A, Luli S, Mann J, Mann DA. Fibrogenic Activity of MECP2 is Regulated by Phosphorylation in Hepatic Stellate Cells. Gastroenterology 2019, 157(5), 1398-1412.e9.
- Paish HL, Baldock TE, Gillespie CS, del Carpio Pons A, Mann DA, Deehan DJ, Borthwick LA, Kalson NS. Chronic, Active Inflammation in Patients with Failed Total Knee Replacements Undergoing Revision Surgery. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2019, 37(11), 2316-2324.
- Paish H, Reed L, Brown H, Bryan M, Govaere O, Leslie J, Barksby B, GarciaMacia M, Watson A, Xu X, Zaki M, Greaves L, Whitehall J, French J, White S, Manas D, Robinson S, Spoletini G, Griffiths C, Mann DA, Borthwick LA, Drinnan M, Mann J, Oakley F. A bioreactor technology for modelling fibrosis in human and rodent precision-cut liver slices. Hepatology 2019, 70(4), 1377-1391.
- Kalson NS, Brock TM, Mangino M, Fabiane SM, Mann DA, Borthwick LA, Deehan DJ, Williams FMK. Reduced telomere length is associated with fibrotic joint disease suggesting that impaired telomere repair contributes to joint fibrosis. PLoS ONE 2018, 13(1), e0190120.
- Yigit B, Boyle M, Ozler O, Erden N, Tutucu F, Hardy T, Bergmann C, Distler JHW, Adali G, Dayangac M, Mann DA, Zeybel M, Mann J. Plasma cell-free DNA methylation: a liquid biomarker of hepatic fibrosis. Gut 2018, 67(10), 1907-1908.
- Margetts J, Ogle LF, Chan SL, Chan AWH, Chan KCA, Jamieson D, Willoughby CE, Mann DA, Wilson CL, Manas DM, Yeo W, Reeves HL. Neutrophils: driving progression and poor prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma?. British Journal of Cancer 2018, 118, 248-257.
- Cartwright TN, Worrell JC, Marchetti L, Dowling CM, Knox A, Kiely P, Mann J, Mann DA, Wilson CL. HDAC1 interacts with the p50 NF-κB subunit via its nuclear localization sequence to constrain inflammatory gene expression. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 2018, 1861(10), 962-970.
- Paish HL, Kalson NS, Smith GR, del Carpio Pons A, Baldock TE, Smith N, Swist-Szulik K, Weir DJ, Bardgett M, Deehan DJ, Mann DA, Borthwick LA. Fibroblasts Promote Inflammation and Pain via IL-1α Induction of the Monocyte Chemoattractant Chemokine (C-C Motif) Ligand 2. American Journal of Pathology 2018, 188(3), 696-714.
- Madakashira B, Corbett L, Zhang C, Paoli P, Casement JW, Mann J, Sadler KC, Mann DA. Variant Histone H2afv reprograms DNA methylation during early zebrafish development. Epigenetics 2017, 12(9), 811-824.
- Fearn A, Situmorang GR, Fox C, Oakley F, Howarth R, Wilson CL, Kiosia A, Robson MG, Mann DA, Moles A, Sheerin NS. The NF-kB1 is a key regulator of acute but not chronic renal injury. Cell Death and Disease 2017, 8, e2883.
- Wettstein G, Luccarini JM, Poekes L, Faye P, Kupkowski F, Adarbes V, Defrêne E, Estivalet C, Gawronski X, Jantzen I, Philippot A, Tessier J, TuyaaBoustugue P, Oakley F, Mann DA, Leclercq I, Francque S, Konstantinova I, Broqua P, Junien JL. The new-generation pan-peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonist IVA337 protects the liver from metabolic disorders and fibrosis. Hepatology Communications 2017, 1(6), 524-537.
- Hardy T, Zeybel M, Day CP, Dipper C, Masson S, McPherson S, Henderson E, Tiniakos D, White S, French J, Mann DA, Anstee QM, Mann J. Plasma DNA methylation: A potential biomarker for stratification of liver fibrosis in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Gut 2017, 66(7), 1321-1328.
- Ogrodnik M, Miwa S, Tchkonia T, Tiniakos D, Wilson CL, Lahat A, Day CP, Burt A, Palmer A, Anstee QM, Nagaraja Grellscheid S, Hoeijmakers JHJ, Barnhoorn S, Mann DA, Bird TG, Vermeij WP, Kirkland JL, Passos JF, von Zglinicki T, Jurk D. Cellular senescence drives age-dependent hepatic steatosis. Nature Communications 2017, 8, 15691.
- McPherson S, Wilkinson N, Tiniakos D, Wilkinson J, Burt AD, McColl E, Stocken DD, Steen N, Barnes J, Goudie N, Stewart S, Bury Y, Mann D, Anstee QM, Day CP. A randomised controlled trial of losartan as an anti-fibrotic agent in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. PLoS One 2017, 12(4), e0175717.
- Zeybel M, Luli S, Sabater L, Hardy T, Oakley F, Leslie J, Page A, Salvador EM, Sharkey V, Tsukamoto H, Chu DCK, Singh US, Ponzoni M, Perri P, Di Paolo D, Mendivil EJ, Mann J, Mann DA. A Proof-of-Concept for Epigenetic Therapy of Tissue Fibrosis: Inhibition of Liver Fibrosis Progression by 3-Deazaneplanocin A. Molecular Therapy 2017, 25(1), 218-231.
- Vyrla D, Nikolaidis G, Oakley F, Perugorria MJ, Tsichlis PN, Mann DA, Eliopoulos AG. TPL2 Kinase Is a Crucial Signaling Factor and Mediator of NKT Effector Cytokine Expression in Immune-Mediated Liver Injury. Journal of Immunology 2016, 196(10), 4298-4310.
- Ball SL, Mann DA, Wilson JA, Fisher AJ. The Role of the Fibroblast in Inflammatory Upper Airway Conditions. American Journal of Pathology 2016, 186(2), 225-233.
- Correia-Melo C, Marques FDM, Anderson R, Hewitt G, Hewitt R, Cole J, Carroll BM, Miwa S, Birch J, Merz A, Rushton MD, Charles M, Jurk D, Tait SWG, Czapiewski R, Greaves L, Nelson G, Bohlooly-Y M, Rodriguez-Cuenca S, Vidal-Puig A, Mann D, Saretzki G, Quarato G, Green DR, Adams PD, von Zglinicki T, Korolchuk VI, Passos JF. Mitochondria are required for pro-ageing features of the senescent phenotype. EMBO Journal 2016, 35(7), 724-742.
- Kalson NS, Borthwick LA, Mann DA, Deehan DJ, Lewis P, Mann C, Mont MA, Morgan-Jones R, Oussedik S, Williams FMK, Toms A, Argenson JN, Bellemans J, Bhave A, Furnes O, Gollwitzer J, Haddad FS, Hofmann S, Krenn V. International consensus on the definition and classification of fibrosis of the knee joint. Bone & Joint Journal 2016, 98-B(11), 1479-1488.
- Lanucara F, Lam C, Mann J, Monie TP, Colombo SAP, Holman SW, Boyd J, Dange MC, Mann DA, White MRH, Eyers CE. Dynamic phosphorylation of RelA on Ser42 and Ser45 in response to TNFα stimulation regulates DNA binding and transcription. Open Biology 2016, 6(7).
- Moles A, Butterworth JA, Sanchez A, Hunter JE, Leslie J, Sellier H, Tiniakos D, Cockell SJ, Mann DA, Oakley F, Perkins ND. A RelA(p65) Thr505 phospho-site mutation reveals an important mechanism regulating NF-kB dependent liver regeneration and cancer. Oncogene 2016, 35(35), 4623-4632.
- Luli S, Di Paolo D, Perri P, Brignole C, Hill SJ, Brown H, Leslie J, Marshall HL, Wright MC, Mann DA, Ponzoni M, Oakley F. A new fluorescence-based optical imaging method to non-invasively monitor hepatic myofibroblasts in vivo. Journal of Hepatology 2016, 65(1), 75-83.
- Borthwick LA, Suwara MI, Carnell SC, Green NJ, Mahida R, Dixon D, Gillespie CS, Cartwright TN, Horabin J, Walker A, Olin E, Rangar M, Gardner A, Mann J, Corris PA, Mann DA, Fisher AJ. Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced Airway Epithelial Injury Drives Fibroblast Activation: A Mechanism in Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction. American Journal of Transplantation 2016, 16(6), 1751-1765.
- Wilson CL, Murphy LB, Leslie J, Kendrick S, French J, Fox CR, Sheerin NS, Fisher A, Robinson JH, Tiniakos DG, Gray DA, Oakley F, Mann DA. Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase 1: A novel functional marker for liver myofibroblasts and a therapeutic target in chronic liver disease. Journal of Hepatology 2015, 63(6), 1421-1428.
- Corbett L, Mann J, Mann DA. Non-Canonical Wnt Predominates in Activated Rat Hepatic Stellate Cells, Influencing HSC Survival and Paracrine Stimulation of Kupffer Cells. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(11), e0142794.
- Wilson CL, Jurk D, Fullard N, Banks P, Page A, Luli S, Elsharkawy AM, Gieling RG, Bagchi-Chakraborty J, Fox C, Richardson C, Callaghan K, Blair GE, Fox N, Lagnado A, Passos JF, Moore AJ, Smith GR, Tiniakos DG, Mann J, Oakley F, Mann DA. NFkB1 is a suppressor of neutrophil-driven hepatocellular carcinoma. Nature Communications 2015, 6, 6818.
- Williams FM, Kalson NS, Fabiane SM, Mann DA, Deehan DJ. Joint Stiffness Is Heritable and Associated with Fibrotic Conditions and Joint Replacement. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(7), e0133629.
- Ball SL, Suwara MI, Borthwick LA, Wilson JA, Mann DA, Fisher AJ. How Reliable are Sino-Nasal Cell Lines for Studying the Pathophysiology of Chronic Rhinosinusitis?. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 2015, 124(6), 437-442.
- Abdul N, Dixon D, Walker A, Horabin J, Smith N, Weir DJ, Brewster NT, Deehan DJ, Mann DA, Borthwick LA. Fibrosis is a common outcome following total knee arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 16469.
- Page A, Paoli PP, Hill SJ, Howarth R, Wu R, Kweon SM, French J, White S, Tsukamoto H, Mann DA, Mann J. Alcohol directly stimulates epigenetic modifications in hepatic stellate cells. Journal of Hepatology 2015, 62(2), 388-397.
- Dixon D, Coates J, Pons AD, Horabin J, Walker A, Abdul N, Kalson NS, Brewster NT, Weir DJ, Deehan DJ, Mann DA, Borthwick LA. A potential mode of action for Anakinra in patients with arthrofibrosis following total knee arthroplasty. Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 16466.
- Wilson CL, Mann J, Walsh M, Perrugoria MJ, Oakley F, Wright MC, Brignole C, Di Paolo D, Perri P, Ponzoni M, Karin M, Mann DA. Quiescent Hepatic Stellate Cells Functionally Contribute to the Hepatic Innate Immune Response via TLR3. PLoS One 2014, 9(1), e83391.
- Suwara MI, Green NJ, Borthwick LA, Mann J, Mayer-Barber KD, Barron L, Corris PA, Farrow SN, Wynn TA, Fisher AJ, Mann DA. IL-1α released from damaged epithelial cells is sufficient and essential to trigger inflammatory responses in human lung fibroblasts. Mucosal Immunology 2014, 7(3), 684-693.
- Jurk D, Wilson C, Passos J, Oakley F, Correia-Melo C, Greaves L, Saretzki G, Fox C, Lawless C, Anderson R, Hewitt G, Pender SLF, Fullard N, Nelson G, Mann J, van de Sluis B, Mann DA, von Zglinicki T. Chronic inflammation induces telomere dysfunction and accelerates ageing in mice. Nature Communications 2014, 5, 4172.
- Moles A, Murphy L, Wilson CL, Bagchi Chakraborty J, Fox C, Park EJ, Mann J, Oakley F, Howarth R, Brain J, Masson S, Karin M, Seki E, Mann DA. A TLR2/S100A9/CXCL-2 signaling network is necessary for neutrophil recruitment in acute and chronic liver injury in the mouse. Journal of Hepatology 2014, 60(4), 782-791.
- Probert PME, Ebrahimkhani MR, Oakley F, Mann J, Burt AD, Mann DA, Wright MC. A reversible model for periportal fibrosis and a refined alternative to bile duct ligation. Toxicology Research 2014, 3(2), 98-109.
- Perugorria MJ, Murphy LB, Fullard N, Chakraborty JB, Vyrla D, Wilson CL, Oakley F, Mann J, Mann DA. Tumor progression locus 2/Cot is required for activation of extracellular regulated kinase in liver injury and toll-like receptor-induced TIMP-1 gene transcription in hepatic stellate cells in mice. Hepatology 2013, 57(3), 1238-1249.
- Borthwick LA, Corris PA, Mahida R, Walker A, Gardner A, Suwara M, Johnson GE, Moisey EJ, Brodlie M, Ward C, Perry JD, de Soyza A, Mann DA, Fisher AJ. TNFα From Classically Activated Macrophages Accentuates Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Obliterative Bronchiolitis. American Journal of Transplantation 2013, 13(3), 621-633.
- Robinson SM, Mann DA, Manas DM, Oakley F, Mann J, White SA. The potential contribution of tumour-related factors to the development of FOLFOX-induced sinusoidal obstruction syndrome. British Journal of Cancer 2013, 109(9), 2396-2403.
- Fullard N, Moles A, O'Reilly S, van Laar JM, Faini D, Diboll J, Reynolds NJ, Mann DA, Reichelt J, Oakley F. The c-Rel Subunit of NF-κB Regulates Epidermal Homeostasis and Promotes Skin Fibrosis in Mice. American Journal of Pathology 2013, 182(6), 2109-2120.
- Robinson SM, Mann J, Vasilaki A, Mathers J, Burt AD, Oakley F, White SA, Mann DA. Pathogenesis of FOLFOX induced sinusoidal obstruction syndrome in a murine chemotherapy model. Journal of Hepatology 2013, 59(2), 318-326.
- Moles A, Sanchez AM, Banks PS, Murphy LB, Luli S, Borthwick L, Fisher A, O'Reilly S, van Laar JM, White SA, Perkins ND, Burt AD, Mann DA, Oakley F. Inhibition of RelA-Ser536 phosphorylation by a competing peptide reduces mouse liver fibrosis without blocking the innate immune response. Hepatology 2013, 57(2), 817-828.
- Robinson SM, Mann J, Manas DM, Mann DA, White SA. An experimental study to identify the potential role of pharmacogenomics in determining the occurrence of oxaliplatin-induced liver injury. HPB 2013, 15(8), 581-587.
- Borthwick LA, Gardner A, De Soyza A, Mann DA, Fisher AJ. Transforming Growth Factor-β1 (TGF-β1) Driven Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) is Accentuated by Tumour Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) via Crosstalk Between the SMAD and NF-κB Pathways. Cancer Microenvironment 2012, 5(1), 45-57.
- Borthwick LA, Gardner A, De-Soyza A, Mann DA, Fisher AJ. Transforming Growth Factor-β1 (TGF-β1) Driven Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) is Accentuated by Tumour Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) via Crosstalk Between the SMAD and NF-κB Pathways. Cancer Microenvironment 2012, 5(1), 45-57.
- Richter C, Messerschmidt S, Holeiter G, Tepperink J, Osswald S, Zappe A, Branschädel M, Boschert V, Mann DA, Scheurich P, Krippner-Heidenreich A. The Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Stalk Regions Define Responsiveness to Soluble versus Membrane-Bound Ligand. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2012, 32(13), 2515-2529.
- Gaspar-Pereira S, Fullard N, Townsend PA, Banks PS, Ellis EL, Fox C, Maxwell AG, Murphy LB, Kirk A, Bauer R, Caamaño JH, Figg N, Foo RS, Mann J, Mann DA, Oakley F. The NF-κB Subunit c-Rel Stimulates Cardiac Hypertrophy and Fibrosis. American Journal of Pathology 2012, 180(3), 929-939.
- Gardner A, Fisher AJ, Richter C, Johnson GE, Moisey EJ, Brodlie M, Ward C, Krippner-Heidenreich A, Mann DA, Borthwick LA. The Critical Role of TAK1 in Accentuated Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Obliterative Bronchiolitis after Lung Transplantation. American Journal of Pathology 2012, 180(6), 2293-2308.
- Westenberg M, Soedling HM, Hirani N, Nicholson LJ, Mann DA, Dolphin CT. Seamless replacement of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus gp64 with each of five novel type II alphabaculovirus fusion sequences generates pseudotyped virus that fails to transduce mammalian cells. Journal of General Virology 2012, 93(7), 1583-1590.
- Yang MD, Chiang YM, Higashiyama R, Asahina K, Mann DA, Mann J, Wang CCC, Tsukamoto H. Rosmarinic acid and baicalin epigenetically derepress peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor gamma in hepatic stellate cells for their antifibrotic effect. Hepatology 2012, 55(4), 1271-1281.
- Pritchett J, Harvey E, Athwal V, Berry A, Rowe C, Oakley F, Moles A, Mann DA, Bobola N, Sharrocks AD, Thomson BJ, Zaitoun AM, Irving WL, Guha IN, Hanley NA, Hanley KP. Osteopontin is a novel downstream target of SOX9 with diagnostic implications for progression of liver fibrosis in humans. Hepatology 2012, 56(3), 1108-1116.
- Zeybel M, Hardy T, Wong YK, Mathers JC, Fox CR, Gackowska A, Oakley F, Burt AD, Wilson CL, Anstee QM, Barter MJ, Masson S, Elsharkawy AM, Mann DA, Mann J. Multigenerational epigenetic adaptation of the hepatic wound-healing response. Nature Medicine 2012, 18(9), 1369-U110.
- Perugorria MJ, Wilson CL, Zeybel M, Walsh M, Amin S, Robinson S, White SA, Burt AD, Oakley F, Tsukamoto H, Mann DA, Mann J. Histone methyltransferase ASH1 orchestrates fibrogenic gene transcription during myofibroblast transdifferentiation. Hepatology 2012, 56(3), 1129-1139.
- Amin S, Walsh M, Wilson C, Parker AE, Oscier D, Willmore E, Mann D, Mann J. Cross-talk between DNA methylation and active histone modifications regulates aberrant expression of ZAP70 in CLL. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2012, 16(9), 2074-2084.
- Ebrahimkhani MR, Oakley F, Murphy LB, Mann J, Moles A, Perugorria MJ, Ellis E, Lakey AF, Burt AD, Douglass A, Wright MC, White SA, Jaffre F, Maroteaux L, Mann DA. Stimulating healthy tissue regeneration by targeting the 5-HT2B receptor in chronic liver disease. Nature Medicine 2011, 17(12), 1668-U189.
- Nakachi S, Nakazato T, Ishikawa C, Kimura I, Mann DA, Senba M, Masuzaki H, Mori N. Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 Tax transactivates the matrix metalloproteinase 7 gene via JunD/AP-1 signaling. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research 2011, 1813(5), 731-741.
- Wallace K, Cowie DE, Konstantinou DK, Hill SJ, Tjelle TE, Axon A, Koruth M, White SA, Carlsen H, Mann DA, Wright MC. The PXR is a drug target for chronic inflammatory liver disease. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2010, 120(2-3), 137-148.
- Elsharkawy AM, Oakley F, Lin F, Packham G, Mann DA, Mann J. The NF-κB p50:p50:HDAC-1 repressor complex orchestrates transcriptional inhibition of multiple pro-inflammatory genes. Journal of Hepatology 2010, 53(3), 519-527.
- Gieling RG, Elsharkawy AM, Caamano JH, Cowie DE, Wright MC, Ebrahimkhani MR, Burt AD, Mann J, Raychaudhuri P, Liou HC, Oakley F, Mann DA. The c-Rel Subunit of Nuclear Factor-κB Regulates Murine Liver Inflammation, Wound-Healing, and Hepatocyte Proliferation. Hepatology 2010, 51(3), 922-931.
- Yang CB, Atkinson SP, Vilella F, Lloret M, Armstrong L, Mann DA, Lako M. Opposing Putative Roles for Canonical and Noncanonical NF kappa B Signaling on the Survival, Proliferation, and Differentiation Potential of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cells 2010, 28(11), 1970-1980.
- Chakraborty JB, Mann DA. NF-kappa B signalling: Embracing complexity to achieve translation. Journal of Hepatology 2010, 52(2), 285-291.
- Mann J, Chu DCK, Maxwell A, Oakley F, Zhu NL, Tsukamoto H, Mann DA. MeCP2 Controls an Epigenetic Pathway That Promotes Myofibroblast Transdifferentiation and Fibrosis. Gastroenterology 2010, 138(2), 705-714.
- Westenberg M, Soedling HM, Mann DA, Nicholson LJ, Dolphin CT. Counter-selection recombineering of the baculovirus genome: a strategy for seamless modification of repeat-containing BACs. Nucleic Acids Research 2010, 38(16), e166.
- Potter C, Cordell HJ, Barton A, Daly AK, Hyrich K, Mann D, Morgan A, Wilson AG, and the Biologics in Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics and Genomics Study Syndicate (BRAGGSS), Isaacs J. Association between anti-tumour necrosis factor treatment response and genetic variants within the TLR and NFĸB signalling pathways. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2010, 69(7), 1315-1320.
- Souslova V, Townsend PA, Mann J, van der Loos CM, Motterle A, D'Acquisto F, Mann DA, Ye S. Allele-Specific Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 Gene by Transcription Factor NF kappa B. PLoS ONE 2010, 5(3), -.
- Guo JS, Hong F, Loke J, Yea S, Lim CL, Lee U, Mann DA, Walsh MJ, Sninsky JJ, Friedman SL. A DDX5 S480A Polymorphism Is Associated with Increased Transcription of Fibrogenic Genes in Hepatic Stellate Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010, 285(8), 5428-5437.
- Mann J, Mann DA. Transcriptional regulation of hepatic stellate cells. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2009, 61(7-8), 497-512.
- Gieling RG, Elsharkawy AM, Cowie D, Raychaudhuri P, Caamano JH, Oakley F, Mann DA. The NF-Kappa B Subunit C-Rel is Involved in Hepatocyte Proliferation in Chronic Injured and Regenerating Liver. Journal of Hepatology 2009, 50, S310-S311.
- Kudo H, Yata Y, Takahara T, Kawai K, Nakayama Y, Kanayama M, Oya T, Morita S, Sasahara M, Mann DA, Sugiyama T. Telmisartan attenuates progression of steatohepatitis in mice: role of hepatic macrophage infiltration and effects on adipose tissue. Liver International 2009, 29(7), 988-996.
- Oakley F, Teoh V, Ching-A-Sue G, Bataller R, Colmenero J, Jonsson JR, Eliopoulos AG, Watson MR, Manas D, Mann DA. Angiotensin II Activates IκB Kinase Phosphorylation of RelA at Ser536 to Promote Myofibroblast Survival and Liver Fibrosis. Gastroenterology 2009, 136(7), 2334-2344.
- Hartland SN, Murphy F, Aucott RL, Abergel A, Zhou X, Waung J, Patel N, Bradshaw C, Collins J, Mann D, Benyon RC, Iredale JP. Active matrix metalloproteinase-2 promotes apoptosis of hepatic stellate cells via the cleavage of cellular N-cadherin. Liver International 2009, 29(7), 966-978.
- Ruddell RG, Mann DA, Ramm GA. The function of serotonin within the liver. Journal of Hepatology 2008, 48(4), 666-675.
- Watson MR, Wallace K, Gieling RG, Manas DM, Jaffray E, Hay RT, Mann DA, Oakley F. NF-κB is a critical regulator of the survival of rodent and human hepatic myofibroblasts. Journal of Hepatology 2008, 48(4), 589-597.
- Campbell SJ, Anthony DC, Oakley F, Carlsen H, Elsharkawy AM, Blomhoff R, Mann DA. Hepatic nuclear factor κB regulates neutrophil recruitment to the injured brain. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 2008, 67(3), 223-230.
- Gieling R, Burt AD, Mann DA. Fibrosis and Cirrhosis Reversibility – Molecular Mechanisms. Clinics in Liver Disease 2008, 12(4), 915-937.
- Hanley KP, Oakley F, Sugden S, Wilson DI, Mann DA, Hanley NA. Ectopic SOX9 Mediates Extracellular Matrix Deposition Characteristic of Organ Fibrosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008, 283(20), 14063-14071.
- Hagens WI, Beljaars L, Mann DA, Wright MC, Julien B, Lotersztajn S, Reker-Smit C, Poelstra K. Cellular targeting of the apoptosis-inducing compound gliotoxin to fibrotic rat livers. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2008, 324(3), 902-910.
- Mann J, Oakley F, Akiboye F, Elsharkawy A, Thorne AW, Mann DA. Regulation of myofibroblast transdifferentiation by DNA methylation and MeCP2: implications for wound healing and fibrogenesis. Cell Death and Differentiation 2007, 14(2), 275-285.
- Haughton EL, Tucker SJ, Marek CJ, Durward E, Leel V, Bascal Z, Monaghan T, Koruth M, Collie-Duguid E, Mann DA, Trim JE, Wright MC. Pregnane X Receptor Activators Inhibit Human Hepatic Stellate Cell Transdifferentiation In Vitro. Gastroenterology 2006, 131(1), 194-209.
- Pickering BM, Mel Sde, Lee M, Howell M, Habens F, Dallman CL, Neville LA, Potter KN, Mann J, Mann DA, Johnson PW, Stevenson FK, Packham G. Pharmacological inhibitors of NF-κB accelerate apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells. Oncogene 2006, 26(8), 1167-1177.
- Ebrahimkhani MR, Kiani S, Oakley F, Kendall T, Shariftabrizi A, Tavangar SM, Moezi L, Payabvash S, Karoon A, Hoseininik H, Mann DA, Moore KP, Mani AR, Dehpour AR. Naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist, attenuates liver fibrosis in bile duct ligated rats. Gut 2006, 55(11), 1606-1616.
- Smart DE, Green K, Oakley F, Weitzman JB, Yaniv M, Reynolds G, Mann J, Millward-Sadler H, Mann DA. JunD is a profibrogenic transcription factor regulated by Jun N-terminal kinase-independent phosphorylation. Hepatology 2006, 44(6), 1432-1440.
- Ruddell RG, Oakley F, Hussain Z, Yeung I, Bryan-Lluka LJ, Ramm GA, Mann DA. A role for serotonin (5-HT) in hepatic stellate cell function and liver fibrosis. American Journal of Pathology 2006, 169(3), 861-876.
- Elsharkawy AM, Oakley F, Mann DA. The role and regulation of hepatic stellate cell apoptosis in reversal of liver fibrosis. Apoptosis 2005, 10(5), 927-939.
- Nicholson LJ, Philippe M, Paine AJ, Mann DA, Dolphin CT. RNA interference mediated in human primary cells via recombinant baculoviral vectors. Molecular Therapy 2005, 11(4), 638-644.
- Oakley F, Mann J, Nailard S, Smart DE, Mungalsingh N, Constandinou C, Ali S, Wilson SJ, Millward-Sadler H, Iredale JP, Mann DA. Nuclear Factor-κB1 (p50) Limits the Inflammatory and Fibrogenic Responses to Chronic Injury. American Journal of Pathology 2005, 166(3), 695-708.
- Habens F, Srinivasan N, Oakley F, Mann DA, Ganesan A, Packham G. Novel sulfasalazine analogues with enhanced NF-kB inhibitory and apoptosis promoting activity. Apoptosis 2005, 10(3), 481-491.
- Mann DA, Oakley F. NF-kappaB: a signal for cancer. Journal of Hepatology 2005, 42(4), 610-611.
- Oakley F, Meso M, Iredale JP, Green K, Marek CJ, Zhou X, May MJ, Millward-Sadler H, Wright MC, Mann DA. Inhibition of Inhibitor of κB Kinases Stimulates Hepatic Stellate Cell Apoptosis and Accelerated Recovery From Rat Liver Fibrosis. Gastroenterology 2005, 128(1), 108-120.
- Smith PG, Oakley F, Fernandez M, Mann DA, Lemoine NR, Whitehouse A. Herpesvirus saimiri-based vector biodistribution using noninvasive optical imaging. Gene Therapy 2005, 12(19), 1465-1476.
- Mann J, Patrick CN, Cragg MS, Honeychurch J, Mann DA, Harris M. Functional Analysis of HIV Type 1 Nef Reveals a Role for PAK2 as a Regulator of Cell Phenotype and Function in the Murine Dendritic Cell Line, DC2.4. Journal of Immunology 2005, 175(10), 6560-6569.
- Bertrand-Philippe M, Ruddell RG, Arthur MJ, Thomas J, Mungalsingh N, Mann DA. Regulation of Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 Gene Transcription by RUNX1 and RUNX2. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2004, 279(23), 24530-24539.
- Yeung IY, Phillips E, Mann DA, Barton CH. Oxidant regulation of the bivalent cation transporter Nramp1. Biochemical Society Transactions 2004, 32(6), 1008-1010.
- Murphy F, Waung J, Collins J, Arthur MJ, Nagase H, Mann D, Benyon RC, Iredale JP. N-Cadherin cleavage during activated hepatic stellate cell apoptosis is inhibited by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1. Comparative Hepatology 2004, 3(s1), S8.
- Takahra T, Smart DE, Oakley F, Mann DA. Induction of myofibroblast MMP-9 transcription in three-dimensional collagen I gel cultures: regulation by NF-kappaB, AP-1 and Sp1. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 2004, 36(2), 353-363.
- Monteleone G, Mann J, Monteleone I, Vavassori P, Bremner R, Fantini M, Vecchio GDelBlanco, Tersigni R, Alessandroni L, Mann D, Pallone F, MacDonald TT. A failure of transforming growth factor-beta1 negative regulation maintains sustained NF-kappaB activation in gut inflammation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2004, 279(6), 3925-32.
- Oakley F, Trim N, Constandinou CM, Ye W, Gray AM, Frantz G, Hillan K, Kendall T, Benyon RC, Mann DA, Iredale JP. Hepatocytes Express Nerve Growth Factor during Liver Injury: Evidence for Paracrine Regulation of Hepatic Stellate Cell Apoptosis. The American Journal of Pathology 2003, 163(5), 1849-1858.
- Bowen H, Lapham A, Phillips E, Yeung I, Alter-Koltunoff M, Levi BZ, Perry VH, Mann DA, Barton CH. Characterization of the murine Nramp1 promoter: requirements for transactivation by Miz-1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2003, 278(38), 36017-36026.
- Oakley F, Mann J, Ruddell RG, Pickford J, Weinmaster G, Mann DA. Basal Expression of IκBα Is Controlled by the Mammalian Transcriptional Repressor RBP-J (CBF1) and Its Activator Notch1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2003, 278(27), 24359-24370.
- Mann DA, Smart DE. Transcriptional regulation of hepatic stellate cell activation. Gut 2002, 50(6), 891-896.
- Gao R, McCormick CJ, Arthur MJ, Ruddell R, Oakley F, Smart DE, Murphy FR, Harris MP, Mann DA. High efficiency gene transfer into cultured primary rat and human hepatic stellate cells using baculovirus vectors. Liver International 2002, 22(1), 15-22.
- Bowen H, Biggs TE, Baker ST, Phillips E, Perry VH, Mann DA, Barton CH. c-Myc represses the murine Nramp1 promoter. Transactions of the Biochemical Society 2002, 30(4), 774-777.
- Bowen H, Biggs TE, Phillips E, Baker ST, Perry VH, Mann DA, Barton CH. c-Myc represses and Miz-1 activates the murine natural resistance-associated protein 1 promoter. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2002, 277(38), 34997-5006.
- Mann J, Oakley F, Johnson PW, Mann DA. CD40 Induces Interleukin-6 Gene Transcription in Dendritic Cells REGULATION BY TRAF2, AP-1, NF-κB, AND CBF1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2002, 277(19), 17125-17138.
- Vincent KJ, Jones E, Arthur MJ, Smart DE, Trim J, Wright MC, Mann DA. Regulation of E-box DNA binding during in vivo and in vitro activation of rat and human hepatic stellate cells. Gut 2001, 49(5), 713-719.
- Smart DE, Vincent KJ, Arthur MJ, Eickelberg O, Castellazzi M, Mann J, Mann DA. JunD Regulates Transcription of the Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-1 and Interleukin-6 Genes in Activated Hepatic Stellate Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001, 276(26), 24414-24421.
- Wright MC, Issa R, Smart DE, Trim N, Murray GI, Primrose JN, Arthur MJ, Iredale JP, Mann DA. Gliotoxin Stimulates the Apoptosis of Human and Rat Hepatic Stellate Cells and Enhances the Resolution of Liver Fibrosis in Rats. Gastroenterology 2001, 121(3), 685-698.
- Trim JE, Samra SK, Arthur MJ, Wright MC, McAulay M, Beri R, Mann DA. Upstream tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) element-1, a novel and essential regulatory DNA motif in the human TIMP-1 gene promoter, directly interacts with a 30-kDa nuclear protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2000, 275(9), 6657-63.
- Lucchiari-Hartz M, van Endert PM, Lauvau G, Maier R, Meyerhans A, Mann D, Eichmann K, Niedermann G. Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Epitopes of HIV-1 Nef: Generation of Multiple Definitive Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Ligands by Proteasomes. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2000, 191(2), 239-52.
- Wilde GJ, Pringle AK, Sundstrom LE, Mann DA, Iannotti F. Attenuation and augmentation of ischaemia-related neuronal death by tumour necrosis factor-alpha in vitro. European Journal of Neuroscience 2000, 12(11), 3863-3870.
- Elsharkawy AM, Wright MC, Hay RT, Arthur MJ, Hughes T, Bahr MJ, Degitz K, Mann DA. Persistent activation of nuclear factor-kappaB in cultured rat hepatic stellate cells involves the induction of potentially novel Rel-like factors and prolonged changes in the expression of IkappaB family proteins. Hepatology 1999, 30(3), 761-769.
- Biggs TE, Cooke SJ, Barton CH, Harris MP, Saksela K, Mann DA. Induction of activator protein 1 (AP-1) in macrophages by human immunodeficiency virus type-1 NEF is a cell-type-specific response that requires both hck and MAPK signaling events. Journal of Molecular Biology 1999, 290(1), 21-35.
- Renkema GH, Manninen A, Mann DA, Harris M, Saksela K. Identification of the Nef-associated kinase as p21-activated kinase 2. Current Biology 1999, 9(23), 1407-1410.
- Bahr MJ, Vincent KJ, Arthur MJ, Fowler AV, Smart DE, Wright MC, Clark IM, Benyon RC, Iredale JP, Mann DA. Control of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 promoter in culture-activated rat hepatic stellate cells: regulation by activator protein-1 DNA binding proteins. Hepatology 1999, 29(3), 839-848.
- Brana C, Biggs TE, Barton CH, Sundstrom LE, Mann DA. A soluble factor produced by macrophages mediates the neurotoxic effects of HIV-1 Tat in vitro. Aids 1999, 13(12), 1443-1452.
- Trowern AR, Mann DA. A bi-functional activator/repressor element required for transcriptional activity of the human UCH-L1 gene assembles a neuron-specific protein: single-strand DNA complex. Neuroscience Letters 1999, 272(1), 25-8.
- T. Biggs,C. Barton,D. Mann. A proposed mechanism for the induction of activator protein 1 (AP-1) binding by HIV-1 negative factor(Nef) in the macrophage cell line RAW267.4 cells. Biochem Soc Trans 1998, 26(3), S263.
- Clark IM, Rowan AD, Edwards DR, Bech-Hansen T, Mann DA, Bahr MJ, Cawston TE. Transcriptional activity of the human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1) gene in fibroblasts involves elements in the promoter, exon 1 and intron 1. Biochemical Journal 1997, 324(2), 611-617.
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- K. Coates,V. Boulton,S. Cooke,D. Mann,M. Harris. Analysis of the interactions between Nef and cellular proteins. Res Virol 1997, 148(1), 68-70.
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Book Chapters
- Mann J, Mann DA. Epigenetic regulation of hepatic stellate cells and liver fibrosis. In: Signaling Pathways in Liver Diseases. Wiley Blackwell, 2015, pp.421-434.
- Oakley F, Mann DA. Chapter 15 - Stellate Cell Depletion Models. In: Stellate Cells in Health and Disease. Elsevier Inc, 2015, pp.251-270.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Moir JAG, Mann D, Mann J, Charnley RM, Manas DM, French JJ, White SA. The effect of monocarboxylate transporter 1 inhibition in the tumour microenvironment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. In: Society of Academic and Research Surgery 2016 Annual Meeting. 2016, London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Moir JAG, Mann D, Mann J, Charnley RM, Manas DM, French JJ, White SA. Metabolic relationships within the tumour microenvironment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma - pancreatic stellate cells induce glycolysis in cancer cells. In: Society of Academic and Research Surgery 2016 Annual Meeting. 2016, London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Moles A, Butterworth J, Hunter JE, Sanchez AM, Tiniakos D, Mann D, Oakley F, Perkins ND. Thr505 RelA phosphorylation controls liver proliferative response and supresses NF-kappa B tumor-promoting activities. In: 66th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases: The Liver Meeting 2015. 2015, San Francisco, California: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Locatelli L, Paoli PP, Hardy T, Howarth RM, Oakley F, Mann D. Sequence Profiling of miRNAs Reveals mir-150-5p as a Regulator of Transdifferentiation. In: The Liver Meeting 2015: 66th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. 2015, San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Luli S, Di Paolo D, Wilson C, Wright MC, Brown H, Ponzoni M, Mann D, Oakley F. Non-invasive fluorescent imaging of liver fibrosis and response to therapy in mice. In: The Liver Meeting 2015: 66th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. 2015, San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Moles A, Butterworth J, Hunter J, Sanchez A, Mann D, Oakley F, Perkins ND. Mutation of Rela THR505 Enhances Liver Regeneration Following Partial Hepatectomy. In: 50th The International Liver Congress 2015. 2015, Vienna, Austria: Elsevier.
- Moran-Salvador E, Paoli PP, Smith GR, Page A, Howarth RM, Oakley F, Mann J, Mann D. MeCP2 exerts global control over the myofibroblast transcriptome and reveals new regulators of fibrosis. In: The Liver Meeting 2015: 66th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. 2015, San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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