Staff Profile
Dr Lisa Russell
Senior Lecturer
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 2082237
- Address: Biosciences Institute
Newcastle University
Wolfson Childhood Cancer Research Centre
Level 6
Herschel Building
Brewery Lane
Newcastle upon Tyne
PhD Vacancies - We are always pleased to receive informal enquires from prospective PhD students. Please feel free to email me if you are interested -
Current Position
March 2022 - present - Senior Lecturer in Childhood Cancer and Haematology, Newcastle University
March 2020 - present - Scientific lead for the Childhood Leukaemia Research UK Network
Primary - Cells, Genes and Molecules
Secondary - Precision Medicine, Genetics and Informatics
Area of expertise
2023: Fellow of Advanced HE
2022: Senior Lectureship - open-ended
2020: Lectureship - open-ended
2015: Newcastle University Research Fellow
2015: John Goldman Fellow
2011: KKLF Intermediate Fellowship
2007: PhD Cancer Sciences Division, University of Southampton
2002: BSc Biology, University of Southampton
Previous positions
Aug 2020 - Mar 2022: Lecturer in Haemato-Oncology, Newcastle University
Aug 2015-July 2020: Newcastle University Research Fellow, Newcastle University
June 2015-June 2018: John Goldman Fellow, Leuka, Newcastle University
Feb 2001-Aug 2015: Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund Intermediate Research Fellow, Newcastle University
April 2008- Feb 2011: Research Associate, Newcastle University
December 2006-March 2008: Postdoctoral Scientist, University of Southamtpon
April 2008-January 2011: Research Associate, Newcastle University
Professional Awards
FASEB Hematological Malignancies Abstract Award 2021
British Society of Haematology Travel Grant to attend the EMBO B-cell development and Leukemia meeting (2019)
British Society of Haematology Travel Grant to attend the 57th ASH annual Meeting (2015)
British Society of Haematology Travel Grant to attend the FASEB summer conference on Hematological malignancies (2011)
British Society of Haematology Travel Grant to attend the 50th ASH Annual Meeting (2008)
European Haematology Association Travel Grant (2008)
Wessex Medical Research Prize for Postgraduate Research in Biomedical Sciences (2008)
Poster prize at the Cancer Sciences Conference, University of Southampton (2007)
Oral presentation prize at the British Society of Haematology (2007)
Invited Presentations
Keynote: 6th Workshop on "Molecular aspects of normal and malignant hematopoiesis", Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 2023
4th Annual meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology, Valencia, Spain, May 2023
Lymphoid Malignancies with Interdisciplinary Techniques (LyMIT), Surrey, UK, 2022
2nd annual meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology, May 2021
University of Southampton - Seminar at the Centre for Cancer Immunology Feb 2019
Leuka Seminar and Reception September 2018
29th Annual Meeting of the International BFM Study Group, Helsinki, Finland, May 2018
Association of Clinical Genetic Science (ACGS) Annual Meeting – Cancer Genetics, September 2015
24th Annual Meeting of the International BFM Study Group, Kiel, Germany, May 2013
BSHG, Warwick University, September 2011
Professor Nick Cross, Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory, Salisbury, 15th June 2011
Professor Mel Greaves and Dr Lyndal Kearny, Institute of Cancer Research, 15th April 2009
British Society of Haematology since 2008
European Haematology Association since 2020
Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) since 2020
Manuscript/Grant Peer Review
Journals: Blood, British Journal of Haematology, Leukemia, Clinical Epigenetics and Haematologica.
Funding bodies: MRC, Cure Kids, Wellcome Trust Indian Alliance Fellowship Scheme.
Boards and Committees
Lady Tata Scientific Advisory Committee Member
Leukaemia UK Scientific and Medical Panel Member
Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports, a journal from Nature Publishing Group since February 2015.
Co-lead for the Newcastle University Centre for Cancer Fellowship and Grants Committee
Early career researcher co-lead for Newcastle University Biosciences Institute
Research Interests
The characterisation of genomic abnormalities that drive the development of haematological malignancies has progressed significantly over the past 40 years. One major advance has been the link between genetic abnormalities and outcome. My research has provided two such examples highlighting that rearrangements involving the immunoglobulin loci (Ig) and the cytokine receptor CRLF2 are associated with a poor outcome. These findings have led to treatment changes within the United States and are currently being used to inform the next paediatric and adult ALL treatment trials within the UK.
I am known within the field of leukaemia research for characterising novel and recurrent translocations involving the Ig loci. My future research goals are to increase the molecular and understanding of both CRLF2 and Ig driven malignancies.
Due to the heterogeneity of Ig rearrangements in haematological malignancies, I wish to pursue a challenging programme of research which aims to exploit a common mechanism driving the cancer, to provide a unified treatment option for this disparate group of diseases. With over 7,200 patients (23% of all haematological malignancies) diagnosed with an Ig rearranged malignancy each year in the UK, targeting the molecular switch which allows these rearrangements to overexpress oncogenes, could provide common mechanisms to exploit therapeutically to increase the cure rates for this poor prognostic subtype.
Staff Supervision
Group Leader: Dr Lisa Russell
Letizia Marchetti - Research Associate
Ahlam Alqahtani - Research Associate
Phoebe Snow - PhD Student
Ahmed Alsayadi - PhD Student
Camille Drai - Research Technician
Public Engagement
I have been a STEM (Science, Technology, Electronics and Mathematics) Ambassador since 2009.
I have been involved in running open days for the general public and charity fundraisers.
Current and Past Funding
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from:
Cancer Research UK
The Wellcome Trust
Leukaemia UK (previously Leuka)
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
JGW Patterson Foundation
Blood Cancer UK (previously Bloodwise)
Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund
CCLG Little Princess Trust
CCLG Ruby's Fund
Harley Staples Fund
Combat Cancer
Stuart Halbert Foundation
Student Supervision
PhD: Dino Masic (PhD 2016), Kent Fung (PhD 2022), Jessica Saville (PhD 2023), Dan Kent (PhD 2019 – 2023), Ahmed Alsayadi (PhD 2023 - 2027), Phoebe Snow (PhD 2023 - 2027)
MPhil: Brynelle Myers (MPhil 2017)
MRes: Supervised master’s students between 2009-present
BSc: Supervised undergraduate students (Biomedical Sciences) between 2009-present
MMS8101: Medical Research in the 21st Century, 2018/2019
MMB8008: Chromosome Biology and Cell Cycle Control in Health and Disease, 2021 - present
MMB8007: Cancer Studies, 2021 - 2023
BSc Pharmacology - Anticancer Therapy, 2020 - present
BMS3025 Bioinformatics, 2020 - present
PGR poster presentation seminar and one-one feedback sessions, 2019 - present
- Steinemann D, Dawidowska M, Russell LJ, Harrison CJ, Gohring G. Genetic alterations in lymphoblastic leukaemia / lymphoma – a practical guide to WHO HAEM5. Medizinische Genetik 2024, 36(1), 39-45.
- Davidson BSA, Arcila-Galvis JE, Trevisan-Herraz M, Mikulasova A, Brackley CA, Russell LJ, Rico D. Evolutionarily conserved enhancer-associated features within the MYEOV locus suggest a regulatory role for this non-coding DNA region in cancer. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2024, 12, 1294510.
- Ryan SL, Peden JF, Kingsbury Z, Schwab CJ, James T, Polonen P, Mijuskovic M, Becq J, Yim R, Cranston RE, Hedges DJ, Roberts KG, Mullighan CG, Vora A, Russell LJ, Bain R, Moorman AV, Bentley DR, Harrison CJ, Ross MT. Whole genome sequencing provides comprehensive genetic testing in childhood B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Leukemia 2023, 37, 518-528.
- Bomken S, Enshaei A, Schwalbe EC, Mikulasova A, Dai Y, Zaka M, Fung K, Bashton M, Lim H, Jones L, Karataraki N, Winterman E, Ashby C, Attarbaschi A, Bertrand Y, Bradtke J, Buldini B, Burke GA, Cazzaniga G, Gohring G, de Groot-Kruseman H, Haferlach C, Lo Nigro L, Parihar M, Plesa A, Seaford E, Sonneveld E, Strehl S, van der Velden V, Rand V, Hunger SP, Harrison CJ, Bacon C, van Delft F, Loh M, Moppett J, Vormoor J, Walker B, Moorman AV, Russell L. Molecular characterisation and clinical outcome of B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with IG-MYC rearrangement. Haematologica 2023, 108(3), 717-731.
- Schwab C, Cranston RE, Ryan SL, Butler E, Winterman E, Hawking Z, Bashton M, Enshaei A, Russell LJ, Kingsbury Z, Peden JF, Barretta E, Murray J, Gibson J, Hinchliffe AC, Bain R, Vora A, Bentley DR, Ross MT, Moorman AV, Harrison CJ. Integrative genomic analysis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia lacking a genetic biomarker in the UKALL2003 clinical trial. Leukemia 2023, 37, 529-538.
- Pal D, Blair H, Parker J, Hockney S, Beckett M, Singh M, Tirtakusuma R, Nelson R, McNeill H, Angel SH, Wilson A, Nizami S, Nakjang S, Zhou P, Schwab C, Sinclair P, Russell LJ, Coxhead J, Halsey C, Allan JM, Harrison CJ, Moorman AV, Heidenreich O, Vormoor J. hiPSC-derived bone marrow milieu identifies a clinically actionable driver of niche-mediated treatment resistance in leukemia. Cell Reports Medicine 2022, 3(8), 100717.
- Mikulasova A, Kent D, Trevisan-Herraz M, Karataraki N, Fung KTM, Ashby C, Cieslak A, Yaccoby S, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Morgan GJ, Asnafi V, Spicuglia S, Brackley CA, Corcoran AE, Hambleton S, Walker BA, Rico D, Russell LJ. Epigenomic translocation of H3K4me3 broad domains over oncogenes following hijacking of super-enhancers. Genome Research 2022, 32, 1343-1354.
- Tirtakusuma R, Szoltysek K, Milne P, Grinev VV, Ptasinska A, Chin PS, Meyer C, Nakjang S, Hehir-Kwa JY, Williamson D, Cauchy P, Keane P, Assi SA, Ashtiani M, Kellaway SG, Imperato MR, Vogiatzi F, Schweighart EK, Lin S, Wunderlich M, Stutterheim J, Komkov A, Zerkalenkova E, Evans P, McNeill H, Elder A, Martinez-Soria N, Fordham SE, Shi Y, Russell LJ, Pal D, Smith A, Kingsbury Z, Becq J, Eckert C, Haas OA, Carey P, Bailey S, Skinner R, Miakova N, Collin M, Bigley V, Haniffa M, Marschalek R, Harrison CJ, Cargo CA, Schewe D, Olshanskaya Y, Thirman MJ, Cockerill PN, Mulloy JC, Blair HJ, Vormoor J, Allan JM, Bonifer C, Heidenreich O, Bomken S. Epigenetic regulator genes direct lineage switching in MLL/AF4 leukemia. Blood 2022, 140(17), 1875-1890.
- Belhocine M, Simonin M, Abad-Flores JD, Cieslak A, Manosalva I, Pradel L, Smith C, Mathieu EL, Charbonnier G, Martens JHA, Stunnenberg HG, Maqbool MA, Mikulasova A, Russell LJ, Rico D, Puthier D, Ferrier P, Asnafi V, Spicuglia S. Dynamics of broad H3K4me3 domains uncover an epigenetic switch between cell identity and cancer-related genes. Genome Research 2022, 32(7), 1328-1342.
- Potter N, Jones L, Blair H, Strehl S, Harrison CJ, Greaves M, Kearney L, Russell LJ. Single cell analysis identifies CRLF2 rearrangements as both early and late events in Down syndrome and non-Down syndrome acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Leukemia 2019, 33, 893-904.
- Sinclair PB, Blair HH, Ryan SL, Buechler L, Cheng J, Clayton J, Hanna R, Hollern S, Hawking Z, Bashton M, Schwab CJ, Jones L, Russell LJ, Marr H, Carey P, Halsey C, Heidenreich O, Moorman AV, Harrison CJ. Dynamic clonal progression in xenografts of acute lymphoblastic leukemia with intrachromosomal amplification of chromosome 21. Haematologica 2018, 103, 634-644.
- Williams MT, Yousafzai YM, Elder A, Rehe K, Bomken S, Frishman-Levy L, Tavor S, Sinclair P, Dormon K, Masic D, Perry T, Weston VJ, Kearns P, Blair H, Russell LJ, Heidenreich O, Irving JA, Izraeli S, Vormoor J, Graham GJ, Halsey C. The ability to cross the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier is a generic property of acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts. Blood 2016, 127(16), 1998-2006.
- Russell LJ, Jones L, Enshaei A, Tonin S, Ryan SL, Eswaran J, Nakjang S, Papaemmanuil E, Tubio JM, Fielding AK, Vora A, Campbell PJ, Moorman AV, Harrison CJ. Characterisation of the genomic landscape of CRLF2-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 2016, 56(5), 363-372.
- Wade MA, Sunter NJ, Fordham SE, Long A, Masic D, Russell J, Harrison CJ, Rand V, Elstob C, Bown N, Rowe D, Lowe C, Cuthbert G, Bennett S, Crosier S, Bacon CM, Onel K, Scott K, Scott D, Travis LB, May FEB, Allan JM. c-MYC is a radiosensitive locus in human breast cells. Oncogene 2015, 34, 4985-4994.
- Jeffries SJ, Jones L, Harrison CJ, Russell LJ. IGH@ Translocations Co-exist With Other Primary Rearrangements in B-cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Haematologica 2014, 99(8), 1334-1342.
- Russell LJ, Enshaei A, Jones L, Erhorn A, Masic D, Bentley H, Laczko KS, Fielding AK, Goldstone AH, Goulden N, Mitchell CD, Wade R, Vora A, Moorman AV, Harrison CJ. IGH@ Translocations Are Prevalent in Teenagers and Young Adults With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Are Associated With a Poor Outcome. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2014, 32(14), 1453-1462.
- van der Veer A, Waanders E, Pieters R, Willemse ME, Van Reijmersdal SV, Russell LJ, Harrison CJ, Evans WE, van der Velden VHJ, Hoogerbrugge PM, Van Leeuwen F, Escherich G, Horstmann MA, Khankahdani LM, Rizopoulos D, De Groot-Kruseman HA, Sonneveld E, Kuiper RP, Den Boer ML. Independent prognostic value of BCR-ABL1-like signature and IKZF1 deletion, but not high CRLF2 expression, in children with B-cell precursor ALL. Blood 2013, 122(15), 2622-2629.
- Schwab CJ, Chilton L, Morrison H, Jones L, Al-Shehhi H, Erhorn A, Russell LJ, Moorman AV, Harrison CJ. Genes commonly deleted in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia: association with cytogenetics and clinical features. Haematologica 2013, 98(7), 1081-1088.
- Chapiro E, Radford-Weiss I, Cung H-A, Dastugue N, Nadal N, Taviaux S, Baring C, Struski S, Talmant P, Vandenberghei P, Mozziconacci M-J, Tigaud I, Lefebvre C, Penther D, Bastard C, Lippert E, Mugneret F, Romana S, Bernard OA, Harrison CJ, Russell LJ, Nguyen-Khaca F. Chromosomal translocations involving the IGH@ locus in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia: 29 new cases and a review of the literature. Cancer Genetics 2013, 206(5), 162-173.
- Attarbaschi A, Morak M, Cario G, Cazzaniga G, Ensor HM, te Kronnie T, Bradtke J, Mann G, Vendramini E, Palmi C, Schwab C, Russell LJ, Schrappe M, Conter V, Mitchell CD, Strehl S, Zimmermann M, Potschger U, Harrison CJ, Stanulla M, Panzer-Grumayer R, Haas OA, Moorman AV, Assoc Italiana Ematologia Oncologi, Natl Canc Res Inst NCRI-Childrens. Treatment outcome of CRLF2-rearranged childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a comparative analysis of the AIEOP-BFM and UK NCRI-CCLG study groups. British Journal of Haematology 2012, 158(6), 772-777.
- Morak M, Attarbaschi A, Fischer S, Nassimbeni C, Grausenburger R, Bastelberger S, Krentz S, Cario G, Kasper D, Schmitt K, Russell LJ, Potschger U, Stanulla M, Eckert C, Mann G, Haas OA, Panzer-Grumayer R. Small sizes and indolent evolutionary dynamics challenge the potential role of P2RY8-CRLF2-harboring clones as main relapse-driving force in childhood ALL. Blood 2012, 120(26), 5134-5142.
- Buitenkamp TD, Pieters R, Gallimore NE, van der Veer A, Meijerink JPP, Beverloo HB, Zimmermann M, de Haas V, Richards SM, Vora AJ, Mitchell CD, Russell LJ, Schwab C, Harrison CJ, Moorman AV, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, den Boer ML, Zwaan CM. Outcome in children with Down's syndrome and acute lymphoblastic leukemia: role of IKZF1 deletions and CRLF2 aberrations. Leukemia 2012, 26(10), 2204-2211.
- Moorman AV, Schwab C, Ensor HM, Russell LJ, Morrison H, Jones L, Masic D, Patel B, Rowe JM, Tallman M, Goldstone AH, Fielding AK, Harrison CJ. IGH@ Translocations, CRLF2 Deregulation and Microdeletions in Adolescents and Adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2012, 30(25), 3100-3108.
- Rand V, Parker H, Russell LJ, Schwab C, Ensor H, Irving J, Jones L, Masic D, Minto L, Morrison H, Ryan S, Robinson H, Sinclair P, Moorman A, Strefford J, Harrison CJ. Genomic characterization implicates iAMP21 as a likely primary genetic event in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 2011, 117(25), 6848-6855.
- Ensor HM, Schwab C, Russell LJ, Richards SM, Morrison H, Masic D, Jones L, Kinsey SE, Vora AJ, Mitchell CD, Harrison CJ, Moorman AV. Demographic, clinical, and outcome features of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and CRLF2 deregulation: results from the MRC ALL97 clinical trial. Blood 2011, 117(7), 2129-2136.
- Hertzberg L, Vendramini E, Ganmore I, Cazzaniga G, Schmitz M, Chalker J, Shiloh R, Iacobucci I, Shochat C, Zeligson S, Cario G, Stanulla M, Strehl S, Russell LJ, Harrison CJ, Bornhauser B, Yoda A, Rechavi G, Bercovich D, Borkhardt A, Kempski H, Kronnie GT, Bourquin JP, Domany E, Izraeli S. Down syndrome acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a highly heterogeneous disease in which aberrant expression of CRLF2 is associated with mutated JAK2: a report from the International BFM Study Group. Blood 2010, 115(5), 1006-1017.
- Russell LJ, Capasso M, Vater I, Akasaka T, Bernard OA, Calasanz MJ, Chandrasekaran T, Chapiro E, Gesk S, Griffiths M, Guttery DS, Haferlach C, Harder L, Heidenreich O, Irving JAE, Kearney L, Nguyen-Khac F, Machado L, Minto L, Majid A, Moorman AV, Morrison H, Rand V, Strefford JC, Schwab CJ, Tonnies H, Dyer MJ, Siebert R, Harrison CJ. Deregulated expression of cytokine receptor gene, CRLF2, is involved in lymphoid transformation in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 2009, 114(13), 2688-2698.
- Russell LJ, Akasaka T, Majid A, Sugimoto KJ, Karran EL, Nagel I, Harder L, Claviez A, Gesk S, Moorman AV, Ross F, Mazzullo H, Strefford JC, Siebert R, Dyer MJS, Harrison C. t(6;14)(p22;q32): a new recurrent IGH@ translocation involving ID4 in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL). Blood 2008, 111(1), 387-391.
- Russell L, Harrison CJ. IDENTIFICATION OF MULTIPLE NOVEL IGH@ TRANSLOCATIONS IN ADOLESCENT ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKAEMIA. Haematologica: the hematology journal 2008, 93(S1), 197-198.
- Akasaka T, Balasas T, Russell LJ, Sugimoto KJ, Majid A, Walewska R, Karran EL, Brown DG, Cain K, Harder L, Gesk S, Martin-Subero JI, Atherton MG, Brüggemann M, Calasanz MJ, Davies T, Haas OA, Hagemeijer A, Kempski H, Lessard M, Lillington DM, Moore S, Nguyen-Khac F, Radford-Weiss I, Schoch C, Struski S, Talley P, Welham MJ, Worley H, Strefford JC, Harrison CJ, Siebert R, Dyer MJS. Five members of the CEBP transcription factor family are targeted by recurrent IGH translocations in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL). Blood 2007, 109(8), 3451-361.
- Chapiro E, Russell LJ, Radford-Weiss I, Bastard C, Lessard M, Struski S, Cave H, Fert-Ferrer S, Barin C, Maarek O, Della-Valle V, Strefford JC, Berger R, Harrison CJ, Bernard OA, Nguyen-Khac F. Overexpression of CEBPA resulting from the translocation t(14;19)(q32;q13) of human precursor B acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood 2006, 108(10), 3560-3563.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Schwab C, Enshaei A, Roberts KG, Russell LJ, Harvey RC, Chen IM, Willman CL, Mullighan C, Vora AJ, Moorman AV, Harrison CH. The Frequency and Outcome of Ph-like ALL Associated Abnormalities in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Treated on MRC UKALL2003. In: American Society of Hematology (ASH). 2016, San Diego, CA, USA: American Society of Hematology.
- Masic D, Enshaei A, Jones L, Harrison C, Russell LJ. Genetic Characterisation of Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Locus CCAAT Enhancer-Binding Protein Translocated Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. In: 57th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting. 2015, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Masic D, Enshaei A, Jones L, Harrison C, Russell LJ. Genetic Characterisation of Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Locus CCAAT Enhancer-Binding Protein Translocated Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. In: 57th ASH Annual Meeting 2015. 2015, Orlando, USA: American Society of Hematology.
- Russell LR, Jones L, Enshaei A, Rutherford J, Tonin S, Ryan S, Eswaran J, Papaemmanuil E, Tubio J, Campbell PJ, Moorman AV, Harrison C. Clincial and Genetic Landscapes Differ Between IGH-CRLF2 and P2RY8-CRLF2 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. In: 57th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting. 2015, Orlando, FL, USA: American Society of Hematology.
- Russell LJ, Jones L, Enshaei A, Rutherford J, Tonin S, Ryan S, Eswaran J, Papaemmanuil E, Tubio J, Campbell PJ, Moorman AV, Harrison C. Clincial and Genetic Landscapes Differ Between IGH-CRLF2 and P2RY8-CRLF2 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. In: 57th ASH Annual Meeting 2015. 2015, Orlando, USA: American Society of Hematology.
- Yousafzai YM, Williams MTS, Bhatti S, Cousins A, Rehe K, Bomken S, Sinclair P, Weston VJ, Russell LJ, Heidenreich O, Irving JAE, Vormoor J, Graham GJ, Halsey C. Childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells capable of central nervous system engraftment are common, heterogeneous and transit the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. In: 55th Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Haematology. 2015, Edinburgh, UK: Wiley.
- Van Der Veer A, Waanders E, Pieters R, Willemse ME, Reijmersdaal S, Russell LJ, Harrison CJ, Evans WE, van der Velden VHJ, Hoogerbrugge PM, van Leeuwen FN, Escherich G, Horstman M, Khankandani LM, Rizopoulos D, de Groot-Kruseman HA, Sonneveld E, Kuiper RP, Den Boer ML. Leukemia Cells with a BCR-ABL1-Like signature and/or IKZF1 deletions, but Not High CRLF2 Expression, Are Predictive of an Unfavorable Prognosis in Childhood B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. In: 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Society of Hematology (ASH). 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA: American Society of Hematology.
- Russell LJ, Jones L, Erhorn A, Ensahei A, Masic D, Bentley H, Laczko KS, Harrison CJ. Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Locus (IGH@) Translocations in Childhood B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL): Incidence and Risk Stratification. In: 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Society of Hematology (ASH). 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA: American Society of Hematology.
- Schwab C, Chilton L, Morrison H, Jones L, Al-Shehhi HA, Erhorn A, Russell LJ, Moorman AV, Harrison CJ. Genes Commonly Deleted in Childhood B-Cell Precursor ALL (BCP-ALL) Are Associated with Major Cytogenetic Subgroups. In: 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Society of Hematology (ASH). 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA: American Society of Hematology.
- Schwab C, Chilton L, Enshaie A, Morrison H, Jones L, Al-Shehhi HA, Erhorn A, Russell LJ, Vora AJ, Mitchell CD, Richards SM, Goulden N, Kinsey S, Moorman AV, Harrison CJ. Clinical Relevance of Genes Commonly Deleted in Childhood B-Cell Precursor ALL (BCP-ALL). In: 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Society of Hematology (ASH). 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA: American Society of Hematology.
- Rand V, Parker H, Russell LJ, Irving J, Jones L, Masic D, Minto L, Morrison H, Robinson H, Schwab C, Sinclair P, Moorman AV, Strefford JC, Harrison CJ. What Is the Initiating Mechanism of iAMP21 in Childhood B Cell Precursor ALL?. In: Blood: 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology. 2009, New Orleans, LA: American Society of Hematology.
- Russell LJ, Capasso M, Vater I, Moorman AV, Akasaka T, Harder L, Heidenreich O, Machado L, Gest S, Strefford JC, Chandrasekaran T, Tonnies H, Majid A, Bernard O, Dyer MJS, Siebert R, Harrison CJ. IGH@ Translocations Involving the Pseudoautosomal Region 1 (PAR1) of Both Sex Chromosomes Deregulate the Cytokine Receptor-Like Factor 2 (CRLF2) Gene in B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL). In: Abstracts of the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology. 2008, San Francisco, CA: Blood: American Society of Hematology.
- O'Reilly J, Russell LJ, Cooney J, Ensor HM, Purtill D, Wright M, Moorman AV. Unravelling the prognostic effect of IKZF1 deletions and IGH@-CRLF2 in adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Pathology 2013, 45(6), 609-612.
- Chapiro E, Russell L, Lainey E, Kaltenbach S, Ragu C, Della-Valle V, Hanssens K, Macintyre EA, Radford-Weiss I, Delabesse E, Cave H, Mercher T, Harrison CJ, Nguyen-Khac F, Dubreuil P, Bernard OA. Activating mutation in the TSLPR gene in B-cell precursor lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 2010, 24(3), 642-645.
- Chapiro E, Russell LJ, Struski S, Cave H, Radford-Weiss I, Valle VD, Lachenaud J, Brousset P, Bernard OA, Harrison CJ, Nguyen-Khac F. A new recurrent translocation t(11;14)(q24;q32) involving IGH@ and miR-125b-1 in B-cell progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 2010, 24(7), 1362-1364.
- Russell LJ, DeCastro DG, Griffiths M, Telford N, Bernard O, Panzer-Gruemayer R, Heidenreich O, Moorman AV, Harrison CJ. A novel translocation, t(14;19)(q32;p13) involving IGHalpha and the cytokine receptor for erythropoietin. Leukemia 2009, 23, 614-617.
- Kent D, Marchetti L, Mikulasova A, Russell LJ, Rico D. Broad H3K4me3 domains: Maintaining cellular identity and their implication in super-enhancer hijacking. BioEssays 2023, 45(10), 2200239.
- Eswaran J, Sinclair P, Heidenreich O, Irving J, Russell LJ, Hall A, Calado DP, Harrison CJ, Vormoor J. The pre-B-cell receptor checkpoint in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Leukemia 2015, 29(8), 1623-1631.