Staff Profile
Dr Yanna Li
Careers and Employability Consultant
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I am a Career and Employability Advisor (curriculum) and a module tutor for Career Development Modules at Newcastle University. I graduated with a PhD in Education and Applied Linguistics from Newcastle University in 2024 and previously worked as a Business English lecturer in mainland China and as a teaching practicum supervisor for the Evidenced-based Reflection and Teacher Development project at the University of Hong Kong. My teaching and research interests include technology-enhanced reflective practice and professional development, experiential learning, careers and global education, teacher education practices and pedagogy. My recent work has been published in Education Sciences, TESOL Quarterly and RELC Journal. I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a peer reviewer for MDPI journals, RELC journal, and a registered member of AGCAS.
Roles and Responsibilities
Module tutor for the following two Careers Development Modules: NCL3000 Newcastle University Placement Year Module, and NCL3007 Final Year Career Development Module.
PhD in Education and Applied Linguistics, Newcastle University.
MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL, Newcastle University.
BA(Hons) Business English, Zhengzhou University
Member of the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS)
Member of the Reviewer Board for MDPI Journals
Member of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
Member of the Vitae (Realising the Potential of Researchers)
Teaching experience:
Current role:
Module tutor for Careers Development modules (NCL3000 and NCL3007)
2021-2023, Newcastle University
- Visiting Lecturer for MA module: Reflective Practice and Teacher Development
- Dissertation supervisor for MA TESOL students
- Teaching Assistant/PGR Demonstrator for Reflective Researcher Portfolio module (School X), Research Methods module (School of Psychology), Research Methods module (School of ECLS), Discourse Analysis module, English Language Teaching Methods module (School of ECLS).
- CV Advisor in Careers Services
11/2020 - 07/2021, University of Hong Kong
- Teaching Practicum Supervisor for final-year English Language Education Students
09/2015 - 09/2019, Zhengzhou Business University (China)
- Module tutor for Cross-cultural Communication, International Finance English, and Business English modules
Certificates and awards:
12/2024, Fellow of Higher Education Academy (Advance HE, UK)
06/2017, Higher Education Teaching Certificate (Education Department of China)
05/2018, Excellent Tutor of the Campus-wide Contest in the 21st National English Debating Competition (Awarded by Beijing Foreign Language University, Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press)
06/2017, Winner of the First Award of “The Top Ten High-quality Class” Competition (Awarded by Zhengzhou Business University)
- Student Teachers’ COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) in teacher education: Opportunities, challenges, and direction ahead, funded by Newcastle University (2023 until present, co-investigator)
- Global and Engagement & Place Mapping Project, funded by Newcastle University (2023-2024, research assistant)
- TDG (Teacher Development Grant) project: Evidence-based reflection and teacher development, funded by the University of Hong Kong (2020-2021, co-investigator)
- E-Classroom Interactional Competence Project (2020-2023, co-investigator)
- Flipped Learning and “Introduction to Business” Micro Lecture Construction Project, funded by Zhengzhou Business University (2018-2019, co-investigator)
Peer-reviewed publications:
- Chan, J. Tavares, N. J., & Li, Y. (Under review) Collaborative Online International Learning in Teacher Education: Opportunities, Challenges and the Direction Ahead. In S. Melo-Pfeifer & V. Tavares (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Internationalization of Language Education. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Li, Y. (2024). Characterising Student Teachers’ Noticing Habits in Technology-Enhanced Dialogic Reflection. Education Sciences, 14(12), 1393.
- Li, Y., & Walsh, S. (2023). Technology-enhanced Reflection and Teacher Development: A Student Teacher’s Journey. RELC Journal, 54(2), 356-375.
- Moorhouse, B. L., Walsh, S., Li, Y., & Wong, L. L. (2022). Assisting and mediating interaction during synchronous online language lessons: Teachers' professional practices. TESOL Quarterly, 56(3), 934-960.
- Moorhouse, B.L, Li, Y. & Walsh, S. (2021). E-Classroom Interactional Competencies: mediating and assisting language learning during synchronous online lessons. RELC Journal, 54(1), 114 –128.
Conference Presentation:
- 04/2024, The 2024 Learning and Teaching Conference – Education for Life 2030 – A Vision for Education and Skills, Newcastle University, UK (Co-presentation of “The Reflective Practice in Doctoral Education – supporting transitions for first stage doctoral students”)
- 08/2023, British Association for Applied Linguistics, 56th Annual Conference, University of York, UK.
- 07/2022, 15th Teaching and Learning Corpora (TaLC) Conference, Limerick University, Ireland.
- 06/2021, The 6th International Conference of Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association (LSPPC6) Online Conference- Multimodality and Beyond: Addressing complexity and emerging needs in LSP.
- 11/2017, The First China Multimodality Conference, Fudan University, China.
Award: Newcastle University Overseas Research Scholarship.
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID):