Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology

Professor Christopher Stewart

Professor of Human Microbiome Research



I am currently funded on a Wellcome Trust / Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellowship & a 2021 Lister Institute Prize Fellowship, working within the Faculty of Medical Sciences. I previously worked at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas) and Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK).

My research interests are focused on the microbiome and host responses in human health and disease. My research typically focuses on early life (neonatal through to childhood) and is split into two major areas, 1) Multi-omic investigation of clinical samples and 2) Novel models to elucidate microbial-host crosstalk and interrogate the mechanisms of gastrointestinal disease

More information regarding my groups research is available on the “Research” tab. My publications are listed in the “Publications” tab and also on my Google Scholar profile (link below).

My group is currently recruiting PhD students, technicians, and Post-Doctoral Research Associates, please get in touch if you are interested.

Google ScholarClick here.

TwitterClick here.

Newcastle Neonatal Nutrition and NEC Research (N4)Click here.



Education and Training

2021 Lister Institute Prize Fellow - Newcastle University, UK

Wellcome Trust / Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow - Newcastle University, UK

Newcastle University Academic Track (NUAcT) Fellow - Newcastle University, UK

Marie Curie Research Fellow - Newcastle University, UK

Faculty Fellow - Newcastle University, UK

Post-Doctoral Associate - Baylor College of Medicine, USA

Research Fellow - University of Northumbria, UK

Ph.D. in Molecular Microbial Ecology - University of Northumbria, UK

BSc. Biotechnology: 1st Class Honors - University of Northumbria, UK

Awards and Honors

2024    Neonatal Society Rising Star Award

2023    Applied Microbiology International WH Pierce Prize

2023    Elected to the Royal Society UK Young Academy

2022    Microbiology Society Fleming Prize

2021    Lister Research Institute Prize

2020    Most Valuable Presentation (MVP) of the 2019 International Milk Genomics Consortium Symposium

2017    Kelly K. Woodard Award for outstanding achievements in scientific scholarship, research, and leadership

2016    Best oral presentation at Baylor College of Medicine departmental retreat

2015    Microbiome Award: worldwide competition for the best early career researchers in microbiome