Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology

Staff Profile

Professor Henrik Strahl von Schulten

Professor of Molecular Microbiology



  • Professor of Molecular Microbiology (since 2024)
  • Molecular and Cellular Microbiology theme lead (since 2023)
  • Senior Lecturer (2019-2024)
  • Independent Research Fellow and Group Leader, Newcastle University (2014-2019)
  • Research Associate, Newcastle University, Group of Prof Leendert Hamoen (2007-2014)
  • PhD student, University of Osnabrück, Group of Prof Karlheinz Altendorf (2003-2007)


  • Dr. rer. nat. Microbiology, University of Osnabrück, Germany (2003-2007)
  • Dipl. Biology, University of Osnabrück, Germany (1997-2003)

Honors and Awards

BBSRC New Investigator Award (2018)

Editorial Board, Microbiology (2018-2025)

Newcastle University Research Fellowship (2015)

Faculty of Medical Sciences Research Fellowship (2014)

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD Fellowship (2004)



The research in my group focuses on bacterial cell envelopes. Using a combination of cell biology, high-end fluorescence microscopy, genetics, and biochemistry, we study the function, biosynthesis and internal organisation of bacterial cell wall and cell membranes using a repertoire of model organism including Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. This research also extends to studying protein lipid -interactions and how membrane association is used to establish higher-level internal organisation within bacterial cells. The fundamental research in my group is accompanied by more applied research lines aiming to understand the complex mode of action of cell envelope -targeting antimicrobials and toxins, why certain cellular targets are less vulnerable to rapid development of antibiotic resistance, and to discover new ones.

Current co-workers

Dr. Jess Buttress (post doc, BBSRC -funded)

Dr. Matthieu Blandenet (post doc, BBSRC -funded)

Dr. Rachel Darnell (post doc, BBSRC -funded)

Laura Dobby (PhD student, BBSRC -funded)

Taylor Wellfare Reid (PhD student, MRC -funded)

Neha Ramchandani Ramchandani (PhD student, BBSRC-funded)

Amandeep Kaur (technician)

Ralph Ticman (undergraduate student)

Edmond Kelly (undergraduate student)


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Medical Research Council (MRC), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)


Post docs:

Dr. Alan Koh

PhD students:

Dr. Maria Dakes Stavrakaki

Dr. Maddie Humphrey

Dr. Sandra Laborda Anadon

Dr. Jess Buttress

Dr. James Grimshaw

Dr. Kenneth Holst Seistrup

Dr. Declan Gray

Dr. Laura Bohorquez Suarez (co-promoter, Amsterdam University)


Masters students:

Christopher Martin

Alisa Mondry (Erasmus student)

Zi Qi Ng

Chris Duringer

Yong Jie Chen

Jessica Clark

Ethan Drury

Katie Pearson

Lauren Elliott

Natalie Vardy

James Donahue

Jan Derk te Winkel (Erasmus student)

Stijn Peeters (Erasmus student)

Tim Knetsch (Erasmus student)


Undergraduate students:

Jake Smith

Neha Ramchandani Ramchandani

Luc Eppie

Sameer Patil

Garoufallia Stavridou

Talia Peters

Nifemi Opasanya

Nadhir Bhunnoo

Saleena Limbu

Zunera Baig

Alex-Rose Pogmore

James Donahue

Bethany Coley


Undergraduate Teaching

  • Teaching in BSc module BGM2061 (Protein Trafficking and Biological Membranes)
  • Supervision of undergraduate research projects

 Postgraduate Teaching

  • Teaching in MRes module MMB8016 (Molecular Microbiology, deputy module leader)
  • Supervision of Masters and PhD research projects
