Centre for Behaviour and Evolution

Staff Profile

Dr Helen Gray

Lecturer in Pig and Poultry Welfare



BSc (Hons) Biology

MRes Animal behaviour

PhD Laboratory animal welfare

I am a trained mental health first aider.


My research involves a combination of behavioural assessment, with statistical modelling to investigate problem behaviours in laying hens, though I have previously also worked on rhesus macaques, rats and pigs. More broadly, my interests lie in both the mechanisms of animal behaviour and in exploring ways in which behaviour can be measured and used as an indicator of welfare. I have recently developed an interest in invertebrate welfare, and would love to explore this further in the future.


Undergraduate Teaching

NES1200 Academic and professional skills - Module Leader

NES2008 Sustainable animal production systems - Module Leader

NES3010 Applied animal nutrition - Lecturer

NES3012 Animal welfare and behaviour - Lecturer

NES3013 Dissertation - Project supervisor

Postgraduate Teaching

MMB8054 Theoretical aspects of animal welfare

MMB8055 Practical aspects of animal welfare
