Address: Henry Wellcome Building, The Medical School, Framlington Place, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH
I'm assessing transient affective states in poultry using intracranial recording of brain oscillations. My project is to record local field potentials from brain areas linked with key affective states (fear, pain etc) in conscious, free moving chickens. I will discern what brain activity, in which areas, correlates with specific affective states. I will subsequently use this technique in chickens that are undergoing the final stages of being farmed. This is to assess current poultry farming practices, with the goal of highlighting areas where welfare could possibly be improved.
O’Hagan D., Andrews C. P., Bedford T., Bateson M., Nettle D. (2015) Early life disadvantage strengthens flight performance trade-offs in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. Animal Behaviour, 102, 141-148