Address: Henry Wellcome Building, The Medical School, Framlington Place, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 4HH
Towards automatic classification of dog states
I am interested in the application of computational and sensor-based techniques to the monitoring and analysis of animal welfare and behaviour. In my PhD I aim to develop a collection of complementary, technology-based, methodologies for the objective monitoring of physical and affective states in domestic dogs.
These methodologies include both inertial measurement sensors and computer vision techniques. Using these I hope to establish methods allowing the monitoring of movement and facial expressions of domestic dogs for the identification of negative welfare states.
My main supervisor is Dr Lucy Asher, you can find more information about the group's research on our website.
Ladha, C., O’Sullivan, J., Belshaw, Z., & Asher, L. (2017). GaitKeeper: A System for Measuring Canine Gait. Sensors, 17(2).
Fehlmann, G., O’Riain, M. J., Hopkins, P. W., O’Sullivan, J., Holton, M. D., Shepard, E. L. C., & King, A. J. (2017). Identification of behaviours from accelerometer data in a wild social primate. Animal Biotelemetry, 5(1), 6