About Us
About Us
We investigate the challenges of energy supply, sustainability and affordability.
The £20m EPSRC National Centre for Energy Systems Integration (CESI) is primarily funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Siemens. The balance of funding comes from industry and academic partners.
The Centre brings together energy experts from around the world to help unravel the energy network and understand future supply and demand.
The Centre draws upon the expertise of leading academics from the universities of:
- Newcastle
- Heriot-Watt
- Sussex
- Edinburgh
- Durham
- Bristol
The energy system as a whole comprises:
- gas
- power
- renewables
- transport
- heating
- cooling
The Centre paves the way to a flexible smart infrastructure, empowering customers and giving them greater control of their energy use. It allows industry to meet the tough new low carbon targets.
Providing us with robust messages about the real world, the aim is to understand how we can optimise the energy network, drive down customer bills and inform future government policy.
View the CESI Presentation - November 2016 (PDF: 971KB) outlining the purpose and governance of the Centre.