Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transi
Hydorgen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transition (HI-ACT) Hub - Our website has moved!
The HI-ACT Hub has been successfully funded by UKRI and EPSRC. The Hub will run for 5 years, starting from June 2023, and has £10m direct investment from EPSRC.
All the information below was established during our consultancy phase which ran from April 2022 - May 2023.
For the latest information please visit our new website at www.hi-act.ac.uk or get in touch with HI-ACT using the details below:
Email: HIACT@newcastle.ac.uk
Twitter: @HIACT_
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hiact/
Join our mailing list: https://forms.office.com/r/MB9e6yynxE
About us
The UK Government has set out high expectations for the role of hydrogen in its future energy plans. It wants hydrogen to fulfil between 20%-35% of the UK's total energy demand. The UK currently produces around 27 TWh hydrogen each year. This would need to expand to 250 TWh by 2050 to meet even the minimum forecast expectations.
Our project aims to better understand the requirements of all the stakeholders who can help accelerate this transition. Through our research, we want to develop a better understanding of the potential pathways for integrating hydrogen into future energy use.
Professor Sara Walker from Newcastle University, Professor David Flynn from the University of Glasgow, and Professor Jianzhong Wu from Cardiff University were successful in their bid to UKRI to become a UK coordinator of the Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions (HI-ACT) Centre. The Centre will work to deliver a fundamental shift in critical lifecycle analysis for optimisation of operational and planning decision support for the integration of hydrogen and alternative fuels into the UK energy landscape.
HI-ACT consortium will analyse the role of hydrogen and alternative liquid fuiels in the context of the overall energy landscape, through the creation of robust tools which are investment-oriented in their analysis. A whole systems and systems integration approach is needed in order to better understand the interconnected and interdependent nature of complex energy systems, including hydrogen and alternative liquid fuels, from a technical, social, environmental and economic perspective.
Consortia Building
For the first six months starting from April 2022, the Centre will use this time to build high-impact, multi-disciplinary, multi-site teams, with the aim of building longer-term research alliances. The consortia will be a vibrant, diverse, and open community, and aspires to provide an unparalleled environment, respecting equality diversity and inclusion, to mentor and develop the next generation of research leaders.
With the full spectrum of hydrogen, technologies and use cases, open to stakeholder feedback and evaluation, we want to co-create with stakeholders a national strategy that maximises the impact of hydrogen and alternative liquid fuels for UK priorities with respect to both national and international markets. This will involve identification of high priority investments, refining the evaluation criteria of an inclusive hydrogen and alternative liquid fuels energy transition, and prioritisation of a research strategy for maximum impact into addressing the barriers to a scalable economy.
The diversity of people we want to engage with to create a strategic and inclusive include, but aren’t limited to:
- end users (adopters)
- service companies
- operators/generators
- investors
- network operators
- regulators
- energy charities
- government policy makers
We will aim to bring all stakeholders together through a series of focus groups to help identify the role of hydrogen and how the Centre can align its research to the current and future needs of hydrogen integration.
To register your interest and to sign up to the Centre’s mailing list by completing the Registration Form.
We are collecting your views.
HI-ACT has created these questionnaires for stakeholders with intrests and expertise in the field of hydorgen and energy systems integration. We want to understand the key research areas and priorities from all perspectives.
We ran two in-person workshops in July. Sponsored by EPSRC, we had over 60 industry and academic partners discuss the priorities, challenges and opportunities for the UK hydrogen economy. The findings from both of these workshops will be made available.
You can listen to our podcast to find out more about the workshops.
Expertise Map
Part of our 'Identification' stage, we have created an interactive map of major hydrogen projects. We will continute to add and develop this map as the project grows and develops.
View it here!
We have had represntation at several events so far:
- IDRIC Industrial Decarbonisation Showcase on 6th - 7th June in Edinburgh
- H2FC conference in St Andrews on 8th - 9th June in St Andrews
- Supergen Bioenergy Hub workshop on hydrogen from biomass
- A round table in Berlin hosted by the UK ambassador to Germany on green hydrogen collaboration opportunities
- UKERC Annual Conference June held in Manchester
- EPSRC Engineering Net Zero Showcase
- 3rd International Conference on Energy and AI in July, Belfort (France).
NCOSE Presentation Birmingham 13th July
News and Events
- In June and July we will continue the industry engagement, and will also begin to increase our engagement with the academic community.
- Keep an eye out for our monthly newsletters to keep up-tod-date with our activities - sign up to recieve them here
- Safe the date: Tuesday 13th September UKRI and EPSRC Hydrogen Industry Event in collaboration with UK-HyRES
- We will also shortly be launching a call for expressions of interest for academic co-investigators for the Centre.
Contact Us
You can contact us through email: HIACT@newcastle.ac.uk
You can join our mailing list through the sign-up link
Follow us on twitter: @HIACT_
Our Team
We are delighted to introduce you to the team behind HI-ACT.