National Centre for Energy Systems Integration

Working with Industry

Working with Industry

We collaborate with over 30 industrial and government organisations.

Traditional and renewable energy

The Centre for Energy Systems Integration (CESI) aim is to reduce the risks associated with securing an integrated energy system for the UK. This is impossible to achieve without full engagement from the Energy Sector.

CESI currently has over 34 industrial and government organisations collaborating with our team of academics and researchers. They provide:

  • a steer on the relevance of our work
  • access to their experts for consultation
  • access to resources such as engineers, labs, data and other valuable assets
  • front-line insight to the needs of the industry and their customers

Siemens: CESI Lead Industrial Partner

As a leading global engineering and technology services company, Siemens has been active in the United Kingdom for over 170 years. The multi-disciplinary nature of the CESI project means that the many of their business divisions interact with our research.

  • Power and Gas
  • Wind Power
  • Power Generation Services
  • Energy Management
  • Building Technologies
  • Mobility
  • Process Industries and Drives

Siemens are a significant contributor to the Centre providing over £9M of support.

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Siemens logo
EPSRC logo
Catapult logo
CESI infrastructure
CESI consumers
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