News Items
What challenges have you faced throughout your career?
Acknowledging, celebrating and challenging equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) topics plays a huge role in academia. As such, we are proud to announce the launch of our join EDI blog series from CESI and the Centre for Energy.
CESI, Supergen and Centre for Energy are dedicated to champion and celebrate the range of diversity and rich culture these teams have to offer. There are several ways to ensure everyone is included and no one is disadvantage because of who they are.
We want to create a positive and supportive culture for everyone to reach their potential.
In order to have conversations to guarantee everyone feels supported, we are proud to present a collaborative quality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) blog series between CESI, Supergen and Centre for Energy.
The aim for these blogs is for people to tell their stories about ‘Challenges in your career pathway’ to hopefully inspire others to open up about their stories and to generate an environment where everyone can feel safe and happy.
See below to read the latest blogs in the series:
Please find more information about Newcastle University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy located here.
published on: 8 February 2022