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Northern Gas Network - CESI Case Study in Network Innovation Annual Summary
CESI contributions to the Network Innovation Annual Summary 2020/2021 on the whole energy system landscape.
The Network Innovation Annual Summary document produced by the Northern Gas Networks (NGN) states important information about how they have used Network Innovation Allowance funding in 2020/2021.
It demonstrates the breadth and depth of new products, services and projects, business-ready solutions, and opportunities for collaborative, match-funded projects.
In conjunction with partners such as Northern Powergrid, Northumbrian Water and Siemens, NGN and Newcastle University have collaborated researching whole energy systems landscape through InTEGReL.
The work on InTEGREL by CESI associates featured on page 15 of this document as a case study, titled ‘Net zero: ensuring vulnerable customers are not left behind’.
Prof. Sara Walker is quoted in the document on how this research will benefit the UK energy system:
“This review has highlighted how the UK future energy transition can deliver low carbon heating, and what this might mean for the Customer Energy Village at InTEGReL. Our findings demonstrate the potential for the Customer Energy Village to be a unique facility to investigate the impact of retrofit scenarios on utility networks, to consider this from a whole, multi-vector energy system viewpoint, and to evaluate the impact from a fuel poverty and data point of view.”
Sara Walker, CESI Director
published on: 4 November 2021