e4Future V2G
The e4Future project proposes a large-scale demonstrator of up to 1,000 battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and novel bidirectional chargers (V2G).
Research Scope
The research carried out by Newcastle University is spread across 3 work packages:
- Collection and analysis of customer data from the demonstrator.
- Technical analysis of the impacts and benefits of V2G systems on electricity distribution networks.
- Cyber-security assessment of V2G systems.
Project partners
- Newcastle University
- Nissan (Lead)
- UK Power Networks
- Northern Powergrid
- National Grid Electricity System Operator
- Imperial College London
Find out more
- Watch the video for more about Newcastle University's research into how electric vehicles can help to power your home.
- Join the Vehicle to Grid Webinar Series.
Dr Myriam Neaimeh is a Turing Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, and Data-Centric Engineering Group Leader on Vehicle Grid Integration.