Introducing the Women's Whole Energy Systems Research and Industry Network Werin – We’re in!
Launched at the Low Carbon Energy Networks conference (LCNI) in October 2018, the Women's Whole Energy Systems Research and Industry Network (Werin) seeks to provide a platform to showcase the positive impact that women bring to the Energy Sector.
Purpose and Aims of Werin (pronounced we’re in!)
The purpose of the network is to provide networking opportunities and professional support to women in the sector. We are planning a collaborative program of interdisciplinary cross-sector networking and showcase opportunities within WERIN over the next 12 months.
Our plans include: -
- Opening up membership to the whole female community within the sector
- Hosting virtual and physical, inclusive network building events throughout the UK to provide an opportunity for members to meet, showcase their expertise and identify new collaborators and research partners
- Build a searchable, user-friendly, free-to-use, online, accessible network membership platform that will highlight the skills and research interests of each of the members
- Showcase the sectors and research fields that have successfully achieved progress in gender parity and learn from their best practice.
Werin will provide ideas to help those areas of the sector that still have an opportunity for improvement in female representation. The events will provide a chance to discuss and survey the attendees to gauge the state of sectors and what support and development the members feel that is needed.
Support request
The network is funded in part by Newcastle University, the EPSRC National Centre for Energy Systems Integration, the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub and the UKERC Whole Systems Networking Fund. To maximise the impact of this funding Werin will partner with energy sector organisations such and other women’s energy networks such as Women in Transport to further maximise the reach of the network.
If you or your organisation would like to get involved we feel you can help in a number of ways. For example:
- Request to join at https://members.werin.org.uk/user-application
- Publicise the network internally within your organisation and support applications from women in your organisation
- Co-host networking and other events with Werin which are designed for “inclusion of all”
- Share your organisations best practice in Inclusion with a blog post or video for use by our members
- Sign-post our members to opportunities to collaborate with your organisation
To contact the organisers please email energy@newcastle.ac.uk or to join the network, click on the button below.