Research scope
CESI work packages focus on an aspect of energy systems and link with each other in many ways.
2. Energy Supply
Lead : Professor Simon Hogg, Durham University
Through this research, we aim to learn more about current and future UK sources of energy supply including
- wind
- geothermal
- solar
- tidal
- traditional technologies
Research Method
We are investigating how energy supply technologies may change over time. Factors such as reliability, cost and user-friendliness all have a part to play. We investigate these interactions.

4. Energy Demand
Lead: Professor David Flynn, University of Glasgow
In this research, we are looking at how moving to low carbon forms of energy will affect the demand for energy in:
- Buildings
- Industry
- Services
- Transport
When looking at low carbon energy technologies, we take into account factors such as:
- Consumer preferences and choices
- Consumer habits
- Cost

5. Validation and Demonstration
Lead: Dr Haris Patsios, Newcastle University
Our full-scale Demonstrators make an important contribution to our research. They help us to understand the whole energy system in real world situations. CESI Demonstrators include:
- Newcastle Helix
- ETI / ESCat Smart Systems and Heat
- Findhorn
- Haringey
- Thames Valley Vision
- Cockle Park Farm
- Customer Led Network Revolution (CNLR)
- Integrated Transport Electricity Gas Research Laboratory (InTEGReL)
These sites cover different aspects of the whole energy system:
- Rural
- Urban
- Domestic
- Industrial and commercial use
- Community
- New build
- Retrofit aspects

6. Multiscale Architectures, Planning and Operation
Lead: Professor Phil Taylor, University of Bristol
We are developing whole energy system models to examine future energy system scenarios in the areas of:
- demand
- supply
- storage
- consumer behaviour
These models will interconnect all CESI’s research incorporating the many energy vectors and disciplines. We will utilise a co-evolutionary process to develop these scenarios.

7. Impact, Engagement and Management
Leads: Prof. Sara Walker, Newcastle University and Professor Phil Taylor, University of Bristol
To maximise the impact of our research, we will engage with the energy research and industrial sectors. We coordinate a wide range of events and workshops to facilitate this.
- Workshops for energy experts
- CESI Demonstrator open days
- Policy briefings
Where new opportunities emerge for collaboration we can utilise the Centre’s £1M Flexible Fund which is administered by our Executive Operational Committee.