National Centre for Energy Systems Integration

Staff Profile

Dr Neal Wade

Senior Lecturer in Power Systems


Neal has over 15 years’ experience in the power and energy sector.  Initially in the design of appliance power supplies and latterly as the lead on projects in the electricity distribution and off-grid power sectors. These projects have investigated innovative methods to integrate generation, storage and demand technologies that can cost-efficiently decarbonise the power sector. His methods include analysis, modelling, simulation, experimentation in energy labs and demonstration activities in real settings.

This work has developed a keen understanding of the need for careful planning of energy systems, to maximise the integration of demand and generation technologies within the energy system and to operate these assets effectively for multiple stakeholders.

He develops new ideas, seeks funding, manages researchers and collaborates with partners. He teaches electrical engineering to undergraduate and postgraduate students and supervises research students.   


PhD, Glasgow University, 2002. Dynamics of ions and neutral particles in the sheath region of processing plasmas.

BEng, Glasgow University, 1997. Electronics with Music.


Neal is a member of the Electrical Power research group and his profile can be viewed on Google Scholar.


Degree Programme Director

Power Engineer Integrated Degree Apprenticeship

Taught modules

SFY0012 -- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Module Leader -- 100%

SPG8024 -- Quantifying Energy Decision Making, Module Leader -- 67%

EEE8083 -- Smart Grids, Lecturer -- 40%

EEE8157 -- Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grids, Lecturer -- 33%

CEG8431 -- Technologies for Future Mobility -- 5%

Project supervision

Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng and MEng Stage-3 projects

REEM/Reflex MSc dissertations

Student opportunities

University representative for the IET Power Academy scholarship programme
