James is a Research Associate in Resilient Energy Systems of the School of Engineering at University of Edinburgh. His current research interests include the network integration of distributed energy resources and analysis of the impact of climate change on the electricity industry.
As part of the Electrical Systems group he currently contributes to a number of research projects investigating the future operation of the electricity system. James is one of the main architects of the GB Energy Systems Planning and Dispatch optimisation models utilised on a number of research projects including:
Realising Energy Storage Technologies in Low-carbon Energy Systems (RESTLESS)
Adaptation and Resilience In Energy Systems (ARIES)
HYdrogen’s Value in the Energy system (HYVE)
His PhD research investigated the use of enhanced AC Optimal Power Flow (OPF) techniques to establish, in real time, active distribution network control pre-sets to better facilitate high penetrations of intermittent and spatially variable distributed generation sources within the existing network assets.