Staff Profile
Professor Cristina McKean
Professor of Child Language Development and Disorders
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5250
- Address: Room 1.01
School of Education, Communication & Language Sciences
King George VI Building
Newcastle University
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a Speech and Language Therapist, and Professor of Child Language Development and Disorders with experience of working with children with a wide range of Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and of working in partnership with parents, carers and other professionals.
This experience motivates my interests as a practitioner, lecturer and a researcher.
I qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist in 1989 from Manchester Polytechnic (now MMU). Since that time I have worked as a specialist and a senior specialist in a number of educational and healthcare settings focussing mainly on the pre-school and early primary years. My main areas of clinical experience and expertise are in supporting children with and at risk of Language DIsorder and who are Autistic and in working collaboratively with parents, carers and other members of the multi-disciplinary team.
I came to Newcastle to study for the MSc in Human Communication Sciences in 2003 and have never really left. I returned to study with a raft of questions arising directly from my clinical work and was motivated to continue in research by the need to develop a strong evidence base for the SLT profession.
I bring a public health perspective to speech and language therapy. Through research in partnership with clinicians, educational practitioners, students and families I aim to contribute to finding ways to reduce the disabling effects of speech language and communication needs on an individual’s life.
Roles and Responsibilities
Director of Research for the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
Executive member of the NuCORE for Children and Youth
- PhD Speech Sciences – January 2010, Newcastle University
- MSc Human Communication Sciences – Degree with Distinction 2005, Newcastle University
- BSc Speech Pathology and Therapy – Degree with Distinction 1989 Manchester Polytechnic
- Registered Member of the Health Professions Council
- Registered Member Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
- Member of International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
Research Interests
I bring a public health perspective to child language development & disorders. My work is motivated by the desire to improve the quality of life of individuals with developmental speech and language difficulties. I aim to contribute to finding ways to reduce the disabling effects of speech, language and communication needs on an individual’s life and to influence policy-makers to tackle the social exclusion which often accompanies such difficulties.
My research focusses on child language development & disorders with the aim of promoting robust language development for all children. This work encompasses longitudinal cohort secondary data analyses, intervention co-design, efficacy trials, & analyses of service delivery approaches.
This includes work focussed on:
- public health interventions and equitable service delivery models to promote robust language development for all
- the nature & predictors of individual differences in longitudinal trajectories in child language
- transitions into adulthood of young people with a history of language difficulties
- early identification of children who experience poor language into the school years
- co-occurring difficulties & quality of life limitations in children with Developmental Language Disorders
- developing & evaluating language interventions for pre-school children based on usage-based linguistics and sociointeractionist psychology
- understanding optimal co-practice between SLTs & Educational staff and Parents
- the interface between lexical and phonological knowledge
Projects and webpage
- Talking 2gether: Development of the ELIM for collaborative Early Years and HV delivery
- Bulbul: Tackling the roots of inequality through the promotion of robust language development in the MENA region
- LIVELY: - Language Intervention in the Early Years
- ATLAS: - Automated Transcription and Language Analysis Software
- SEED: - Social InEquality and its Effects on child Development: A study of birth cohorts in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands
- ECHO: Enhancing CHildren's Oral language skills with research on interventions. COST ACTION IS1406: Enhancing children's oral language skills across Europe and beyond:
- Centre for Research Excellence in Child Language
- Identifying & Supporting Children's Early Language Needs
- IMPACT: - Improving parent and child interaction to enhance oral language development (led by Penny Levickis - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow)
Postgraduate Supervision: Doctoral Students
- Juliane Hasselaar (completed 2014)
- Siti Faizal (completed 2019)
- Katalin Tamasi (IDEALab (completed 2017)
- Noura AlAjroush (completed 2020)
- Anastasia Trebacz (completed 2021)
- Kate Hope (completed 2022)
- Josie Tulip (completed 2022)
- Steph van Eeden (submitted 2023)
- Jo Baker
- Nouhad Abou Melhem Wehbe
- Hannah Grimes
- Sarah Casey
I welcome enquiries if you would like to discuss completing a PhD with me related to the areas of interest listed above.
- 2024 – 2027 PLACES – Promoting Local Access to Children’s Early language and Communication Support Pennington, L, McKean, C, (Co PI) Pennington, L, Rapley, T., Ternent, L., Robinson, T., Welsh, S., Oliver, F., Kent, P, Kulkarni, A., Einbeck, J., Reeves, L., Gilroy, V., NIHR HSDR £1.3 million
- 2004 – 2006 Can digital parenting interventions benefit early language development? Matthews, D., Fricke, S., Pine, J., Bannard, C., Levickis, P., Solaiman, K., Salter, G., McKean, C. Nuffield Foundation £402,673
- 2023 – 2027 Maximising the benefits of intervention research to support language and communication in children. Frizelle, P., McKean, C., Murphy, C., Eadie, T., Munro, N., Fricke, S., Ebbels, S., McGregor, K., Leitao, S. Health Research Board (Ireland); €2.3million
- 2023 Increasing the impact of Building Early Sentences Therapy McKean, C., Letts, C., Stringer, H., Pert, P. Heather van der Lely Foundation. £16k
- 2022-2026 Speech Language and Communication identification, intervention, and evaluation package. Wren, Y.; McKean, C; Charlton, J; Floccia, C; Rush, R.; Gilroy, V.; Dieve, T; Gonzalez-Gomez, N.; Harding, S.; Ball, M, Welsh Government; £1.5 million
- 2022-2023 Talking 2gether Development of the ELIM-I for collaborative delivery between Health Visitors and Early Years Settings. McKean, Jack, Gilroy, Charlton, Preston, Barnett. Education Endowment Fund £22k
- 2021-2022 Evaluation of Look Say Sing Play. Gilroy, V., Law, J., Charlton, J., Jackson, V., McKean, C., NSPCC, £124, 537
- 2022 Evidence review of universal, population and targeted interventions which support speech, language and communication (SLC) development in the early years’ Wren, Y.; Harding, S.; Mayr, R.; Lewis, R.; Roulstone, S.; McKean, C.; Williams, A. Welsh Government £15, 000
- 2021 'Sleep Boost: can supporting sleep boost language outcomes for pre-schoolers who require intervention?' Knowland, V., Smith, F., McKean, C. Newcastle University bid preparation fund £4954
- 2021 - 2023 Supporting access to books and reading to promote health and well-being in disadvantaged groups – a realist evaluation of Community Reading Coach provision in five Local Authority areas [The ‘Read-well’ project] Eileen Kaner Sam Redgate Jo Wildman Simon Hackett Jo Gray Gill Rowlands Monique Lhussier Cristina McKean Jill Heslop Michelle Mancini Jane Hartley Claire Sullivan Guy Pilkington Peter Kelly NIHR ARC £96, 000
- 2020 – 2024 Understanding the impact of language, literacy and numeracy on the transition from late adolescence to adulthood: Following the Early Language in Victorian Study at age 18 years Reilly S, Eadie P, Bavin E, Levickis P, Barber B, Ware R, McKean C, Law J, Cook F, Conway L National Health and Medical Research Council; NHMRC - Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grant - (APP1184250) AUS$942,256
- 2020-2024 Language development in Arabic-speaking children in the early years: Tackling the roots of academic and social inequalities. Ghada Khattab (Newcastle), Caroline Floccia, (Plymouth), Cristina McKean, (Newcastle), Camille Messarra, (Saint Joseph University), Khalid Al-Shdifat, (Jordan University of Science and Technology), and Thair Odeh, (Birzeit University). ESRC Global Challenges Research Fund £1,776,108
- 2019 – 2022 Enhancing early childhood educator responsiveness during interactions with children to improve child language: A pilot study. Levickis, P., Eadie, P., McKean, C., Matthews, D., Reilly, S. University of Melbourne MERI SEED Funding AUS $5,753.48
- 2019 – 2021 An automated language transcription and analysis software (ATLAS) to assist speech and language therapists with clinical decision making in the evaluation of developmental language disorder. Bright, R., Gadgil, S., Wren, Y., McKean, C., Bates, G. NIHR i4i £876,310
- 2019 – 2022 The Test of Complex Syntax: final development phase, standardization and diagnostic accuracy with respect to children with developmental language disorder and those at risk of language disorder. Frizelle, P., McKean, C., Fletcher, P., Bishop, D.V.M., Health Research Board €368, 064
- 2019 – 2022 Testing the efficacy of Building Early Sentences Therapy and uncovering mechanisms for change: a theoretically informed language intervention for preschool children with language disorder. McKean, C., Letts, C., Stringer, H., Pert, P. Heather van der Lely Foundation. £336, 126
- 2019-2020 Assessment Tool and Resources to Support Action by Health Visitors and Early Years Practitioners to Identify and Support Children with Early Speech, Language and Communication Needs Law, J., Rush, R., Roulstone, S., McKean, C., Gilroy, V., Wilson, P., Public Health England. £500, 000
- 2018 – 2022 Do children with persisting articulation disorder related to cleft palate have an underlying language and/or auditory processing disorder? van Eeden, S., Stringer, H., McKean, C. NIHR PhD Studentship (van Eeden) £80000
- 2017 - 2020 Promoting school readiness in children at risk through language interventions: an exploration of how and why child, family and social factors influence response to language interventions and school readiness outcomes Tulip, J. McKean, C., Law, J., Rush, R., Mroz, ESRC NINEDTP Studentship (Tulip) £60000
- 2016 – 2019 Devising an effective intervention for pre-school children with poor language development: do ‘usage based’ theories of language acquisition hold the key? McKean, C. Stringer, H., Law, J. Research Excellence Academy, PhD Studentship, Newcastle University. £56, 373
- 2016 Early Language Development: Needs, provision and intervention for preschool children from socio-economically disadvantage backgrounds. Commissioned review. Law, J., Theakston, A., Dockrell, J., McKean, C., Gascoigne, M. Education Endowment Foundation. £27, 880.
- 2016 - 2017 Promoting parent-child reading to improve school readiness and later language development: Who does it work for and how much difference can it make? Nuffield Foundations, Law, J., King, T., McKean, C., Rush, R. £60, 000
- 2016 - 2019 Improving parent and child interaction to enhance oral language development IMPACT. Levickis, P. Law, J. McKean, C. and Noone, H. Horizon 2020 MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Individual Fellowship €195,454
- 2015 - 2019 IS1406 Enhancing children's oral language skills across Europe and beyond - a collaboration focusing on interventions for children with difficulties learning their first language Law, J., Saldana, D., Murphy, C, Gerrits, E., McKean, C., Thordardottir, E., Topbas, S. European COST Action Horizon 2020 €500,000
- 2015 - 2016 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victorian Government (AUS$150,000); Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, (AUS$50,000); "Language for Learning Follow Up Study". Wake, M., Goldfeld, S., Levickis, P., Reilly, S., Law, J., McKean, C., Mensah, F., Le, H. AUS$200,000
- 2015 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victorian Government, Australia. 'Every Toddler Talking' Literature and Practice Review: approaches to supporting language and communication for children birth to age three." Reilly, S., West, S., Fry, R., McKean, C., Levickis, P., McDonald, M., Wale, M., Goldfeld, S., Hackworth, N., Elek, C. £42,373
- 2015 NHMRC: Extension to Post-doctoral Fellowship, Centre for Research Excellence in Child Language, MCRI. £8, 631
- 2013 - 2015 NHMRC: Post-doctoral Fellowship, Centre for Research Excellence in Child Language, MCRI. £46, 130
- 2013 - 2014 HASS Faculty Research Fund & North Tyneside LA. "Co-constructing an intervention to promote 'Language for All': understanding the multi-agency pathway for children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs Law, J., McKean, C., Cockerill, M., Allon-Smith, J., Robinson, K., Alexander, G. £20, 000
- 2013: HEIF "Building Early Sentences Therapy: the BEST language intervention for young children with severe language difficulties. A usage based, cross-linguistic therapy." McKean, C., Pert, S., Stow, C. £10, 000
- 2009 - 2011 Knowledge Transfer Partnership with North Tyneside Local Authority "Understanding what matters most: exploring profiles and trajectories of development and learning from the early years to formal education." James, D., Close, G., Wesolowski, K., McKean, C. £133, 000
- 2010: ECLS School Research Fund "First steps towards usage-based Speech and Language Therapy: exploratory data from a novel assessment and therapy approach" McKean, C. £5700.
- 2005 - 2009 ESRC Postgraduate Studentship (Open Competition) “Investigating the development of a developmental disorder: mapping change and early deficits in Specific Language Impairment”. McKean, C. £48150
I joined Newcastle University in 2009 as a Lecturer in Speech and Language Sciences. I am a qualified Speech and Language Therapist with extensive experience within the NHS.
I believe Speech and Language Therapy is one of the most rewarding and fascinating of careers and I feel privileged to be involved in the training of the talented and committed Speech and Language Therapists who graduate from Newcastle University.
As a clinician I worked with children with developmental speech, language and communication disorders and their families. I now conduct research examining how and why children differ in their language development and how best to design and deliver interventions which promote robust language development for all. My clinical and research experience informs my approach to teaching. I am passionate about the benefits of inquiry-based learning and the value of research-led-teaching.
Pedagogically I design my teaching to promote independent, critical thinking and evidence-based problem solving.
I believe it is essential that pre-registration programmes encourage the development of research aware and active SLTs. I offer opportunities to students at all levels to be involved in high quality research.
In my role as Editor-in Chief of the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, together with my colleague Steven Bloch, I have introduced a student research project prize. This prize, sponsored by Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, will be awarded annually to the best student research projects in UK pre-registration SLT programmes.
Modules I teach into or lead are listed below.
Undergraduate Teaching
- Child Language and Development
- Cases: Childhood Speech Language and Communication Difficulties
- Issues in Developmental Language Difficulties
- Clinical Supervision
- Speech Pathology: Sensory
- Speech Pathology: Cognition
- UG Dissertation supervision
Postgraduate Teaching
- Child Language and Development
- Cases: Childhood Speech Language and Communication Difficulties
- Clinical Supervision
- Speech Pathology: Sensory
- Speech Pathology: Cognition
- Advanced Theory and Practice in Developmental Language Difficulties
- Masters Extended Case Supervision
- Masters Dissertation Supervision
PhD supervision
I welcome applications to study with me at doctoral level in all aspects of child language development and disorders and, in particular, research focussed on
- population approaches to child language development
- developmental change
- interventions
- service delivery models in child language interventions
- lexical/phonological interface
Previous and Current PhD students
- Steph van Eeden (NIHR)
- Josie Tulip (NINE-DTP ESRC)
- Anastasia Trebacz (Newcastle University Research Excellence Academy)
- Kate Hope
- Noura Al Ajroush
- Siti Faizal - completed
- Kata Tamasi (IDEA Lab) – completed
- Juliana Hasselaar - completed
- Bright R, Ashton E, McKean C, Wren Y. The Development of a Digital Story-retell Elicitation and Analysis Tool through Citizen Science Data Collection, Software Development and Machine Learning. Frontiers in Psychology 2023, 14, 989499.
- Law J, Charlton J, Wilson P, Rush R, Gilroy V, McKean C. The development and productivity of a measure for identifying low language abilities in children aged 24–36 months. BMC Pediatrics 2023, 23, 495.
- Khattab G, Abdelwahab AGS, Al-Shdifat K, Alsiddiqi Z, Floccia C, Kouba Hreich E, McKean C, Moitel Messarra C, Odeh T, Trebacz A. Promoting early language development in the Arab world and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 4, 10 and 17. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2023, 25(1), 96-101.
- Trebacz A, McKean C, Stringer H, Pert S. Piloting building early sentences therapy for pre-school children with low language abilities: An examination of efficacy and the role of sign as an active ingredient. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2024, 59(3), 1128-1151.
- Frizelle P, Buckley A, Biancone T, Ceroni A, Dahly D, Fletcher P, Bishop DVM, McKean C. How reliable is assessment of children's sentence comprehension using a self-directed app? A comparison of supported versus independent use. Journal of Child Language 2024, 51(6), 1395-1423.
- Baker J, Stringer H, McKean C. Ensuring treatment fidelity in intervention studies: Developing a checklist and scoring system within a behaviour change paradigm. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2024, 59(1), 379-395.
- Reilly S, McKean C. Creating the conditions for robust early language development for all—Part 1: Evidence-informed child language surveillance in the early years. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2023, 58(6), 2222-2241.
- McKean C, Reilly S. Creating the conditions for robust early language development for all: Part two: Evidence informed public health framework for child language in the early years. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2023, 58(6), 2242-2264.
- Tamayo N, Wareham H, Franken MC, McKean C, Tiemeler H, Jansen PW. Bidirectional associations between mental health problems and language ability across 8 years of childhood. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2023, 33, 787–797.
- Frizelle P, McKean C. Using Theory to Drive Intervention Efficacy: The Role of Dose Form in Interventions for Children with DLD. Children 2022, 9(6), 859.
- Wilson P, Rush R, Charlton J, Gilroy V, McKean C, Law J. Universal language development screening: comparative performance of two questionnaires. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2022, 6(1), e001324.
- McKean C, Watson R, Charlton J, Roulstone S, Holme C, Gilroy V, Law J. 'Making the most of together-time': Development of a Health Visitor led intervention to support children’s early language and communication development at the 2-2½ year-old review. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2022, 8, 35.
- Kulkarni AA, Chadd KE, Lambert S, Earl G, Longhurst LM, McKean C, Hulme C, McGregor KK, Cunniff A, Pagnamenta E, Joffe V, Ebbels SE, Bangera S, Wallinger J, Norbury CF. Editorial Perspective: Speaking up for developmental language disorder – the top 10 priorities for research. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2022, 63(8), 957-960.
- Frizelle P, McKean C, O'Shea A, Horgan A, Murphy A. Economic Evaluation of the Happy Talk pilot effectiveness trial: a targeted-selective speech language and communication intervention for children from areas of social disadvantage. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2022, 24(2), 200-211.
- van Eeden S, Wren Y, McKean C, Stringer H. Early Communication Behaviors in Infants With Cleft Palate With and Without Robin Sequence: A Preliminary Study. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 2022, 59(8), 984-994.
- Eadie P, Levickis P, McKean C, Westrupp E, Bavin EL, Ware R, Gerner B, Reilly S. Developing Preschool Language Surveillance Models - Cumulative and Clustering Patterns of Early Life Factors in The Early Language in Victoria Cohort. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2022, 10, 826817.
- Levickis P, Eadie P, Mensah F, McKean C, Bavin EL, Reilly S. Associations between responsive parental behaviours in infancy and toddlerhood, and language outcomes at age 7 years in a population-based sample. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2022, 58(4), 1098-1112.
- Knudsen HBS, Jalali-Moghadam N, Nieva S, Czaplewska E, Laasonen M, Gerrits E, McKean C, Law J. Allocation and funding of Speech and Language Therapy for children with Developmental Language Disorders across Europe and beyond. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2022, 121, 104139.
- Frizelle P, McKean C. 20Q: Language Intervention for Children With or At Risk of Developmental Language Disorder: Defining the Active Ingredients. 2022, 20504.
- Barnett SE, Levickis P, McKean C, Letts C, Stringer H. Validation of a measure of parental responsiveness: Comparison of the brief Parental Responsiveness Rating Scale with a detailed measure of responsive parental behaviours. Journal of Child Health Care 2021, 26(1), 56-67.
- Law J, Tamayo N, McKean C, Rush R. The role of social and emotional adjustment in mediating the relationship between early experiences and different language outcomes. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021, 12, 654213.
- Frizelle P, Tolonen A, Tulip J, Murphy C, Saldana D, McKean C. The Influence of Quantitative Intervention Dosage on Oral Language Outcomes for Children With Developmental Language Disorder: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 2021, 52(2), 738-754.
- Le HND, Mensah F, Eadie P, McKean C, Sciberras E, Bavin EL, Reilly S, Gold L. Health-related quality of life of children with low language from early childhood to adolescence: results from an Australian longitudinal population-based study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2021, 62(3), 349-356.
- Frizelle P, Mullane E, O'Shea A, Ceroni A, Dahly D, Horgan A, Levickis P, McKean C. Happy Talk: A pilot effectiveness study of a targeted-selective speech–language and communication intervention for children from areas of social disadvantage. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2021, 56(5), 954-974.
- Hasselaar J, Letts C, McKean C. Verb morphology in German-speaking children with developmental language disorder and phonological impairment. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 2020, 34(7), 671-691.
- Levickis P, McKean C, Wiles A, Law J. Expectations and experiences of parents taking part in parent–child interaction programmes to promote child language: a qualitative interview study. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2020, 55(4), 603-617.
- Klatte I, Lyons R, Davies K, Harding S, Marshall J, McKean C, Roulstone S. Collaboration between parents and SLTs produces optimal outcomes for children attending speech and language therapy: Gathering the evidence. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2020, 55(4), 618-628.
- Westrupp E, Reilly S, McKean C, Law J, Mensah F, Nicholson JM. Vocabulary Development and Trajectories of Behavioral and Emotional Difficulties Via Academic Ability and Peer Problems. Child Development 2019, 91(2), e365-e382.
- Levickis P, McKean C, Walls E, Law J. Training community health nurses to measure parent-child interaction: A mixed-methods study. European Journal of Public Health 2019, 30(3), 445-460.
- Forbes J, McCartney E, McKean C, Laing K, Cockerill M, Law J. Co/productive practitioner relations for children with SLCN: an affect inflected agentic frame. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 2019, 40(6), 859-872.
- Hasselaar J, Letts C, McKean C. Case marking in German speaking children with specific language impairment and with phonological impairment. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 2019, 33(1-2), 117-134.
- Eadie PE, Conway L, Hallenstein B, Mensah F, McKean C, Reilly S. Quality of Life in Children with Developmental Language Disorder. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2018, 53(4), 799-810.
- Levickis P, Sciberras E, McKean C, Conway L, Pezic A, Mensah F, Bavin E, Bretherton L, Eadie P, Prior M, Reilly S. Language and social-emotional and behavioural wellbeing from 4-7 years: A community-based study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2018, 27(7), 849-859.
- Tamasi K, McKean C, Gafos A, Hohle B. Children's gradient sensitivity to phonological mismatch: Considering the dynamics of looking behavior and pupil dilation. Journal of Child Language 2018, 46(1), 1-23.
- McKean C, Wraith D, Eadie P, Cook F, Mensah F, Reilly S. Subgroups in language trajectories from 4 to 11 years: the nature and predictors of stable, improving and decreasing language trajectory groups. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2017, 58(10), 1081-1091.
- Tamasi K, McKean C, Gafos A, Fritzsche T, Hohle B. Pupillometry registers toddlers' sensitivity to degrees of mispronunciation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2017, 153, 140-148.
- Bishop DVM, Snowling MJ, Thompson PA, Greenhalgh T, CATALISE-2 consortium, Consortium members include, Gibbs S, Law J, McKean C, Stringer H. Phase 2 of CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2017, 58(10), 1068-1080.
- McKean C, Reilly S, Bavin E, Bretherton L, Cini E, Conway L, Cook F, Eadie P, Prior M, Wake M, Mensah F. Language outcomes at 7 years: early predictors and co-occurring difficulties. Pediatrics 2017, 139(3), e20161684.
- Conway L, Levickis P, Smith K, McKean C, Mensah F, Reilly S. Associations between expressive and receptive language and internalizing and externalizing behaviours in a community-based prospective study of slow-to-talk toddlers. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2017, 52, 839-853.
- King T, McKean C, Rush R, Westrupp E, Mensah FK, Reilly S, Law J. Acquisition of maternal education and its relation to single word reading in middle childhood: An analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 2017, 63(2), 181-209.
- McKean C, Law J, Laing K, Cockerill M, Allon-Smith J, McCartney E, Forbes J. A qualitative case study in the social capital of co-professional collaborative co-practice for children with speech language and communication needs. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 2017, 52(4), 514-527.
- McKean C, Law J, Mensah F, Eadie P, Frazer K, Reilly S. Predicting meaningful differences in school-entry language skills from child and family factors measured at 12 months of age. International Journal of Early Childhood 2016, 48(3), 329-351.
- Bishop DVM, Snowling MJ, Thompson PA, Greenhalgh T, CATALISE consortium, Consortium members include, Gibbs S, Law J, McKean C, Stringer H. CATALISE: A Multinational and Multidisciplinary Delphi Consensus Study. Identifying Language Impairments in Children. PLoS One 2016, 11(12), e0168066.
- McKean C, Mensah F, Eadie P, Bavin E, Bretherton L, Cini E, Reilly S. Levers for Language Growth: Characteristics and Predictors of Language Trajectories between 4 and 7 Years. PLoS One 2015, 10(8), e0134251.
- Reilly S, McKean C, Morgan A, Wake M. Clinical Review: Identifying and managing common childhood language and speech impairments. British Medical Journal 2015, 350, h2318.
- McKean C, Letts CA, Howard D. Triggering word learning in children with Language Impairment: The effect of phonotactic probability and neighbourhood density. Journal of Child Language 2014, 41(6), 1224-1228.
- Reilly S, Tomblin B, Law J, McKean C, Mensah FK, Morgan A, Goldfeld S, Nicholson JM, Wake M. Specific language impairment: a convenient label for whom?. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 2014, 49(4), 416-451.
- McKean C, Letts CA, Howard D. Functional reorganization in the developing lexicon: separable and changing influences of lexical and phonological variables on children's fast-mapping. Journal of Child Language 2013, 40(2), 307-335.
- McKean C, Letts CA, Howard D. Developmental Change Is Key to Understanding Primary Language Impairment: The Case of Phonotactic Probability and Nonword Repetition. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 2013, 56(5), 1579-1594.
- McKean C. Michael Perkins, Pragmatic Impairment (Review). Pragmatics and Cognition 2010, 18(1), 196-202.
- McKean C. Current Literature: Relations among Speech, Language and Reading Disorders. Pennington B.F. & Bishop D.V.M. (2009) Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 283-306. Child: Care, Health and Development 2009, 35(4), 586.
Authored Book
- McKean C, Pert S, Stow C. Building Early Sentences Therapy (BEST): A Home Language Intervention Programme for Young Children with Severe Language Difficulties. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2012.
Book Chapters
- McKean C, Mensah F, Reilly S. Language Trajectories in Childhood: the nature and drivers of individual differences and their implications for intervention. In: Law J; Reilly S; McKean C, ed. Language Development: Individual differences in a social context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp.259-280.
- Law J, Reilly S, McKean C. Language Development: Individual Differences in a Social Context. In: Law, J; Reilly, S; McKean, C, ed. Language Development: Individual Differences in a Social Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp.3-22.
- McKean C. Impact, intervention and equity. In: Law J; Reilly S; McKean C, ed. Language Development: Individual differences in a social context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp.347-349.
- Murphy CA, Frizelle P, McKean C, Quinto-Pozos D. Discussion of Issues Related to Assessing Signed or Spoken Language in Children with Developmental Language Disorder. In: Haug T; Mann; W; Knoch U, ed. The Handbook of Language Assessment Across Modalities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp.185-194.
- Murphy CA, Frizelle P, McKean C. Developmental Language Disorder and the Assessment of Spoken Language. In: Haug T; Mann W; Knoch U, ed. The Handbook of Language Assessment Across Modalities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp.155-170.
- Levickis P, Patel P, McKean C, Smith J, Hackworth N, Law J, Westrupp E, Reilly S. A Review of Interventions to Promote Language Development in Early Childhood. In: Law, J; Reilly, S; McKean, C, ed. Language Development: Individual Differences in a Social Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp.443-469.
- McKean C, Gerrits E, Tulip J, Tolonen A-K. Service delivery for children with language disorders across Europe and beyond. In: Law J; McKean C; Murphy C; Thordardottir E, ed. Managing Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Theory and Practice Across Europe and Beyond. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge, 2019.
- Levickis P, McKean C, Law J. Language Delay. In: Damico,J;Ball,M, ed. Encyclopaedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. London, UK: Sage Publications, Inc, 2019, pp.991-994.
- McKean C, Law J, Morgan A, Reilly S. Developmental Language Disorder. In: Rueschemeyer S; Gaskell G, ed. Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp.814-840.
- Reilly S, McKean C, Morgan A, Wake M. Pre-school speech, language and fluency impairments: Best practice in identification and management. In: Machonochie I, ed. Recent Advances in Paediatrics 28. London: JP Medical Ltd, 2017, pp.23-36.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Yue Z, Barker J, Christensen H, McKean C, Ashton E, Wren Y, Gadgil S, Bright R. Parental spoken scaffolding and narrative skills in crowd-sourced storytelling samples of young children. In: 22nd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2021). 2021, Brno, Czech republic.
- Wren Y, Bright R, McKean C, Ashton E, Chester J, Bates G. Language Explorer: Bringing clinical language transcription and analysis into the 21st Century. In: ICPLA 2021. 2021, Virtual.
- Letts C, Pert S, Czaplewska E, Ashton E, Benson K, Preston E, Stringer H, Trebacz A, Wareham H, McKean C, Jack C. Working with bilingual children at risk of developmental language disorder: adapting assessment and intervention for the nursery-aged bilingual child. In: NALDIC 28 Conference 2020: Multilingual Britain: Successes, challenges and future directions. 2020, Virtual: National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum.
- McKean C, Stringer H, Letts C, Pert S, Masidlover M, Jack C, Trebacz A, Wareham H, Preston E, Baker J, Benson K. Staying faithful: Exploring the challenges of treatment fidelity. In: North East SLT Research Network: Symposium. 2020, North East SLT Research Network.
- Trebacz A, McKean C, Stringer H, Law J. Evaluating Building Early Sentences Therapy (BEST); a Novel Speech & Language Intervention. In: Great North Children's Research Community Conference. 2019.
- Trebacz A, McKean C, Stringer H, Law J. A protocol for the refinement and evaluation of language intervention for children with language difficulties in the early years. In: Child Language Symposium. 2019, Sheffield, UK.
- Binti Faizal S, Khattab G, McKean C. The Qur’an Lexicon Project: A database of lexical statistics and phonotactic probabilities for 19,286 contextually and phonetically transcribed types in Qur’anic Arabic. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 2015, Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow.
Digital or Visual Media
- McKean C. Speech and Language Therapy Resources to Download: Nottingham SLT advice sheets: Strategies to promote early language development. Nottingham City Council, 1997. Advice Sheets.
Edited Books
- Law J, Reilly S, McKean C, ed. Language Development: Individual Differences in a Social Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
- Law J, McKean C, Murphy C, Thordardottir E, ed. Managing children with Developmental Language Disorder: theory and practice across Europe and beyond. Abingdon-upon-Thames: Routledge, 2019.
- Frizelle P, McKean C, Eadie P, Ebbels S, Firicke S, Justice LM, Kunnari S, Leitao S, Morgan AT, Munro N, Murphy C-A, Storkel HL, Van Horne AO. Editorial Perspective: Maximising the benefits of intervention research for children and young people with developmental language disorder (DLD) – a call for international consensus on standards of reporting in intervention studies for children with and at risk for DLD. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 2023, 64(3), 474-479.
- Knudsen HBS, Jalali-Moghadam N, Nieva S, Czaplewska E, Laasonen M, Gerrits E, McKean C, Law J. Retraction notice to “Allocation and funding of speech and language therapy for children with developmental language disorders across Europe and beyond” [RIDD 113 (2021) 103936] (Research in Developmental Disabilities (2021) 113, (S0891422221000858), (10.1016/j.ridd.2021.103936)). Research in Developmental Disabilities 2022, 121, 104146.
Online Publications
- Trebacz A, McKean C, Semaan G, Khattab G. A rapid review of the nature and influence of responsive parent/caregiver-child interactions on early language development cross-culturally with a focus on Arabic speaking children. CRD42022371188. London: National Institute for Health Research, 2022. Available at:
- McKean C, Benson K, Jack C, Letts CA, Pert S, Preston E, Trebacz A, Stringer H, Wareham H. ISRCTN10974028: Language intervention in the Early Years - comparing the effectiveness of language intervention approaches for pre-school children with language difficulties. 2020. Available at:
- Gilroy V, Jackson V, Stephen R, Charlton J, McKean C. Campaigning for more responsive parenting: Lessons learned from the NSPCC’s Look, Say, Sing, Play campaign. London: NSPCC, 2022.
- Geijer-Simpson E, Sirisena M, Redagte S, Lhussier M, Kaner E, Wildman J, Hackett S, Gray J, Rowlands G, McKean C, Wearn A, Hartley J, James B, Heslop J. A rapid realist evidence synthesis on the effectiveness of reading initiatives in promoting mental and physical health in individuals across the life course. London: National Institute for Health Research, 2021. PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021278489.
- Law J, Charlton J, McKean C, Watson R, Roulstone S, Holme C, Gilroy V, Wilson P, Rush R. Identifying and Supporting Children's Early Language Needs. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2020.
- Law J, Charlton J, McKean C, Beyer F, Fernandez-Garcia C, Mashayekhi A, Rush R. Final report Parent-child reading to improve language development and school readiness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Newcastle University and Queen Margaret University, 2020.
- Law J, Charlton J, McKean C, Beyer F, Fernandez-Garcia C, Mashayekhi A, Rush R. Parent-child reading to improve language development and school readiness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Newcastle upon Tyne: Nuffield Foundation, 2018.
- Law J, Levickis P, McKean C, Nolan C, Goldfeld S. Oral language – a foundation for learning. Centre of Research Excellence for Child Language, 2017. Policy Brief 3.
- Law J, Charlton J, Dockrell J, Gascoigne M, McKean C, Theakston A. Early Language Development: Needs, provision and intervention for pre-school children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. London Education Endowment Foundation. Public Health England, 2017.
- Law J, Levickis P, McKean C, Goldfeld S, Snow P, Reilly S. Child Language in a Public Health Context. Melbourne: Centre of Research Excellence in Child Language, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, 2017.
- Reilly S, Roseby C, McKean C, Goldfeld S, Law J, Mensah F, Lecivkis P. Taking the ‘specific’ out of language impairment. Centre of Research Excellence in Child Language, 2016. Research Snapshot 6.
- Levickis P, McKean C. Late talking: is intervention necessary and effective?. Centre for Research Excellence in Child Language, 2014. Research Snapshot 3.
- Levickis P, McKean C. Late talking: does parenting behaviour hold the key?. Centre for Research Excellence in Child Language, 2014. Research Snapshot 4.
- Reilly S, McKean C, Levickis P. Late talking: can it predict later language difficulties?. Centre for Research Excellence in Child Language, 2014. Research Snapshot 2.
- McKean C, Wesolowski K, Page D, Close G, James D. Understanding what matters most: exploring profiles and trajectories of learning and development from the early years to formal education. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2011.
- McKean C. [PhD Thesis] Investigating the development of a developmental disorder: Mapping the trajectory of lexical development in Specific Language Impairment. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2009.
- Frizelle P, Tolonen A-K, Tulip J, Murphy C-A, Saldana D, McKean C. The impact of intervention dose form on oral language outcomes for children with developmental language disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2021, 64(8), 3253-3288.
- McKean C. Marshall, Chloe, ed. Current Issues in Developmental Disorders, (Hove: Psychology Press, 2013) ISBN: 9781848720848. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 2013, 48(5), 599-599.