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Is Newcastle a Just City? Why?

Read more about NUCoRE and its partners' blog competition as part of the Global Partnership Building project.

30 September 2023

PGR/PGT Blog Competition

Cities NUCoRE in partnership with the Universities of Helsinki and Aalto invites all Postgraduate Research (PGR) and Postgraduate Taught (PGT) students to participate in a blog post competition on just city. The competition is part of the Global Partnership Building project which includes joint workshops in Newcastle and Helsinki.

A parallel competition is launched by Aalto and Helsinki universities on the same theme but a different city. Topic of the blog: We are looking for a blog of maximum 800 words engaging with the question: Is Newcastle a just city? Why? You can tackle this question from any angles you wish and draw on your own research, knowledge and experiences.

If relevant, you can also add one (copyright-free) illustration / photo.

Deadline: Please send your blog to Ellis Douglas by Friday 17 November 2023.

The winners will be announced by the end of December. Criteria: The blogs will be assessed by a panel of juries looking for blogs that are engaging, coherent, well argued, clearly structured, and written in a style that is accessible to a wide audience.

Prizes: The top three blogs will be posted on Cities NUCoRE website and disseminated widely through the Centre’s social media.

The winners will have the opportunity to present their blogs (online) in the next Newcastle-Helsinki workshop in Spring 2024. They will also receive £100 voucher each.

Questions: If you have any questions, please contact Ellis Douglas.

We look forward to reading your blogs.

Professor Simin Davoudi Co-Director of Cities NUCoRE