Staff Profile
Professor Fai Ng
Professor of Rheumatology
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3449
- Fax: +44 (0) 191 208 5455
- Address: Translational and Clinical Research Institute
Inflammation and Immunology Theme
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 7RU
M.B., B.Chir., M.A. (University of Cambridge)
Ph.D. (Imperial College London)
FRCP (Royal College of Physician, London)
CCT in Rheumatology (PMETB)
Role and Responsibilities
- Professor of Rheumatology, Newcastle University
- Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Director, NIHR Newcastle Clinical Research Facility
- Deputy Lead, Musculoskeletal Theme, NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre
- Royal College of Physicians, London
- British Society for Rheumatology
- British Society for Immunology
Honours and Awards
- Michael Mason Prize, British Society for Rheumatology (2015)
- Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist (2006-11, not taken up)
- Runner-up, Young Investigator Award, Medical Research Society
- Runner-up, Barbara Ansell Prize, Royal Society of Medicine
- Medawar Medal Finalist, British Society for Transplantation
- Wellcome Trust Training Fellowship
External Roles
- Coordinator, IDEA-FAST Consortium (
- Chief investigator, UK primary Sjogren's syndrome registry (UKPSSR) (
- Chief Investigator, Stratification in Sjogren's syndrome (SiSS) consortium
- Expert panel, European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Sjogren's Syndrome Study Group
- Clinical Lead, NIHR BioResource for Rare Diseases for Sjogren's syndrome
- Trustee and Medical Council, British Sjogren's Syndrome Association
- Steering Committee, Sjogren's syndrome clinical trial consortium, Sjogren's syndrome Foundation (US)
- Executive Project Management Team, NECESSITY consortium (
- Steering Committee, EULAR Best Practice in the Management of Sjogren's Syndrome Group
- Founding Co-convenor, European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Sjogren's Syndrome Study Group
- College of Experts, Arthritis Research UK
- Steering Committee, HarmonicSS Consortium
Research Interests
Stratified/Personalised Medicine in Sjogren's Syndrome
Novel endpoint development including digital endpoints
Biomarker discovery (including digital biomarkers)
Novel non-pharmacological therapeutics
Sjogren's syndrome, Fatigue, Digital Medicine, Stratified Medicine
Current Work
1. I have established and continue to develop and maintain a world-leading bioresource for Sjogren's syndrome research - the UK primary Sjogren's syndrome registry, the UKPSSR ( - to promote and facilitate high quality research for the global research community in advancing the diagnosis and treatment of Sjogren's syndrome
2. I run a multi-disciplinary research programme with the aim to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of fatigue and explore novel (including non-pharmacological) therapeutic strategies for this disabling symptom.
3. I lead a European consortium research programme to develop a stratified medicine approach to primary Sjogren's syndrome research and therapeutic development
4. I am interested in novel endpoints development for disease assessment and therapeutic assessment (including the use of modern technologies such as wearables and other digital devices). Currently, I lead a €42 million European research programme to identify digital endpoints for fatigue, sleep disturbance and activities of daily living in neurodegenerative diseases and Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. (
EU Innovative Medicine Initiatives
Medical Research Council
FOREUM (European)
EU Horizon 2020
National Institute of Health Research
Arthritis Research UK / Versus Arthritis
British Sjogren's Syndrome Association
JGW Patterson Foundation Trust
Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Undergraduate Teaching
Musculoskeletal medicine - medical students
Sjogren's syndrome - Dental Students
UG project students
Postgraduate Teaching
PG Cert/Dip/MRes in Clinical Research
- Co lead Module Designing a Research Proposal (MCR8013)
Core Medical Trainees, NUTH
Specialist trainees in Rheumatology
MRes/PhD/MD. supervisions
- Davies K, Ng W-F. Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. Frontiers in Immunology 2021, 12, 702505.
- Rayner F, Anderson AE, Baker KF, Buckley CD, Dyke B, Fenton S, Filer A, Goodyear CS, Hilkens CMU, Hiu S, Kerrigan S, Kurowska-Stolarska M, Matthews F, McInnes I, Ng W-F, Pratt AG, Prichard J, Raza K, Siebert S, Stocken D, Teare MD, Young S, Isaacs JD. BIOlogical Factors that Limit sustAined Remission in rhEumatoid arthritis (the BIO-FLARE study): protocol for a non-randomised longitudinal cohort study. BMC Rheumatology 2021, 5, 22.
- Davies K, Dures E, Ng W-F. Fatigue in inflammatory rheumatic diseases: current knowledge and areas for future research. Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2021, 17, 651-664.
- Posada J, Valadkhan S, Durge D, Davies K, Tarn J, Casement J, Jobling K, Gallagher P, Wilson D, Barone F, Fisher BA, Ng WF. Improvement of Severe Fatigue Following Nuclease Therapy in Patients With Primary Sjögren's Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Arthritis and Rheumatology 2021, 73(1), 143-150.
- Posada J, Fisher BA, Ng W-F. Reply. Arthritis and Rheumatology 2021, 73(4), 718-719.
- Collins A, Lendrem D, Wason J, Tarn J, Howard-Tripp N, Bodewes I, Versnel MA, Gottenberg J-E, Seror R, Mariette X, Ng W-F. Revisiting the JOQUER trial: stratification of primary Sjögren’s syndrome and the clinical and interferon response to hydroxychloroquine. Rheumatology International 2021, 41, 1593-1600.
- Price E, Allen A, Rauz S, Tappuni A, Sutcliffe N, Bombardieri M, Carty S, Ciurtin C, Crampton B, Duncalfe L, Fisher B, Glennon P, Hackett KL, Larkin G, Ng W-F, Ramanan AV, Rassam S, Walsh SB, Bowman S. The management of Sjögren's syndrome: British Society for Rheumatology guideline scope. Rheumatology 2021, 60(5), 2122-2127.
- Cole M, Yap C, Buckley C, Ng WF, McInnes I, Filer A, Siebert S, Pratt A, Isaacs JD, Stocken DD. TRAFIC: statistical design and analysis plan for a pragmatic early phase 1/2 Bayesian adaptive dose escalation trial in rheumatoid arthritis. Trials 2021, 22(1), 433.
- Fisher BA, Szanto A, Ng WF, Bombardieri M, Posch MG, Papas AS, Farag AM, Daikeler T, Bannert B, Kyburz D, Kivitz AJ, Carsons SE, Isenberg DA, Barone F, Bowman SJ, Espie P, Floch D, Dupuy C, Ren X, Faerber PM, Wright AM, Hockey HU, Rotte M, Milojevic J, Avrameas A, Valentin MA, Rush JS, Gergely P. Assessment of the anti-CD40 antibody iscalimab in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept study. The Lancet Rheumatology 2020, 2(3), e142-e152.
- Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron P, Bombardieri S, Bootsma H, De Vita S, Dorner T, Fisher BA, Gottenberg J-E, Hernandez-Molina G, Kocher A, Kostov B, Kruize AA, Mandl T, Ng W-F, Retamozo S, Seror R, Shoenfeld Y, Siso-Almirall A, Tzioufas AG, Vitali C, Bowman S, Mariette X. EULAR recommendations for the management of Sjögren's syndrome with topical and systemic therapies. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2020, 79(1), 3-18.
- Davies K, Collins A, Charlton FG, Ng W-F. Nodular localized primary cutaneous amyloidosis and primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 2020, 49(2), 159-160.
- Traianos EY, Locke J, Lendrem D, Bowman S, Hargreaves B, Macrae V, Tarn JR, Ng W-F. Serum CXCL13 levels are associated with lymphoma risk and lymphoma occurrence in primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Rheumatology International 2020, 40, 541-548.
- Acar-Denizli N, Horvath I-F, Mandl T, Priori R, Vissink A, Hernandez-Molina G, Armagan B, Praprotnik S, Sebastian A, Bartoloni E, Rischmueller M, Pasoto SG, Nordmark G, Nakamura H, Fernandes Moca Trevisani V, Retamozo S, Carsons SE, Maure-Noia B, Sanchez-Berna I, Lopez-Dupla M, Fonseca-Aizpuru E, Melchor Diaz S, Vazquez M, Diaz Cuiza PE, de Miguel Campo B, Ng W-F, Rasmussen A, Dong X, Li X, Baldini C, Seror R, Gottenberg J-E, Kruize AA, Sandhya P, Gandolfo S, Kwok S-K, Kvarnstrom M, Solans R, Sene D, Suzuki Y, Isenberg DA, Valim V, Hofauer B, Giacomelli R, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Atzeni F, Gheita TA, Morel J, Izzo R, Kalyoncu U, Szanto A, Olsson P, Bootsma H, Ramos-Casals M, Kostov B, Brito-Zeron P. Systemic phenotype related to primary Sjögren's syndrome in 279 patients carrying isolated anti-La/SSB antibodies. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2020, 38(4), 85-94.
- Siebert S, Pratt AG, Stocken DD, Morton M, Cranston A, Cole M, Frame S, Buckley CD, Ng W-F, Filer A, McInnes IB, Isaacs JD. Targeting the rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblast via cyclin dependent kinase inhibition: An early phase trial. Medicine 2020, 99(26), e20458.
- Ng WF. Vagus nerve stimulation for autoimmune rheumatic diseases. The Lancet Rheumatology 2020, 2(9), e512-e513.
- Jousse-Joulin S, Gatineau F, Baldini C, Baer A, Barone F, Bootsma H, Bowman S, Brito-Zeron P, Cornec D, Dorner T, de Vita S, Fisher B, Hammenfors D, Jonsson M, Mariette X, Milic V, Nakamura H, Ng W-F, Nowak E, Ramos-Casals M, Rasmussen A, Seror R, Shiboski CH, Nakamura T, Vissink A, Saraux A, Devauchelle-Pensec V. Weight of salivary gland ultrasonography compared to other items of the 2016 ACR/EULAR classification criteria for Primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Journal of Internal Medicine 2020, 287(2), 180-188.
- Lewis I, Hackett KL, Ng W-F, Ellis J, Newton JL. A two-phase cohort study of the sleep phenotype within primary Sjögren's syndrome and its clinical correlates. Clinical and experimental rheumatology 2019, 37(3), 78-82.
- Lendrem BC, Lendrem DW, Pratt AG, Naamane N, McMeekin P, Ng W-F, Allen AJ, Power M, Isaacs JD. Between a ROC and a hard place: Teaching prevalence plots to understand real world biomarker performance in the clinic. Pharmaceutical Statistics 2019, 18(6), 632-635.
- Davies K, Mirza K, Tarn J, Howard-Tripp N, Bowman SJ, Lendrem D, UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry, Ng W-F. Fatigue in primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is associated with lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines: a validation study. Rheumatology International 2019, 39, 1867-1873.
- Miyamoto SM, Lendrem DW, Ng WF, Hackett KL, Valim VL. Managing fatigue in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome: challenges and solutions. Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews 2019, 11, 77-88.
- Miyamoto S, Lendrem DW, Ng W-F, Hackett K, Valim V. Managing fatigue in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews 2019, 11, 77-88.
- Venter M, Tomas C, Pienaar IS, Strassheim V, Erasmus E, Ng W-F, Howell N, Newton JL, Van der Westhuizen FH, Elson JL. MtDNA population variation in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome in two populations: a study of mildly deleterious variants. Scientific Reports 2019, 9(1), 2914.
- Clark JE, Ng W-F, Rushton S, Watson S, Newton JL. Network structure underpinning (dys) homeostasis in chronic fatigue syndrome; Preliminary findings. PLoS ONE 2019, 14(3), e0213724.
- Hackett KL, Davies K, Tarn J, Bragg R, Hargreaves B, Miyamoto S, McMeekin P, Mitchell S, Bowman S, Price EJ, Pease C, Emery P, Andrews J, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles I, Isenberg D, Vadivelu S, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S, Moots R, Gendi N, Akil M, Griffiths B, Lendrem DW, Ng W-F. Pain and depression are associated with both physical and mental fatigue independently of comorbidities and medications in primary Sjögren's syndrome. RMD Open 2019, 5(1), e000885.
- Jobling K, Ledingham D, Ng WF, Guadagno J. Positive anti-MOG antibodies in a patient with Sjögren's syndrome and transverse myelitis. European Journal of Rheumatology 2019, 6(2), 102-104.
- Miyamoto ST, Valim V, Carletti L, Ng W-F, Perez AJ, Lendrem DW, Trennel M, Giovelli RA, Dias LH, Serrano EV, Subtil AM, Abreu VC, Natour J. Supervised walking improves cardiorespiratory fitness, exercise tolerance, and fatigue in women with primary Sjögren’s syndrome: a randomized-controlled trial. Rheumatology International 2019, 39(2), 227-238.
- Tarn J, Legg S, Mitchell S, Simon B, Ng WF. The Effects of Noninvasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Fatigue and Immune Responses in Patients With Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. Neuromodulation 2019, 22(5), 580-585.
- Jobling K, Rajabally H, Ng WF. Anti-Ro antibodies and complete heart block in adults with Sjögren’s syndrome. European Journal of Rheumatology 2018, 5(3), 194-196.
- James K, Chipeta C, Parker A, Harding S, Cockell SJ, Gillespie CS, Hallinan J, Barone F, Bowman SJ, Ng W-F, Fisher BA, for the UK Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Registry. B-cell activity markers are associated with different disease activity domains in primary Sjögren's syndrome. Rheumatology 2018, 57(7), 1222-1227.
- Jobling K, Ng WF. CD40 as a therapeutic target in Sjögren’s syndrome. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 2018, 14(7), 535-537.
- Dumusc A, Ng W-F, James K, Griffiths B, Price E, Pease CT, Emery P, Lanyon P, Jones A, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Gupta M, McLaren J, Cooper A, Giles I, Isenberg D, Saravanan V, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S, Moots RJ, Gendi N, Akil M, Barone F, Fisher BA, Rauz S, Richards A, Bowman SJ, Frankland H, Mediana A, Chadravarty K, Lamabadusuriya S, Adeniba R, Hamburger J, Higham J, Poveda-Galego A, Logan J, Mulherin D, Andrews J, McManus A, Booth A, Regan M, Dimitroulas T, Kadiki L, Kaur D, Kitas G, Lloyd M, Moore L, Gordon E, Lawson C, Hunter J, Stirton L, Ortiz G, Clunie G, Rose G, Cuckow S, Knight S, Symmons D, Jones B, Carr A, Edgar S, Carrozzo M, Figueiredo F, Foggo H, Gillespie C, Hindmarsh V, Lendrem D, Macleod I, Mitchell S, Tarn J, Muir A, White P, Pugmire S, Watkins M, Field A, Kaye S, Mewar D, Medcalf P, Tomlinson P, Whiteside D, Pauling J, James J, Olaitan N, McDermott J, Godia O, Kidd E, Palmer L, Katsande V, Long P, Chandra U, MacKay K, Fedele S, Ferenkeh-Koroma A, Marconnell H, Porter S, Brailsford S, Allcoat P. Comparison of ESSDAI and ClinESSDAI in potential optimisation of trial outcomes in primary Sjögren's syndrome: Examination of data from the UK Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Registry. Swiss Medical Weekly 2018, 148, w14588.
- Fisher BA, Everett CC, Rout J, O'Dwyer JL, Emery P, Pitzalis C, Ng WF, Carr A, Pease CT, Price EJ, Sutcliffe N, Makdissi J, Tappuni AR, Gendi NST, Hall FC, Ruddock SP, Fernandez C, Hulme CT, Davies KA, Edwards CJ, Lanyon PC, Moots RJ, Roussou E, Richards A, Sharples LD, Bombardieri M, Bowman SJ. Effect of rituximab on a salivary gland ultrasound score in primary Sjögren's syndrome: results of the TRACTISS randomised double-blind multicentre substudy. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2018, 77(3), 412-416.
- Hackett KL, Deary V, Deane KHO, Newton JL, Ng W-F, Rapley T. Experience of sleep disruption in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: A focus group study. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 2018, 81(4), 218-226.
- Brito-Zeron P, Acar-Denizli N, Ng WF, Zeher M, Rasmussen A, Mandl T, Seror R, Li X, Baldini C, Gottenberg J-E, Danda D, Quartuccio L, Priori R, Hernandez-Molina G, Armagan B, Kruize AA, Kwok S-K, Kvarnstrom M, Praprotnik S, Sene D, Bartoloni E, Solans R, Rischmueller M, Suzuki Y, Isenberg DA, Valim V, Wiland P, Nordmark G, Fraile G, Bootsma H, Nakamura T, Giacomelli R, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Knopf A, Bombardieri M, Trevisani V-F, Hammenfors D, Pasoto SG, Retamozo S, Gheita TA, Atzeni F, Morel J, Vollenveider C, Horvath I-F, Sivils KL, Olsson P, De Vita S, Sanchez-Guerrero J, Kilic L, Wahren-Herlenius M, Mariette X, Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron P, Morcillo C, Brito-Zeron P, Flores-Chavez A, Ramos-Casals M, Acar-Denizli N, Ng WF, Zeher M, Horvath I-F, Rasmussen A, Sivils K, Scofield H, Seror R, Mariette X, Mandl T, Olsson P, Li X, Baldini C, Gottenberg JE, Danda D, Sandhya P, Quartuccio L, Corazza L, De Vita S, Priori R, Hernandez-Molina G, Sanchez-Guerrero J, Kruize AA, Van Der Heijden E, Valim V, Kvarnstrom M, Wahren-Herlenius M, Sene D, Gerli R, Bartoloni E, Praprotnik S, Isenberg DA, Solans R, Rischmueller M, Downie-Doyle S, Kwok S-K, Park S-H, Nordmark G, Suzuki Y, Kawano M, Giacomelli R, Carubbi F, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Saraux A, Bombardieri M, Astorri E, Hofauer B, Knopf A, Bootsma H, Vissink A, Brun JG, Hammenfors D, Fraile G, Carsons SE, Gheita TA, Khalil HM, Morel J, Vollenveider C, Atzeni F, Retamozo S, Moca Trevisano V, Armagan B, Kilic L, Nakamura T, Sebastian A, Wiland P, Pasoto S, Kostov B, Siso-Almirall A, Sibilia J, Miceli-Richard C, Nocturne G, Benessiano J, Dieude P, Dubost J-J, Fauchais A-L, Goeb V, Hachulla E, Hatron PY, Larroche C, Le Guern V, Puechal X, Morel J, Perdriger A, Rist S, Vittecoq O, Ravaud P, Diaz-Lopez B, Feijoo C, Pallares L, Lopez-Dupla M, Perez-Alvarez R, Ripoll M, Pinilla B, Akasbi M, Maure B, Fonseca E, Canora J, De La Red G, Chamorro AJ, Jimenez-Heredia I, Fanlo P, Guisado-Vasco P, Zamora M. How immunological profile drives clinical phenotype of primary Sjögren's syndrome at diagnosis: Analysis of 10,500 patients (Sjögren Big Data Project). Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2018, 36, S102-S111.
- Hackett KL, Deane KHO, Newton JL, Deary V, Bowman SJ, Rapley T, Ng W-F. Mixed-Methods Study Identifying Key Intervention Targets to Improve Participation in Daily Living Activities in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Patients. Arthritis Care and Research 2018, 70(7), 1064-1073.
- Lynn M, Maclachlan L, Finkelmeyer A, Clark J, Locke J, Todryk S, Ng W-F, Newton JL, Watson S. Reduction of Glucocorticoid Receptor Function in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Mediators of Inflammation 2018, 2018, 3972104.
- Bodewes ILA, Al-Ali S, vanHelden-Seeuwsen CG, Maria NI, Tarn JR, Lendrem DW, Schreurs MWJ, Steenwijk EC, vanDaele PLA, Both T, Bowman SJ, Griffiths B, Ng WF, Versnel MA. Systemic interferon type I and type II signatures in primary Sjögren’s syndrome reveal differences in biological disease activity. Rheumatology 2018, 57(5), 921-930.
- Carapito R, Gottenberg J-E, Kotova I, Untrau M, Michel S, Naegely L, Aouadi I, Kwemou M, Paul N, Pichot A, Locke J, Bowman SJ, Griffiths B, Sivils KL, Sibilia J, Inoko H, Micelli-Richard C, Nocturne G, Ota M, Ng W-F, Mariette X, Bahram S. A new MHC-linked susceptibility locus for primary Sjögren's syndrome: MICA. Human Molecular Genetics 2017, 26(13), 2565-2576.
- Hackett KL, Gotts ZM, Ellis J, Deary V, Rapley T, Ng W-F, Newton JL, Deane KHO. An investigation into the prevalence of sleep disturbances in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: a systematic review of the literature. Rheumatology 2017, 56(4), 570-580.
- Schoeman EM, Van Der Westhuizen FH, Erasmus E, van Dyk E, Knowles CVY, Al-Ali S, Ng W-F, Taylor RW, Newton JL, Elson JL. Clinically proven mtDNA mutations are not common in those with chronic fatigue syndrome. BMC Medical Genetics 2017, 18, 29.
- Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron P, Seror R, Bootsma H, Bowman SJ, Dorner T, Gottenberg J-E, Mariette X, Theander E, Bombardieri S, De Vita S, Mandl T, Ng W-F, Kruize A, Tzioufas A, Vitali C. Corrigendum: Characterization of systemic disease in primary Sjögren's syndrome: EULAR-SS Task Force recommendations for articular, cutaneous, pulmonary and renal involvements [Rheumatology, 54, (2015) (2230-2238)] DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/kev200. Rheumatology 2017, 56(7), 1245-1245.
- Oni C, Mitchell S, James K, Ng W-F, Griffiths B, Hindmarsh V, Price E, Pease CT, Emery P, Lanyon P, Jones A, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Hunter J, Gupta M, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles I, Isenberg D, Saravanan V, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S, Moots R, Gendi N, Akil M, Barone F, Fisher B, Rauz S, Richards A, Bowman SJ. Corrigendum: Eligibility for clinical trials in primary Sjögren's syndrome: Lessons from the UK Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Registry [Rheumatology, 55, (2016) (544-552)] doi:10.1093/rheumatology/kev373. Rheumatology 2017, 56(12), 2255-2255.
- Li H, Reksten TR, Ice JA, Kelly JA, Adrianto I, Rasmussen A, Wang S, He B, Grundahl KM, Glenn SB, Miceli-Richard C, Bowman S, Lester S, Eriksson P, Eloranta M-L, Brun JG, Goransson LG, Harboe E, Guthridge JM, Kaufman KM, Kvarnstrom M, Cunninghame Graham DS, Patel K, Adler AJ, Farris AD, Brennan MT, Chodosh J, Gopalakrishnan R, Weisman MH, Venuturupalli S, Wallace DJ, Hefner KS, Houston GD, Huang AJW, Hughes PJ, Lewis DM, Radfar L, Vista ES, Edgar CE, Rohrer MD, Stone DU, Vyse TJ, Harley JB, Gaffney PM, James JA, Turner S, Alevizos I, Anaya J-M, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Montgomery CG, Scofield RH, Kovats S, Mariette X, Ronnblom L, Witte T, Rischmueller M, Wahren-Herlenius M, Omdal R, Jonsson R, Ng W-F, Nordmark G, Lessard CJ, Sivils KL. Identification of a Sjögren's syndrome susceptibility locus at OAS1 that influences isoform switching, protein expression, and responsiveness to type I interferons. PLoS Genetics 2017, 13(6), e1006820.
- Ng WF, Miller A, Bowman SJ, Price EJ, Kitas GD, Pease C, Emery P, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Giles I, Isenberg D, McLaren J, Regan M, Cooper A, Young-Min SA, McHugh N, Vadivelu S, Moots RJ, Coady D, MacKay K, Dasgupta B, Sutcliffe N, Bombardieri M, Pitzalis C, Griffiths B, Mitchell S, Tatiyama Miyamoto S, Trenell M, on behalf of the UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry. Physical activity but not sedentary activity is reduced in primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Rheumatology International 2017, 37(4), 623-631.
- Battersby AC, Martin AJ, Tarn J, Ng WF, Cale CM, Goldblatt D, Gennery AR. Raised Serum IL-8 Levels Are Associated with Excessive Fatigue in Female Carriers of X-Linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease in the UK. Journal of Clinical Immunology 2017, 37(3), 279-281.
- Bowman SJ, Everett CC, O'Dwyer JL, Emery P, Pitzalis C, Ng W-F, Pease CT, Price EJ, Sutcliffe N, Gendi NST, Hall FC, Ruddock SP, Fernandez C, Reynolds C, Hulme CT, Davies KA, Edwards CJ, Lanyon PC, Moots RJ, Roussou E, Giles IP, Sharples LD, Bombardieri M. Randomized Controlled Trial of Rituximab and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Treating Fatigue and Oral Dryness in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. Arthritis and Rheumatology 2017, 69(7), 1440-1450.
- Sharma R, Harris VM, Cavett J, Kurien BT, Liu K, Koelsch KA, Fayaaz A, Chaudhari KS, Radfar L, Lewis D, Stone DU, Kaufman CE, Li S, Segal B, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Venuturupalli S, Kelly JA, Pons-Estel B, Jonsson R, Lu X, Gottenberg J-E, Anaya J-M, Cunninghame-Graham DS, Huang AJW, Brennan MT, Hughes P, Alevizos I, Miceli-Richard C, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP, Hirschfield G, Nordmark G, Bucher SM, Eriksson P, Omdal R, Rhodus NL, Rischmueller M, Rohrer M, Wahren-Herlenius M, Witte T, Alarcon-Riquelme M, Mariette X, Lessard CJ, Harley JB, Ng W-F, Rasmussen A, Sivils KL, Scofield RH. Rare X Chromosome Abnormalities in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Sjögren's Syndrome. Arthritis and Rheumatology 2017, 69(11), 2187–2192.
- Jousse-Joulin S, Nowak E, Cornec D, Brown J, Carr A, Carotti M, Fisher B, Fradin J, Hocevar A, Jonsson MV, Luciano N, Milic V, Rout J, Theander E, Stel A, Bootsma H, Vissink A, Baldini C, Baer A, Ng WF, Bowman S, Alavi Z, Saraux A, Devauchelle-Pensec V. Salivary gland ultrasound abnormalities in primary Sjögren's syndrome: Consensual US-SG core items definition and reliability. RMD Open 2017, 3(1), e000364.
- Fisher BA, Jonsson R, Daniels T, Bombardieri M, Brown RM, Morgan P, Bombardieri S, Ng W-F, Tzioufas AG, Vitali C, Shirlaw P, Haacke E, Costa S, Bootsma H, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Radstake TR, Mariette X, Richards A, Stack R, Bowman SJ, Barone F. Standardisation of labial salivary gland histopathology in clinical trials in primary Sjögren's syndrome. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2017, 76(7), 1161-1168.
- Bezzina OM, Gallagher P, Mitchell S, Bowman SJ, Griffiths B, Hindmarsh V, Hargreaves B, Price EJ, Pease CT, Emery P, Lanyon P, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Hunter J, Gupta M, McLaren J, Cooper AM, Regan M, Giles IP, Isenberg DA, Vadivelu S, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh NJ, Young-Min SA, Moots RJ, Gendi N, Akil M, MacKay K, Ng WF, Robinson LJ. Subjective and Objective Measures of Dryness Symptoms in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome – Capturing the discrepancy. Arthritis Care & Research 2017, 69(11), 1714-1723.
- Price EJ, Rauz S, Tappuni AR, Sutcliffe N, Hackett KL, Barone F, Granata G, Ng W-F, Fisher BA, Bombardieri M, Astorri E, Empson B, Larkin G, Crampton B, Bowman SJ. The British Society for Rheumatology guideline for the management of adults with primary Sjögren's Syndrome. Rheumatology 2017, 56(10), 1643-1647.
- Hart RI, Ng WF, Newton JL, Hackett KL, Lee RP, Thompson B. What impact does written information about fatigue have on patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases? Findings from a qualitative study. Musculoskeletal Care 2017, 15(3), 230-237.
- Howard-Tripp N, Tarn J, Gillespie C, Lendrem D, Griffiths B, Bowman S, Ng WF, United Kingdom Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Registry. A Cytokine-Mediated Biological Basis for Fatigue in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. In: Rheumatology 2016. 2016, Glasgow: Oxford University Press.
- Seror R, Bootsma H, Saraux A, Bowman SJ, Theander E, Brun JG, Baron G, Le Guern V, Devauchelle-Pensec V, Ramos-Casals M, Valim V, Dorner T, Tzioufas A, Gottenberg JE, Laque RS, Mandl T, Hachulla E, Sivils KL, Ng WF, Fauchais AL, Bombardieri S, Priori R, Bartoloni E, Goeb V, Praprotnik S, Sumida T, Nishiyama S, Caporali R, Kruize AA, Vollenweider C, Ravaud P, Meiners P, Brito-Zeron P, Vitali C, Mariette X, EULAR Sjogren's Task Force. Defining disease activity states and clinically meaningful improvement in primary Sjogren's syndrome with EULAR primary Sjogren's syndrome disease activity (ESSDAI) and patient-reported indexes (ESSPRI). Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2016, 75(2), 382-389.
- Brito-Zeron P, Theander E, Baldini C, Seror R, Retamozo S, Quartuccio L, Bootsma H, Bowman SJ, Dorner T, Gottenberg JE, Mariette X, Bombardieri S, de Vita S, Mandl T, Ng WF, Kruize AA, Tzioufas A, Vitali C, Buyon J, Izmirly P, Fox R, Ramos-Casals M, EULAR Sjogren Syndrome Task Force. Early diagnosis of primary Sjogren's syndrome: EULAR-SS task force clinical recommendations. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 2016, 12(2), 137-156.
- Oni C, Mitchell S, James K, Ng WF, Griffiths B, Hindmarsh V, Prices E, Pease CT, Emery P, Lanyon P, Jones A, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Hunter J, Gupta M, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles I, Isenberg D, Saravanan V, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S, Moots R, Gendi N, Akil M, Barone F, Fisher B, Rauz S, Richards A, Bowman SJ, UK Primary Sjogren's Syndrome. Eligibility for clinical trials in primary Sjogren's syndrome: lessons from the UK Primary Sjogren's Syndrome Registry. Rheumatology 2016, 55(3), 544-552.
- Tripp NH, Tarn J, Natasari A, Gillespie C, Mitchell S, Hackett KL, Bowman SJ, Price E, Pease CT, Emery P, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles I, Isenberg DA, Saravanan V, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S, Moots R, Gendi N, Akil M, Griffiths B, Lendrem DW, Ng W-F. Fatigue in primary Sjögren's syndrome is associated with lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines. RMD Open 2016, 2, e000282.
- Nocturne G, Tarn J, Boudaoud S, Locke J, Miceli-Richard C, Hachulla E, Dubost JJ, Bowman S, Gottenberg JE, Criswell LA, Lessard CJ, Sivils KL, Carapito R, Bahram S, Seror R, Ng WF, Mariette X. Germline variation of TNFAIP3 in primary Sjögren's syndrome-associated lymphoma. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2016, 75(4), 780-783.
- Harris VM, Sharma R, Cavett J, Kurien BT, Liu K, Koelsch KA, Rasmussen A, Radfar L, Lewis D, Stone DU, Kaufman CE, Li SB, Segal B, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Venuturupalli S, Kelly JA, Alarcon-Riquelme ME, Pons-Estel B, Jonsson R, Lu X, Gottenberg JE, Anaya JM, Cunninghame-Graham DS, Huang AJW, Brennan MT, Hughes P, Alevizos I, Miceli-Richard C, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP, Hirschfield G, Xie G, Ng WF, Nordmark G, Bucher SM, Eriksson P, Omdal R, Rhodus NL, Rischmueller M, Rohrer M, Wahren-Herlenius M, Witte T, Mariette X, Lessard CJ, Harley JB, Sivils KL, Scofield RH. Klinefelter's syndrome (47,XXY) is in excess among men with Sjögren's syndrome. Clinical Immunology 2016, 168, 25-29.
- Hackett KL, Forder R, Lendrem DW, Hargreaves B, Strassheim V, Gotts Z, Deary V, Ng W-F, Newton JL. Objective Improvement in Fatigue Scores for Primary Sjögren’s Patients Receiving a Tailored Multidisciplinary Fatigue Intervention in a Generic Fatigue Clinic. In: ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2016, Washington, DC: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Nocturne G, Virone A, Ng WF, Le Guern V, Hachulla E, Cornec D, Daien C, Vittecoq O, Bienvenu B, Marcelli C, Wendling D, Amoura Z, Dhote R, Lavigne C, Fior R, Gottenberg JE, Seror R, Mariette X. Rheumatoid Factor and Disease Activity Are Independent Predictors of Lymphoma in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2016, 68(4), 977-985.
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- Clark JE, Ng WF, Watson S, Newton JL. The aetiopathogenesis of fatigue: unpredictable, complex and persistent. British Medical Bulletin 2016, 117(1), 139-148.
- Hart R, Hackett K, Newton J, Ng WF, Thompson B. The F-Word: Why Is Talking about Fatigue so Hard?. In: 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2016, San Francisco, California: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Liu K, Kurien BT, Zimmerman SL, Kaufman KM, Taft DH, Kottyan LC, Lazaro S, Weaver CA, Ice JA, Adler AJ, Chodosh J, Radfar L, Rasmussen A, Stone DU, Lewis DM, Li SB, Koelsch KA, Igoe A, Talsania M, Kumar J, Maier-Moore JS, Harris VM, Gopalakrishnan R, Jonsson R, Lessard JA, Lu XL, Gottenberg JE, Anaya JM, Cunninghame-Graham DS, Huang AJW, Brennan MT, Hughes P, Mei GG, Miceli-Richard C, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP, Hirschfield G, Xie G, Ng WF, Nordmark G, Eriksson P, Omda R, Rhodus NL, Rischmueller M, Rohrer M, Sega BM, Vvse TJ, Wahren-Herlenius M, Witte T, Pons-Este B, Alarcon-Riquelme ME, Guthridge JM, James JA, Lessard CJ, Kelly JA, Thompson SD, Gaffney PM, Montgomery CG, Edberg JC, Kimberly RP, Alarcon GS, Langefeld CL, Gilkeson GS, Kamen DL, Tsao BP, McCune WJ, Salmon JE, Merrill JT, Weisman MH, Wallace DJ, Utset T, Bottinger EP, Amos CI, Siminovitch KA, Mariette X, Sivils KL, Harley JB, Scofield RH. X Chromosome Dose and Sex Bias in Autoimmune Diseases: Increased Prevalence of 47,XXX in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Sjogren's Syndrome. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2016, 68(5), 1290-1300.
- Hackett K, Lendrem DW, Rapley T, Deane K, Deary V, Bowman S, Newton J, Ng WF, United Kingdom Primary Sjogren's S. "Doing Every-Day Life" with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: Factors Predicting Difficulties Performing Daily Activities and Taking on Life Roles. In: 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2015, San Francisco, California: John Wiley & Sons.
- Jousse-Joulin S, Jonsson MV, Luciano N, Theander E, Milic V, Hocevar A, Brown J, Carr A, Cornec D, Carotti M, Fisher BA, Fradin J, Rout J, Saraux A, Stel A, Vissink A, Bowman S, Baer AN, Tomsic M, Ng WF, Baldini C, Devauchelle V. A New Scoring System for Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Salivary Gland in Sjogren: Multireader Reliability. In: 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2015, San Francisco, CA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hackett KL, Deane KHO, Strassheim V, Deary V, Rapley T, Newton JL, Ng W-F. A Systematic Review of Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. Rheumatology 2015, 54(11), 2025-2032.
- James K, Al-Ali S, Tarn J, Cockell SJ, Gillespie CS, Hindmarsh V, Locke J, Mitchell S, Lendrem D, Bowman S, Price E, Pease CT, Emery P, Lanyon P, Hunter JA, Gupta M, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles I, Isenberg D, Saravanan V, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S, Moots R, Gendi N, Akil M, Griffiths B, The UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome registry, Wipat A, Newton J, Jones DE, Isaacs J, Hallinan J, Ng W-F. A Transcriptional Signature of Fatigue Derived from Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(12), e0143970.
- James K, Al-Ali S, Tarn J, Cockell SJ, Gillespie CS, Bowman S, Isaacs J, Jones DE, Newton J, Price E, Wipat A, Hallinan J, Ng WF, UKPSSR. A Transcriptional Signature of Fatigue Derived from Patients with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome. In: The 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Lambson RL, Hargreaves B, Lendrem DW, Hindmarsh V, Humphrey C, Mitchell S, Griffiths B, Bowman S, Ng WF, UKPSS Registry. Assignable Causes for Fatigue in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: Data from the UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry. In: 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting Abstract Supplement. 2015, San Francisco, California: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron P, Seror R, Bootsma H, Bowman SJ, Dorner T, Gottenberg JE, Mariette X, Theander E, Bombardieri S, De Vita S, Mandl T, Ng WF, Kruize A, Tzioufas A, Vitali C, EULAR Sjogren Syndrome Task Force. Characterization of systemic disease in primary Sjogren's syndrome: EULAR-SS Task Force recommendations for articular, cutaneous, pulmonary and renal involvements. Rheumatology 2015, 54(12), 2230-2238.
- Hackett K, Lendrem D, Frith J, Rapley T, Deary V, Deane K, Bowman S, Newton J, Ng W-F. Cognitive Impairment in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. In: Rheumatology 2015. 2015, Manchester, UK: S. Karger AG.
- Hackett K, Lendrem D, Frith J, Rapley T, Deary V, Deane K, Bowman S, Newton J, Ng WF. Cognitive Symptoms are Common in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome and are Associated with Anxiety. In: 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Hackett K, Lendrem D, Frith J, Rapley T, Deary V, Deane K, Bowman S, Newton J, Ng W-F. Cognitive symptoms are common in primary Sjögren's syndrome and are associated with anxiety. In: 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Lendrem D, Mitchell S, McMeekin P, Gompels L, Hackett K, Bowman S, Price E, Pease CT, Emery P, Andrews J, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles I, Isenberg D, Vadivelu S, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S, Moots R, Gendi N, Akil M, Griffiths B, Ng W-F. Do the EULAR Sjögren’s syndrome outcome measures correlate with health status in primary Sjögren’s syndrome?. Rheumatology 2015, 54(4), 655-659.
- Cartlidge C, Bowman S, Ng WF, James K, Griffiths B, Price E, Prease C, Emery P, Andrews J, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles I, Isenberg DA, Saravanan V, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S. Eligibility for Clinical Trials in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: Lessons from the UK Primary Sjogren's Registry. In: Rheumatology 2015. 2015, Manchester, UK: Oxford University Press.
- James K, Al-Ali S, Tarn J, Cockell SJ, Gillespie CS, Bowman S, Isaacs J, Jones DE, Newton J, Price E, Wipat A, Hallinan J, Ng WF, UKPSSR. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Across Multiple Expression Studies Reveals a Core Subset of Primary Sjögren's Syndrome-Related Genes. In: The 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Lessard CJ, Li H, Ice J, Adrianto I, Rasmussen A, Grundahl K, Kelly JA, Miceli C, Bowman S, Lester S, Brun JG, Goransson LG, Harboe E, Guthridge JM, Kaufman KM, Eriksson P, Eloranta ML, Kvarnstrom M, Cunninghame-Graham DS, Farris AD, Brennan MT, Chodosh J, Gopalakrishnan R, Huang AJW, Hughes P, Lewis DM, Radfar L, Rohrer MD, Stone DU, Vyse TJ, Gaffney PM, James JA, Harley JB, Omdal R, Wahren-Herlenius M, Illei GG, Witte T, Jonsson R, Rischmueller M, Ronnblom L, Mariette X, Anaya JM, Ng WF, Nordmark G, Montgomery CG, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Scofield RH, Sivils KL. Identification of Novel Sjogren's Syndrome Risk Loci in the Regions of TNFAIP3 and PRDM1. In: 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA: Wiley.
- Al-Ali S, Skelton A, Cockell S, Tarn J, James K, Bowman SJ, Griffiths B, Locke J, Young D, Ng WF, UKPSSR. Identification of Whole Blood Gene Expression Signature in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome Associated Lymphoma. In: 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Hackett K, Newton J, Deane K, Rapley T, Deary V, Kolehmainen N, Ng W-F. Identifying participation barriers and key intervention targets for an autoimmune disease. In: 39th College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference and Exhibition. 2015, Brighton, UK: Sage. In Press.
- Hackett K, Newton J, Deane K, Rapley T, Deary V, Kolehmainen N, Ng WF. Identifying participation barriers and key intervention targets for an autoimmune disease. In: British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2015, Brighton, Sussex: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Hackett K, Rapley T, Kolehmainen N, Deary V, Deane K, Bowman S, Newton J, Ng W-F. Identifying stakeholder informed priority targets for a non-pharmacological intervention package to improve functional capacity: a multi-centre mixed methods study. In: 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Hackett K, Deane K, Rapley T, Deary V, Bowman S, Price E, Newton J, Ng W-F. Identifying Targets for a Non-Pharmacological Therapy Intervention Package to Improve Participation in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Patients: A Group Concept Mapping Study. In: 16th Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - European League Against Rheumatism Congress. 2015, Rome, Italy: BMJ Publishing Group.
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- James K, Ng WF, Wipat A, Hallinan J. Integrative Network-Based Analysis of the Primary Sjogren's Syndrome Transcriptome between Human and Mouse. In: 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Harris VM, Cavett J, Kurien B, Liu K, Koelsch KA, Radfar L, Lewis DM, Stone DU, Li SB, Segal B, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Kelly JA, Alarcon-Riquelme M, Pons-Estel B, Jonsson R, Lu XL, Gottenberg J, Anaya JM, Cunninghame-Graham DS, Keystone EC, Huang AJW, Brennan MT, Hughes P, Illei G, Miceli C, Bykerk VP, Hirschfield G, Xie G, Ng WF, Nordmark G, Eriksson P, Omdal R, Rhodus NL, Rischmueller M, Rohrer MD, Wahren-Herlenius M, Witte T, Mariette X, Lessard C, Harley JB, Sivils KL, Scofield RH. Klinefelter's Syndrome (47,XXY) Among Men with Sjogren's Syndrome. In: 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA: Wiley.
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- Miyamoto ST, Altoe R, Carletti L, Perez AJ, Sauer D, Dias LH, Serrano EV, Ng WF, Trenell M, Natour J, Valim V. Oxygen Uptake, Fatigue and Quality of Life in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome. In: 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell.
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- Bowman S, Everett C, Bombardieri M, Busch R, Emery P, Hall F, Pease CT, Pitzalis C, Price E, Dawson L, Smith P, Sutcliffe N, Ng WF, Fernandez C, Ruddock S, Sharples L, Reynolds C, Pavitt S. Preliminary Results of a Double-Blind Randomised Trial of Rituximab Anti-B-Cell Therapy in Patients with Primary Sjogrens Syndrome. In: 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA: Wiley.
- Cooles FAH, Pratt AG, Lendrem DW, Ng WF, Aspray TJ, Isaacs JD. Retrospective analysis of the role of serum vitamin D in early rheumatic disease. Rheumatology 2015, 54(2), 374-375.
- James K, Cockell SJ, Gillespie CS, Assi LK, Bowman S, Griffiths B, Ng WF, UKPSSR. Serum Free Light Chains are Associated with Clinical Disease Activity of Primary Sjögren's Syndrome in the Cutaneous, Biological and Renal Domains. In: The 13th International Symposium on Sjögren's Syndrome. 2015, Bergen, Norway: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Maria NI, van Helden-Meeuwsen CG, Steenwijk EC, IJpma AS, Brkic Z, van Daele PL, van Hagen PM, van der Spek PJ, Drexhage HA, Ng WF, Versnel MA. Systemic Interferon Type I and Type II Signatures Present in Distinct Subsets of Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: En Route Towards More Selective Targeting. In: 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA: Wiley.
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- James K, Cockell SJ, Gillespie CS, Assi L, Bowman S, Griffiths B, Ng WF, UKPSSR. Baff and B2m, but not Free Light Chains, Correlate with Disease Activity in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome (PSS). In: Annual European Congress of Rheumatology. 2014, Paris, France: BMJ Group.
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- Hackett KL, Newton JL, Deane KHO, Rapley T, Deary V, Kolehmainen N, Lendrem DW, Ng W-F. Developing a service user informed intervention to improve participation and ability to perform daily activities in primary Sjӧgren’s syndrome: a mixed methods study protocol. BMJ Open 2014, 4(8), e006264.
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- Batten RL, Ng W-F. Facial nerve compression by the posterior inferior cerebellar artery causing facial pain and swelling: A case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2014, 8(1), 105.
- Lendrem D, Mitchell S, McMeekin P, Bowman S, Price E, Pease C, Emery P, Andrews J, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles I, Isenberg D, Vadivelu S, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Young-Min S, Moots S, Gendi N, Akil M, Griffiths B, Ng W-F. Health-related utility values of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome and its predictors. Annals of Rheumatic Diseases 2014, 73(7), 1362-1368.
- Al-Ali S, Cockell S, Skelton A, James K, Tarn J, Young D, Griffiths B, Bowman S, Locke J, Ng WF. Identification of Whole Blood Gene Expression Signature in Primary Sjogren's Syndrome Associated Lymphoma. In: ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. 2014, Boston, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
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- James K, Tarn JR, Al-Ali S, Hallinan J, Young DA, Ng WF. Integration of Gene Expression Data with Interaction and Annotation Data Reveals Patterns of Connection Between Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Associated Genes and Immune Processes. In: Rheumatology 2014. 2014, Liverpool, UK: Oxford University Press.
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- Hackett KL, Deane K, Deary V, Rapley T, Newton J, Ng WF. Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Primary Sjogren's Syndrome: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. In: EULAR: The Annual European Congress of Rheumatology. 2014, Paris, France: BMJ Publishing Group.
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- Cooles FAH, Pratt AG, Lendrem DW, Ng W-F, Aspray TJ, Isaacs JD. Retrospective analysis of the role of serum vitamin D in early rheumatic disease. Rheumatology 2014.
- Hackett K, Newton J, Rapley T, Deane K, Deary V, Ng W-F. Systematic reviews of occupational therapy interventions: summarizing research evidence and highlighting the gaps. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 2014, 77(9), 479-482.
- James K, Lendrem D, Mitchell S, Hindmarsh V, Bowman S, Price EJ, Pease CT, Emery P, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, McLaren J, Cooper A, Regan M, Giles IP, Isenberg DA, Vadivelu S, Coady D, Dasgupta B, McHugh N, Griffiths B, Ng WF. The UK Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Registry (UKPSSR): A Valuable Resource for Future Sjögren’s Syndrom Research. In: Rheumatology 2014. 2014, Liverpool, UK: Oxford University Press.
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- Collins K, Balasubramaniam K, Viswanathan G, Natasari A, Tarn J, Lendrem D, Mitchell S, Zaman A, Ng W-F. Assessment of blood clot formation and platelet receptor function ex vivo in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome. BMJ Open 2013, 3(5), e002739.
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- Coulson E, Ng WF, Platt PN, Foster HE. Cardiovascular Risk In Adults With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. In: Arthritis & Rheumatism 2013 Annual Meeting. 2013, San Diego, CA, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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- Elshahaly M, Wheater G, Naraghi K, Tuck SP, Datta HK, Ng WF, van Laar JM. Changes in bone density and bone turnover in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with rituximab, a B cell depleting monoclonal antibody (HORUS TRIAL). In: Abstracts from the Combined Northern and Yorkshire Deaneries Rheumatology Annual Conference 2012. 2013, York, UK: BioMed Central Ltd.
- Lessard CJ, Li H, Adrianto I, Ice JA, Dozmorov MG, Jonsson R, Rischmueller M, Nordmark G, Mariette X, Miceli-Richard C, Wahren-Herlenius M, Witte T, Brennan MT, Omdal R, Ronnblom L, Gaffney PM, Ng WF, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Wren JD, Scofield RH, Anaya JM, Harley JB, Montgomery CG, Sivils KL. Complex Functional Effects Within The HLA Contribute To Sjogren's Syndrome Pathogenesis and May Influence Both Transcriptional Regulation and Peptide Binding. In: 77th Annual Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology/48th Annual Meeting of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals. 2013, San Diego, CA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Natasari AS, Tarn JR, Fischer R, Lendrem DW, Ng W-F. Exploring the biological basis of fatigue using primary Sjögren's syndrome as a disease model. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2013, 14(S1), A1.
- Lessard CJ, Li H, Ice JA, Adrianto I, Jonsson R, Illei GG, Rischmueller M, Nordmark G, Mariette X, Miceli-Richard C, Herlenius MW, Witte T, Brennan M, Omdal R, Gaffney PM, Lessard JA, Ronnblom L, Ng WF, Rhodus N, Segal B, Scofield RH, James JA, Anaya JM, Montgomery CG, Harley JB, Sivils KM. Identification of Multiple Sjögren’s Syndrome Susceptibility Loci. In: Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR. 2013, Madrid, Spain: BMJ Publishing Group.
- Ng WF, Miller A, Bowman S, Price E, Kitas G, Pease C, Emery P, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Giles I, Isenberg D, MaClaren J, Regan M, Cooper A, Young-Min S, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Vadivelu S, Coady D, MacKay K, Moots R, Mitchell S, Mchugh N, Dasgupta B, Trenell M, UKPS SR. Level of Physical Activity in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome and its Predictors. In: Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR. 2013, Madrid, Spain: BMJ Publishing Group.
- Liu K, Kaufman KM, James JA, Jonsson R, Kurien BT, Mariette X, Merrill JT, Omdal R, Rischmueller M, Vyse TJ, Wahren-Herlenius M, Witte T, Lessard CJ, Zimmerman SL, Thompson SD, Hirschfield G, Xie G, Montgomery CG, Ng WF, Nordmark G, Gaffney PM, Siminovitch KA, Sivils KL, Scofield RH, Slegen Int Consortium Genetics SLE. Sex Bias In Autoimmune Diseases: Increased Risk Of 47,XXX In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Sjogren's Syndrome (SS) Supports The Gene Dose Hypothesis. In: ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting 2013. 2013, San Diego, CA, USA: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Cooles FAH, Pratt AG, Ng WF, Aspray TJ, Isaacs JD. The Effect Of Vitamin D On Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis. In: ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting 2013. 2013, San Diego, CA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Lessard CJ, Li H, Adrianto I, Ice JA, Rasmussen A, Grundahl KM, Kelly JA, Dozmorov MG, Miceli-Richard C, Bowman S, Lester S, Eriksson P, Eloranta ML, Brun JG, Gøransson LG, Harboe E, Guthridge JM, Kaufman KM, Kvarnström M, Jazebi H, Cunninghame Graham DS, Grandits ME, Nazmul-Hossain AN, Patel K, Adler AJ, Maier-Moore JS, Farris AD, Brennan MT, Lessard JA, Chodosh J, Gopalakrishnan R, Hefner KS, Houston GD, Huang AJ, Hughes PJ, Lewis DM, Radfar L, Rohrer MD, Stone DU, Wren JD, Vyse TJ, Gaffney PM, James JA, Omdal R, Wahren-Herlenius M, Illei GG, Witte T, Jonsson R, Rischmueller M, Rönnblom L, Nordmark G, Ng WF, Mariette X, Anaya JM, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Scofield RH, Montgomery CG, Harley JB, Sivils KL. Variants at multiple loci implicated in both innate and adaptive immune responses are associated with Sjögren's syndrome. Nature Genetics 2013, 45(11), 1284-1292.
- Lessard CJ, Li H, Adrianto I, Ice JA, Jonsson R, Illei GG, Rischmueller M, Nordmark G, Mariette X, Miceli-Richard C, Wahren-Herlenius M, Witte T, Brennan MT, Omdal R, Gaffney PM, Lessard JA, Ng WF, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Scofield RH, James JA, Anaya JM, Harley JB, Montgomery CG, Sivils KM. A Genome-Wide Association Study Establishes Muliple Susceptibility Loci for Sjogren's Syndrome. In: Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). 2012, Washington, DC, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Newton JL, Frith J, Powell D, Hackett K, Wilton K, Bowman S, Price E, Pease C, Andrews J, Emery P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Vadivelu S, Giles I, Isenberg D, Lanyon P, Jones A, Regan M, Cooper A, Moots R, Sutcliffe N, Bombardieri M, Pitzalis C, McLaren J, Young-Min S, Dasgupta B, Griffiths B, Lendrem D, Mitchell S, Ng WF. Autonomic symptoms are common and are associated with overall symptom burden and disease activity in primary Sjögren's syndrome. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2012, 71(12), 1973-1979.
- Lendrem D, Mitchell S, Bowman S, Price E, Pease CT, Emery P, Andrews J, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, McLaren J, Regan M, Cooper A, Giles I, Isenberg D, Griffiths B, Foggo H, Edgar S, Vadivelu S, Coady D, McHugh N, Ng WF. Evaluating health status of 620 patients with primary sjögren’s syndrome using EQ-5D. In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Rheumatology. 2012, Glasgow, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Ng WF, Lendrem D, Mitchell S, Bowman S, Price E, Pease C, Emery P, Andrews J, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, McLaren J, Regan M, Cooper A, Giles I, Isenberg D, Vadivelu S, Coady D, Griffiths B, United Kingdom Primary Sjogrens Syndrome. Evaluating health status of 620 patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome using EQ-5D. In: Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR. 2012, Berlin, Germany: BMJ Publishing Group.
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- Hackett K, Newton J, Ng WF. Occupational therapy: a potentially valuable intervention for people with primary Sjogren's syndrome. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 2012, 75(5), 247-249.
- Collins K, Mitchell S, Griffiths B, Bowman SJ, Ng WF, on behalf of the United Kingdom Primary Sjogren's Syndrome Registry. Potential diagnostic utility of anti-centromere antibody in primary Sjogren's syndrome in the UK. Clinical Rheumatology 2012, 31(7), 1147-1148.
- Ng WF, Stangroom AJ, Davidson A, Wilton K, Mitchell S, Newton JL. Primary Sjogrens syndrome is associated with impaired autonomic response to orthostasis and sympathetic failure. QJM 2012, 105(12), 1191-1199.
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- Tarn J, Mitchell S, Bowman S, Price E, Pease C, Sutcliffe N, Emery P, Andrews J, Bombardieri M, Pitzalis C, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, Regan M, Cooper A, Giles I, Isenberg D, Young D, Lendrem D, McLaren J, Downie C, Foggo H, Stocks P, Edgar S, Ng WF, UK Primary Sjogrens Syndrome. Serum cytokine and chemokine profiling in primary Sj ögren's syndrome Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE. In: Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR. 2012, Berlin, Germany: BMJ Publishing Group.
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- Vila J, Mitchell S, Bowman S, Price E, Pease CT, Emery P, Andrews J, Bombardieri M, Sutcliffe N, Pitzalis C, Lanyon P, Hunter J, Gupta M, McLaren J, Regan M, Cooper A, Giles I, Isenberg D, Vadivelu S, Coady D, Griffiths B, Lendrem D, Foggo H, Tarn J, Ng WF. The clinical relevance of anti-RO52 and anti-RO60 in patients in the united kingdom primary sjögren’s syndrome registry (UKPSSR). In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Rheumatology. 2012, Glasgow, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Carr A, Macleod I, Ng WF. The diagnostic utility of salivary gland ultrasound for the investigation of sjögren's syndrome. In: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Rheumatology. 2012, Glasgow, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Lessard CJ, Ice JA, Adrianto I, Kelly JA, Jonsson R, Illei GG, Rischmueller M, Nordmark G, Mariette X, Miceli-Richard C, Herlenius MW, Witte T, Brennan MT, Omdal R, Vyse TJ, Lessard JA, Ng WF, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Scofield RH, Anaya JM, Harley JB, Montgomery CG, Moser KL, Benjamin A Rybicki ACCESS. A High-Density Genome-Wide Association Study by the Sjogren's Genetics Network Identifies Five Novel Susceptibility Loci for Primary Sjogren's Syndrome and Confirms Association with MHC, IRF5, and BLK. In: Arthritis & Rheumatism: 75th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Ng WF, Bowman SJ. Biological therapies in primary Sjogren's syndrome. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 2011, 11(7), 921-936.
- Ng WF, Tudhope SJ, von Delwig A, Lilic D. Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cell deficiency in chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis - A consequence or a cause?. Immunology Letters 2011, 135(1-2), 180-183.
- Lessard CJ, Adrianto I, Ice JA, Kelly JA, Jonsson R, Illei GG, Rischmueller M, Nordmark G, Mariette X, Miceli-Richard C, Herlenius MW, Witte T, Brennan MT, Omdal R, Gaffney PM, Lessard JA, Ng WF, Rhodus NL, Segal BM, Scofield RH, James JA, Anaya JM, Harley JB, Montgomery C, Moser KL. Large-Scale, High-Density Genotyping Performed by the Sjogren's Genetics Network Using the ImmunoChip Identifies PRKRA as a Novel Sjogren's Syndrome Susceptibility Locus and Confirms Associations with IRF5, BLK and MHC. In: Arthritis & Rheumatism: 75th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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- Cooles FAH, Pratt AG, Wilson G, Isaacs JD, Ng WF. Prevalence and diagnostic outcome relating to vitamin D deficiency in new patients presenting to an early arthritis clinic over 12 months. Clinical Rheumatology 2011, 30(8), 1137-1138.
- Juarez MJ, Toms TE, Mitchell S, Bowman S, Ng WF, Price E, Kitas G, UKPRSSR. Prevalence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors in females with primary Sjogrens Syndrome. In: Rheumatology: Annual Meeting of the British Society for Rheumatology. 2011, Brighton, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Dillon SP, Kao L, Kaufman KM, Ice JA, Omdal R, Mariette X, Witte T, Illei GG, Rischmueller M, Nordmark G, Jonsson R, Herlenius MW, Vyse TJ, Brennan MT, Rybicki BA, Ng WF, Segal BM, Rhodus NL, Merrill JT, Montgomery CG, Lessard CJ, Harley JB, Moser KL, Gaffney PM, Scofield RH. Triple X Syndrome (47,XXX) Increases the Risk and Accelerates the Onset of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Sjogren's Syndrome: Support for a Gene-Dose Effect From the X Chromosome. In: Arthritis & Rheumatism: 75th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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- Ng WF, von Delwig A, Carmichael AJ, Arkwright PD, Abinun M, Cant AJ, Jolles S, Lilic D. Impaired TH17 responses in patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis with and without autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2010, 126(5), 1006-1015.
- Ng WF, Bowman SJ. Primary Sjogren's syndrome: too dry and too tired. Rheumatology 2010, 49(5), 844-853.
- Tudhope SJ, von Delwig A, Falconer J, Pratt A, Woolridge T, Wilson G, Isaacs JD, Ng WF. Profound invariant natural killer T-cell deficiency in inflammatory arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2010, 69(10), 1873-1879.
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- Bracewell C, Isaacs JD, Emery P, Ng WF. Atacicept, a novel B cell-targeting biological therapy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 2009, 9(7), 909-919.
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- Bonnefoix T, Bonnefoix P, Perron P, Mi JQ, Ng WF, Lechler R, Bensa JC, Cahn JY, Leroux D. Quantitating Effector and Regulatory T Lymphocytes in Immune Responses by Limiting Dilution Analysis Modeling. Journal of Immunology 2005, 174(6), 3421-3431.
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- Ng WF, Hernandez-Fuentes M, Baker R, Chaudhry A, Lechler RI. Reversibility with Interleukin-2 Suggests that T Cell Anergy Contributes to Donor-Specific Hyporesponsiveness in Renal Transplant Patients. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2002, 13(12), 2983-2989.
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