Staff Profile
Professor Nick Polunin
Emeritus Professor of Marine Environmental Science
- Telephone: +44 (0)7768196285
- Address: School of Natural & Environmental Sciences,
Newcastle University,
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a marine ecologist who has used macroecological and modelling approaches to help understand what holds marine ecosystems together. A principal focus has been on coral and temperate reefs, and recent projects included reef fish-habitat relationships (Caribbean), hydrothermal vent food webs (Southern Ocean), fisheries extinctions (Philippines), climate change effects on Arctic fishes (Barents Sea) and sustainability issues in fisheries (North Sea). This work long had a societal and environmental conservation purpose, relating to issues of biodiversity conservation, climate change impacts, food security and sustainability. My public outreach includes editing an international environmental science journal (
Areas of expertise
- Coastal marine ecosystems
- Conservation ecologist
ORCID: 0000-0002-1480-8794
Google scholar: Click here.
My research focused on food-webs and their structure, predator-prey effects including trophic cascades and human impacts on these such as through fishery exploitation. I made major contributions to (i) analysing the trophic ecology of fish and fisheries beginning with work in the mid-1980s on Coral Sea and later on Mediterranean reefs (ii) exploring ecological effects of marine protected areas starting with projects in the Caribbean in the early 1990s (iii) measuring fishing pressure and climate change effects on coral reef community structure particularly since work in the Pacific and Indian Oceans from the mid-1990s and (iv) the macroecology of the NE of England from the late 2000s.
After 2008, my main funded projects were:
Natural Environment Research Council, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (2018-19) Spatial and size-related effects on pelagic dependence of coral reef predators
Natural Environment Research Council (2018-2021) Coldfish: potential benefits and risks of borealisation for fish stocks and ecosystems in a changing Arctic Ocean
Natural Environment Research Council, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (2017-18) Discriminating food pathways in coral reef‐fish using amino acid specific δ13C data
Cefas (2016-20) Analysing unnoticed large-scale changes in Northumberland’s marine ecosystems
Natural Environment Research Council (2014-2018) Multi-species models in fisheries
Natural Environment Research Council, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (2014-15) Providing solid amino acid specific foundations to primary production for underpinning aquatic trophodynamics
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – Darwin Initiative (2012-16) Responding to fish extirpations in the global marine biodiversity epicentre
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2012-14) Understanding and addressing the impacts of threats to marine ecosystems/biodiversity in the UK overseas territories in the Caribbean
Marine Management Organisation (2011-12) A sustainable fishing plan for the Farne Deeps Nephrops fishery
Natural Environment Research Council, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (2010-12) Chemosynthetically-driven ecosystems South of the Polar Front
Marine Management Organisation (2010-11) Building expertise to assess MPA effects: does Whitby prohibited trawling area provide protection for finfish?
Marine & Fisheries Agency (2010-11) Methodologies for assessing spatial and habitat differences in benthic macroconsumer biodiversity
European Commission FP7 research framework (2010-14) Future of reefs in a changing environment: an ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change (FORCE)
Natural Environment Research Council (2009-12) Chemosynthetically-driven ecosystems south of the Polar Front
Natural Environment Research Council, Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (2009-10) Nutrient fluxes through pelagic and benthic food webs in the North Sea: pelagic-benthic coupling and terrestrial uptake by large consumers at different scales
CEFAS (2008-09) C & N stable isotope analyses of bone collagen for description of fish trophodynmaics
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation (2008-09) Abundances of mobile fish in small marine protected areas
Department of Food, Environment & Rural Affairs (2008) Developing indicators of MPA effectiveness: finfish diversity, size and abundance in the Yorkshire prohibited trawl areas
Department of Food, Environment & Rural Affairs (2008) Defining the Northumberland lobster fishery
Leverhulme Trust (2004-08) Impacts of coral bleaching on coral reef fish community structure
I am retired from teaching and supervising postgraduate students
- Shipley ON, Matich P, Hussey NE, Brooks AML, Chapman D, Frisk MG, Guttridge AE, Guttridge TL, Howey LA, Kattan S, Madigan DJ, O'Shea O, Polunin NV, Power M, Smukall MJ, Schneider EVC, Shea BD, Talwar BS, Winchester M, Brooks EJ, Gallagher AJ. Energetic connectivity of diverse elasmobranch populations - implications for ecological resilience. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2023, 290(1996), 20230262.
- Skinner C, Mill AC, Fox MD, Newman SP, Zhu Y, Kuhl A, Polunin NVC. Offshore pelagic subsidies dominate carbon inputs to coral reef predators. Science Advances 2021, 7(8), eabf3792.
- Skinner C, Mill AC, Newman SP, Alsagoff SN, Polunin NVC. The importance of oceanic atoll lagoons for coral reef predators. Marine Biology 2020, 167(2), 19.
- Khan A, Mill A, Gray T, Jiang M, Arief H, Brown A, Karman A, Polunin N. Reliability of the data on tuna catches obtained from the dockside in Indonesia: A study of stakeholders' perceptions. Marine Policy 2020, 122, 104242.
- Khan A, Rizal A, Dewanti LP, Apriliani IM, Junianto, Supriyadi D, Ghiffary W, Nasution AM, Gray TS, Mill AC, Polunin NVC. Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna pole-and-line marketing supply chains in Indonesia: Case study in Pulau Bacan. AACL Bioflux 2019, 12(2), 636-641.
- Skinner C, Newman SP, Mill AC, Newton J, Polunin NVC. Prevalence of pelagic dependence among coral reef predators across an atoll seascape. Journal of Animal Ecology 2019, 88(10), 1564-1574.
- Skinner C, Mill AC, Newman SP, Newton J, Cobain MRD, Polunin NVC. Novel tri-isotope ellipsoid approach reveals dietary variation in sympatric predators. Ecology and Evolution 2019, 9(23), 13267-13277.
- Zhu Y, Newman SP, Reid WDK, Polunin NVC. Fish stable-isotope community structure of a Bahamian coral reef. Marine Biology 2019, 166(12), 160.
- Linse K, Copley J, Connelly DP, Larter RD, Pearce DA, Polunin NVC, Rogers AD, Chen C, Clarke A, Glover A, Graham ACC, Huvenne VAI, Marsh L, Reid WDK, Roterman CN, Sweeting CJ, Zwirglmaier K, Tyler PA. Fauna of the Kemp Caldera and its upper bathyal hydrothermal vents (South Sandwich Arc, Antarctica). Royal Society Open Science 2019, 6(11), 191501.
- Duffill Telsnig J, Jennings S, Mill A, Walker N, Parnell A, Polunin NVC. Estimating contributions of pelagic and benthic pathways to consumer production in coupled marine food webs. Journal of Animal Ecology 2019, 88(3), 405-415.
- Skinner C, Newman SP, Box S, Narozanski A, Polunin NVC. Chronic spearfishing may indirectly affect reef health through reductions in parrotfish bite rates. Journal of Fish Biology 2019, 94(4), 585-594.
- Samper-Villarreal J, Cortes J, Polunin NVC. Isotopic evidence of subtle nutrient enrichment in mangrove habitats of Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. Hydrological Processes 2018, 32(13), 1956-1964.
- Khan A, Gray T, Mill A, Polunin N. Impact of a fishing moratorium on a tuna pole-and-line fishery in eastern Indonesia. Marine Policy 2018, 94, 143–149.
- Blasi MF, Tomassini L, Gelippi M, Careddu G, Insacco G, Polunin NVC. Assessing resource use patterns of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) through stable isotope analysis. European Zoological Journal 2018, 85(1), 72-88.
- Shipley ON, Polunin NVC, Newman SP, Sweeting CJ, Barker S, Witt MJ, Brooks EJ. Stable isotopes reveal insight into food web dynamics of a data-poor deep-sea island slope community. Food Webs 2017, 10, 22–25.
- Stephenson F, Polunin NVC, Mill AC, Scott C, Lightfoot P, Fitzsimmons C. Spatial and temporal changes in pot-fishing effort and habitat use. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2017, 74(8), 2201-2212.
- Stephenson F, Mill AC, Scott C, Stewart GB, Grainger MJ, Polunin NVC, Fitzsimmons C. Socio-economic, technological and environmental drivers of spatio-temporal changes in fishing pressure. Marine Policy 2017, 88, 189-203.
- Shipley ON, Olin JA, Polunin NVC, Sweeting CJ, Newman SP, Brooks EJ, Barker S, Witt MJ, Talwar B, Hussey NE. Polar compounds preclude mathematical lipid correction of carbon stable isotopes in deep-water sharks. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2017, 494, 69-74.
- Stephenson F, Mill AC, Scott CL, Polunin NVC, Fitzsimmons C. Experimental potting impacts on common UK reef habitats in areas of high and low fishing pressure. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2017, 74(6), 1648-1659.
- Nugraha WA, Newman SP, Mill AC, Polunin NVC. Caribbean parrotfish density and size inside and outside marine protected area. AACL Bioflux 2017, 10(5), 1257-1265.
- Lavides MN, Molina EPV, de la Rosa GE, Mill AC, Rushton SP, Stead SM, Polunin NVC. Patterns of Coral-Reef Finfish Species Disappearances Inferred from Fishers’ Knowledge in Global Epicentre of Marine Shorefish Diversity. PloS ONE 2016, 11(5), e0155752.
- Reid WDK, Sweeting CJ, Wigham BD, McGill RAR, Polunin NVC. Isotopic niche variability in macroconsumers of the East Scotia Ridge (Southern Ocean) hydrothermal vents: What more can we learn from an ellipse?. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2016, 542, 13-24.
- Newman SP, Meesters EH, Dryden CS, Williams SM, Sanchez C, Mumby PJ, Polunin NVC. Reef flattening effects on total richness and species responses in the Caribbean. Journal of Animal Ecology 2015, 84(6), 1678-1689.
- MacNeil MA, Graham NAJ, Cinner JE, Wilson SK, Williams ID, Maina J, Newman SP, Friedlander A, Jupiter S, Polunin NVC, McClanahan TR. Recovery potential of the world’s coral reef fishes. Nature 2015, 520(7547), 341-344.
- Turner JA, Polunin NVC, Field SN, Wilson SK. Measuring coral size-frequency distribution using stereo video technology, a comparison with in situ measurements. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2015, 187, 234.
- Turner RA, Polunin NVC, Stead SM. Mapping inshore fisheries: Comparing observed and perceived distributions of pot fishing activity in Northumberland. Marine Policy 2015, 51, 173-181.
- Zwirglmaier Z, Reid WDK, Heywood J, Sweeting CJ, Wigham BD, Polunin NVC, Hawkes JA, Connelly DP, Pearce D, Linse K. Linking regional variation of epibiotic bacterial diversity and trophic ecology in a new species of Kiwaidae (Decapoda, Anomura) from East Scotia Ridge (Antarctica) hydrothermal vents. MicrobiologyOpen 2015, 4(1), 136-150.
- Skerritt DJ, Robertson PA, Mill AC, Polunin NVC, Fitzsimmons C. Fine-scale movement, activity patterns and home-ranges of European lobster Homarus gammarus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2015, 536, 203-219.
- Dunne RP, Polunin NVC, Sand PH, Johnson ML. The Creation of the Chagos Marine Protected Area: A Fisheries Perspective. Advances in Marine Biology 2014, 69, 79-127.
- Valls M, Sweeting CJ, Olivar MP, de Puelles MLF, Pasqual C, Polunin NVC, Quetglas A. Structure and dynamics of food webs in the water column on shelf and slope grounds of the western Mediterranean. Journal of Marine Systems 2014, 138, 171-181.
- Turner RA, Polunin NVC, Stead SM. Social networks and fishers' behavior: exploring the links between information flow and fishing success in the Northumberland lobster fishery. Ecology and Society 2014, 19(2), 38.
- Kurten B, Frutos I, Struck U, Painting SJ, Polunin NVC, Middelburg JJ. Trophodynamics and functional feeding groups of North Sea fauna: a combined stable isotope and fatty acid approach. Biogeochemistry 2013, 113(1-3), 189-212.
- Kurten B, Painting SJ, Struck U, Polunin NVC, Middelburg JJ. Tracking seasonal changes in North Sea zooplankton trophic dynamics using stable isotopes. Biogeochemistry 2013, 113(1-3), 167-187.
- Turner RA, Gray T, Polunin NVC, Stead SM. Territoriality as a driver of fishers' spatial behaviour in the Northumberland lobster fishery. Society & Natural Resources 2013, 26(5), 491-505.
- Reid WDK, Sweeting CJ, Wigham BD, Zwirglmaier K, Hawkes JA, McGill RAR, Linse KL, Polunin NVC. Spatial Differences in East Scotia Ridge Hydrothermal Vent Food Webs: Influences of Chemistry, Microbiologyand Predation on Trophodynamics. PLoS One 2013, 8(6), e65553.
- Cariglia N, Wilson SK, Graham NAJ, Fisher R, Robinson J, Aumeeruddy R, Quatre R, Polunin NVC. Sea cucumbers in the Seychelles: effects of marine protected areas on high-value species. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2013, 23(3), 418-428.
- Caveen AJ, Gray TS, Stead SM, Polunin NVC. MPA policy: What lies behind the science?. Marine Policy 2013, 37(1), 3-10.
- Reid WDK, Sweeting CJ, Wigham BD, McGill RAR, Polunin NVC. High variability in spatial and temporal size-based trophodynamics of deep-sea fishes from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge elucidated by stable isotopes. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2013, 98(Part B), 412-420.
- Rogers AD, Tyler PA, Connelly DP, Copley JT, James R, Larter RD, Linse K, Mills RA, Garabato AN, Pancost RD, Pearce DA, Polunin NVC, German CR, Shank T, Boersch-Supan PH, Alker BJ, Aquilina A, Bennett SA, Clarke A, Dinley RJJ, Graham AGC, Green DRH, Hawkes JA, Hepburn L, Hilario A, Huvenne VAI, Marsh L, Ramirez-Llodra E, Reid WDK, Roterman CN, Sweeting CJ, Thatje S, Zwirglmaier K. The Discovery of New Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Communities in the Southern Ocean and Implications for Biogeography. PLoS Biology 2012, 10(1), e1001234.
- Bloomfield HJ, Sweeting CJ, Mill AC, Stead SM, Polunin NVC. No-trawl area impacts: perceptions, compliance and fish abundances. Environmental Conservation 2012, 39(3), 237-247.
- Galvan DE, Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC. Methodological uncertainty in resource mixing models for generalist fishes. Oecologia 2012, 169(4), 1083-1093.
- Reid WDK, Wigham BD, McGill RAR, Polunin NVC. Elucidating trophic pathways in benthic deep-sea assemblages of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north and south of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2012, 463, 89-103.
- Wilson SK, Graham NAJ, Fisher R, Robinson J, Nash K, Chong-Seng K, Polunin NVC, Aumeeruddy R, Quatre R. Effect of Macroalgal Expansion and Marine Protected Areas on Coral Recovery Following a Climatic Disturbance. Conservation Biology 2012, 26(6), 995-1004.
- Caveen AJ, Sweeting CJ, Willis TJ, Polunin NVC. Are the scientific foundations of temperate marine reserves too warm and hard?. Environmental Conservation 2012, 39(3), 199-203.
- Webb TJ, Dulvy NK, Jennings S, Polunin NVC. The birds and the seas: body size reconciles differences in the abundance-occupancy relationship across marine and terrestrial vertebrates. Oikos 2011, 120(4), 537-549.
- Mora C, Aburto-Oropeza O, Bocos AA, Ayotte PM, Banks S, Bauman AG, Beger M, Bessudo S, Booth DJ, Brokovich E, Brooks A, Chabanet P, Cinner JE, Cortes J, Cruz-Motta JJ, Magana AC, DeMartini EE, Edgar GJ, Feary DA, Ferse SCA, Friedlander AM, Gaston KJ, Gough C, Graham NAJ, Green A, Guzman H, Hardt M, Kulbicki M, Letourneur Y, Perez AL, Loreau M, Loya Y, Martinez C, Mascarenas-Osorio I, Morove T, Nadon MO, Nakamura Y, Paredes G, Polunin NVC, Pratchett MS, Bonilla HR, Rivera F, Sala E, Sandin SA, Soler G, Stuart-Smith R, Tessier E, Tittensor DP, Tupper M, Usseglio P, Vigliola L, Wantiez L, Williams I, Wilson SK, Zapata FA. Global Human Footprint on the Linkage between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Reef Fishes. PLOS Biology 2011, 9(4), e1000606.
- Hicks CC, Fitzsimmons C, Polunin NVC. Interdisciplinarity in the environmental sciences: barriers and frontiers. Environmental Conservation 2010, 37(4), 464-477.
- Wilson SK, Fisher R, Pratchett MS, Graham NAJ, Dulvy NK, Turner RA, Cakacaka A, Polunin NVC. Habitat degradation and fishing effects on the size structure of coral reef fish communities. Ecological Applications 2010, 20(2), 442-451.
- Greenwood NDW, Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC. Elucidating the trophodynamics of four coral reef fishes of the Solomon Islands using delta N-15 and delta C-13. Coral Reefs 2010, 29(3), 785-792.
- Wilding TA, Palmer EJL, Polunin NVC. Comparison of three methods for quantifying topographic complexity on rocky shores. Marine Environmental Research 2010, 69(3), 143-151.
- Sweeting CJ, Badalamenti F, D'Anna G, Pipitone C, Polunin NVC. Steeper biomass spectra of demersal fish communities after trawler exclusion in Sicily. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2009, 66(1), 195-202.
- Paddack MJ, Reynolds JD, Aguilar C, Appeldoorn RS, Beets J, Burkett EW, Chittaro PM, Clarke K, Esteves R, Fonseca AC, Forrester GE, Friedlander AM, Garcia-Sais J, Gonzalez-Sanson G, Jordan LKB, McClellan DB, Miller MW, Molloy PP, Mumby PJ, Nagelkerken I, Nemeth M, Navas-Camacho R, Pitt J, Polunin NVC, Reyes-Nivia MC, Robertson DR, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Salas E, Smith SR, Spieler RE, Steele MA, Williams ID, Wormald CL, Watkinson AR, Cote IM. Recent Region-wide Declines in Caribbean Reef Fish Abundance. Current Biology 2009, 19(7), 590-595.
- McClanahan TR, Cinner JE, Graham NAJ, Daw TM, Maina J, Stead SM, Wamukota A, Brown K, Venus V, Polunin NVC. Identifying Reefs of Hope and Hopeful Actions: Contextualizing Environmental, Ecological, and Social Parameters to Respond Effectively to Climate Change. Conservation Biology 2009, 23(3), 662-671.
- MacNeil MA, Graham NAJ, Polunin NVC, Kulbicki M, Galzin R, Harmelin-Vivien M, Rushton SP. Hierarchical drivers of reef-fish metacommunity structure. Ecology 2009, 90(1), 252-264.
- Lavides MN, Polunin NVC, Stead SM, Tabaranza DG, Comeros MT, Dongallo JR. Finfish disappearances around Bohol, Philippines inferred from traditional ecological knowledge. Environmental Conservation 2009, 36(3), 235-244.
- Graham NAJ, Wilson SK, Pratchett MS, Polunin NVC, Spalding MD. Coral mortality versus structural collapse as drivers of corallivorous butterflyfish decline. Biodiversity and Conservation 2009, 18(12), 3325-3336.
- Al-Habsi SH, Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC, Graham NAJ. δ15N and δ13C elucidation of size-structured food webs in a Western Arabian Sea demersal trawl assemblage. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2008, 353, 55-63.
- Barnes C, Jennings S, Polunin NVC, Lancaster JE. The importance of quantifying inherent variability when interpreting stable isotope field data. Oecologia 2008, 155(2), 227-235.
- Badalamenti F, Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC, Pinnegar J, D'Anna G, Pipitone C. Limited trophodynamics effects of trawling on three Mediterranean fishes. Marine Biology 2008, 154(5), 765-773.
- Wilson SK, Burgess SC, Cheal AJ, Emslie M, Fisher R, Miller I, Polunin NVC, Sweatman HPA. Habitat utilization by coral reef fish: Implications for specialists vs. generalists in a changing environment. Journal of Animal Ecology 2008, 77(2), 220-228.
- Wilson SK, Fisher R, Pratchett MS, Graham NAJ, Dulvy NK, Turner RA, Cakacaka A, Polunin NVC, Rushton SP. Exploitation and habitat degradation as agents of change within coral reef fish communities. Global Change Biology 2008, 14(12), 2796-2809.
- Pratchett MS, Munday PL, Wilson SK, Graham NAJ, Cinner JE, Bellwood DR, Jones GP, Polunin NVC, McClanahan TR. Effects of climate-induced coral bleaching on coral-reef fishes - Ecological and economic consequences. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 2008, 46, 251-296.
- MacNeil MA, Graham NAJ, Conroy MJ, Fonnesbeck CJ, Polunin NVC, Rushton SP, Chabanet P, McClanahan TR. Detection heterogeneity in underwater visual-census data. Journal of Fish Biology 2008, 73(7), 1748-1763.
- McClanahan TR, Cinner J, Maina J, Graham NAJ, Daw TM, Stead SM, Wamukota A, Brown K, Ateweberhan M, Venus V, Polunin NVC. Conservation action in a changing climate. Conservation Letters 2008, 1(2), 53-59.
- Graham NAJ, McClanahan TR, MacNeil MA, Wilson SK, Polunin NVC, Jennings S, Chabanet P, Clark S, Spalding MD, Letourneur Y, Bigot L, Galzin R, Öhman MC, Garpe KC, Edwards AJ, Sheppard CRC. Climate warming, marine protected areas and the ocean-scale integrity of coral reef ecosystems. PLoS One 2008, 3(8), e3039.
- Carassou L, Kulbicki M, Nicola TJR, Polunin NVC. Assessment of fish trophic status and relationships by stable isotope data in the coral reef lagoon of New Caledonia, southwest Pacific. Aquatic Living Resources 2008, 21(1), 1-12.
- Le Quesne WJF, Arreguín-Sánchez F, Albañez-Lucero M, Cheng H-Q, Cruz Escalona VH, Daskalov G, Ding H, González Rodríguez E, Heymans JJ, Jiang H, Lercari D, López-Ferreira C, López-Rocha JA, Mackinson S, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Wu J, Xu H-G, Zetina-Rejón MJ. Analysing ecosystem effects of selected marine protected areas with Ecospace spatial ecosystem models. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 2008, 16(2), 1-67.
- Ding H, Xu H, Wu J, Le Quesne WJF, Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC. An Overview of Spatial Management and Marine Protected Areas in the East China Sea. Coastal Management 2008, 36(5), 443-457.
- MacNeill MA, Tyler EHM, Fonnesbeck CJ, Rushton SP, Polunin NVC, Conroy MJ. Accounting for detectability in reef-fish biodiversity estimates. Marine Ecology - Progress Series 2008, 367, 249-260.
- Ledlie MH, Graham NAJ, Bythell JC, Wilson SK, Jennings S, Polunin NVC, Hardcastle J. Phase shifts and the role of herbivory in the resilience of coral reefs. Coral Reefs 2007, 26(3), 641-653.
- Graham NAJ, Wilson SK, Jennings S, Polunin NVC, Robinson J, Bijoux JP, Daw TM. Lag effects in the impacts of mass coral bleaching on coral reef fish, fisheries, and ecosystems. Conservation Biology 2007, 21(5), 1291-1300.
- McClanahan TR, Graham NAJ, Maina J, Chabanet P, Bruggemann JH, Polunin NVC. Influence of instantaneous variation on estimates of coral reef fish populations and communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2007, 340, 221-234.
- Mill AC, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Explaining isotope trophic-step fractionation: Why herbivorous fish are different. Functional Ecology 2007, 21(6), 1137-1145.
- Sweeting CJ, Barry J, Barnes C, Polunin NVC, Jennings S. Effects of body size and environment on diet-tissue δ15N fractionation in fishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2007, 340(1), 1-10.
- Sweeting CJ, Barry JT, Polunin NVC, Jennings S. Effects of body size and environment on diet-tissue δ13C fractionation in fishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2007, 352(1), 165-176.
- Barnes C, Sweeting CJ, Jennings S, Barry JT, Polunin NVC. Effect of temperature and ration size on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope trophic fractionation. Functional Ecology 2007, 21(2), 356-362.
- Turner RA, Cakacaka A, Graham NAJ, Polunin NVC, Pratchett MS, Stead SM, Wilson SK. Declining reliance on marine resources in remote South Pacific societies: Ecological versus socio-economic drivers. Coral Reefs 2007, 26(4), 997-1008.
- Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Videler JJ, de Wiljes JJ. Daily carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budgets for the Mediterranean planktivorous damselfish Chromis chromis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2007, 352(2), 378-391.
- Wilson SK, Graham NAJ, Polunin NVC. Appraisal of visual assessments of habitat complexity and benthic composition on coral reefs. Marine Biology 2007, 151(3), 1069-1076.
- Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Planktivorous fishes: links between the littoral and the pelagic in the western Mediterranean. Marine Biology 2006, 148(5), 1089-1099.
- Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Planktivorous damselfish support significant nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes to Mediterranean reefs. Marine Biology 2006, 148(5), 1089-1099.
- Wilson SK, Graham NAJ, Pratchett MS, Jones GP, Polunin NVC. Multiple disturbances and the global degradation of coral reefs: Are reef fishes at risk or resilient?. Global Change Biology 2006, 12(11), 2220-2234.
- Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC, Jennings S. Effects of chemical lipid extraction and arithmetic lipid correction on stable isotope ratios of fish tissues. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2006, 20(4), 595-601.
- Graham NAJ, Wilson SK, Jennings S, Polunin NVC, Bijoux JP, Robinson J. Dynamic fragility of oceanic coral reef ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2006, 103(22), 8425-8429.
- Sweeting CJ, Jennings S, Polunin NVC. Variance in isotopic signatures as a descriptor of tissue turnover and degree of omnivory. Functional Ecology 2005, 19(5), 777-784.
- Graham NAJ, Dulvy NK, Jennings S, Polunin NVC. Size-spectra as indicators of the effects of fishing on coral reef fish assemblages. Coral Reefs 2005, 24(1), 118-124.
- Sale PF, Cowen RK, Danilowicz BS, Jones GP, Kritzer JP, Lindeman KC, Planes S, Polunin NVC, Russ GR, Sadovy YJ, Steneck RS. Critical science gaps impede use of no-take fishery reserves. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2005, 20(2), 74-80.
- Dulvy NK, Polunin NVC. Using informal knowledge to infer human-induced rarity of a conspicuous reef fish. Animal Conservation 2004, 7(4), 365-374.
- Darnaude AM, Salen-Picard C, Polunin NVC, Harmelin-Vivien ML. Trophodynamic linkage between river runoff and coastal fishery yield elucidated by stable isotope data in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean). Oecologia 2004, 138(3), 325-332.
- Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC, Jennings S. Tissue and fixative dependent shifts of δ13C and δ15N in preserved ecological material. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2004, 18(21), 2587-2592.
- Deudero S, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Morey G, Morales-Nin B. Spatial variation and ontogenic shifts in the isotopic composition of Mediterranean littoral fishes. Marine Biology 2004, 145(5), 971-981.
- Dulvy NK, Polunin NVC, Mill AC, Graham NAJ. Size structural change in lightly exploited coral reef fish communities: Evidence for weak indirect effects. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2004, 61(3), 466-475.
- Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Predicting indirect effects of fishing in Mediterranean rocky littoral communities using a dynamic simulation model. Ecological Modelling 2004, 172(2-4), 249-267.
- Dulvy NK, Freckleton RP, Polunin NVC. Coral reef cascades and the indirect effects of predator removal by exploitation. Ecology Letters 2004, 7(5), 410-416.
- Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Badalamenti F. Long-term changes in the trophic level of western Mediterranean fishery and aquaculture landings. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2003, 60(2), 222-235.
- Olive PJW, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Richards G, Welch R. Isotope trophic-step fractionation: A dynamic equilibrium model. Journal of Animal Ecology 2003, 72(4), 608-617.
- Sweeting CJ, Jennings S, Polunin NVC. Why we aren’t what we eat isotopically speaking. MSCM Postgraduate Conference 2002.
- Badalamenti F, D'Anna G, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Size-related trophodynamic changes in three target fish species recovering from intensive trawling. Marine Biology 2002, 141(3), 561-570.
- Renones O, Polunin NVC, Goni R. Size related dietary shifts of Epinephelus marginatus in a western Mediterranean littoral ecosystem: An isotope and stomach content analysis. Journal of Fish Biology 2002, 61(1), 122-137.
- Dulvy NK, Mitchell RE, Watson D, Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC. Scale-dependant control of motile epifaunal community structure along a coral reef fishing gradient. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2002, 278(1), 1-29.
- Pinnegar JK, Jennings S, O'Brien CM, Polunin NVC. Long-term changes in the trophic level of the Celtic Sea fish community and fish market price distribution. Journal of Applied Ecology 2002, 39(3), 377-390.
- Pinnegar JK, Jennings S, O'Brien CM, Polunin NVC. Long-term changes in the trophic level of the Celtic Sea fish community and fish market price distribution. Journal of Applied Ecology 2002, 39(3), 377-390.
- Jennings S, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Warr KJ. Linking size-based and trophic analyses of benthic community structure. Marine Ecology - Progress Series 2002, 226, 77-85.
- Deudero S, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Insights into fish host-parasite trophic relationships revealed by stable isotope analysis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 2002, 52(1), 77-86.
- McClanahan TR, Polunin NVC, Done T. Ecological States and the Resilience of Coral Reefs. Conservation Ecology 2002, 6(2), 18.
- Jennings S, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Boon TW. Weak cross-species relationships between body size and trophic level belie powerful size-based trophic structuring in fish communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 2001, 70(6), 934-944.
- Pinnegar JK, Campbell N, Polunin NVC. Unusual stable isotope fractionation patterns observed for fish host-parasite trophic relationships. Journal of Fish Biology 2001, 59(3), 494-503.
- Williams ID, Polunin NVC, Hendrick VJ. Limits to grazing by herbivorous fishes and the impact of low coral cover on macroalgal abundance on a coral reef in Belize. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2001, 222, 187-196.
- Williams ID, Polunin NVC. Large-scale associations between macroalgal cover and grazer biomass on mid-depth reefs in the Caribbean. Coral Reefs 2001, 19(4), 358-366.
- Jennings S, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Warr KJ. Impacts of trawling disturbance on the trophic structure of benthic invertebrate communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2001, 213, 127-142.
- Polunin NVC, Morales-Nin B, Pawsey WE, Cartes JE, Pinnegar JK, Moranta J. Feeding relationships in Mediterranean bathyal assemblages elucidated by stable nitrogen and carbon isotope data. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2001, 220, 13-23.
- Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, Francour P, Badalamenti F, Chemello R, Harmelin-Vivien M-L, Hereu B, Milazzo M, Zabala M, D'Anna G, Pipitone C. Trophic cascades in benthic marine ecosystems: Lessons for fisheries and protected-area management. Environmental Conservation 2000, 27(2), 179-200.
- Williams ID, Polunin NVC. Differences between protected and unprotected reefs of the western Caribbean in attributes preferred by dive tourists. Environmental Conservation 2000, 27(4), 382-391.
- Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Contributions of stable-isotope data to elucidating food webs of Mediterranean rocky littoral fishes. Oecologia 2000, 122(3), 399-409.
- Cooke AJ, Polunin NVC, Moce K. Comparative assessment of stakeholder management in traditional Fijian fishing-grounds. Environmental Conservation 2000, 27(3), 291-299.
- McClanahan TR, Hendrick V, Rodrigues MJ, Polunin NVC. Varying responses of herbivorous and invertebrate-feeding fishes to macroalgal reduction on a coral reef. Coral Reefs 1999, 18(3), 195-203.
- Jennings S, Reynolds JD, Polunin NVC. Predicting the vulnerability of tropical reef fishes to exploitation with phylogenies and life histories. Conservation Biology 1999, 13(6), 1466-1475.
- Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Differential fractionation of delta C-13 and delta N-15 among fish tissues: implications for the study of trophic interactions. Functional Ecology 1999, 13(2), 225-231.
- Jennings S, Renones O, Morales-Nin B, Polunin NVC, Moranta J, Coll J. Spatial variation in the 15N and 13C stable isotope composition of plants, invertebrates and fishes on Mediterranean reefs: Implications for the study of trophic pathways. Marine Ecology Progress Series 1997, 146(1-3), 109-116.
- Jennings S, Polunin NVC. Impacts of predator depletion by fishing on the biomass and diversity of non-target reef fish communities. Coral Reefs 1997, 16(2), 71-82.
- Jennings S, Marshall SS, Polunin NVC. Seychelles' marine protected areas: Comparative structure and status of reef fish communities. Biological Conservation 1996, 75(3), 201-209.
- Jennings S, Polunin NVC. Impacts of fishing on tropical reef ecosystems. Ambio 1996, 25(1), 44-49.
- Jennings S, Polunin NVC. Impacts of fishing on tropical reef ecosystems. AMBIO 1996, 25(1), 44-49.
- Jennings S, Boulle DP, Polunin NVC. Habitat correlates of the distribution and biomass of Seychelles' reef fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 1996, 46(1), 15-25.
- Jennings S, Polunin NVC. Fishing strategies, fishery development and socioeconomics in traditionally managed Fijian fishing grounds. Fisheries Management and Ecology 1996, 3(4), 335-347.
- Jennings S, Polunin NVC. Effects of fishing effort and catch rate upon the structure and biomass of Fijian reef fish communities. Journal of Applied Ecology 1996, 33(2), 400-412.
Authored Books
- Caveen AJ, Polunin NVC, Gray TS, Stead SM. The Controversy over Marine Protected Areas: Science Meets Policy. New York, NY, USA: Springer, 2015.
- Mumby PJ, Flower J, Chollett I, Box SJ, Bozec YM, Fitzsimmons C, Forster J, Gill D, Griffith-Mumby R, Oxenford HA, Peterson AM, Stead SM, Turner RA, Townsley P, vanBeukering PJH, Booker F, Brocke HJ, Cabañillas-Terán N, Canty SWJ, Carricart-Ganivet JP, Charlery J, Dryden C, vanDuyl FC, Enríquez S, denHaan J, Iglesias-Prieto R, Kennedy EV, Mahon R, Mueller B, Newman SP, Nugues MM, CortésNúñez J, Nurse L, Osinga R, Paris CB, Petersen D, Polunin NVC, Sánchez C, Schep S, Stevens JR, Vallès H, Vermeij MJA, Visser PM, Whittingham E, Williams SM. Towards Reef Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods: A handbook for Caribbean coral reef managers. University of Exeter, 2014.
- Kaiser MJ, Attrill MJ, Thomas DN, Jennings S, Barnes DKA, Brierley AS, Polunin NVC, Raffaelli DG, Le B Williams PJ. Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems and Impacts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Book Chapters
- Polunin NVC, Gopal B, Graham NAJ, Hall SJ, Ittekott V, Mühlig-Hofmann A. Trends and global prospects of the Earth’s aquatic ecosystems. In: Polunin, NVC, ed. Aquatic Ecosystems: Trends and Global Prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp.353-365.
- Pratchett MS, Wilson SK, Graham NAJ, Munday PL, Jones GP, Polunin NVC. Coral bleaching and consequences for motile reef organisims: past, present and uncertain future effects. In: Lough, JM; van Oppen, MJH, ed. Coral Bleaching: Patterns, Processes, Causes and Consequences. Berlin: Springer Publishing, 2008, pp.139-158.
- Engelman R, Pauly D, Zeller D, Prinn RG, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC. Climate, people, fisheries and aquatic ecosystems. In: Polunin, NVC, ed. Aquatic Ecosystems: Trends and Global Prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, pp.1-16.
- McClanahan TR, Polunin NVC. Challenges and accomplishments towards sustainable reef fisheries. In: Cote, I.M., Reynolds, J.D, ed. Coral Reef Conservation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp.147-182.
- Polunin NVC, Pinnegar JK. Trophic ecology and the structure of marine food webs. In: Hart, PJB; Reynolds, JC, ed. Handbook of Fish and Fisheries. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002, pp.310-320.
- McClanahan TR, Polunin NVC, Done TJ. Resilience of coral reefs. In: Gunderson, L; Jansson, B-O; Hollings, CS; Folke, C, ed. Resilience and the Behavior of Large-Scale Systems. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2002, pp.111-163.
- Polunin NVC. Marine protected areas, fish and fisheries. In: Hart, PJB; Reynolds, JD, ed. Handbook of Fish and Fisheries. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002, pp.293-318.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Jennings S, Barnes C, Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC. Application of nitrogen stable isotope analysis in size-based marine food web and macroecological research. In: Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Users' Group (SIMSUG) Meeting. 2008, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Mühlig-Hofmann A, Veitayaki J, Polunin NVC, Stead S, Graham NAJ. Community-based marine resource management in Fiji - from yesterday to tomorrow. In: 10th International Coral Reef Symposium: Stability and Degradation of Coral Reef Ecosystems. 2006, Okinawa, Japan: International Society for Reef Studies, Japanese Coral Reef Society.
- Polunin NVC, Graham NAJ. Preliminary analyses of overarching issues effecting the 21 marine and freshwater ecosystems. In: 5th International Conference on Environmental Future: The Future of Aquatic Ecosystems. 2003, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC. Drilling for gold in seal teeth. In: Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Users Group Conference 2001. 2001.
- Polunin NVC, Pinnegar JK. Trophic-level dynamics inferred from stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. In: Fishing down the Mediterranean food webs? CIESM Workshop. 2000, Kerkyra, Greece: CIESM.
- Morales-Nin B, Moranta J, Polunin NVC, Massuti E, Cartes J. The deep-sea fishery of the Balearic Islands and the trophic level of the exploited resources. In: Fishing down the Mediterranean food webs? CIESM Workshop. 2000, Kerkyra, Greece: CIESM.
- Stergiou K, Polunin NVC. Executive Summary. In: Fishing down the Mediterranean food webs? CIESM Workshop. 2000, Kerkyra, Greece: CIESM.
- Badalamenti F, Pinnegar JK, Polunin NVC, D'Anna G. Estimates of trophic level in the red mullet Mullus barbatus: a comparison between gut-contents and stable-isotope data. In: Fishing down the Mediterranean food webs? CIESM Workshop. 2000, Kerkyra, Greece: CIESM.
Edited Book
- Polunin NVC, ed. Aquatic Ecosystems: Trends and Global Prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
- Polunin NVC, Graham NAJ. Review of the impacts of fishing on coral reef fish populations. Western Pacific Fishery Management Council 2003. 48pp.
- Sumaila UR, Skerritt D, Villasante S, Thambisetty M, Howard R, Glymour MM, Schneider LS, Selkoe DJ, Skerritt DJ, Schuhbauer A, Schuhbauer A, Villasante S, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Sinan H, Sinan H, Burnside D, Burnside D, Abdallah PR, Abe K, Addo KA, Adelsheim J, Adewumi IJ, Adeyemo OK, Adger N, Adotey J, Advani S, Afrin Z, Aheto D, Akintola SL, Akpalu W, Alam L, Alava JJ, Allison EH, Amon DJ, Anderies JM, Anderson CM, Andrews E, Angelini R, Anna Z, Antweiler W, Arizi EK, Armitage D, Arthur RI, Asare N, Asche F, Asiedu B, Asuquo F, Badmus L, Bailey M, Ban N, Barbier EB, Barley S, Barnes C, Barrett S, Basurto X, Belhabib D, Bennett E, Bennett NJ, Benzaken D, Blasiak R, Bohorquez JJ, Bordehore C, Bornarel V, Boyd DR, Breitburg D, Brooks C, Brotz L, Campbell D, Cannon S, Cao L, Campo JCC, Carpenter S, Carpenter G, Carson RT, Carvalho AR, Castrejon M, Caveen AJ, Kai MNC, Chan MA, Chapin FS, Charles T, Cheung W, Christensen V, Chuku EO, Church T, Clark C, Clarke TM, Cojocaru AL, Copeland B, Crawford B, Crepin A-S, Crowder LB, Cury P, Cutting AN, Daily GC, Da-Rocha JM, Das A, De La Puente S, De Zeeuw A, Deikumah SKS, Deith M, Dewitte B, Doubleday N, Duarte CM, Dulvy NK, Eddy T, Efford M, Ehrlich PR, Elsler LG, Fakoya KA, Falaye AE, Fanzo J, Fitzsimmons C, Flaaten O, Florko KRN, Aviles MF, Folke C, Forrest A, Freeman P, Freire KMF, Froese R, Frolicher TL, Gallagher A, Garcon V, Gasalla MA, Gephart JA, Gibbons M, Gillespie K, Giron-Nava A, Gjerde K, Glaser S, Golden C, Gordon L, Govan H, Gryba R, Halpern BS, Hanich Q, Hara M, Harley CDG, Harper S, Harte M, Helm R, Hendrix C, Hicks CC, Hood L, Hoover C, Hopewell K, Horta E Costa BB, Houghton JDR, Iitembu JA, Isaacs M, Isahaku S, Ishimura G, Islam M, Issifu I, Jackson J, Jacquet J, Jensen OP, Ramon JJ, Jin X, Jonah A, Jouffray J-B, Juniper SK, Jusoh S, Kadagi I, Kaeriyama M, Kaiser MJ, Kaiser BA, Kakujaha-Matundu O, Karuaihe ST, Karumba M, Kemmerly JD, Khan AS, Kimani P, Kleisner K, Knowlton N, Kotowicz D, Kurien J, Kwong LE, Lade S, Laffoley D, Lam ME, Lam VWL, Lange G-M, Latif MT, Billon PL, Le Brenne V, Le Manach F, Levin SA, Levin L, Limburg KE, List J, Lombard AT, Lopes PFM, Lotze HK, Mallory TG, Mangar RS, Marszalec D, Mattah P, Mayorga J, Mcausland C, Mccauley DJ, Mclean J, Mcmullen K, Meere F, Mejaes A, Melnychuk M, Mendo J, Micheli F, Millage K, Miller D, Mohamed KS, Mohammed E, Mokhtar M, Morgan L, Muawanah U, Munro GR, Murray G, Mustafa S, Nayak P, Newell D, Nguyen T, Noack F, Nor AM, Nunoo FKE, Obura D, Okey T, Okyere I, Onyango P, Oostdijk M, Orlov P, Osterblom H, Owens D, Owens T, Oyinlola M, Pacoureau N, Pakhomov E, Abrantes JP, Pascual U, Paulmier A, Pauly D, Pelebe ROE, Penalosa D, Pennino MG, Peterson G, Pham TTT, Pinkerton E, Polasky S, Polunin NVC, Prah E, Ramirez J, Relano V, Reygondeau G, Robadue D, Roberts C, Rogers A, Roumbedakis K, Sala E, Scheffer M, Segerson K, Seijo JC, Seto KC, Shogren JF, Silver JJ, Singh G, Soszynski A, Splichalova D-V, Spring M, Stage J, Stephenson F, Stewart BD, Sultan R, Suttle C, Tagliabue A, Tall A, Talloni-Alvarez N, Tavoni A, Taylor DRF, Teh LSL, Teh LCL, Thiebot J-B, Thiele T, Thilsted SH, Thumbadoo RV, Tigchelaar M, Tol RSJ, Tortell P, Troell M, Uzmanolu MS, Van Putten I, Van Santen G, Villasenor-Derbez JC, Wabnitz CCC, Walsh M, Walsh JP, Wambiji N, Weber EU, Westley F, Williams S, Wisz MS, Worm B, Xiao L, Yagi N, Yamazaki S, Yang H, Zeller D. WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies. Science 2021, 374(6567), 544-544.
- Graham NAJ, Chabanet P, Evans RD, Jennings S, Letourneur Y, MacNeil MA, McClanahan TR, Öhman MC, Polunin NVC, Wilson SK. Extinction vulnerability of coral reef fishes. Ecology Letters 2011, 14(4), 341-348.
- POLUNIN NVC. PRIMITIVE MYTH. NATURE 1987, 328(6126), 106-106.
- Goni R, Polunin NVC, Planes S. The Mediterranean: Marine protected areas and the recovery of a large marine ecosystem. Environmental Conservation 2000, 27(2), 95-97.
- Polunin NVC, Peacock S, Hardy MH, Royle J, Wigham BD. Methodologies for Assessing Spatial and Habitat Differences in Benthic Macroconsumer Biodiversity: Final Report. Newcastle University: Marine Management Organisation, 2012.
- Skerritt DJ, Fitzsimmons C, Hardy MH, Polunin NVC. Investigating the impact of offshore wind farms on European Lobster (Homarus gammarus) and Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus) fisheries. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: The Marine Management Organisation, 2012. Fisheries Challenge Fund.
- Bailey MC, Polunin NVC, Hawkins AD. A Sustainable Fishing Plan for the Farne Deeps Nephrops fishery. Newcastle upon Tyne: Marine Management Organisation, 2012.
- Fitzsimmons C, Polunin NVC, Caveen AJ, Bailey MC, Davies I, Lane P, McCandless DT. Building expertise to assess MPA effects: does the Whitby prohibited trawling area provide protection for finfish?. Newcastle upon Tyne: Marine Management Organisation, 2011.
- Polunin NVC, Bloomfield HJ, Sweeting CJ, McCandless DT. The effect of small prohibited trawling areas on the abundance of fish. London: Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, 2009.
- Polunin NVC, Bloomfield HJ, Sweeting CJ, McCandless DT. Developing indicators of MPA effectiveness: finfish abundance and diversity in a Yorkshire prohibited trawling area. Newcastle upon Tyne: Marine and Fisheries Agency, 2009.
- Turner RA, Hardy MH, Green J, Polunin NVC. Defining the Northumberland Lobster Fishery. London: Marine and Fisheries Agency, 2009.
- Polunin NVC, Bythell JC, Sweeting CJ, Hallam D. An environmental impact assessment of the MV Cabanos grounding on Falahiyat Reef, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Al-Mushtaraka Marine Services Ltd, 2007.
- Polunin NVC, Bythell JC, Sweeting CJ, Hallam D. An environmental impact assessment of the Bao Fu Men grounding on Falahiyat Reef, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Jeddah: Al-Mushtaraka Marine Services Ltd, 2007.
- Polunin NVC, Wilson SK, Sweeting CJ. An Environmental Impact Assessment of the Holland Klipper grounding on Jeddah Reef, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. London: Ince & Co, 2006.
- Sweeting CJ, LeQuesnes WJF, Polunin NVC, Xu H, Ding H, Wu J, Arreguín-Sánchez F, Lercari D, Zetina-Rejón MJ. A Review of the Similarities and Differences of Planning, Operation, Stakeholder Involvement and Effectiveness of Selected MPAs. London: INCOFISH, 2006.
- Walmsley SF, Barnes CT, Polunin NVC. Pemba Research Centre Business Plan. Maputo: Government of Mozambique, 2005.
- Graham NAJ, Polunin NVC. Marine protected areas in management of coral reefs. London, UK: International Society for Reef Studies, 2004. Briefing Paper 1.
- Graham NAJ, Polunin NVC. Effects of Fishing on Biodiversity in the North Sea. Cambridge: Fisheries Society of the British Isles, 2004. Briefing Paper 3.
- Polunin NVC. Economic Valuation of Coral Reefs and Adjacent Habitats in American Samoa: Final Report. Samoa, Africa: Jacobs GIBB Ltd, 2004.
- Polunin NVC, Graham NAJ. Impacts of fishing on coral reef populations. Hawaii: Western Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Council, 2003.
- Dulvy N, Polunin NVC, Mitchell R. Alternate states in species diverse marine benthic communities. Swindon: Natural Environment Research Council, 2002.
- Polunin NVC, Wabnitz CC. Marine protected areas in the North Sea. Cambridge: Fisheries Society of the British Isles, 2001. Briefing Paper 1.
- Caveen AJ, Fitzsimmons C, Pieraccini M, Dunn E, Sweeting CJ, Johnson ML, Bloomfield H, Jones EV, Lightfoot P, Gray TS, Stead SM, Polunin NVC. Diverging Strategies to Planning an Ecologically Coherent Network of MPAs in the North Sea: The Roles of Advocacy, Evidence and Pragmatism in the Face of Uncertainty. Advances in Marine Biology 2014, 69, 325-370.
- MacNeil MA, Graham NAJ, Cinner JE, Dulvy NK, Loring PA, Jennings S, Polunin NVC, Fisk AT, McClanahan TR. Transitional states in marine fisheries: adapting to predicted global change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 2010, 365(1558), 3753-3763.