Staff Profile
Dr Patricia Oliart
Senior Lecturer in Latin American Studies
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8328
- Address: School of Modern Languages
Old Library Building (5.32)
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
Senior Lecturer in Latin American Studies
I graduated in Sociology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. My Masters degree is in Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, and I hold a PhD in Human Geography at Newcastle University.
Recipient of the Distinguished Visiting Fellowship for the Advanced Research Collaborative at the CUNY Graduate Center Spring 2020.
Co-coordinator with Jorge Catalá-Carrasco of the EU funded H2020 MSCA-RISE project Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal 2015-2018.
Alberto Flores Galindo Visiting Fellow at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in 2017
Co-editor of the Bulletin of Latin American Research 2015 - 2018
From 2009 to 2014 I was co-director of the Vamos! Festival in the North East of England. Patricia Oliart
Recipient of the Rockefeller Fellowship "Race, Rights and Resources" at the University of Texas at Austin, Spring of 2003.
For most of my career I have been a lecturer, consultant and researcher on issues related to gender, ethnicity, cultural change, and education in urban and rural areas in the Andes and Amazonia. I have continued my interest in those topics but about a decade ago I began to work on urban youth cultures and activism. My current research integrates the analysis of cultural production and practices among youth collectives with theories of social change and political subjectivities, performance studies and youth studies. More here:
Postgraduate co-supervisor:
Miriam Liggins DTC ESRC funded PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies, on the practice of online quechua learning.
Past students
Jane Carnaffan, ESCR funded PhD in Human Geography: Peru-Land of the Incas? An analysis of Discourses of Development, Culture and Gender in ‘Home stay’ tourism in Peru.
Penelope Johnson, PhD in Translation Studies: Translation and the image of the other. The English translations of Pablo Neruda's Canto General.
Ximena Cordoba, AHRC funded PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies, on the Oruro Carnival.
Fernando Gonzáles-Velarde, PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies, on tourism, culture, and uses of space in the Northern Coast of Peru.
Sarah Bennison, AHRC funded PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies, working on water rituals in the Peruvian Highlands
Sarah Duggan AHRC funded in Iberian and Latin American Studies, on cultural change in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia going from a mining area to a natural reserve.
Natalie Hoskin, DTC- ESRC funded in Sociology and Iberian and Latin American Studies, on teenage sexuality and sex education in North East Brazil.
Stefan Rzedzian DTC-ESRC funded in Geography, on Earth rights rethoric and extractive activities in Ecuador.
Antonia Manresa, DTC- ESRC funded PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies, working on Indigenous Education in Ecuador.
Felix Lossio Chavez working on Nation branding tourism campaigns in Peru and Cuba
Ursula Balderson, DTC- ESRC funded PhD in Sociology working on social movements and mining in Ancash, Perú.
Carolyn Taylor MLitt in Latin American Studies, on home tourism in Maya communities in Mexico and Guatemala.
Maria Denton: MLitt in Latin American Studies on Indigenous Hip Hop in Brazil
Alex Young DTC- ESRC funded PhD in Iberian and Latin American Studies, working in Colombia on Educación Popular, feminism and gender-based violence.
Grace Garside DTC ESRC funded PhD in Geography at Durham University, working on Mapuche girls and Intercultural Education in Chile.
Undergraduate Teaching
Module leader for
LAS 1010 Introducción a América Latina, team taught with Giuliana Borea
SPA 2025 Representaciones de Revolución, Dictadura y Democracia, team taught with Jorge Catalá-Carrasco
SPA4008 Culturas de la Juventud en España, Portugal y América Latina,
Awarded the Vice Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award for the academic year of 2013-2014.
- Oliart P, Giesecke M, Guadalupe C, Espinoza G. Políticas educativas, orientaciones pedagógicas y la promesa democratizadora de la educación pública: Perú, 1821-2021. Apuntes. Revista De Ciencias Sociales 2025, 52(98), 201-230.
- Davies T, Laqua D, Framke M, Richard A-I, Oliart P, Skinner K, Requejo De Lamo P, Kramm R, Alston C, Hurst M. Rethinking Transnational Activism through Regional Perspectives: Reflections, Literatures and Cases. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 2024, 2, 317-343.
- Oliart P. Education for Social Change. Peru 1972-1975. Journal of Social Science Education 2013, 12(3), 8-18.
- Oliart P, Feixa C. Youth Studies in Latin America: On Social Actors, Public Policies and New Citizenship. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research 2012, 20(4), 329-344.
- Oliart P. Indigenous Women's Organizations and the Political Discourses of Indigenous Rights and Gender Equity in Peru. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 2008, 3(3), 291-308.
Authored Books
- Oliart P. Políticas educativas y la cultura del sistema educativo en el Perú. Lima, Peru: IEP, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2011.
- Oliart P, Biffi V. Territorialidad Indigena, conservacion y desarrollo. Discursos sobre la biodiversidad en la Amazonia Peruana. Lima, Peru: Instituto del Bien Comun, 2010.
- Mannarelli M, Laurie ND, Oliart P, Richardson D. Desarrollo rural y sexualidad : reflexiones comparativas [Rural Development and Sexuality: Comparative Reflections]. Lima, Peru: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2008.
- Vasquez T, Oliart P. La descentralizacion educativa 1996-2001. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2007.
- Oliart P, Remy M, Eguren F. SEPIA X: Peru, el problema agrario en debate. Lima, Peru: SEPIA, 2004.
- Montero C, Oliart P, Ames P, Uccelli F. La escuela rural: Modalidades y prioridades de intervención. Lima: UMC-Ministry of Education, 2001.
Book Chapters
- Oliart P. El cambio de época en las canciones de Juan Luis Dammert y Andreas Bodenhofer (1982-1984). In: Garcia Liendo, Javier; Mitrovic, Mijail, ed. Intelectuales, política y producción cultural en el Perú de los 70. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2024, pp.325-345.
- Oliart Patricia. Las bandas de rock fusión y "el nuevo Perú" en escena. In: Mendívil J; Romero R, ed. Identidades, liderazgos y transgresiones en la música peruana. Lima: Instituto de Etnomusicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022, pp.339-372.
- Oliart P. Youth protest culture in Lima (2011-2016). In: Nofre, Jordi; Campos, Ricardo, ed. Exploring Ibero-American Youth Cultures in the 21st Century Creativity, Resistance and Transgression in the City. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp.25-48.
- Oliart P. Vida universitaria y masculinidades mestizas. In: Sandoval P, ed. Antropologías hechas en el Perú. Editorial Universidad del Cauca: Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología, 2020, pp.603-652.
- Oliart P, Triquell A. Photography Collectives and anti-racism in Peru and Argentina. In: Wade Peter and James Scorer, ed. Cultures of Antiracism in Latin America. London: Institute of Latin American Studies, 2019, pp.49-72.
- Oliart P. Education, power and distinctions. In: Seligman, Linda and Kathleen Fine, ed. The Andean World. New York: Routledge, 2019, pp.539-551.
- Oliart P. Politicizing Education: The 1972 Reform in Peru. In: Aguirre C; Drinot P, ed. The Peculiar Revolution Rethinking the Peruvian Experiment Under Military Rule. Austin: The University of Texas Press, 2017.
- Oliart P. Fusion Rock Bands and the “New Peru” on Stage. In: Vila, P, ed. Music and Youth Culture in Latin America: Identity Construction Processes from New York to Buenos Aires. Oxford University Press, 2014, pp.174-203.
- Oliart P. Las organizaciones de mujeres indígenas en el Perú y los discursos de los derechos indígenas y la equidad de género. In: Hernandez Castillo, RA. and Canessa, A, ed. Género Complementariedades y exclusiones en Mesoamérica y los Andes. Quito, Ecuador: Abya Ayala, IWGIA, 2012, pp.117-145.
- Oliart Patricia. Cuestionando Certidumbres: Antropología y Estudios de Género en el Perú. In: Carlos Iván Degregori, ed. No Hay Pais más Diverso. Compendio de Antropología Peruana. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2012, pp.330-354.
- Oliart P. Mediocridad y corrupción: Los enemigos de la educación estatal en el Perú. In: Pasara, L, ed. Perú ante los desafíos del siglo XXI. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2011.
- Oliart P. Mujeres, religión y sociedad en la Lima del siglo XIX. In: Meza, C; Hampe, T, ed. La Mujer en la historia del Perú, siglos XV al XX. Lima: Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú, 2007.
- Oliart P. Temas para la investigación y la reflexión en torno a la sexualidad adolescente en el Perú rural. In: Laurie, N; Mannarelli, MA, ed. Género, sexualidad y desarrollo rural. Lima: British Council, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2005.
- Oliart P. Género, sexualidad y adolescencia en la provincia de Quispicanchi. In: Mujica, RM; García, JM, ed. Quispicanchi: Género y Sexualidad. Lima: IPEDEHP - Fe y Alegria, 2005.
- Oliart P. Para qué estudiar?: La problemática educativa de niñas y mujeres en áreas rurales del Perú. In: Schicra, I, ed. Género, etnicidad y educación en América Latina. Madrid: Ediciones Morata, 2004, pp.49-60.
- Oliart P. Desafíos políticos, económicos y científicos de la Megadiversidad. In: Fernando Eguren, Patricia Oliart and Marisa Remy, ed. Perú: El problema Agrario en Debate : SEPIA X. Seminario Permanente de Investigacion agraria, 2004.
Edited Books
- Oliart P, ed. Pedagogías de la disidencia en América Latina. Lima, Peru: La Siniestra Ensayos, 2020.
- Oliart P, Feixa C, ed. Juvenopedia : Mapeo de las Juventudes Iberoamericanas. Barcelona: NED Ediciones, 2016.
- Oliart P, ed. Educar en tiempos de cambio, 1968-1975. Lima, Peru: Derrama Magisterial, 2014.
- Oliart P, ed. Territorio, cultura e historia. Materiales para la renovación de la enseñanza sobre la sociedad peruana. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2003.
Online Publication
- Oliart P. El Estado Peruano y las Políticas Sociales dirigidas a los Pueblos Indígenas en la Década de los 90. University of Texas at Austin: Centre for Latin American Social Policies, 2003. Available at: