Staff Profile
Professor Jaime Amezaga
Prof of Environmental Sustainability
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5614
- Address: Room 3.18
Cassie Building
Water and Environmental Engineering
School of Engineering
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I work at the interface of engineering and social sciences with a broad interest in understanding and interacting with complex technical, environmental and natural resources challenges. Most of my research is focused on policy and institutional analysis in sustainable water, land use and energy management. I am an experienced coordinator of interdisciplinary and multinational research projects involving research groups in Europe, Central and South America, Africa and Asia. Typically, my projects include stakeholder involvement and establishment of research/policy interfaces. I am always keen to work with PhD students interested in interdisciplinary research in socio-technical or socio-natural issues both in the UK and internationally. My teaching role is directly connected to my research experience. I lead the Human and Management Systems Theme of the Civil Engineering Degrees. I lecture on sustainability, engineering ethics and public policy in our undergraduate programme and on water policy and river basin management in our postgraduate programmes. Currently, I am involved in two large multinational projects addressing intractable issues in sustainable development supported by UKRI GCRF: the Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub, of which I am Deputy Director, and the Living Deltas Hub.
Roles and Responsibilities
Professor of Environmental Sustainability
Civil Engineering Degrees Admissions Tutor
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Engineering for the Water Sector STREAM Newcastle Co-ordinator
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Infrastructure and Resilience WIRE Newcastle Co-I
Member of Newcastle University Environment and Sustainability Committee
MSc Chemical Engineering IQS Barcelona (Spain)
MSc Environmental Science and Technology IHE Delft (The Netherlands)
PhD School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University (UK)
Thesis: "Harmonising Policy and Technology: Environmental Regulation of Mine Waters in the UK and the EU"
Member of the Association of Chemical Engineers IQS, partner of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.
Member of the International Mine Water Association
Industrial experience
Development of doctoral research projects with water utilities in the UK (Scottish Water, United Utilities, Northumbrian Water, Yorkshire Water, Severn Trent) (2010- present)
Partnership development in the framework of the Northumbrian Water Limited and Newcastle University Concordat for Collaboration (2011-present)
Professional consultancy “Technical Review of the mine closure plan and mine closure implementation at Minerales Entre Mares San Martin mine, Honduras”, CAFOD (2009)
Partnership development on coal mining environmental technology with Coal India Limited (Chairman and Technical Director) and CMPDI in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (2008-present).
Deputy to the HSBC Professor of Energy and Environment for the delivery of Newcastle University's participation in the HSBC "Partnership in Environmental Innovation" with direct links to HSBC Holdings plc Corporate Social Responsibility function and reporting to the HSBC Holdings Adviser on the Environment (2005-8)
Technical advisor to WWF Global Freshwater Programme - Europe c/o WWF European Policy Office (EPO) on mining waste and water (2002-05)
Professional consultancy "River Ouseburn Strategy Scoping Study", Newcastle City Council (2002)
Senior Consultant with NuWater Consulting on asset management, regulation and global issues in the water industry (2000-2001)
Strategic review of asset mananagement practices in Northumbrian Water Limited, “Towards Continuous Strategic Asset Management”, (1999-2000).
Professional consultancy “Evaporation/ Climate Data Service Scoping Project” North West Region of the Environment Agency (1998-99)
Research Interests
- Sustainable management of natural resources and infrastructure
- Integrated land and water management
- Environmental management: institutions, regulation and policy
- Interface research/policy
- Sociotechnical systems and transitions
- Developing countries
- Stakeholder involvement
- Management of multidisciplinary research
Postgraduate supervision
Daryl Hughes, "Understanding and communicating impacts of water resources infrastructure removals", STREAM EngD with United Utilities, (2017-expected 2021)
Kenneth Agbo, "Modelling and development of a management strategy for minimising erosion in Imo State Eastern Nigeria" TETFund (2015- expected 2018)
Dominic Carver, "Ennerdale Water and upper River Ehen natural hydrological regime and geomorphology", STREAM EngD with United Utilities, (2015-expected 2019)
Muhammad Rezki, "Enhancing the resilience of transportation network around Merapi Volcano to tephra fall " SPN Indonesia-ENDO, (2014-2018)
Ursula Balderson, "Environmental Conflicts in South America", ESRC North East Doctoral Training Centre, Sociology/Civil Engineering (2013-2018)
Darren Shako, “Sanitation Policy for the Caribbean: Providing Structure, Building Sustainability and Informing Post MDG Actions” Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (2013-2017)
Ambisisi Ambituuni “Risk management in the downstream oil and gas supply chain structure in Nigeria” Petroleum Technology Development Fund (2012-2016)
Ruth Kennedy-Walker,"Planning and implementation of wastewater collection, treatment and re-use in peri-urban areas" EPSRC, Civil Engineering (2011-2015)
Misgun Kahsu, "Food Security Policy, Implementation Process and its Effectiveness at a Ground Level in Ethiopia" NIReS/Planet Earth Institute (2011-2017 with interruption)
Ed Byers, “Long Term Interdependent Infrastructure Planning”, EPSRC, Civil Engineering (2010-2015)
Pablo Mendez, “Facilitating Transitions towards Adaptive Governance and Management in Estuarine Socio-ecosystems: Institutional Analysis and Action Research in the Doñana Region”, IMEDEA/University of Baleares (Spain) (part time 2006-2014)
Gerardo Gonzalez, “Environmental Assessment of Underground Coal Gasification”, Swan Institute (2007-2013)
Mukhtar Hashemi, “A Socio-technical Framework for Implementing the Integrated Water Resources Management Paradigm in Iran”, Civil Engineering Sandwich Programme with Iran (2007-2012)
Jen Harrison, “Sustainability Assessment of Bioenergy in Developing Countries”, Interdisciplinary Civil Engineering and Geography under staff regulations (2006-2011)
Floriane Clement,” A Multi-level Analysis of Forest Policies in Northern Vietnam: Uplands, People, Institutions and Discourses”, Interdisciplinary Civil Engineering and Geography (2004-2008) External Examiner: Prof Elinor Ostrom, Nobel Prize of Economy 2009
Research Projects
"Decentralised Water Technologies", EPSRC Programme Grant. Glasgow (lead), Strathclyde, Edinburgh, Newcastle. £6 M (total), 2021-2026. Newcastle PI.
"Legacy wastes in the coastal zone: Environmental risks and management futures", NERC, £695K, 2020-2024, Co-I
PEACE-R2UK. Programme to Enhance Academic Collaboration for Enabling Regenerative Reconstruction in Ukraine, UK– Ukraine R&I Twinning Grant. £164k, 2023. Co-I.
UKRI GCRF Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub 2019-2024 £17.7M, 12 partner countries, 55 partner organisations (UK Academic Partners Leeds and Oxford), South America, East Africa, South Central Asia and South East Asia. Deputy Director, Chair of Ethics Committee and Leader of Impact.
UKRI GCRF Living Deltas Hub 2019-2024 £15.3M,13 partner countries, 39 partner organisations, South and South East Asia, Co-I
WIRE "EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Infrastructure and Resilience", EPSRC, £1,7M, 2019-2027. Academic Partnership: Cranfield-Coordinator, Sheffield, Newcastle with Industry. Co-I.
STREAM II "EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Engineering for the Water Sector", EPSRC, £555K, Industry, £460K, 2014-2022. Academic Partnership: Cranfield-Coordinator, Sheffield, Imperial College, Exeter, Newcastle. Industrial partners: Northumbrian Water, Scottish Water, United Utilities, Severn Trent,, Newcastle PI.
STREAM "Industrial Doctorate Centre for the UK Water Sector", EPSRC, £1.1M, Industry £484K, 2009-2018, Academic Partnership: Cranfield-Coordinator, Sheffield, Imperial College, Exeter, Newcastle. Industrial partners: Northumbrian Water, Scottish Water, United Utilities, Yorkshire Water, Severn Trent, WRc, Newcastle PI.
"Promoting an integral management of water resources in three watersheds in Peru", CAFOD (PER280), £83K, 2012-2018, PI.
DESAFIO “Democratisation of Water and Sanitation Governance by Means of Socio-Technical Innovation”, EC 7th Framework Programme, (CP-FP-SICA Grant Agreement N° 320303) SSH.2012.2.1-2.Social innovation for vulnerable population, £1M, 2013-2015 (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Portugal, UK), Co-I and Project Advisor.
"A Global Solution to Protect Water by Transforming Waste", EPSRC, 886K (total), 2011-2015, (Glasgow, Sheffield, IDS, Cranfield, Ulster, Newcastle), PI.
"Developing the science base for an international NGO promoting sustainability through South-South cooperation", Planet Earth Institute, £72K, 2011-2015, PI.
AMGRAF "Adaptive management of groundwater resources for small scale irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa", NERC (NE/L002019/1), £66K, Jul 2013-Jul 2014, (IWMI, CSIR RAS, CSIR Ghana), Co-I.
"Bio-desalination: from cell to tap", EPSRC, 999K (total), 2011-2014, (Glasgow, Robert Gordon, Sheffield, Imperial College London, Newcastle), PI.
"Mitigation of risks from emerging hazards: Integration of field training, energy-conserving waste treatment and next-generation sequencing technologies" EPSRC Impact Award (Newcastle University)£27.8 K. 2011-12, Co-I.
Re-Impact “Rural Energy Production from Bioenergy Projects”, EC EuropeAid £1.2M, 2007-2010, (South Africa, Uganda, India, China, Austria, UK), Project Coordinator and PI.
CAMINAR “Catchment Management and Mining Impacts in Arid and Semi-Arid South America”, EC 6th Framework Programme INCO Dev £1.2 M, 2007-2010, (Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Portugal, Spain, UK), Project Coordinator and PI.
“Environmental Engineers of Tomorrow: Developing a Shared Tool Box through collaboration” EPSRC, 180 K, 2007-2009, (IITD, Glasgow, Newcastle), Project Coordinator and PI.
EPIC FORCE “Evidence-based Policy for Integrated Control of Forested River Catchments in Extreme Rainfall and Snowmelt” EC 6th Framework Programme INCO DEV £1.13M, 2005-2008, (Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Spain, Italy, UK), Co-I and support to Project Coordination.
CARACOLES: “Supporting the implementation of Adaptive Management in the Lower Guadalquivir and Doñana Natural Reserve through the restoration of the Finca Caracoles” IMEDEA, 2005-2008, PI.
ERMISA “Environmental Regulation of Mine Waters in South America”, EC 6th Framework Programme INCO DEV £67K, 2006, (Peru, UK), Project Coordinator and PI.
“Socio-economic impacts and market opportunities associated with land use and hydrological change in tropical montane cloud forest areas in Arenal, Costa Rica” FRP Project funded by DFID Renewable Natural Resources Strategy £352K, 2003-2006, Co-I.
LOWFLOWS “Low Base Flows and Livelihoods in India” FRP Project funded by DFID Renewable Natural Resources Strategy £340K, 2002-2006, (IITD, Winrock International, Newcastle), Co-I and Project Manager.
FLOWS Coordination Unit funded by DFID Renewable Natural Resources Strategy as DFID's contribution to the UN Year of the Mountain 2002, 2002-2006, (South Africa, Tanzania, Grenada, Costa Rica, India, The Netherlands, UK) Co-I.
URBEM “Urban River Basin Enhancement Methods” European Commission Fifth Framework £56K, 2002-2005, PI.
ERMITE “Environmental Regulation of Mine waters in the EU”. European Commission Fifth Framework £830K, 2001 -2004, (Sweden, Germany, Spain, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Bosnia-Herzegovina, UK), Project Coordinator.
ToCSAM “Towards Continuous Strategic Asset Management” Northumbrian Water Limited 67K, 1999-2000, PI.
“River Ouseburn Strategy Scoping Study” Newcastle City Council £5K, 2002, PI.
“Evaporation/ Climate Data Service Scoping Project” Environment Agency North West Region £5K, 1998-1999. Co-I
Esteem Indicators
External lecturer at the MAS in Sustainable Water Resources, Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich, 2012-date.
Invited reviewer, NWO Domain Science, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), 2017
Invited lecturer, "Short Course on Public Health Impact of Environmental Hazards and Pollution: monitoring and adaptation", Indian Institute of Public Health Hyderabad, 7-11 December 2015
Invited reviewer, The Swedish Research Council FORMAS, 2014 and 2015
Member of the Global Scientific Committe of the Planet Earth Institute, 2012-2013
Invited keynote speaker, "True value of water", Global Leakage Summit, London Business Conferences, 11-14 March 2013, London.
Keynote speaker Rio 20 UNCSD Official Side Event “Partnership Fair for Science in Africa”, Rio de Janeiro, 21 June 2012
Invited keynote speaker, "Agua y minería sostenible", Forum "La Academia y el Desarrollo del País en el Ámbito de las Intervenciones Antropológicas en Zonas Protegidas” organised by Universidad de Cuenca, Universidad del Azuay (UDA) and Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS), Cuenca (Ecuador), 17 October 2012
Invited keynote speaker "Value of water in a sustainable future environment", Waterloss UK, Birmingham, 27 March 2012
Invited expert to British Council PMI2 Global Partnerships for the Knowledge Economy Research Symposium- Water Security and Management, 19-21 March 2011, Muscat Oman.
Invited keynote speaker "El agua en la gestion sostenible de la mineria: Retos para el sector y las instituciones", AGUA 2011, Ecosistemas y sociedad: Visiones. limites y aplicaciones de los servicios ecosistemicos en un mundo cambiante, Cali (Colombia) 15th November 2011
Best Paper Award from the International Water Resources Association for papers published in Water International in 2010: Bathurst, J.C., Amezaga, J., Cisneros, F., Gaviño Novillo, M., Iroumé, A., Lenzi, M.A., Mintegui Aguirre, J., Miranda, M. and Urciuolo, A. 2010. Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project. Water International, 35(2), 114-131.
Invited keynote speaker “Sustainable Water Management for Mining”, Sustainable Mining Africa Round Tables (SMART), Angolan Ministry of Geology, Mining and Industry, Planet Earth Institute and the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, Luanda (Angola) 19th November 2010.
Invited expert by Colciencias (Government of Colombia) and Universidad del Valle to run a "Thematic Workshop on Environmental Technology-Health and the European Commission Framework Programmes" Cali (Colombia), 12-15 October 2010.
Invited Expert by the European Commission to the "Latin American-European Workshop on Environment" EULARINET, Bogotá (Colombia), November 18-20, 2009
“Technical Review of the mine closure plan and mine closure implementation at Minerales Entre Mares San Martin mine, Honduras” for CAFOD, May-September 2009
Deputy to the HSBC Professor of Energy and Environment for the delivery of the group's participation in the HSBC "Partnership for Environmental Innovation" with direct links to HSBC's Corporate Social Responsibility function, 2005-8
Deputy Head of HERO Group, Winner of the Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education 2005 for Newcastle University.
Technical advisor to WWF Global Freshwater Programme - Europe c/o WWF European Policy Office (EPO) on mining waste and water, 2002-05
Invited speaker to the meeting of the Dialogue Group "Mining and Sustainable Development", Lima (Peru), 21 September 2006. The Group includes around 60 representatives from industry, government, NGOs and international organisations involved in the mining sector in Peru.
Co-organizer of the State Workshop "Towards Implementing Sustainable Watershed Management Strategy for Madhya Pradesh", MP Ministry of Rural Development, Bhopal (India), 6-7 February 2006, attended by the Chief Minister of MP, Minister of Panchayat and Rural Development and more than 300 participants.
Invited speaker in the Science-Policy Interface Workshop of “Linking community and ecosystem ecology: recent advances and future challenges” Final Conference of the Linkecol Programme of the European Science Foundation, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), May 18-21, 2004.
Co-organizer and key note speaker in the State Workshop "Towards Implementing Environmentally Sustainable Water Policy in Himachal Pradesh", HP State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Shimla (India) 28th August 2004 attended by the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Minister of Water Resources and 140 participants from State and Central Organisations.
Invited technical expert to the exchange of views on the proposed directive on management of waste from the extractive industries (COM (2003)319) between Council Presidency, Commission DG Environment and DG Enterprise, Environmental Committee European Parliament, NGOs and Industry. European Parliament, Brussels, 3 November 2003.
Undergraduate Teaching
BEng/MEng Civil Engineering
CEG 3003 "Engineering Ethics and Sustainability" (module leader)
CEG 8003 "Public Policy and Sustainability" (module leader)
Postgraduate Teaching
MSc Hydrology and Climate Change/ Hydroinformatics and Water Management: Euroaque
CEG 8512 "Integrated River Basin Management" (module leader)
CEG 8524 "Water Management: Issues and Challenges" (module leader)
MSc Environmental Engineering
CEG8103 "Water Supply and Treatment"
Teaching Projects
Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professorship £30K, 2019-2002. Prof Paul Johnson, ARUP Fellow to promote teaching of "Total Engineering and Management of Infrastructure Projects
CESSAF “Centre of Excellent of Science for Sustainability in Africa”, PEI-BESA £485K, 2012-2013, Partnership: University Agostinho Neto, Newcastle University, Planet Earth Institute, Banco Espiritu Santo Angola and Government of Angola, PI.
- Leonard A, Amezaga J, Blackwell R, Lewis E, Kilsby C. The Changing Landscape of Water Resources Planning in England. Water Resources Management 2025. In Preparation.
- Mdee A, Ofori AD, Cohen J, Kjellén M, Rooney E, Singhal S, Amezaga J, Ankush, Figueroa-Benítez A, Gupta S, Tamiru Haile A, Haileslassie A, Kongo V, Kumar A, Mafla Noguera SA, Nagheeby M, Noor ZZ, Polaine X, Singh N, Sylvester R, Wan Ahmad Tajuddin WAN, Bin Yusop Z, Zúñiga-Barragán J. Obscuring Complexity and Performing Progress: Unpacking SDG Indicator 6.5.1 and the Implementation of IWRM. Water Alternatives 2024, 17(2), 391-414.
- Leonard A, Amezaga J, Blackwell R, Lewis E, Kilsby C, Murgatroyd A. Collaborative multiscale water resources planning in England. International Journal of Water Resources Development 2024, 41(3), 580-605.
- Lawson E, Robbie J, Sloan WT, Amezaga J. Challenges and opportunities for decentralised water technologies in Scotland. Water Policy 2024, 26(2), 189-205.
- Christy A, Elnahass M, Amezaga J, Browne A, Heidrich O. A dynamic framework to align company climate reporting and action with global climate targets. Business Strategy and The Environment 2024, 33(4), 3103-3128.
- Kumar A, Button C, Gupta S, Amezaga J. Water Sensitive Planning for the Cities in the Global South. Water 2023, 15(2), 235.
- Bantider A, Tadesse B, Mersha AN, Zeleke G, Alemayehu T, Nagheeby M, Amezaga J. Voices in Shaping Water Governance: Exploring Discourses in the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia. Water 2023, 15(4), 803.
- Wan Ahmad Tajuddin WAN, Zainon Noor Z, Weng Wai C, Aris A, Nagheeby M, Sa'adi Z, Amezaga J, Abdul Wahid NA. Framing a social network analysis approach to understanding reputational power in the water governance of Johor, Malaysia. Journal of Water and Climate Change 2023, 14(10), 3891-3911.
- Figueroa-Benitez A, Nagheeby M, Figueroa A, Amezaga J. Disrupted water governance in the shadows: Revealing the role of hidden actors in the Upper Cauca River Basin in Colombia. Frontiers in Water 2023, 5, 801171.
- Nagheeby Mohsen, Amezaga Jaime. Decolonising water diplomacy and conflict transformation: from security-peace to equity-identity. Water Policy 2023, 25(8), 835–850.
- Hughes D, Parkin G, Amezaga J, Large A, Liney K, Senior A, Goddard A. The influence of 4D landscape visualisation on attitudes to reservoir renaturalisation. Landscape and Urban Planning 2022, 221, 104372.
- Polaine XK, Dawson R, Walsh CL, Amezaga J, Pena-Varon M, Lee C, Rao S. Systems thinking for water security. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 2022, 39(3), 205-223.
- Riley AL, Amezaga J, Burke IT, Byrne P, Cooper N, Crane RA, Comber SDW, Gandy CJ, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jennings E, Lewis E, Lofts S, MacDonald JM, Malcolm H, Mayes WM, Onnis P, Olszewska J, Spears B, Jarvis AP. Incorporating conceptual site models into national-scale environmental risk assessments for legacy waste in the coastal zone. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022, 10, 1045482.
- Leicester DD, Amezaga JM, Moore A, Heidrich ES. Optimising the hydraulic retention time in a pilot-scale microbial electrolysis cell to achieve high volumetric treatment rates using concentrated domestic wastewater. Molecules 2020, 25(12), 2945.
- Leicester D, Amezaga J, Heidrich E. Is bioelectrochemical energy production from wastewater a reality? Identifying and standardising the progress made in scaling up microbial electrolysis cells. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2020, 133, 110279.
- Ambituuni A, Ochieng E, Amezaga JM. Optimising the integrity of safety critical petroleum assets: A project conceptualisation approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 2019, 66(2), 208-223.
- Méndez PF, Amezaga JM, Santamaría L. Explaining path-dependent rigidity traps: increasing returns, power, discourses, and entrepreneurship intertwined in social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 2019, 24(2), 30.
- Byers EA, Hall JW, Amezaga JM, O'Donnell GM, Leathard A. Water and climate risks to power generation with carbon capture and storage. Environmental Research Letters 2016, 11, 024011.
- Kennedy-Walker R, Holderness T, Alderson D, Amezaga JM, Paterson CA. Optimisation and costing of faecal sludge management options for Lusaka's informal settlements. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2016, 2(1), 97-106.
- Byers EA, Amezaga JM. UK nuclear and fossil fuel energy infrastructure climate risk. Infrastructure Asset Management 2015, 2(3), 120-130.
- Kennedy-Walker R, Amezaga JM, Paterson CA. The role of power, politics and history in achieving sanitation service provision in informal urban environments: a case study of Lusaka, Zambia. Environment and Urbanization 2015, 27(2), 1-16.
- Kennedy-Walker R, Amezaga JM, Paterson CA. The impact of community social dynamics on achieving improved sanitation access for the urban poor: The case of Lusaka, Zambia. Habitat International 2015, 50, 326–334.
- Ambituuni A, Amezaga JM, Werner D. Risk management framework for safe transportation of petroleum products in Nigeria: Learning from past accidents and good practices. Risk Management 2015, 17(4), 329-351.
- Ambituuni A, Amezaga JM, Werner D. Risk assessment of petroleum product transportation by road: A framework for regulatory improvement. Safety Science 2015, 79, 324-335.
- Byers E, Qadrdan M, Leathard A, Alderson D, Hall JW, Amezaga JM, Tran M, Kilsby CG, Chaudry M. Cooling water for Britain's future electricity supply. Proceedings of the ICE - Energy 2015, 168(3), 188-204.
- Byers EA, Hall JW, Amezaga JM. Electricity generation and cooling water use: UK pathways to 2050. Global Environmental Change 2014, 25, 16-30.
- Kennedy-Walker R, Evans BE, Amezaga JM, Paterson CA. Challenges for the future of urban sanitation planning: critical analysis of John Kalbermatten’s influence. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 2014, 4(1), 1-14.
- Gormley-Gallagher A, Amezaga J, Shucksmith J, Savic D, Templeton M, Mcadam E, Jeffrey P. Briefing: Negotiating value at the research–practice interface in the water sector. Proceedings of the ICE - Management, Procurement and Law 2014, 168(1), 8-11.
- Minas K, Karunakaran E, Bond T, Gandy C, Honsbein A, Madsen M, Amezaga J, Amtmann A, Templeton MR, Biggs CA, Lawton L. Biodesalination: an emerging technology for targeted removal of Na+ and Cl- from seawater by cyanobacteria. Desalination and Water Treatment 2014, 55(10), 2647-2668.
- Amezaga JM, Amtmann A, Biggs CA, Bond T, Gandy CJ, Honsbein A, Karunakaran E, Lawton L, Madsen MA, Minas K, Templeton MR. Biodesalination: a case study for applications of photosynthetic bacteria in water treatment. Plant Physiology 2014, 164(4), 1661-1676.
- Ambituuni A, Amezaga J, Emeseh E. Analysis of safety and environmental regulations for downstream petroleum industry operations in Nigeria: Problems and prospects. Environmental Development 2014, 9, 43-60.
- Amezaga JM, Bird DN, Hazelton JA. The future of bioenergy and rural development policies in Africa and Asia. Biomass and Bioenergy 2013, 59, 137-141.
- Hazelton JA, Tiwari S, Amezaga JM. Stakeholder dynamics in bioenergy feedstock production; The case of Jatropha curcas L. for biofuel in Chhattisgarh State, India. Biomass and Bioenergy 2013, 59, 16-32.
- Oyarzún J, Carvajal M, Maturana H, Núñez J, Kretschmer N, Amezaga J, Rötting T, Strauch G, Thyne G, Oyarzún R. Hydrochemical and isotopic patterns in a calc-alkaline Cu- and Au-rich arid Andean basin: The Elqui River watershed, North Central Chile. Applied Geochemistry 2013, 33, 50-63.
- Hazelton JA, Windhorst K, Amezaga JM. Forest based biomass for energy in Uganda: Stakeholder dynamics in feedstock production. Biomass and Bioenergy 2013, 59, 100-115.
- Clement F, Amezaga JM. Conceptualising context in institutional reforms of land and water resources management: the case of Vietnam. International Journal of the Commons 2013, 7(1), 140-163.
- Méndez PF, Isendahl N, Amezaga JM, Santamaría L. Facilitating Transitional Processes in Rigid Institutional Regimes for Water Management and Wetland Conservation: Experience from the Guadalquivir Estuary. Ecology and Society 2012, 17(1), 26.
- Espejo L, Kretschmer N, Oyarzún J, Meza F, Núñez J, Maturana H, Garrido M, Guido S, Oyarzo P, Suckel F, Amezaga J, Oyarzun R. Application of water quality indices and analysis of the surface water quality monitoring network in semi-arid North Central Chile. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2012, 184(9), 5571-5588.
- Cortés AE, Oyarzún R, Kretschmer N, Chaves H, Soto G, Soto M, Amézaga J, Oyarzún J, Rötting T, Señoret M, Maturana H. Application of the Watershed Sustainability Index to the Elqui river basin, North-Central Chile. Obras y Proyectos 2012, 2012(12), 57-69.
- Oyarzún J, Castillo D, Maturana H, Kretschmer N, Soto G, Amezaga JM, Rötting TS, Younger PL, Oyarzún R. Abandoned tailings deposits, acid drainage and alluvial sediments geochemistry, in the arid Elqui River Basin, North-Central Chile. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 2012, 115, 47-58.
- Lostarnau C, Oyarzún J, Maturana H, Soto G, Señoret M, Soto M, Rötting TS, Amezaga JM, Oyarzún R. Stakeholder participation within the public environmental system in Chile: Major gaps between theory and practice. Journal of Environmental Management 2011, 92(10), 2470-2478.
- Amezaga JM, Rotting TS, Younger PL, Nairn RW, Noles AJ, Oyarzun R, Quintanilla J. A Rich Vein? Mining and the Pursuit of Sustainability. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45(1), 21-26.
- Harrison JA, Von Maltitz G, Haywood L, Sugrue A, Diaz-Chavez R, Amezaga JM. Mechanisms for Driving Sustainability of Biofuels in Developing Countries. Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review 2010, 2, 197-211.
- Bathurst JC, Amezaga J, Cisneros F, Gavino Novillo M, Iroume A, Lenzi MA, Mintegui Aguirre J, Miranda M, Urciuolo A. Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project. Water International 2010, 35(2), 114-131.
- Clement F, Amezaga JM. Afforestation and forestry land allocation in northern Vietnam: Analysing the gap between policy intentions and outcomes. Land Use Policy 2009, 26(2), 458-470.
- Clement F, Amezaga JM. Linking reforestation policies with land use change in northern Vietnam: Why local factors matter. Geoforum 2008, 39(1), 265-277.
- Amezaga JM. European regulation of mine water and waste. Afinidad 2007, 64(528), 177-181.
- Amezaga JM, Baresel C, Destouni G, Göbel J, Gren I-M, Hannerz F, Larsén L, Loredo J, Malmström M, Nuttall CA, Santamaría L, Veseliè M, Wolkersdorfer C, Younger PL. Mining Impacts on the Fresh Water Environment: Technical and Managerial Guidelines for Catchment-Focused Remediation. Mine Water and the Environment 2004, 23(supplement 1), 2-80.
- Calder IR, Amezaga JM, Aylward B, Bosch J, Fuller L, Gallop K, Gosain A, Hope RA, Jewitt GPW, Miranda M, Porras Borloz IT, Wilson VMS. Forest and water policies: The need to reconcile public and science perceptions. Geologica Acta 2004, 2(2), 157-166.
- Amezaga JM, Kroll A. European Union Policies and Mine Water Management. In Wolkersdorfer C; Bowell R (eds.) Contemporary Reviews of Mine Water Studies in Europe, Part 1. Mine Water and the Environment 2004, 23(4), 162-164.
- Kroll A, Amezaga JM, Younger PL, Wolkersdorfer C. Regulation of mine waters in the european union: The contribution of scientific research to policy development. Mine Water and the Environment 2002, 21(4), 193-200.
- Amezaga JM, Santamaria L, Green AJ. Biotic wetland connectivity - supporting a new approach for wetland policy. Acta Oecologica 2002, 23(3), 213-222.
- Amezaga JM, Santamaria L. Wetland connectedness and policy fragmentation: Steps towards a sustainable European wetland policy. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part B: Hydrology, Oceans & Atmosphere 2000, 25(7-8), 635-640.
- Brosa C, Ferrer JC, Malet C, Amezaga JM. Synthesis of 3-methoxyestra-1,3,5 (10),6-tetraen-17-one. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 1989, 54(16), 3984-3985.
Authored Books
- Loredo J, Marques AL, Beggs C, Venegas M, Amezaga JM, Roetting T, Younger PL. Water Catchment and Mining Impact Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones: An Integrated Approach. Paris, France: UNESCO, 2010.
- Méndez PF, Santamaría L, Amezaga J, Hearns G. Transfer of Adaptive Strategies for Natural Resources and Ecosystems Management in Canada. Opportunities and Constraints for Implementation in Europe. Majorca, Spain: Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, 2009.
- Loredo Perez J, Marques Sierra AL, Beggs C, Venegas M, Amezaga JM, Rötting TS, Younger PL. Agua y minería en cuencas áridas y semiáridas: guía para la gestión integral. Montevideo: UNESCO, 2009.
- Hope RA, Porras I, Borgoyary M, Miranda M, Agarwal C, Tiwari S, Amezaga JM. Negotiating Watershed Services. London, UK: IIED, 2007.
Book Chapters
- Amezaga J, Bathurst J, Iroumé A, Jones J, Kotru R, Bhatta LD, Springgay E. Chapter 6 - SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation – Forest-Related Targets and their Impacts on Forests and People. In: Katila P, Colfer CJP, de Jong W, Galloway G, Pacheco P, Winkel G, ed. Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp.178-205.
- Ambituuni A, Hopkins P, Amezaga JM, Werner D, Wood JM. Risk Assessment Of A Petroleum Product Pipeline In Nigeria: The Realities Of Managing Problems Of Theft/sabotage. In: C.A. Brebbia, F. Garzia and D. Poljak, ed. Safety and Security Engineering VI. Ashurst, Southampton: WIT Press, 2015.
- Tiwari S, Borgoyary M, Amezaga J, Wilson V. The forests--water interface: questioning the assumed. In: B. Venkatesh, B.K. Purandara and K.S. Ramasastri, ed. Forest Hydrology. New Delhi: Capital Publishing Company, 2007.
- Amezaga JM. Inter-Institutional links in land and water management. In: Anderson MG; McDonnell JJ, ed. Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 2005, pp.3003-3012.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Christy A, Heidrich O, Elnahass M, Amezaga J, Browne A, Moore A. Avoiding turmoil. Achieving targets. Attempting NetZero: Perspectives from the Water Sector. In: The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology. 2023, Leiden, the Netherlands: The International Society of Industrial Ecology.
- Rezki M, Wilkinson S, Jenkins SF, Amezaga J. Assessing Volcanic Risk to Transport Networks – The case of Merapi, Indonesia. In: 2019 Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 2019, Auckland New Zealand: New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering.
- Mayes WM, Anton AD, Thomas C, Potter HAB, Rudall S, Amezaga JM, Gandy CJ, Jarvis AP. National assessment of diffuse mining pollution in England and Wales. In: 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference. 2015, Santiago, Chile.
- Honsbein A, Madsen MA, Amezaga JM, Biggs CA, Bond T, Gandy CJ, Karunakaran E, Lawton L, Minas K, Templeton MR, Amtmann A. 'Biodesalination': a synthetic biology approach for the use of photosynthetic bacteria in water treatment. In: 16th European Congress on Biotechnology. 2014, Edinburgh, UK: Elsevier.
- Younger PL, Gonzalez G, Amezaga JM. Water Management Issues in the Underground Gasification of Coal and the Subsequent Use of the Voids for Long-Term Carbon Dioxide Storage. In: International Mine Water Association Symposium on Mine Water and Innovative Thinking. 2010, Sydney, Canada: Cape Breton University Press.
- Amezaga JM, Boyes SL, Harrison JA. Biofuels Policy in the European Union. In: 7th International Biofuels Conference. 2010, New Delhi: Winrock International India.
- Rotting T, Amezaga J, Younger P, Loredo J, Marques AL, Beggs C. The Guidelines for Water Management in arid and semi-arid Zones with Mining, produced by the CAMINAR project. In: Securing the Future and 8th ICARD. 2009, Skellefted, Sweden.
- Amezaga JM, Harrison JA, VonMaltitz GP, Tennigkeit T, Tiwari S, Windhorst K. RE-Impact: Forest Based Bioenergy for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries. In: 17th European Biomass Conference. 2009, Hamburg: ETA Florence.
- Rotting T, Amezaga J, Younger P, Jimenez P, Talavera C, Quintanilla J, Oyarzin R, Soto G. Catchment Management and Mining Impacts in Arid and Semi-Arid South America (CAMINAR): Case studies in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. In: Securing the Future and 8th ICARD. 2009, Skellefteå, Sweden.
- Amezaga JM, Rötting TS, Younger PL, Anthony J, Lorini J, Pelaez C, Senoret M, Oyarzún R. Mining and water-related legislation in Peru, Bolivia and Chile - Results from the CAMINAR Project. In: Mine Water and The Environment, Proceedings of the 10th IMWA Congress. 2008, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic: VÅB - Technical University of Ostrava.
- Rotting T, Amezaga J, Younger PL, Jimenez P, Talavera C, Quintanilla J, Oyarzin R, Soto G. Case Studies in Peru, Bolivia and Chile on Catchment Management and Mining Impacts in Arid and Semi-Arid South America - Results from the CAMINAR project. In: 10th International Mine Water Association Congress. 2008, Prague: Mine Water Association.
- Calder IR, Amezaga JM, Harrison JA, Bird N, Schlamadiger, Gosain AK, von Maltitz G, Scholes RJ, Mitra K, Tiwari S, Tennigkeit T, Weyerhauser H. Regulatory framework and industry impact assessment standards for woody biomass and liquid bio-fuel production; ensuring benefits outweigh any societal, environmental and water costs. In: 15th European Biomass Conference. 2007, Berlin, Germany: ETA-Renewable Energies.
- Jarvis AP, Amezaga JM, Younger PL. European Union legislation and the mining sector: research and development initiatives to address new environmental targets. In: Proceedings des Internationalen Bergbausymposiums WISMUT. 2007, Gera, Germany: WISMUT.
- Amezaga JM, Balvin D, Abanto C, Younger PL, Rötting TS. ERMISA and CAMINAR projects: research on environmental regulation, catchment management and mining impacts in South America. In: IMWA Symposium: Water in Mining Environments. 2007, Cagliari, Italy: Universita degli Studio di Cagliari.
- Amezaga JM, Younger PL. Mine water management in European Environmental Policy: An assessment of recent legislative developments. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage ICARD. 2006, St. Louis, Missouri: ASMR.
- Bathurst JC, Amezaga JM, Birkinshaw SJ, Calder IR. Forests and floods in Latin America: physical processes, policy implications and the EPIC FORCE project. In: Proc. 9th British Hydrological Society National Hydrology Symposium. 2006, Durham: British Hydrological Society.
- Clément F, Amezaga JM, Orange D, DucToan T, Large ARG, Calder IR. An institutional approach for understanding farmers strategies and land management. In: Survival of the Commons: Mounting challenges and new realities. 2006, Bali, Indonesia: IASCP.
- Younger PL, Jarvis AP, Amezaga JM. Modes of groundwater / surface water interactions in catchments subject to former underground mining activities. In: UNESCO IHP VI: Workshop on groundwater – surface water interactions and nutrient behaviour in river corridors. 2005, University of Oxford.
- Wilson VMS, Amezaga JM, Gosain A, Gupta R, Saigal S. Chapter 7: Policy challenges & recommendations, the India context. In: Proceedings of the Asian Regional Workshop: Preparing for the Next Generation of Watershed Management Programmes and Projects, Asia. 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Rome.
- Tellier SS, Amezaga JM, Baker L, Percy C. Application of the URBM toolkit for Watercourse Rehabilitation in the River Ouseburn, Newcastle upon Tyne. In: International Conference on Urban River Rehabilitation URRC. 2005, Dresden, Germany: Urban River Basin Enhancement Methods.
- Amezaga JM, Younger PL. Mine water policy in the UK and the proposed Directive on the management of waste from the extractive industries. In: Mine Water. 2004, University of Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences.
- Amezaga JM, Younger PL. Mine water policy in the UK and the proposed Directive on mine waste. In: Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Symposium Mine Water: Process, Policy and Progress. 2004, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Calder IR, Batchelor C, Quibell G, Gosain A, Jewitt GPW, Bosch J, Large ARG, Amezaga JM, Hope RA, James PM, Simpson E, Garratt J, Bailey RA, Kirby C. Global Governance of Water and the Blue Revolution - Can we achieve better outcomes from land and water policies?. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium: Global Governance of Water: Water and Human Security. 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan.
- Amezaga JM, Younger PL. ERMITE: supporting European policy making on mine wastes and waters. In: Mine Water. 2004, University of Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences.
- Amezaga JM, Younger PL. ERMITE: supporting European policy making on mine wastes and waters. In: Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Symposium Mine Water: Process, Policy and Progress. 2004, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Midzic S, Kroll A, Amezaga JM. Mine waters pollution control. The legal situation at BiH and the EU levels. In: Proceedings of the Regional Conference on Water Law: Legal Aspects of Sustainable Water Resources Management. 2002, Teslic, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Novi Sad, FR Yugoslavia.
- Loredo J, Amezaga JM, Kroll A, Pérez M, Ordoñez A, Pendas F, Younger PL. Hacia una propuesta de normativa a nivel europeo de regulacion ambiental de aguas de minas. In: XI International Congress on Industry, Mining and Metallurgy. 2002, Zaragoza, Spain.
- Loredo J, Amezaga JM, Kroll A, Pérez M, Ordoñez A, Pendas F, Younger PL. Hacia una propuesta de normativa a nivel europeo de regulacion ambiental de aguas de minas. In: Proceedings of the Sustainable Development in the XXI Century. A Challenge of Engineering. XI International Congress on Industry, Mining and Metallurgy. 2002, Zaragoza, Spain.
- Santamaria L, Amezaga JM. Improving the management of large protected wetlands: Learning the lessons from the Donana nature reserves. In: 2nd International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (ECOSUD 99). 1999, ISL LEMNOS, GREECE.
- Amezaga JM, O'Connell PE. Unfolding the sociotechnical dimension of hydroinformatics: the role of problem structuring methods. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Hydroinformatics. 1998, Copenhagen: Balkema, Rotterdam.
Edited Books
- Nagheeby M, Amezaga J, Mdee A, ed. Critical Water Governance: Contextualising Water Security in Colombia, Ethiopia, India and Malaysia. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub, 2023.
- Amezaga JM, Bird DN, Hazelton JA, ed. Special Section on Bioenergy and Rural Development in Africa and Asia. London, UK: Pergamon, 2013.
- Amezaga J, Bathurst J, Gaviño M, ed. Policy briefs for integrated management of forested river catchments in extreme rainfall and snowmelt. PHI-VII Technical Document N 20. Montevideo, Uruguay: UNESCO International Hidrological Programme, 2013.
- Amezaga J, Bathurst J, Gaviño M, ed. Lineamientos de politica para la gestion integrada de cuecas hidrograficas forestadas frente a precipitaciones extremas. PHI-VII Documento Tecnico N 19. Montevideo, Uruguay: UNESCO International Hidrological Programme, 2013.
- Jiménez P, Amezaga J, Roetting T, Guzmán E, ed. El Rio Chili: Cuenca Árida con Presión Minera. Arequipa, Peru: IRECA-UNSA, 2010.
- Amezaga JM, Maltitz G, Boyes S, ed. Assessing the Sustainability of Bioenergy Projects in Developing Countries: A Framework for Policy Evaluation. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2010.
- Clement F, Amezaga JM, Orange D, Duc Toan T. The impact of forest land policies on land use in Northern Vietnam: an institutional approach for understanding farmer decisions. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute, 2007. 112.
Working Paper
- Byers E, Amezaga JM. Infrastructure Report Card 9. Nuclear, Coal, Oil and Gas Energy. RIDE Forum - Climate change impacts report cards 2015, 29.