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Why Choose Computing Postgraduate Research?

The work of our research community evolves to address new challenges posed by a fast-changing environment.

World-leading research

Computer systems are becoming ever more complex, critical and interconnected, and often directly related to the public.

The School received a fantastic result in the REF 2014 exercise. We jumped from 22nd to 9th place in the UK by GPA. This places us in the top quartile for Computing Science. All of our impact case studies were judged to be world-leading.


Over the last 50 years, our research has had a significant impact on both the wider field of academic research and on the computer industry.

In REF 2014, for Computer Science and Informatics (UoA 11), we were ranked as the best research unit in the UK for impact.

All our Impact Case Studies received the highest possible grade:

  • expansion of the middleware software market
  • improved processes for the development of dependable systems
  • worldwide adoption of asynchronous circuits and improved business process modelling
  • novel computational approaches to discover medicines