For University Staff
Graduation is an important day for students and their families. To ensure each ceremony runs smoothly, we encourage all members of staff to get involved.
Academic Procession (Academics)
As part of the Academic Procession you can celebrate with the graduates by representing your School/Faculty and processing into the King’s Hall in academic dress and taking a seat on stage in the ceremony. The application form to join an Academic Procession for the Winter Congregation Ceremonies has now closed. If you are still interested in joining a procession please email Kate Walton. But please note we cannot order any further academic dress, the Robemakers will provide a suitable alternative if yours is not available.
Marshals (Professional Services Staff)
Marshalling at our congregation ceremonies involves a variety of roles. These include issuing tickets to graduates, welcoming guests in the King’s Hall to directing students across the stage. The application to volunteer as a marshal has now closed. Most roles have been filled, but we do still require some volunteers on Friday 6th December - if you are still interested in marshalling at the Winter Congregations and are available on Friday 6th December please email Kate Walton.

We are committed to ensuring that all colleagues are able to join the academic procession or to volunteer for marshalling. We hope the information below is useful for any colleagues with disabilities or medical conditions who may wish to know more about the context and nature of these activities before signing up.
More about accessibility
All venues in operation have accessible access. However, not all parts of the ceremony venue (King’s Hall) are accessible due to narrow aisles.
All roles require spoken interaction with graduates, guests or colleagues (or all three) to guide, advise and direct as appropriate.
- at a Ticket Desk would be suitable for wheelchair users or those who are unable to stand for periods of time
- within King’s Hall need marshals to navigate down narrow aisles and to operate within a crowded environment
- outside of King’s Hall need marshals to check and control crowds/queues, guide/direct graduates and guests
- within or outside of King’s Hall will have an opportunity for a break either in between or during the ceremonies
We would be happy to discuss the roles in more details. If you have any queries about the suitability of particular roles or would like any further information please email us.
Academic Procession:
The Academic Procession follows an accessible route from the Recital Room and into King’s Hall via the South Door (i.e. at the back of the hall).
Please note, though, that the members of the Academic Procession take seats situated on the second and third tiers of a constructed stage which has stepped access.
For further details or to discuss alternative options, please email us.