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Case study: Using the SDET-criteria to review school facilities

Staff members at a compulsory school in Bolungarvik, a small fishing town on the north-western coastline of Iceland, were asked to review their school facilities based upon a short list of criteria laid out in the School Development Evaluation Tool. (The case study is written in: English/ Íslensku)

Group reviews of school facilities based upon SDET-criteria

Three teams, each representing a selected group of staff members at a compulsory school in Bolungarvik, a small fishing town on the north-western coastline of Iceland, were asked to review their school facilities based upon a short list of criteria laid out in the School Development Evaluation Tool. They highlighted a few open and flexible aspects of their otherwise traditional school building, and also made moderate suggestions about how to enhance the facilities. Read the case study below for the full detail.

Rýni hópa á húsakynni skóla byggð á Matstæki um þróun skólastarfs.

Þrjú teymi sem endurspegla hvert um sig valinn hóp starfsmanna við grunnskóla í Bolungarvík, litlum sjávarbæ á norðvesturhorni Íslands, voru beðin að rýna húsakynni skólans síns með hliðsjón af nokkrum greiningaratriðum í Matstæki um þróun skólastarfs. Þau beindu kastljósinu að nokkrum opnum og sveigjanlegum eiginleikum annars hefðbundinnar skólabyggingar og komu jafnframt með hóflegar tillögur um hvernig bæta mætti húsakynnin. Hlaða má niður frekari upplýsingum um tilviksathugunina hér að neðan.