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The CoReD guides cover each of four principles for facilitating successful collaborative engagement about school space.

Using our guides

People need to work together to develop shared understandings of their school premises as they are – and as they could be. The CoReD guides cover each of four principles for facilitating successful collaborative engagement about school space:

  1. Start where people are (mentally and physically).
  2. Understand the intertwining of physical, organisational and social aspects of school environment.
  3. Facilitate the exploration of ideas and possibilities.
  4. Appreciate the complex, lengthy process that is change.

Working with the particular strengths of your school community, we recommend dipping into our guides in whatever order best addresses your needs. You can also combine tools, addressing different Principles, and creating a series of activities to suit your circumstances. 

The guides are available to download in the following languages: English, Svenska, Português, Íslensku, Deutsch, Italiano, Dansk.

CoReD Principle 1

Start where people are (mentally and physically).

CoReD Principle 2

Understand the intertwining of physical, organisational and social aspects of school environments.

CoReD Principle 3

Facilitate the exploration of ideas and possibilities.


CoReD Principle 4

Appreciate the complex, lengthy process that is change.