Centre for Rural Economy

Staff Profile

Dr Luca Panzone

Reader in Environmental Economics


Luca is a Reader in Environmental Economics, and joined Newcastle in 2014. His research interests focus on the analysis of social problems related to agriculture, food and the environment. An applied economist by training, his research studies what motivates consumers to make environmentally-friendly choices when they shop in retail environments, and how the structure of the store can faciliate large-scale transitions to low-carbon consumption choices. His experimental work designs and tests public policy and marketing interventions (e.g., taxes, `nudges’) targeting an increase in the environmental quality (e.g., lower carbon footprint) of consumer shopping baskets.

Previous place of employment:

  • Sustainable Consumption Institute, and Economics, University of Manchester;
  • Center for Law and Economics, and Economics, University College London;
  • Agricultural and Food Economics, and Economics, University of Reading;
  • Epidemiology unit, National Institute for the Study and Cure of Cancer;
  • Social Science and Humanities, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra.

Office: Room 3.08 Agriculture building

e-mail: luca.panzone@newcastle.ac.uk

Telephone: 44 (0) 1912083594

Postal Address:

Agriculture building, King's road

Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU (UK)


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2382-3635

Google Scholar profile: http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=y9b0qqoAAAAJ&hl=en

Researchgate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/L_Panzone

Academia.edu profile: http://newcastle.academia.edu/LucaPanzone


My Research interest focus on three areas:

1) Sustainable Consumption in Retailing: Understanding what consumers understand of sustainability and environmental impact of choices, and how they use information provided when shopping for foods in supermarkets.

2) Econometric Modelling of Demand: Use of quantitative data to identify structural demand models, to understand drivers and barriers to consumption. Particularly of interest are the use of big datasets, and the evaluation of policy interventions.

3) Behavioural Economics and Behavioural Marketing: Use of experimental methods and behavioural intervention to improve diets and behaviour, reducing the impact on the public good and on personal health.

Applications to policy, marketing, and consumption are of interest.

An example of current research can be found here: http://www.globalpolicyjournal.com/blog/21/11/2016/how-test-policy-interventions-sustainable-food-choices

JAGS codes: L110; L112; L113; L140; D640

JEL codes: C10; D12; H23; K32; M31; Q18; Q57

Past PhD supervisees: Beth Clark; Natasha Auch; Elena Benedetti; Naomi Kang.


ACE2012 - Consumer and Business Economics (part 1: Consumer economics)

ACE3078 - Marketing Metrics
