Centre for Rural Economy

Staff Profile

Professor Ruth McAreavey

Professor of Sociology


My research focuses on migration, particularly to regional and rural areas. I am interested in inequalities faced by migrants in the labour market and in other parts of everyday life. I have published extensively on rural development, international migration and on research ethics and methodologies. I am an active member of various international research networks including the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS) and European Sociological Association. I am currently co-editor-in-chief of Sociologia Ruralis. I am an elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a trustee of the Plunkett Foundation.

My research is strongly oriented towards migration and I continue to conduct research with migrant communities in the UK. I have a practitioner background and prior to working in higher education I held various positions in the voluntary and community sector and within local government. I consistently collaborate with external partners including third sector organisations and local government.

I teach undergraduate and postgraduate students and I supervise PhD researchers. I welcome inquiries from prospective PhD researchers on the issues identified above. I also welcome international visiting PhD researchers.

Google scholar: Click here.

ORCID: Click here.


I have obtained funding from research foundations, government third sector and industry. All of my research carries significant social and economic impact. For example, my Joseph Rowntree Funded research on migration led to various policy and advisory roles including advising the Northern Ireland government on a proposed Racial Equality Strategy, addressing a NI Assembly Committee and speaking at a central government lunchtime seminar series.

I am an elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. I am an active member of European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS); and the European Sociological Association (ESA) (Research Network 38). I am co-editor of Sociologia Ruralis, a leading European journal for rural sociology and a trustee of Plunkett UK.

Previous projects

The impact of Brexit on Women and Girls (Equality Commission, Northern Ireland). (with Katharine AM Wright) Evaluation of the impact of Brexit and policy recommendations.

Labour Shortages in the Food Supply Chain (Food Standards Agency) (2022). This research examined the implications of labour shortages across different parts of the food system. 

Review of Rural Development funding, Rural Community Network (Northern Ireland) (2022). This project identified how the UK government’s replacement funds for EU initiatives could meet the needs of rural communities in Northern Ireland.

Local Perspectives on Community and Economy (DEFRA). This project examined rural community development through exploring the 'lived experience' in terms of relationships between economy, society, local context, and service delivery (2020-22)

National Institute of Health Research: Applied Research Collaborations (2021-22) (with HAREF and Riverside Community Health Project). This project used the coronavirus pandemic as a prism through which to research health inequalities.

Diversified Rural: Understanding Differences Within and Between the UK and Ireland, (ESRC-Irish Research Council) (2021-22). This network examined how to reframe rural policy in a context of UK exit from the EU and post-pandemic rebuilding.

Transnational Theory Building for Researching the Global Countryside: Perspectives from Taiwan and the UK, ESRC (2021-22). This project examined how 'transnational theory' can advance understanding of the global, national and regional dynamics that are reshaping rural societies and economies around the world.

Non-Agricultural Seasonal Workers in Rural and Urban Scotland, (Scottish Government). This is mixed method project estimated the number of seasonal migrant workers in Scotland and examined their everyday lives including their working conditions and their future intentions in the context of Brexit.

HAMLETS. Immigration and Sustainable Development in Micro Villages (Recer Caixa), led by Ricard Morén Alegret (Department of Geography, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). This project examined the contribution that (international and internal) immigrants make to the sustainable development of small rural municipalities in Catalonia.

Evaluation of ‘Going for Growth’, Friends of the Earth (January 2016 – March 2017). This research examined the capacity of the Going for Growth strategy to contribute to food security.



I am interested in supervising research students on migration to New Immigration Destinations, especially those with a focus on economic mobility; seasonal workers; inclusion and exclusion; social integration; transnational identities and educational mobility. The other broad theme that am keen to supervise is rural development including projects focused on changing rural communities and society; participation and governance; rural planning and economic development. I welcome international visiting PhD researchers from other institutions.

Currently I am supervising the following students:

Rebecca Jackson (FT) with Shildrick, NCL

Sneha Solanki (FT) with Talbot, Bagelman NCL (in partnership with The Maltings, Berwick)

Completed PhDs:

Claire Boden, 2024

Raphaela Berding, 2024

Jake Pointer, 2024

Colin Watson, 2024

Adrienne Attorp, 2022

Claire O’Boyle, 2018

Carey Doyle, 2017

Aisling Murphy, 2014

Anne Rice, 2014

Jonathan Bell, 2013

Lori McVay, 2011


Other research activities

I regularly participate in academic conferences and have presented papers and organised working groups and panels at conferences of the European Rural Sociology Association, the American Rural Sociological Society, ESA and IMISCOE.  I provide ethical review for the European Commission and scientific reviews for a range of Research Councils including the Swedish Research Council (Formas). I am regularly invited to review academic articles and books for a range of high impact journals. 



I am currently Head of Subject and not leading any modules

Teaching experience

Rcent modules include:

  • SOC3098 Community and Conflict in the Countryside
  • SOC8050 Migration, Mobilities and Inequalities
  • SOC2070 Researching Social Life II

In the past I have taught UG Planning Students on a range of topics including European Planning Studies, Regeneration, Economics and Planning; and Work-Based Practice.
