Agriculture, resilient agri-food systems and the environment
Agriculture is vital for human survival globally. It is a relatively small but important industry in the UK.
Developing SUstainable PERmanent Grassland systems and policies (SUPER-G) - Funding from EU Horizon 2020 (2019-2024) - CRE input: Prof Lynn Frewer (Work Package leader), Prof Mark Reed (Co-Investigator)
Resilient dairy: socio-technical innovation for dairy resilience and sustainability - Funding from BBSRC (2017-2021) - CRE input: Prof Mark Reed (Principal Investigator), Prof Lynn Frewer (Co-Investigator and Work Package co-leader)
Brexit: how might UK agriculture survive or thrive? - Funders: ESRC (April 2017-September 2018) - CRE input: Dr Carmen Hubbard PI, Prof David Harvey, Anne Liddon, Charles Scott, Dr Michael Wallace
Evaluation of ‘Going for Growth’, Friends of the Earth (January 2016 – March 2017) - Funding from Friends of the Earth - CRE input: Dr Ruth MacAreavey
Understanding ecosystem stocks and tipping points in UK blanket peatlands - Funding from NERC Valuing Nature Programme (2016-2018) - CRE input: Prof Mark Reed (Principal Investigator)
Soil Care for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe - Funding from EU Horizon 2020 (2015-2020) - CRE input: Prof Mark Reed (Work Package leader)
STFC Food Security Network+ - Funding from STFC (2017-2019) - CRE input: Prof Mark Reed (Co-Investigator)
Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme - Funding from NERC (2017-2022) - CRE input: Prof Mark Reed (Co-Investigator and Impact Evaluation Group Chair)
Feed-a-gene - Adapting animal and the feeding techniques to improve efficiency and sustainability of livestock production systems - Funding from EU (2015-2020) CRE input: Guy Garrod, Dr Carmen Hubbard, Marion Raley
SusPigSys - Sustainability in pig production systems - Funding from ERA-NET (2017-2020) CRE input: Project Leader: Carmen Hubbard
The energy climate food security NEXUS: Developing a multi stakeholder deliberative governance model in Northern Ireland - Funding from ESRC (Sept 2016-Sept 2017) CRE input: Professor Sally Shortall (PI)
PROHEALTH – Sustainable pig and poultry production: WP7: Socioeconomic evaluation of controls of production diseases - Funding from European Union Seventh Framework (2013-2018) CRE input: Prof Lynn Frewer (PI)
Assessing Rural Landscapes in Chile - Funding from British Council – Institutional Links. (2015-2016) CRE input: Dr Menelaos Gkartzios (Principal Investigator), Guy Garrod (Co-Investigator), Dr Liz Oughton (Co-Investigator), Marian Raley (RA)