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EconWelfare: Good animal welfare in a socio-economic context

  • Project Dates: 2008 - 2010
  • Project Leader: Carmen Hubbard
  • Staff: Guy Garrod, Jonathan Guy, Sandra Edwards, Philip Cain, David Harvey and Kamara Scott
  • Sponsors: EU FP7

The project was prepared in response to the call KBBE-2007-1-4-15 Assessing the socio-economic consequences and costs benefits of measures promoting good animal welfare. Central in this call was support to develop European policies implementing the Action Plan on Animal Welfare. The overall objective of the project was related to the policy instruments needed to achieve the aims of the Action Plan on Animal Welfare. Moreover this project should have revealed what policy instruments might be effective in the route towards higher animal welfare representing the concerns of civil society and in which competitiveness of the livestock industry is guaranteed.