Centre for Rural Economy


Food4Me: “Personalised Nutrition: An integrated analysis of opportunities and challenges”

Food4Me: “Personalised Nutrition: An integrated analysis of opportunities and challenges”

The mapping of the human genome in 2000 introduced the possibility of individualised medicine, including personalised nutrition. Although the field of “nutrigenomics” (which examines the relationship between food and gene expression) has emerged, personalised nutrition has failed to develop as a commercial service, and matching dietary advice to genetic profiles has proven difficult.

Food4Me was a €9 million collaboration project coordinated by University College Dublin (PI: Mike Gibney) that aimed to:

determine the application of personalised nutrition, through the development of suitable business models, research on technological advances, and validation of delivery methods for personalised nutrition advice.

compile current scientific knowledge and consumer understanding of personalised nutrition, including best practice communication strategies and ethical boundaries, to be shared with the EU institutions, the food industry, and other stakeholders.

The outcome of the 4 year interdisciplinary project comprising of 25 participating organisations, was to identify the opportunities and challenges in establishing suitable business models for the delivery of personalised nutrition at all stages of the food chain.

Food4Me was delivered through seven work packages:

Work package 2 ‘Consumer Attitudes to Personalised Nutrition’ was led by Professor Lynn Frewer, Newcastle University (CRE/AFRD). The overall deliverable of this work package was to inform stakeholders of consumer attitudes and beliefs relating to personalised nutrition. Specific research tasks include:

Integration of research findings to facilitate the communication of a personalised nutrition (PN) concept and PN service offering.