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PROHEALTH: Socioeconomic Evaluation of Disease Controls in Livestock

The PROHEALTH project aims to develop an understanding of animal pathologies linked to the intensification of production, and use this to develop, evaluate and disseminate effective control strategies to reduce their impact.

  • Project Dates: 2013 - 2018
  • Project Leader: Lynn Frewer
  • Staff: Lynn Frewer, Beth Clark, Luca Panzone, Gavin Stewart
  • Sponsors: European Union Seventh Framework (EU FP7)
  • Partners: University of Reading, LUKE (Natural Resources Institute Finland), Pfizer

WP7 looks to establish the socio-economic implications of production diseases and their alleviation, with Newcastle specifically looking into consumer attitudes and willingness-to-pay for reductions in production diseases, by means of a meta-analysis and systematic review.

European consumer survey will also be conducted to establish consumer concerns, perceptions, attitudes, expectations, ethical views and purchase intentions regarding pig and poultry products, intensive food production, animal welfare and sustainability, and consumer approval of different interventions to target production diseases. Results of the survey will identify consumer priorities regarding production diseases and intervention policies, their information needs and willingness-to-accept and to purchase intensively produced pork and poultry products, with the results being used to identify barriers and facilitators of animal-friendly policies.

Contact: Lynn Frewer:, 0191 208 8272
