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Farm households and decision-making

Farms are workplaces and family homes, as well as being cogs in the wheel of the national economy. They are providers of food and other vital goods for the population.

Our research

Better understanding of decision-making in farm households can help policy planning.

This can benefit the national economy and food security.

It can help to improve workers’ safety, productivity and business growth.

Worker helping customer with their shopping


Changing the ground rules? Inclusive debates about women in Scottish agriculture - Funding: ESRC Impact Acceleration Award (2017-2018) - CRE input: PI Prof Sally Shortall

Women in agriculture in Scotland - Funding: Scottish Government, (2016-2017) - CRE input: PI Prof Sally Shortall

The Efficiency of Small Farms - Funded by The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of Brazil (2016) - CRE input: PI Dr Carmen Hubbard

Women in agriculture and rural development, Northern Ireland - Funding from ESRC (2012-2013) - CRE input: Prof Sally Shortall (PI)