Our People
Emeritus Professor Mike Coombes
Senior Research Investigator
- Email: mike.coombes@ncl.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 0102
- Address: CURDS (Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies)
Henry Daysh Building (HDB) 3.37
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Mike Coombes is now Emeritus Professor and a Senior Research Investigator, having been a researcher in CURDS since the 1970s. He had become by 1989 Principal Research Associate and then in 1998 - while still a contract researcher - Professor of Geographic Information. He was the Executive Director of CURDS for several years in the 2000s before retiring in 2017 and becoming an Emeritus Professor, then later being appointed Senior Research Investigator.
Google scholar: Click here.
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Research Interests
to summarise in keyword form: geographic variation in British people's life chances; local and regional analysis; definition of market and policy areas.
Mike's research interests include the definition of local labour market areas and functional regionalisation. His work aims to improve ways of analysing social and economic statistics so as to maximise the ‘intelligence’ they can provide to policy-makers and others. More specifically, Mike has led a series of projects for the UK government to define Travel to Work Areas (the only official boundaries which are defined by academics).
- Casado-Díaz J-M, Coombes M, Martínez-Bernabéu L. Testing transferability: quantitative evaluation of labour market area definition methods in three contrasting countries. Geographical Analysis 2023, 55(4), 517-534.
- Martínez-Bernabeu L, Coombes M, Casado-Díaz J-M. Functional Regions for Policy: a Statistical ‘Toolbox’ Providing Evidence for Decisions between Alternative Geographies. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 2020, 13(3), 739–758.
- Pike A, Coombes M, Kempton L, MacKinnon D, O'Brien P. Decentralising governance in England. Town & Country Planning 2020, 89(11), 409-416.
- Coombes M. Commuting contrasts in post-industrial England: mobility in the world’s first urban industrial city regions. Built Environment 2019, 45(4), 476-492.
- Marshall N, Dawley S, Pike A, Pollard J, Coombes M. An Evolutionary Perspective on the British Banking Crisis. Journal of Economic Geography 2019, 19(5), 1143-1167.
- Pike A, Coombes M, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Austerity states, institutional dismantling and the governance of sub-national economic development: the demise of the Regional Development Agencies in England. Territory, Politics, Governance 2018, 6(1), 118-144.
- Henry ND, Pollard JS, Sissons P, Ferreira J, Coombes M. Banking on exclusion: Data disclosure and geographies of UK personal lending markets. Environment and Planning A 2017, 49(9), 2046-2064.
- Melo PC, Copus A, Coombes M. Modelling Small Area at-Risk-of-Poverty Rates for the UK Using the World Bank Methodology and the EU-SILC. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 2016, 9(1), 97-177.
- Stuetzer M, Obschonka M, Audretsch D, Wyrwich M, Rentfrow P, Coombes M, Shaw-Taylor L, Satchell M. Industry structure, entrepreneurship, and culture: An empirical analysis using historical coalfields. European Economic Review 2016, 86, 52-72.
- Gordon I, Champion T, Coombes M. Urban escalators and inter-regional elevators: the difference that location, mobility and sectoral specialisation make to occupational progression. Environment and Planning A 2015, 47(3), 588-606.
- Brown D, Champion T, Coombes M, Wymer C. The migration-commuting nexus in rural England: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Rural Studies 2015, 41, 118-128.
- Goddard J, Coombes M, Kempton L, Vallance P. Universities as anchor institutions in cities in a turbulent funding environment: vulnerable institutions and vulnerable places in England. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2014, 7(2), 307-325.
- Champion T, Coombes M, Gordon I. How far do England’s second-order cities emulate London as human-capital ‘escalators’?. Population, Space and Place 2014, 20(5), 421-433.
- Coombes M. From City-region Concept to Boundaries for Governance: The English Case. Urban Studies 2014, 51(11), 2426-2443.
- Jones C, Coombes M. An assessment of tenure-specific Housing Market Areas for housing planning. Housing Studies 2013, 28(7), 993-1011.
- Jones C, Coombes M, Dunse N, Watkins D, Wymer C. Tiered Housing Markets and their Relationship to Labour Market Areas. Urban Studies 2012, 49(12), 2633-2650.
- Jones C, Coombes M, Wong C. A system of national tiered housing market areas and spatial planning. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2012, 39(3), 518-532.
- Casado-Diaz J, Coombes M. The delineation of 21st century local labour market areas: a critical review and a research agenda. Boletín de la Geógrafos Españoles 2011, 57, 7-32.
- Champion T, Coombes MG, Brown DL. Migration and Longer-Distance Commuting in Rural England. Regional Studies 2009, 43(10), 1245-1259.
- Coombes MG. English rural housing market policy: some inconvenient truths?. Planning Practice and Research 2009, 24(2), 211-231.
- Champion T, Coombes MG. Using the 2001 census to study human capital movements affecting Britain's larger cities: insights and issues. Journal of The Royal Statistical Society, Series A: Statistics in Society 2007, 170(2), 447-467.
- Pike AJ, Bristow G, Coombes MG, Fan C, Gillespie AE, Harris RID, Hull AD, Marshall N, Wren CM. Regional Studies: 40 years and more…. Regional Studies 2007, 41(Supplement), 1-8.
- Coombes MG, Champion T, Raybould SR. Did the early A8 in-migrants to England go to areas of labour shortage?. Local Economy 2007, 22(4), 335-348.
- Shortt N, Moore A, Coombes M, Wymer C. Defining regions for locality health care planning: a multidimensional approach. Social Science & Medicine 2005, 60(12), 2715-2727.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Finding work in 2001: Urban-rural contrasts across England in employment rates and local job availability. Area 2004, 36(2), 202-222.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Public policy and population distribution: Developing appropriate indicators of settlement patterns. Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy 2001, 19(2), 223-248.
- Coombes MG. Geographic information systems: a challenge for statistical agencies. Research in Official Statistics 2001, 3, 77-88.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Commuting in England and Wales: 'people' and 'place' factors. European Research in Regional Science 2001, 11(1), 111-133.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Policy-relevant surfaced data on population distribution and characteristics. Transactions in GIS 2000, 4(4), 319-342.
- Marshall JN, Willis RM, Coombes MG, Raybould SR, Richardson RGW. Mutuality, de-mutualization and communities: The implications of branch network rationalization in the British building society industry. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2000, 25(3), 355-378.
- Fotheringham AS, Champion T, Wymer C, Coombes MG. Measuring destination attractivity: A migration example. International Journal of Population Geography 2000, 6(6), 391-421.
- Coombes MG. Defining locality boundaries with synthetic data. Environment and Planning A 2000, 32(8), 1499-1518.
- Marshall JN, Richardson RGW, Raybould SR, Coombes MG. The transformation of the British building society movement: Managerial divisions and corporate reorganization, 1986-1997. Geoforum 1997, 28(3-4), 271-288.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Modelling the influence of individual and spatial factors underlying variations in the levels of secondary school examination results. Environment and Planning A 1997, 29(4), 641-658.
- Blackman T, Coombes M. Using administrative data for intelligent local governance. Journal of Applied Management Studies 1996, 5(2), 179-198.
- Coombes M. The impact of international boundaries on Labour market area definitions. Area 1995, 27(1), 46-52.
- Halliday J, Coombes MG. In search of counterurbanisation: Some evidence from Devon on the relationship between patterns of migration and motivation. Journal of Rural Studies 1995, 11(4), 433-446.
- Coombes MG, Charlton ME. Population distribution as a factor in the costs of fire services. Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy 1994, 12(1), 53-70.
- Coombes M, Wong C. Methodological steps in the development of multivariate indexes for urban and regional policy analysis. Environment and Planning A 1994, 26(8), 1297-1316.
- Coombes MG, Wong C, Charlton ME, Atkins DJ. Crime risk in urban and rural neighbourhoods: an experimental analysis of insurance data. Environment and Planning B: Planning & Design 1994, 21(4), 489-504.
- Gillespie AE, Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Contribution of telecommunications to rural economic development: variations on a theme?. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 1994, 6(3), 201-217.
- Coombes M, Saunders C, Raybould S. Critical problems in developing databases for upland areas: The potential value of GIS techniques. Journal of Environmental Management 1993, 39(4), 271-280.
- Raybould SR, Coombes MG. The research potential of administrative date: an illustrative example of the utility of register information in spatial analysis. Environment and Planning B: Planning & Design 1992, 19(2), 131-142.
- Wong C, Coombes M, Raybould S. The environmental quality of residential neighbourhoods: a town planning application of GIS. Town Planning Review 1992, 62, 369-373.
- Marshall JN, Gentle CJS, Raybould SR, Coombes MG. Regulatory change, corporate restructuring and the spatial development of the British financial sector. Regional Studies 1992, 26(5), 453-467.
- Coombes M, Hubbuck J. Monitoring equal employment opportunity at the workplace: The crucial role of the 1991 census. Ethnic and Racial Studies 1992, 15(2), 193-213.
- Coombes MG, Storey DJ, Watson R, Wynarczyk P. The influence of location upon profitability and employment change in small companies. Urban Studies 1991, 28(5), 723-734.
- Gentle CJS, Marshall JN, Coombes MG. Business reorganisation and regional development: the case of the British Building Societies Movement. Environment and Planning A 1991, 23(12), 1759-1777.
- Rogerson RJ, Findlay AM, Morris AS, Coombes MG. Indicators of quality of life: some methodological issues. Environment and Planning A 1989, 21(12), 1655-1666.
- Coombes MG, Green AE, Owen DW. Substantive issues in the definition of "localities": Evidence from sub-group local labour market areas in the West Midlands. Regional Studies 1988, 22(4), 303-318.
- Dalla Longa R, Coombes M. La controurbanizzazione in Gran Bretagna ed in Italia: un raffronto. Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali 1988, 32, 219-274.
- Coombes M, Raybould S. Developing a Local Enterprise Activity Potential (LEAP) Index. Built Environment 1988, 14, 107-117.
- Owen DW, Green AE, Coombes MG. Using the social and economic data on the BBC domesday disk. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 1986, 11(3), 305-314.
- Green AE, Coombes MG, Owen DW. Gender specific local labour market areas in England and Wales. Geoforum 1986, 17(3-4), 339-351.
- Coombes MG, Green AE, Openshaw S. An efficient algorithm to generate official statistical reporting areas: The case of the 1984 Travel To Work areas revision in Britain. Journal of the Operational Research Society 1986, 37(10), 943-953.
- Coombes MG, Green AE, Openshaw S. New areas for old: A comparison of the 1978 and the 1984 Travel to Work areas. Area 1985, 17(3), 213-219.
- Coombes M, Green A, Openshaw S. Britain's changing local labour markets: evidence from the review of TTWAs. Employment Gazette 1985, 93, 6-8.
- Owen DW, Gillespie AE, Coombes MG. Job shortfalls in British local labour market areas: A classification of labour supply and demand trends, 1971-1981. Regional Studies 1984, 18(6), 469-488.
- Coombes MG, Openshaw S. The use and definition of Travel to Work areas in Great Britain: Some comments. Regional Studies 1982, 16(2), 141-149.
- Coombes MG, Dixon JS, Goddard JB, Openshaw S, Taylor PJ. Daily urban systems in Britain: From theory to practice. Environment and Planning A 1979, 11(5), 565-574.
- Coombes MG, Dixon JS, Goddard JB, Openshaw S, Taylor PJ. Towards a more rational consideration of census areal units: Daily urban systems in Britain. Environment and Planning A 1978, 10(10), 1179-1185.
Authored Books
- Champion T, Coombes MG, Raybould SR, Wymer C. Migration and socio-economic change: a 2001 Census analysis of Britain’s larger cities. Bristol: Policy Press, 2007.
- Parkinson M, Champion T, Evans R, Simmie J, Turok I, Cookston M, Katz B, Park A, Berube A, Coombes MG, Dorling D, Glass N, Hutchins M, Kearns A, Martin R, Wood P. State of the English Cities. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2006.
- Coombes M, Raybould S, Wong C. Developing indicators to assess the potential for urban regeneration. London: HMSO, 1992. In Preparation.
Book Chapters
- Coombes M, Champion T. Analysing relative decline in cities with the British census. In: Stillwell, J, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Census Resources, Methods and Applications: Unlocking the UK 2011 Census. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, pp.394-403.
- Copus A, Coombes M. Small area estimation of at risk of poverty rates. In: F Holstein, S Zillmer and K Böhme, ed. Science in support of European Territorial Development and Cohesion. Luxembourg: ESPON, 2014, pp.132-138.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Is Pennine England becoming more polycentric or more centripetal? An analysis of commuting flows in a transforming industrial region, 1981-2001. In: D. O'Donoghue, ed. Urban Transformations: Centres, Peripheries and Systems. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, pp.73-80.
- Pike A, Tomaney J, Coombes M, McCarthy A. Governing uneven development: the politics of local and regional development in England. In: Bellini, N., Danson, M., Halkier, H, ed. Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation? Networking, Knowledge and Regional Policies. London: Routledge, 2012, pp.102-121.
- Coombes M, Champion T. Migration and commuting: local and regional development links. In: Pike, A., Rodríguez-Pose, A., Tomaney, J, ed. A Handbook of Local and Regional Development. London: Routledge, 2011, pp.182-192.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Migration and socio-economic polarisation within British City Regions. In: Stillwell, J., Duke-Williams, O., Dennett, A, ed. Technologies for migration and commuting analysis: spatial interaction data applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010, pp.197-211.
- Coombes M. Defining labour market areas by analysing commuting data: innovative methods in the 2007 review of Travel-to-Work Areas. In: Stillwell, J., Duke-Williams, O., Dennett, A, ed. Technologies for migration and commuting analysis: spatial interaction data applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010, pp.227-241.
- Coombes M. Functional economic areas. In: WMRO, ed. Refreshing the West Midlands evidence base: a state of the region thematic report. Birmingham: West Midlands Regional Observatory, 2009, pp.12-18.
- Coombes MG. Multiple dimensions of settlement systems: coping with complexity. In: Champion AG; Hugo G, ed. New Forms of Urbanization: Beyond the Urban-Rural Dichotomy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004, pp.307-324.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Planning a network of sites for the delivery of a new public service in England and Wales. In: Stillwell J; Clarke G, ed. Applied GIS and spatial analysis. Chichester: Wiley, 2003, pp.315-333.
- Harris J, Dorling D, Owen D, Coombes MG, Wilson TJ. Look-up tables and new area statistics for the 1971, 1981 and 1991 Censuses. In: Rees, P., Martin, D., Williamson, P, ed. The Census Data System. Chichester: Wiley, 2002, pp.67-82.
- Coombes MG. Local labour markets as a basis for urban systems analysis: a critical review of British experience. In: Roca J, ed. Analisi dels Sistemes Urbans els Mercats de Treball Locals. Barcelona: Centre de Politica de Sol I Valoracions Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2001.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Identifying sites for Information Meetings. In: Walker Janet, ed. Information Meetings and associated provisions within the Family Law Act 1996: Final evaluation report. London: Lord Chancellor's Department, 2001, pp.715-742.
- McCarthy M, Dolton P, Barmby T, Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Generalising from the research. In: Walker, J, ed. Information Meetings and associated provisions within the Family Law Act 1996: Final evaluation report. London: Lord Chancellor's Department, 2001, pp.99-127.
- Coombes MG, Openshaw S. Contrasting approaches to identifying 'localities' for research and public administration. In: Frank AU; Raper J; Cheylan J-P, ed. Life and Motion of Socio-economic Units. London: Taylor & Francis, 2001, pp.301-316.
- Coombes MG, Wymer C. A new approach to identifying localities: representing 'places' in Britain. In: Madanipour A; Hull A; Healey P, ed. The Governance of Place: space and planning processes. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001, pp.51-68.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Coombes M, Martinez-Bernabeau L, Casado-Díaz J-M. New challenges for the definition of functional geographies. In: Conference on City Statistics. 2024, Brussels, Belgium: International Association for Official Statistics – IAOS.
- Coombes M. Harmonised Labour Market Area definitions: potential for multi-national local analysis. In: 14th European Forum for Geography and Statistics. 2021, virtual: German Federal Statistics Office.
- Coombes M, Bates A. Innovative analyses of commuting data: best practice LMA (labour market area) definitions for UK and international policy. In: 12th European Forum for Geography and Statistics. 2019, Manchester, UK: European Forum for Geography and Statistics.
- Coombes M, CasadoDiaz JM, MartinezBernabeu L, Wymer C. Labour Market Areas (LMAs): the challenge of meeting policy and statistical requirements. In: SCORUS 2018: New Scale, New Needs, New Statistics. 2018, Warsaw, Poland: Standing Committee of Regional and Urban Statistics (SCORUS) & Statistics Poland.
- Coombes M. 21st Century Labour Market Areas: concept, methods, applications. In: Labour Market Areas: current development and future use. 2017, Rome: Eurostat.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Is migration still increasing socio-spatial polarisation? Latest evidence from three English city regions. In: RSAIBIS Annual Meeting. 2006, Jersey.
- Coombes M, Raybould S. Policy-relevant surfaced data on population distribution and characteristics. In: Annual Meeting of the RGS-IBG: Surfaces in Geography. 2000, University of Sussex, England: Transactions in GIS: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Coombes MG. Research potential of administrative datasets. In: Research for Policy 98: The Government's New Agenda for Local Authorities and New Research. 1998, University of Wales, Swansea: LARIA.
- Pike A, Coombes M, Bristow G, Fan C, Gillespie A, Harris R, Hull A, Marshall N, Wren C. Final editorial for the Newcastle editorial team. Regional Studies 2008, 42(10), 1291-1294.
- Pike AJ, Coombes MG, Gillespie AE, Harris RID, Hull AD, Kwan MP, Leichenko R, Marshall N, Wren CM, Roper S, Hassink R, Glasmeier A, Wray S. Editorial: On the move. Regional Studies 2006, 40(1), 1-2.
- Lewis DJ, Eversley D, Robson BT, Cross DFW, Coombes MG, Cheshire PC, Lawton R, Keebles D, Fielding AJ, Champion AG. Counterurbanization in Europe: discussion. Geographical Journal 1989, 155(1), 75-80.
- Green AE, Coombes MG. Local unemployment rates: statistical sensitivities and policy implications. Regional Studies 1985, 19(3), 268-273.
Online Publication
- Charles DR, Bradley DP, Chatterton P, Coombes MG, Gillespie AE. Core Cities Centres for Regeneration. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, 1999.
- Pike A, Coombes M, Kempton L, Mackinnon D, O'Brien P. A response to the UK2070 Commission’s Second Report by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development (CURDS). http://uk2070.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/PIKE-Final-Submission-UK2070-Commission.pdf: UK2070 Commission, 2020. UK2070 Commission Think Pieces.
- Pike A, Mackinnon D, Coombes M, Champion T, Bradley D, Cumbers A, Robson L, Wymer C. Uneven growth: tackling city decline. York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2016.
- Coombes M, Bradley D. Leeds City Region Housing Market Areas. Centre for Urban & Regional Development Studies, 2016.
- Henry N, Sissons P, Coombes M, Ferreira J, Pollard JS. Tackling Financial Exclusion: data disclosure and area based lending data. London: Community Development Foundation, 2014.
- Bradley DP, Bradley J, Coombes M, Grove L, Thomas S, Young C. The extent of crime and anti-social behaviour facing designated heritage assets. London, UK: English Heritage, 2012. English Heritage Research Paper.
- Coombes M, Casado-Díaz JM, Martínez-Bernabeu L, Carausu F. Study on comparable Labour Market Areas. Luxembourg: Eurostat, 2012.
- Experian PLC, Coombes M, Parkinson M, Simmie J. Updating the evidence base on English cities. London: Communities and Local Government, 2011.
- Smith R, Craig P, Coombes M. Mapping County Durham’s functional economic market areas. Birmingham: GHK, 2011.
- Mason P, Lloyd R, Rayment M, White A, Jackson O, Coombes M, Young C. Local Authority Child Poverty Innovation Pilot Evaluation: final synthesis report. London: Department for Education, 2011. Deptartment for Education Research Reports RR152.
- Bradley DP, Coombes M, Bradley J, Tranos E. Assessing the importance and value of historic buildings to young people. London, UK: English Heritage, 2011. English Heritage Research Report.
- Jones C, Coombes M, Wong C. Geography of Housing Market Areas: final report. London: Communities and Local Government, 2010. 1775475.
- CLG SAU, Coombes M. Functional Economic Market Areas: an economic note . London: Communities and Local Government, 2010. 1469713.
- Walker J, Thompson C, Wilson G, Laing K, Coombes M, Raybould S. Family Group Conferencing in Youth Inclusion and Support Panels: empowering families and preventing crime and antisocial behaviour?. London: Youth Justice Board (YJB), 2010. Youth Justice Board (YJB) Research Reports D123.
- Coombes M. Diverse places, diverse responses. Newcastle upon Tyne: The Northern Way, 2010. Drivers & Assets Papers 796.
- Coombes M, Wymer C. Alternatives for the definition of Housing Market Areas (Geography of Housing Market Areas - Paper B). London: Communities and Local Government, 2010. 1775475.
- Bradley DP, Coombes M, Bradley J, Tranos E. Sense of Place and Social Capital and the Historic Built Environment: Report of Research for English Heritage. London: English Heritage, 2009. Heritage Counts.
- Walker J, Donaldson C, Laing K, Pennington M, Wilson G, Procter S, Bradley D, Dickinson H, Gray J. Evaluating Budget-Holding in Lead Professionals within Multi-Agency Children’s Services in England. London, UK: Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2009. DCSF Research Reports RR143.
- Walker J, Donaldson C, Laing K, Pennington M, Wilson G, Proctor S, Bradley D, Dickinson H, Gray J, Thompson C, Coombes M. Budget holding lead professional pilots in multi-agency children’s services in England: national evaluation. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2009. Research Report RR143.
- Coombes MG, Bond S. Travel-to-Work Areas: the 2007 review. London: Office for National Statistics, 2008.
- Conway CC, Coombes MG, Dixon L, Bradley Research and Consulting. Talent Retention Project Final Report to Gateshead Strategic Partnership. 2008.
- Walker J, Thompson C, Laing K, Raybould S, Coombes M, Procter S, Wren C. Youth Inclusion and Support Panels: Preventing Crime and Antisocial Behaviour. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2007. DCSF-RW018.
- Walker J, McCarthy P, Laing K, Melville A, Coombes MG, Raybould SR, Finch S, Kitchen S, Wood N, Bridge C, Richards M, Sclater Day S, Webber P. The Family Advice and Information Service: A Changing Role for Family Lawyers in England and Wales?. London: Legal Services Commission, 2007.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR, Wren CM. The Cost of FAInS Provision. The Family Advice and Information Service: A Changing Role for Family Lawyers in England and Wales. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Family Studies, Legal Services Commission, 2007.
- Coombes MG, Champion T, Brown T, Raybould SR. City Flight migration patterns in the East Midlands. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency, 2007.
- Henry N, Pike AJ, Tomaney J, O'Brien PE, Coombes MG, Conway C, Dawley SJ, Champion T. What works in regional economic development: learning from international best practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: One North East, 2006. Research and Evaluation Reports.
- CURDS, GHK. What works in regional economic development: learning from international best practice. Newcastle: One North East, 2006.
- Pike AJ, Champion AG, Coombes MG, Humphrey L, Tomaney J. The economic viability and self-containment of geographical economies: a framework for analysis. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2006.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR, Wymer C. Housing Market Areas across the North East region. Newcastle upon Tyne: North East Regional Information Partnership, 2006.
- Walker J, Laing KJC, Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Evaluating the Family Advice and Information Service. London: Legal Services Commission, 2006. Family Advice and Information Service Final Evaluation Report.
- Harding A, Coombes MG, Jeffery C, Tomaney J. English regional governance in 2004. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2006.
- CURDS, GHK, in association with Land Use Consultants. Economic potential from high speed links between Scotland’s cities. Glasgow: Scottish Enterprise, 2006.
- Coombes MG, Charles DR, Raybould SR, Wymer C. City Regions and polycentricity: the East Midlands urban network. Nottingham: East Midland Development Agency, 2006.
- Stenning AC, Champion AG, Conway CD, Coombes MG, Dawley SJ, Dixon E, Raybould SR, Richardson RGW. Assessing the local and regional impacts of international migration. London: Department for Communities and Local Government, 2006.
- Robson B, Barr R, Lymperopoulou K, Rees J, Coombes MG. A framework for city-regions working paper 1 mapping city-regions. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2006.
- Coombes MG. Tyne & Wear city region: emerging polynuclearity. Newcastle upon Tyne: The Northern Way, 2005. Tyne & Wear City Region Development Programme Technical Appendix.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR, Wymer C. Analysis of Census migration data to assist in defining Housing Market Areas for Tyne & Wear. Newcastle upon Tyne: CURDS, 2004. Final Report.
- McCarthy P, Whitman J, Walker J, Coombes MG. Targeting initiatives: diverting children and young people from crime and anti-social behaviour. London: Department for Education and Skills, 2003. Research Report RR476.
- McCarthy P, Whitman J, Walker J, Coombes MG. Targeting initiatives: diverting children and young people from crime and antisocial behaviour. London: Children and Young Persons' Unit, DfES, 2003. 476.
- Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Modelling local variations in participation in further and higher education in the North East. Sunderland: Universities for the North East, 2003.
- Alderman N, Coombes M, Raybould S. Mapping grants to deprived areas: putting Community Fund on the map. London: Community Fund, 2003.
- Coombes MG. Travel to Work Areas and the 2001 Census. 2002. Report to the Office for National Statistics.
- University Liverpool, University Newcastle, University Warwick. The Development of a Town and City Indicators Database. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2002. Urban Research Summary 3 02HC0059/20.
- Conway CD, Coombes MG, Raybould S. Participation in further and higher education across the North East region: a bench-mark analysis of recent patterns. Sunderland: Universities for the North East, 2002.
- Birkbeck College, University Newcastle, University Sheffield. A Review of Urban and Rural Area Definitions: Project Report. London: Office for National Statistics, 2002.
- Marshall JN, Willis RM, Raybould S, Richardson RGW, Coombes MG. The contribution of British building societies to financial inclusion. London: Building Societies Association, 2001.
- Bevan MA, Cameron SJ, Coombes MG, Merridew T, Raybould SR. Social housing in rural areas. Coventry: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2001.
- Alderman N, Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Mapping grants to deprived areas in England. London: Community Fund, 2001.
- Coombes MG. The ESPRIN: UK Team European spatial planning and urban-rural relationships: the UK dimension. London: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 2000. 268.
- Raybould SR, Coombes MG, Dodgeon B. CURDS rural housing classification. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, 2000. Update 25.
- Charles DR, Benneworth P, Bradley DP, Chatterton D, Coombes P, Cornford M, Gillespie J, Naylor A, Pike R, Tomaney J. The economic links between Leeds and the Yorkshire and the Humber region. Newcastle University, 1999. Final report to Leeds City Council.
- Coombes M, Raybould S, Wong C, Openshaw S. Towards an index of deprivation: a review of approaches. London: HMSO, 1995.
- Coombes M, Openshaw S, Wymer C, Charlton M, Raybould S. Study on Employment Zones. Luxembourg: Eurostat, 1992. Regional Statistics & Accounts E/LOC/20.
- Amin A, Coombes MG, Gillespie AE, Goddard JB, Marshall JN, Smith IJ, Thwaites AT. Regional and Sub-Regional Disparities in Britain: A Review. Report for Department of Trade and Industry. University of Newcastle upon Tyne: CURDS, 1990.
- Coombes M, Openshaw S, Wong C, Raybould S. Community boundary definition: A GIS design specification. Regional Studies 1993, 27(3), 280-286.