Our People
Professor Anthony Champion
Emeritus Professor of Population Geography
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6437
- Address: CURDS
Daysh 3.84
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Research Interests
Tony Champion has four decades of research experience at Newcastle University, focusing primarily on population change and migration and their implications for regional and local population profiles and planning policies. He became Professor of Population Geography in 1996 and is now Emeritus, located within the university’s Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS). He has authored or co-authored many books, papers and reports and has acted as adviser to the UN Population Division, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) and the UK government. He has also served on a number of committees including the Council of the Royal Geographical Society, the Regional Studies Association and the ESRC Census Programme Advisory Committee. He was elected Academician of Social Sciences in 2010 and Vice President of the British Society for Population Studies for 2011-2013.
His three main current projects are tracking the economic dynamism of Britain’s largest city regions through the latest recession (with Alan Townsend, Durham University), testing the extent to which Pennine England is becoming a single functionally-integrated polycentric urban region (with Mike Coombes, also in CURDS) and assessing the relevance of the ‘escalator region’ effect for England’s secondary agglomerations (with Mike Coombes and Ian Gordon, London School of Economics, for the ESRC Spatial Economics Research Centre, SERC). Other projects have examined the role of migration in changing the socio-demographic profile of British cities (for Joseph Rowntree Foundation), patterns of migration and population change in English cities (for the State of the English Cities Report), demographic aspects of the viability and self-containment of geographical economies and the regional and local impacts of central and eastern European labour migration (these last two for the previous government’s New Horizons programme).
Among his other work over the past decade have been projects on the impacts of migration on regional population change, migration in rural England, population change and ageing in rural England, migration and residential preferences, migration between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas, the evidence base for tracking frequent movers, and the skills profile of Scottish migration. He was team leader for the UK government’s project on the determinants of migration flows and acted as adviser to the follow-up project on developing a migration model (MIGMOD). In 1999-2002 he chaired an IUSSP Working Group on the identification and measurement of new forms of urbanization, funded by the Rockefeller and Mellon Foundations.
Area of expertise- Population geography
- Champion T, Green A, Kollydas K. The gainers and losers from the United Kingdom's university-related migration: A subregional analysis of Graduate Outcomes Survey data. Population, Space and Place 2024, 30(5), e2757.
- Gordon I, Champion T. Towards a sustainable, negotiated mode of strategic regional planning: a political economy perspective. Regional Studies 2021, 55(1), 115-126.
- Champion T, Gordon I. Linking spatial and social mobility: Is London's "escalator" as strong as it was?. Population Space and Place 2021, 27(7), e2306.
- Shuttleworth I, Foley B, Champion T. Internal migration in Northern Ireland: Are people becoming more stuck in place?. Population Space and Place 2021, 27(7), e2338.
- Champion T. Updating Ravenstein: Internal Migration as a Driver of Regional Population Change in the Wider South East of England. Comparative population Studies 2020, 44, 269-290.
- Shuttleworth I, Cooke T, Champion T. Why did fewer people change address in England and Wales in the 2000s than in the 1970s? Evidence from an analysis of the ONS Longitudinal Study. Population, Space and Place 2019, 25(2), e2167.
- Champion T. This Changing World: How many extra people should London be planning for?. Geography 2019, 104(3), 160-165.
- Champion T. How many extra people should London be planning for?. Town and Country Planning 2018, 87(7), 251-257.
- Champion T, Shuttleworth I. Is longer-distance migration slowing? An analysis of the annual record for England and Wales since the 1970s. Population, Space and Place 2017, 23(3), e2024.
- Champion T, Shuttleworth I. Are people changing address less? An analysis of migration within England and Wales, 1971-2011, by distance of move. Population, Space and Place 2017, 23(3), e2026.
- Champion T. Urban population - can recovery last?. Town & Country Planning 2015, 84, 338-343.
- Gordon I, Champion T, Coombes M. Urban escalators and inter-regional elevators: the difference that location, mobility and sectoral specialisation make to occupational progression. Environment and Planning A 2015, 47(3), 588-606.
- Brown D, Champion T, Coombes M, Wymer C. The migration-commuting nexus in rural England: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Rural Studies 2015, 41, 118-128.
- Champion T, Townsend A. Great Britain’s second-order city regions in recessions. Environment and Planning A 2013, 45(2), 362-382.
- Champion T. Testing the return migration element of the ‘escalator region’ model: an analysis of migration into and out of south-east England, 1966–2001. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2012, 5(2), 255-269.
- Champion T, Townsend A. The Fluctuating Record of Economic Regeneration in England’s Second-order City-regions, 1984–2007. Urban Studies 2011, 48(8), 1539-1562.
- Wulff M, Champion A, Lobo M. Household diversity and migration in mid-life: Understanding residential mobility among 45-64 year olds in Melbourne, Australia. Population, Space and Place 2010, 16(4), 307-321.
- Champion T. Urban-rural differences in commuting in England: A challenge to the rural sustainability Agenda?. Planning Practice and Research 2009, 24(2), 161-183.
- Champion T, Coombes MG, Brown DL. Migration and Longer-Distance Commuting in Rural England. Regional Studies 2009, 43(10), 1245-1259.
- Champion T. Population change in England since 1981: is an ‘urban renaissance’ really underway?. Geocarrefour 2008, 83(2), 79-86.
- Bramley G, Champion T, Fisher T. Exploring the household impacts of migration in Britain using panel survey data. Regional Studies 2006, 40(8), 907-926.
- Champion T. The counterurbanisation cascade in England and Wales since 1991: the evidence of a new migration dataset. Revue Belge de Geographie 2005, 1-2, 85-101.
- Fotheringham AS, Rees P, Champion T, Kalogirou S, Tremayne AR. The development of a migration model for England and Wales: Overview and modelling out-migration. Environment and Planning A 2004, 36(9), 1633-1672.
- Champion T. The census and the cities. Town & Country Planning 2004, 73(1), 20-22.
- Hugo G, Champion AG, Lattes A. Toward a new conceptualization of settlements for demography. Population and Development Review 2003, 29(2), 277-298.
- Champion T, Fisher T. The social selectivity of migration flows affecting Britain's larger conurbations: An analysis of the 1991 census regional migration tables. Scottish Geographical Journal 2003, 119(3), 229-246.
- Champion T. Testing the differential urbanisation model in Great Britain, 1901-91. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 2003, 94(1), 11-22.
- Champion T. The continuing urban-rural population movement in Britain: trends, patterns, significance. Espace Populations Sociétés 2001, (1-2), 37-51.
- Champion AG. Moving between local authorities to access social housing. (to be published by Housing Corporation in its Source series, January 2001) 2001.
- Champion AG. A Changing Demographic Regime and Evolving Polycentric Urban Regions: Consequences for the Size, Composition and Distribution of City Populations. Urban Studies 2001, 38(4), 657-677.
- Ford T, Champion T. Who moves into, out of and within London? An analysis based on the 1991 Census 2% sample of anonymised records. Area 2000, 32(3), 259-270.
- Champion AG, Atkins D. Migration between metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in England and Wales. In: R Creeser and S Gleave(ed.) Migration within England and Wales using the ONS Longitudinal Study, ONS Series LS no 9 2000, 1-15.
- Fotheringham AS, Champion T, Wymer C, Coombes MG. Measuring destination attractivity: A migration example. International Journal of Population Geography 2000, 6(6), 391-421.
- Fotheringham AS, Champion AG, Wymer C, Coombes M. Measuring destination attractivity: a migration example. International Journal of Population Geography 2000, 6(6), 391-421.
- Champion AG. So far so good (more or less), but where is the rest?. Town and Country Planning 1999, 68, 277-278.
- Champion AG. Migration and British cities in the 1990s. National Institute Economic Review 1999, 170(1), 60-77.
- Champion, A .G. L'ethnicite dans le recensement de 1991. Revue Europeenne des Migrations Internationales 15, 139-44 1999.
- Champion, A .G. and Ford, T. Attempts at isolating the main components of the distinctive social composition of London's migration exchanges. Working Paper 2, ESRC Cities Programme project. Department of Geography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1999.
Authored Books
- Champion T, Coombes MG, Raybould SR, Wymer C. Migration and socio-economic change: a 2001 Census analysis of Britain’s larger cities. Bristol: Policy Press, 2007.
- Champion T, Hugo G. New Forms of Urbanization: Beyond the Urban-Rural Dichotomy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
- Champion T. The Containment of Urban Britain: Retrospect and Prospect. Milan: FrancoAngeli, 2002.
- Fotheringham S, Champion AG, et al. Development of a Migration Model. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and The Stationery Office, 2002.
Book Chapters
- Champion T. The London New Towns in their Changing Regional Context. In: Fée D; Colenutt B; Schäbitz SC, ed. Lessons from British and French New Towns: Paradise Lost?. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020.
- Coombes M, Champion T. Analysing relative decline in cities with the British census. In: Stillwell, J, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Census Resources, Methods and Applications: Unlocking the UK 2011 Census. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, pp.394-403.
- Champion T. Internal migration and the spatial distribution of population. In: Champion, T; Falkingham, J, ed. The Changing Population of the United Kingdom. London, UK: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016, pp.125-141.
- Davoudi S. Urban Futures. In: M. Tewdwr-Jones, N. Phelps and R. Freestone, ed. The Planning Imagination: Peter Hall and the Study of Urban and Regional Planning. Oxon: Routledge, 2014, pp.252-267.
- Champion T, Goddard J. The containment of urban England. In: Tewdwr-Jones, M; Phelps, N; Freestone, R, ed. The Planning Imagination: Peter Hall and the Study of Urban and Regional Planning. London: Routledge, 2014, pp.126-137.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Is Pennine England becoming more polycentric or more centripetal? An analysis of commuting flows in a transforming industrial region, 1981-2001. In: D. O'Donoghue, ed. Urban Transformations: Centres, Peripheries and Systems. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, pp.73-80.
- Champion T. Urban-rural differences in commuting in England: a challenge to the rural sustainability agenda?. In: Gallent, N, ed. Planning, Markets and Rural Housing. London: Routledge, 2012, pp.9-32.
- Champion T, Brown DL. Migration and urban-rural population redistribution in the UK and US. In: Shucksmith, M., Brown, D.L., Shortall, S., Vergunst, J., Warner, M.E, ed. Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK. New York & London: Routledge, 2012, pp.39-57.
- Champion T. Housing, migration and population mobility. In: Smith, S.J., Elsinga, M., O’Mahony, L.F., Eng, O.S., Watchter, S., Hamnett, C, ed. International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd, 2012, pp.287-293.
- Champion A. Europe’s rural demography. In: Kulcsár, L.J., Curtis, K.J, ed. International Handbook of Rural Demography. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, pp.81-94.
- Champion AG. The changing nature of urban and rural areas in the UK and other European countries. In: H Zlotnik, ed. Population Distribution, Internal Migration and Development: An International Perspective. New York: United Nations, 2011, pp.144-160.
- Coombes M, Champion T. Migration and commuting: local and regional development links. In: Pike, A., Rodríguez-Pose, A., Tomaney, J, ed. A Handbook of Local and Regional Development. London: Routledge, 2011, pp.182-192.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Migration and socio-economic polarisation within British City Regions. In: Stillwell, J., Duke-Williams, O., Dennett, A, ed. Technologies for migration and commuting analysis: spatial interaction data applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010, pp.197-211.
- Champion T. Foreword. In: Satsangi, M., Gallent, N., Bevan, M, ed. The Rural Housing Question: Community and Planning in Britain's Countrysides. Bristol: Policy Press, 2010, pp.vii-vii.
- Rees P, Fotheringham AS, Champion T. Modelling migration for policy analysis. In: Stillwell, J., Clarke, G, ed. Applied GIS and Spatial Analysis. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2004, pp.259-296.
- Champion T, Fisher T. Migration, residential preferences and the changing environment of cities. In: Boddy, M., Parkinson, M, ed. City Matters: Competitiveness, Cohesion and Urban Governance. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2004, pp.111-128.
- Champion T. 'Lest we re-invent the wheel: Lessons from previous experience'. In: Champion, T., Hugo, G, ed. New Forms of Urbanization: Beyond the Urban-Rural Dichotomy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004, pp.25-42.
- Champion T, Hugo G. Introduction: Moving beyond the urban-rural dichotomy. In: Champion, T., Hugo, G, ed. New Forms of Urbanization: Beyond the Urban-Rural Dichotomy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004, pp.3-24.
- Hugo G, Champion T. Conclusions and recommendations. In: Champion, T., Hugo, G, ed. New Forms of Urbanization: Beyond the Urban-Rural Dichotomy. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004, pp.365-384.
- Champion T. Il contenimento urbano in Gran Bretagna. In: Detragiache, A, ed. Dalla Citta Diffusa alla Citta Diramata. Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2003, pp.30-38.
- Champion T. Come si e cercato di fronteggiare la diffusione urbana: potenzialita e limiti delle politiche sperimentate in Gran Bretagna. In: Bertuglia, C.S., Stanghelli, A., Staricco, L, ed. La Diffusione Urbana: Tendenze Attuali, Scenari Futuri. Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2003, pp.82-101.
- Champion T. 'Cities, Future of'; 'Suburbanization'. In: Denemy, P., McNicoll, G, ed. The Encyclopaedia of Population. Farmington Hills MI: Macmillan Reference, 2003, pp.136-140; 924-926.
- Champion T, Bramley G, Stewart Fotheringham A, Macgill J, Rees P. A Migration Modelling System to Support Government Decision-Making. In: Geertman, S., Stillwell, J, ed. Planning Support Systems in Practice. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2003, pp.257-278.
- Champion T. Population Change and Migration in the British Urban System. In: Geyer, H.S, ed. International Handbook of Urban Systems: Studies of Urbanization and Migration in Advanced and Developing Countries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002.
- Champion T. Population change and migration in the British urban system. In: Geyer, H.S, ed. International Textbook of Urban Systems: Studies of Urbanization and Migration in Advanced and Developing Countries. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002, pp.87-120.
- Hooper A, Champion AG, Hull A. Home Alone: The Housing Preferences of One-Person Households. In: Home Alone: The Housing Preferences of One-Person Households. London, 2002.
- Champion AG. Flight from the cities?. In: Bate, R., Best, R., Holmans, A, ed. On the Move: The Housing Consequences of Migration. York: York Publishing Service for JRF, 2002, pp.10-19.
- Champion T, Bramley G, Fotheringham S, Macgill J, Rees P. A migration modelling system to support government decision-making. In: Geertman S; Stillwell J, ed. Planning support systems in practice. Berlin: Springer Vorlag, 2002, pp.269-290.
- Champion T. Urbanisation, surburbanisation, counterurbanisation and reurbanisation. In: Paddison, R., Lever, W, ed. Handbook of Urban Studies. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2001, pp.143-161.
- Champion T. Impacts of Migration on Population Change. In: King, D, ed. Changing Households: Changing Housing Markets. London: Council of Mortgage Lenders, 2001, pp.53-70.
- Champion T. Demographic Transformation. In: P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw, J. Sidaway, ed. Human Geography: Issues for the 21st Century. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2001, pp.183-215.
- Champion AG. Demographic transformations. In: Daniels, P. et al, ed. Human Geography: issues for the 21st century. Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2000.
- Champion AG. Urbanization and counterurbanization. In: Pacione, M, ed. Applied Geography: Principles and Practice. London, UK: Routledge, 1999, pp.347-357.
- Champion AG. Demography. In: Gardiner, V., Matthews, H, ed. The Changing Geography of the United Kingdom. London: Routledge, 1999, pp.169-189.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Champion T. The population renaissance of British cities continues, but for how much longer? . In: Great Transformation: Recasting Regional Policy. Regional Studies Association Winter Conference. 2015, London, UK: Regional Studies Association.
- Champion T, Goddard J. The containment of urban England. In: The Planning Imagination: Peter Hall and the Study of Urban and Regional Planning. 2012, London.
- Champion T. The city regions of northern England as human-capital escalators … or not?. In: N8/CRESC/Open University Seminar on Just Cities and Urban Rebalancing. 2012, York, UK.
- Champion T. Opportunities and challenges of the 2011 Census: A view from academia. In: TRWI Policy & Research Conference on Making Best Use of the 2011 Census. 2012, York, UK.
- Champion T, Shuttleworth I. New mobilities or old? Perspectives on intra-national migration in the developed world. In: BSPS Annual Conference. 2012, Nottingham, UK.
- Champion T. Experience from my Beta Test project on return migration. In: ONS/BSPS Joint Meeting on ONS Longitudinal Study: Opportunities for testing the new research data base. 2012, London, UK.
- Townsend A, Champion T. Contrasting political and statistical perceptions of ‘city regions’. In: 40 Years of Policy & Politics: Critical Reflections and Strategies for the Future. 2012, Bristol, UK.
- Champion T. Beyond the IBG Limited Life Working Party on Migration in Britain 1988-1992: a personal perspective. In: Britain on the Move. 2012, Royal Geographical Society, London.
- Champion T. ‘The value of your investment can go down as well as up’: an examination of negative outcomes of stepping onto the regional escalator. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference. 2012, Edinburgh, UK.
- Champion T. Using the Special Migration Statistics for research on human capital flows. In: Conference on Census 2011: Impact and Potential. 2011, Manchester.
- Champion T, Coombes M, Gordon I. The relative importance of migrant status, other personal characteristics and place in influencing career progression in England and Wales, 1991-2001. In: 6th International Population Geographies Conference. 2011, Umea, Sweden.
- Champion T, Coombes M, Gordon I. The escalator hypothesis revisited: is geographic mobility the key to career progression, or just being in the right place or in the right sector?. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference. 2011, London.
- Champion T. Modelling proxy earnings data to identify the importance of personal and place characteristics in explaining differences between cities in people’s career trajectories: a review of key methodological issues. In: SERC Work in Progress Seminar. 2011, LSE, London.
- Champion T, Coombes M, Gordon I. Microlevel modelling to identify the separate effects of migrant status and other personal characteristics on people’s job status change. In: BSPS Annual Conference. 2011, York.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Is Pennine England becoming more polycentric? An analysis of commuting flows in a transforming industrial region. In: IGU Urban Geography Commission Meeting. 2011, Canterbury, Kent.
- Champion T, Townsend A. British City Regions’ economies into recession. In: Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference. 2011, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Champion T. 2011 SARs consultation: migration, commuting and secondary residence. In: Samples of Anonymised Records User Group Meeting. 2011, Royal Statistical Society, London.
- Champion T. Migration and residential mobility: Implications for population distribution and travel demand. In: FUTURENET Workshop on Future Drivers of Change in Transport Infrastructure and Demand. 2010, University of Nottingham.
- Champion T. How does Manchester compare with London and England’s other large city regions as an escalator region, 1991-2001?. In: PERM Research Group Seminar. 2010, Manchester University.
- Champion T, Coombes M. How do England’s secondary agglomerations compare with London as ‘escalators’ of human capital?. In: SERC Annual Conference. 2010, LSE, London.
- Champion T. Escape from the city? Counterurbanisation from Urban Tyneside to the Tyne Valley. In: Workshop on Memories of Urban Tyneside. 2010, Hexham, Northumberland.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Commuting flows in Pennine England, 1981-2001: Is this transforming industrial region becoming more polycentric or more centripetal?. In: AAG Annual Meeting. 2010, Washington DC, USA.
- Champion T, Townsend A. When did the post-1993 economic recovery of England's regional cities peak?. In: CURDS Internal Seminar. 2009, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T, Coombes M. The relationship between commuting distance, settlement size and job accessibility in England. In: UK/Ireland Planning Research Conference. 2009, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Migration and social mobility in the regional city: testing the ‘stepping on’ component of the ‘escalator region’ model outside South East England. In: BSPS Annual Conference. 2009, University of Sussex, Brighton.
- Champion T. Are any of England’s second-tier urban agglomerations comparable with London as human-capital ‘escalators’?. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference. 2009, Manchester.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Using the 2001 Census Individual CAMS to explore the relationship between migration and longer distance commuting in rural England. In: Census Microdata: Findings and Futures’ International Conference. 2008, Manchester.
- Champion T. Urban-rural differences in commuting in England: a challenge to the rural sustainability agenda?. In: RGS-IBG Population Geography Research Group Workshop on Understanding Counter-Urban Populations and Processes: Different Perspectives. 2008, Dublin.
- Champion T. Urban-rural differences in commuting in England: a challenge to the rural sustainability agenda?. In: CURDS Internal Seminar series. 2008, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T, Coombes M. The relationship between commuting distance and settlement size. In: Regional Studies Association Winter Conference. 2008, London.
- Champion T, Norman P. The population dynamics of England’s small towns, 1991-2006. In: British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference. 2008, Manchester, UK.
- Champion A. The changing urban and rural areas in the UK and some European countries. In: UN Expert Group Meeting on Urbanization, Population Distribution, Internal Migration and Development. 2008, United Nations, New York.
- Champion T. The ‘escalator region’ hypothesis and the regional cities of England: a research agenda. In: London School of Economics Urban and Regional Economics Seminar series. 2008, LSE, London.
- Coombes M, Champion T. SECs and the City: do all higher Socio-Economic Class migrants go to London?. In: DIME International Workshop on Reconsidering the Regional Knowledge Economy. 2008, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Migration and socio-economic polarisation within city regions. In: ESRC Research Methods Festival. 2008, Oxford.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Migration and commuting distance in England: an urban/rural analysis of census microdata. In: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Coombes M, Champion T. International migration: local policy issues in changing places and times. In: TWRI Annual Research Conference. 2008, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T. Demographic impacts of migration to the UK: a geographical perspective. In: Regional Studies Association Conference on Migration and Migrant Workers in the UK and an Enlarged European Union. 2008, Cambridge, UK.
- Champion T, Coombes M. UK migration statistics: how to make them more than the sum of their parts. In: Royal Statistical Society Annual Conference. 2007, York.
- Champion T, Coombes M. The sustainability of English city housing markets: an end to city flight?. In: Housing Studies Association Conference on Housing and Sustainability. 2007, York.
- Champion T. The demography of ageing in the North East. In: Lifetime Homes Workshop. 2007, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T, Shepherd J. The context and correlates of small town growth. In: Rural Evidence Research Centre Conference: What is Rural England for?. 2007, Royal Geographical Society, London.
- Champion T, Coombes M, Brown D. The commuting behaviour of recent in-migrants to rural settlements in England . In: RSAIBIS Annual Meeting. 2007, Bangor, Northern Ireland.
- Champion T. Studying rural/urban migration. In: DEFRA/RERC Meeting: Rural evidence: fit for purpose?. 2007, Sheffield.
- Champion T. Rural/urban migration and population projections. In: RERC Seminar for DEFRA. 2007, DEFRA, Nobel House, London.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Poles apart? Assessing whether labour migration to England from the A8 countries has a distinctive geography. In: British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference. 2007, St Andrews.
- Wulff M, Champion T. Mobility and the housing market: an examination of new patterns in and around Melbourne, Australia. In: European Network of Housing Researchers Conference on Sustainable Urban Areas. 2007, Rotterdam.
- Coombes M, Champion T. Migration benefits: who and where?. In: Institute for Economic Development Conference on Valuing Economic Development. 2007, Cardiff.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Migration and the socio-economic complexion of communities. In: Invited seminar at Dept of Communities and Local Government (CLG). 2007, London.
- Champion T. Migration and population change in British cities: is an ‘urban renaissance’ really underway?. In: University of Liverpool Department of Civic Design Seminars. 2007, Liverpool.
- Coombes M, Champion T, Brown T. Is there ‘city flight’ in middle England?. In: EURA Annual Conference on The Vital City. 2007, Glasgow.
- Champion T, Coombes M, Brown D. In-migration and commuting in rural England: A challenge to the sustainability agenda? . In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference. 2007, London.
- Coombes M, Champion T. Did the early A8 migrants target areas of labour shortage?. In: CURDS Internal Seminar series. 2007, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T. Counterurbanization, migration and rural change. In: Northern Rural Network Conference on Climate Change and the Sustainability of Rural Settlements. 2007, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Commuting, migration and sustainable development in England: an urban/rural analysis. In: Regional Studies Association Winter Conference. 2007, London.
- Champion T. Allowing for the effect of migration in calculating future needs of affordable housing in rural areas. In: British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference. 2007, St Andrews.
- Champion T. Where do we stand? Lessons from the IUSSP Working Group on Urbanization. In: Workshop on Estimates and Projections of Urban and City Populations. 2006, Columbia University: unpublished.
- Champion T. What are the future prospects for the UK’s retirement areas?. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference. 2006, London.
- Champion T. Urban/rural and between-city differentials in the migration components of population change in England since 1991. In: 3rd International Population Geographies Conference. 2006, Liverpool.
- Champion T. The migration context of London's eastwards turn. In: London's Turning Seminar: Going with the Contraflow. 2006, The Young Institute: London: unpublished.
- Champion T. The 2006 State of the Cities Report: Overview and issues for Newcastle and its region. In: Tyne & Wear Research & Intelligence Annual Conference. 2006, North Shields.
- Champion T. Research potential of the Small Area Microdata. In: SAR User Group Meeting. 2006, Royal Statistical Society, London.
- Coombes M, Champion T. Migration from the New Europe to the UK: assessing its regional and local impacts. In: European Population Conference. 2006, Liverpool.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Migration between British city regions: are the highly skilled no longer leaving old industrial cities?. In: European Population Conference. 2006, Liverpool.
- Coombes M, Champion T. Migration and the division of England into local Housing Market Areas. In: 36th Annual Conference of the Regional Science Association International, British and Irish Section RSAIBIS. 2006, Jersey.
- Champion T. Migration and Social Change in Rural England. In: ESRC Seminar Series, 4th Seminar: Migration and Social Change. 2006, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Champion T, Coombes M. Is migration still increasing socio-spatial polarisation? Latest evidence from three English city regions. In: RSAIBIS Annual Meeting. 2006, Jersey.
- Champion T. Demographic Trends. In: Housing: Establishing the Evidence Base. 2006, RICS, London.
- Champion T, Duke-Williams O, Stillwell J. 2001 Census Interaction Data: Retrospect and Prospect. In: 2001 Census Debriefing Seminar. 2006, City Hall, London.
- Champion T. The 'counterurbanization cascade'. In: Polson Institute for Global Development. 2005, Cornell University: unpublished.
- Champion T. Migration's role in producing regional and local population ageing in England. In: PopGRG Session 'The geographical dimension of population ageing' RGS-IBG Annual Conference. 2005, London: unpublished.
- Champion T. Migration in the 2001 Census: What can the SAR add to our understanding?. In: SARs User Group Meeting 'Exploring Census Microdata'. 2005, Royal Statistical Society, London: unpublished.
- Champion T. Migration and British Cities. In: WPEG Seminar on Migration. 2005, The Treasury, London: unpublished.
- Champion T, Coombes MG. Are our cities still losing human capital? The evidence of the 'moving group' data from the 2001 Census. In: BSPS Annual Conference. 2005, University of Kent at Canterbury.
- Champion T. Analysing migration using the 2001 Census - selected insights and issues. In: 2001 Census of Population Programme Conference 'Census: present and future'. 2005, University of Leicester: unpublished.
- Champion T. The quest for 'sustainable communities' in the context of Britain's changing population. In: Housing Studies Association Autumn Conference on 'Planning and Housing: Policy and Practice'. 2004, Belfast: unpublished.
- Champion T. Testing the return migration element of the 'escalator region' model: an analysis of migration into and out of South East England, 1966-2001. In: LS 2001 Census Launch Conference. 2004, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: unpublished.
- Champion T. Researching the State of British Cities. In: Popfest. 2004, University of Leeds: unpublished.
- Champion T. Gainers and Losers in Britain's Changing Patterns of Population Distribution. In: Environment and Society Forum Conference. 2004, Royal Geographical Society, London: unpublished.
- Champion T. Background Research on Population Mobility. In: GLE Consulting's meetings of the URBACT Study on Population Mobility. 2004, Greater London Enterprise, Southwark, London: unpublished.
- Champion T. Ageing and Migration Trends. In: Age Concern/ARO/SISA Conference 'The English Regions and Demographic Ageing: Key Trends and Issues'. 2004, Sheffield: unpublished.
- Champion AG, Gillespie AE, Owen DW. Population and the labour market with special reference to growth areas in the U.K. In: British Society for Population Studies Conference on Population Change and Regional Labour Markets. 1982, Trevelyan College, University of Durham: Office of Population Censuses and Surveys.
Edited Books
- Champion T, Cooke T, Shuttleworth I, ed. Internal Migration in the Developed World: Are We Becoming Less Mobile?. London and New York: Routledge, 2018.
- Champion T, Falkingham J, ed. Population Change in the United Kingdom. London, UK: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016.
- Lewis DJ, Eversley D, Robson BT, Cross DFW, Coombes MG, Cheshire PC, Lawton R, Keebles D, Fielding AJ, Champion AG. Counterurbanization in Europe: discussion. Geographical Journal 1989, 155(1), 75-80.
- Pike A, MacKinnon D, Coombes M, Champion T, Bradley D, Cumbers A, Robson L, Wymer C. Uneven growth: tackling city decline. York, UK, 2016. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Pike A, Mackinnon D, Coombes M, Champion T, Bradley D, Cumbers A, Robson L, Wymer C. Uneven growth: tackling city decline. York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2016.
- Champion T. The changing nature of urban and rural areas in the UK and other European countries. New York: United Nations, 2008. Expert group meeting on population distribution, urbanization, internal migration and development.
- Coombes MG, Champion T, Brown T, Raybould SR. City Flight migration patterns in the East Midlands. Nottingham: East Midlands Development Agency, 2007.
- Henry N, Pike AJ, Tomaney J, O'Brien PE, Coombes MG, Conway C, Dawley SJ, Champion T. What works in regional economic development: learning from international best practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: One North East, 2006. Research and Evaluation Reports.
- Pike AJ, Champion AG, Coombes MG, Humphrey L, Tomaney J. The economic viability and self-containment of geographical economies: a framework for analysis. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2006.
- Stenning AC, Champion AG, Conway CD, Coombes MG, Dawley SJ, Dixon E, Raybould SR, Richardson RGW. Assessing the local and regional impacts of international migration. London: Department for Communities and Local Government, 2006.
- Champion T, Ford T. Longer Distance Movement into Housing Association Housing. London: Housing Corporation, 2001. Source Research Report 52.
- Champion T. Review of: High-rise housing in Europe: Current trends and future prospects, by R. Turkington, R. Van Kempen & F. Wassenberg (Eds). Housing Studies 2006, 21(4), 603-605.
- Champion T. The sustainable urban development reader. Progress in Human Geography 2005, 29(4), 538-540.
- Champion T. The history of human populations, vol 2, migration, urbanization and structural change. Population Studies 2005, 59(1), 126-128.
- Champion T. Polynuclear urban regions and the transnational dimension of spatial planning: proposals for mufti-scalar planning in North West Europe. Eurbanet Report 3. Environment and Planning B: Planning & Design 2005, 32(6), 924-925.
- Champion T. Migration and restructuring in the United States: A geographic perspective. Population Studies 2001, 55(2), 199-201.
- Champion T. Boyle, P., Halfacree, K. (eds.) 'Migration and gender in the developed world' (London: Routledge, 1999). European Journal of Population 2001, 17(3), 295-297.
- Champion T. Winners and losers: home ownership in modern Britain. Area 1999, 31(4), 390-391.
- Champion AG. Britain's population: Demographic issues in contemporary society. Geographical Journal 1999, 165(3), 334-335.