Visiting Staff
Professor Andrew Gillespie
Professor in Commun.Geography
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7731
- Fax: +44 (0) 191 232 9259
- Address: School of Geography, Politics & Sociology
Level 4 Claremont Bridge
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Andrew Gillespie is a Professor of Communications Geography within the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) in the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology (GPS), and is currently working half-time. He was the Acting Research Dean for the HaSS Faculty between April 2013 and September 2014, and was previously the Head of School of GPS between 2005 and 2013 and the Executive Director of CURDS between 1994 and 2003.
Research Interests
Andrew Gillespie's research expertise lies in the field of information and communications technologies and the development of cities, regions and rural areas, a field in which he also had a long-standing policy advisory interest. His research interests also encompass the interaction between transport, telecommunications and urban form.
Undergraduate Teaching
GEO1010 Interconnected World
GEO2124 The Creative and Knowledge-based Economy: Berlin field course
GEO2099 Economic Geography
GEO3139 Geographies of Mobility and Communications
Postgraduate Teaching
DPD for the MA Local and Regional Development (Research)
- Tranos E, Gillespie A. The Urban Geography of Internet Backbone Networks in Europe: Roles and Relations. Journal of Urban Technology 2011, 18(1), 35-50.
- Tranos E, Gillespie A. The Spatial Distribution of Internet Backbone Networks in Europe: A Metropolitan Knowledge Economy Perspective. European Urban and Regional Studies 2009, 16(4), 423-437.
- Talbot H, Gillespie AE. Policy and the rural Information Society. In: Rusten, G., Skerratt, S, ed. Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Society: Being rural in a digital age. London: Routledge, 2008, pp.155-174.
- Schintler L, Gorman S, Reggiani A, Patuelli R, Gillespie AE, Nijkamp P, Rutherford JA. Complex network phenomena in telecommunication systems. Networks and Spatial Economics 2005, 5(4), 351-370.
- Janelle D, Gillespie AE. Space-time constructs for linking information and communication technologies with issues in sustainable transportation. Transport Reviews 2004, 24(6), 665-677.
- Gillespie AE, Rutherford JA. The Brave New World of the 21st Century Home. London: Building Futures, CABE and RIBA, 2004. Housing Futures 2024 3.
- Rutherford JA, Gillespie AE, Richardson RGW. The territoriality of pan-European backbone networks. GaWC Research Bulletin 136, Globalisation and World Cities Study Group and Network, University of Loughborough. 2004. Available at:
- Rutherford JA, Gillespie AE, Richardson RGW. The territoriality of pan-European telecommunications backbone networks. Journal of Urban Technology 2004, 11(3), 1-34.
- Richardson RGW, Gillespie AE. The call of the wild: Call centres and economic development in rural areas. Growth and Change 2003, 34(1), 87-108.
- Gillespie AE. Digital Lifestyles and the Future City. In: Leach N, ed. Designing for a Digital World. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2002, pp.68-72.
- Gillespie AE, Benneworth PS. Industrial and regional policy in a devolved United Kingdom. In: Adams J; Robinson P, ed. Devolution in Practice: Public Policy Differences within the UK. London: Institute for Public Policy Research, 2002, pp.69-85.
- Giuliano G, Gillespie AE. Research issues regarding societal change and transport: an update. In: Black WR; Nijkamp P, ed. Social Change and Sustainable Transport. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2002, pp.27-34.
- Gillespie AE, Marvin SJ, Green N. Bricks versus Clicks: planning for the digital economy. In: Wilson J, ed. Digital Futures: Living in a Dot-Com World. London: Earthscan, 2001, pp.200-218.
- Gillespie AE, Richardson RGW, Cornford JR. Regional development and the new economy. EIB Papers 2001, 6(1), 109-131.
- Richardson RGW, Gillespie AE. Call centre periphery: Teleservices and economic development in rural Scotland. Géocarrefour 2000, 75(1), 79-85.
- Cornford JR, Gillespie AE, Richardson RGW. Regional development in the information society. In: Ducatel, K.; Webster, J.; Herrmann, W, ed. The information society in Europe: work and life in an age of globalization. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000, pp.21-44.
- Gillespie AE. Substituting electronic communications for physical travel? The case of "teleworking". Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 2000, 6(1), 13-24.
- Gillespie AE, Richardson RGW. Telematics innovation and the development of non-metropolitan areas: lessons from policy experience. In: Batten DF; Bertuglia CS; Martellato D; Occelli S, ed. Learning, innovation and urban evolution. Boston, Mass: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp.255-270.
- Gillespie AE, Richardson RGW. Teleworking and the city: Myths of workplace transcendence and travel reduction. In: Wheeler, J.O.; Aoyama, Y.; Warf, B, ed. Cities in the telecommunications age: The fracturing of geographies. New York: Routledge, 2000, pp.228-245.
- Richardson RGW, Gillespie AE. The economic development of peripheral rural areas in the information age. In: Wilson, M.I.; Corey, K, ed. Information tectonics: space, place and technology in an electronic age. Chichester: Wiley, 2000, pp.199-217.
- Gillespie AE, Siochrú ÓS. The Information Society and the Regions in Europe. In: Sturn R; Weinmann G, ed. The Information Society and the Regions in Europe; a British-German Comparison. Nomos Verlags7gesellschaft Publishers, 2000, pp.93-116.
- Charles DR, Bradley DP, Chatterton P, Coombes MG, Gillespie AE. Core Cities Centres for Regeneration. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, 1999.
- Gillespie AE. The changing employment geography of Britain. In: Breheny MJ, ed. The people Where Will They Work? report of TCPA research into the changing geography of employment. London: Town & Country Planning Association (TCPA), 1999, pp.9-28.
- Cornford JR, Gillespie AE. The geography of the network access. In: Dutton WH, Peltu M, ed. Society on the line: the information and communication revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp.255-280.
- Richardson RGW, Gillespie AE. The impact of remote work on employment location and work processes. In: Dutton WH; Peltu M, ed. Society on the line: the information and communication revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp.165-167.
- Gillespie AE, Healey P, Robins K. Movement and mobility and the post-Fordist city. In: Bannister D, ed. Transport Policy and the Environment. London: Spon, 1998, pp.243-266.
- Giuliano G, Gillespie AE. Research issues regarding societal change and transport. Journal of Transport Geography 1997, 5(3), 165-176.
- Richardson RGW, Gillespie AE. Advanced communications and employment creation in rural and peripheral regions: A case study of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Annals of Regional Science 1996, 30(1), 91-110.
- Cornford JR, Gillespie AE, Richardson RGW. Regional Development in the Information Society: A Review and Analysis. In: European High Level Expert Group on the Social and Societal Aspects of the Information Society/CEC DGV. 1996.
- Gillespie AE, Cornford JR. Telecommunications infrastructures and regional development. In: Dutton WH; Peltu M, ed. Information and Communication Technologies: Visions and Realities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp.335-351.
- Richardson RGW, Gillespie AE, Cornford JR. Low marks for rural homework. Town and Country Planning 1995, 64(3), 82-84.
- Gillespie AE, Cornford JR. Network diversity or network fragmentation? The evolution of European telecommunications in competitive environments. In: European Transport and Communications Networks: policy evolution and change (Euro conference). 1995, Padua, Italy: John Wiley & Sons: Chichester.
- Gillespie AE, Richardson RGW, Cornford JR. Review of teleworking in Britain: Implications for public policy for the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology/ESRC. Newcastle upon Tyne: CURDS, 1995. Final.
- Capello R, Gillespie AE. Communications infrastructure and possible future spatial scenarios. In: Cuadrado-Roura JR; Nijkamp P; Salva P, ed. Moving Frontiers: Economic Restructuring, Regional Development and Emerging Networks. Aldershot: Avebury, 1994.
- Gillespie AE, Coombes MG, Raybould SR. Contribution of telecommunications to rural economic development: variations on a theme?. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 1994, 6(3), 201-217.
- Li F, Gillespie AE. Team telework: an emergent form of work organisation. In: Transforming Organisations with Information Technology. 1994, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: Elsevier Science B.V: Holland.
- Li F, Gillespie AE. Teleworking, work organisation and the workplace. In: Mansell R, ed. Management of Information and Communications Technologies: Emerging Patterns of Control. London: ASLIB, 1994.
- Capello R, Gillespie AE. Trasporti, telecomunnicazioni e organizzazione spaziale della produzione: riflessioni critiche e scenari futuri. In: Garofoli G; Mazzoni R, ed. Sistemi Produttivi Locali: Struttura e Transformazione. Milan: Franco Angeli, 1994.
- Cornford JR, Gillespie AE. Cable systems, telephony and local economic development in the UK. Telecommunications Policy 1993, 17(8), 589-602.
- Driver S, Gillespie AE. Information and communication technologies and the geography of magazine print publishing. Regional Studies 1993, 27(1), 53-64.
- Driver S, Gillespie AE. Structural change in the cultural industries: British magazine publishing in the 1980s. Media, Culture & Society 1993, 15(2), 183-201.
- Gillespie AE. Telematics and its implications for industrial and spatial organisation. Regional Development Dialogue 1993, 14(2), 138-150.
- Giannopoulos G, Gillespie AE. Transport and Communications Innovation in Europe. London: Belhaven Press, 1993.
- Giannopoulos G, Gillespie AE. Transport and communications policy in Europe: policy implications and options. In: Giannopoulos G; Gillespie A, ed. Transport and Communications Innovation in Europe. London: Belhaven Press, 1993, pp.329-360.
- Capello R, Gillespie AE. Transport, communications and spatial organisation: conceptual framework and future trends. In: Nijkamp P, ed. Europe on the Move: recent developments in European communications and transport activity research. Aldershot: Avebury, 1993, pp.43-66.
- Cornford JR, Gillespie AE. Cable systems and the geography of UK telecommunications. Oxford: ESRC Programme on Information and Communications Technologies, 1992. PICT Policy Research Paper 21.
- Robins K, Gillespie AE. Communication, organisation and territory. In: Robins K, ed. Understanding Information: business, technology and geography. London: Belhaven Press, 1992, pp.147-165.
- Gillespie AE. Communications technologies and the future of the city. In: 22nd Annual Conference of the British Section of the Regional Science Association. 1992, Mansfield College, Oxford: Pion: London.
- Cornford JR, Gillespie AE. The coming of the wired city? The recent development of cable in Britain. Town Planning Review 1992, 63(3), 241-262.
- Driver S, Gillespie AE. The diffusion of digital technologies in magazine print publishing: organisational change and strategic choices. Journal of Information Technology 1992, 7(3), 149-159.
- Gillespie AE. Advanced communications networks, territorial integration and local development. In: Camagni R, on behalf of GREMI, ed. Innovation Networks: Spatial Perspectives. London: Belhaven Press, 1991, pp.214-229.
- Gillespie AE, Robins K. Non universal service? Political economy and communications geography. In: Brotchie JF; Batty M; Hall P; Newton,P, ed. Cities of the 21st Century: New Technologies and Spatial Systems. Harlow: Longmans, 1991, pp.159-170.
- Gillespie AE, Robins K. Zero peut etre. Mais les telecoms demultiplient surtout le pouvoir des puissants. Le Temps Strategique, Special Issue on Telecommunications 1991, 42, 20-27.
- Gillespie AE, Williams HP. Telematics and the reorganisation of corporate space. In: Telematics Transportation and Spatial Development: proceedings of an international symposium by the Centre for Transportation Engineering. 1990, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Congress Center, the Hague, the Netherlands: VSP: Utrecht.
- Bannister D, Gillespie AE, Hay A, Jones PN, Williams HP. United Kingdom. In: Nijkamp P; Reichman S; Wegener M, ed. Euromobile: Transport, Communications and Mobility in Europe. Aldershot: Avebury, 1990, pp.357-390.
- Gillespie AE, Williams HP. A small firm perspective on the liberalisation of telecommunication services. In: European Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. 1989, Windsor, UK: IOS: Amsterdam.
- Gillespie AE, Robins K. Geographical inequalities: the spatial bias of the new communications technologies. Journal of Communication 1989, 39(3), 7-18.
- Williams HP, Gillespie AE, Thwaites AT. Industrial dynamics and policy debate in the information technology production industries. In: Government Policy and Industrial Change. 1989, Manchester: Routledge: London.
- Gillespie AE, Goddard JB, Hepworth M, Williams HP. Information and communications technology and regional development: an information economy perspective. Science, Technology, Industry Review 1989, 5, 85-111.
- Gillespie AE, Goddard JB. Old industrial areas in Europe: Problems, prospects and policies for economic regeneration. In: Carati F, ed. Aree Metropolitane di Antica Industrializzazione. Milan: Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria del Politecnico (CLUP), 1988, pp.59-76.
- Marshall J, Wood P, Daniels P, McKinnon A, Bachtler J, Damesick P, Thrift N, Gillespie AE, Green A, Leyshorn A. Services and Uneven Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
- Gillespie AE, Williams HP, Thwaites AT. Strategies to encourage the development of new information technology production in Europe's less favoured regions. In: Nijkamp P; Giaoutzi M, ed. Informatics and Regional Development. Aldershot: Avebury, 1988, pp.56-71.
- Gillespie AE, Williams HP. Telecommunications and the reconstruction of regional comparative advantage. Environment and Planning A 1988, 20(10), 1311-1321.
- Gillespie AE. Telecommunications and the restructuring of economic space. In: Annual Conference of the Institute of Geographers: details: Transport technology and spatial change. 1988, Loughborough University of Technology: IBG Transport Study Group: Stoke-on-Trent.
- Gillespie AE. The geography of telecommunications. In: Bakis H, ed. Information et Organisation Spatiale. Caen: Paradigme, 1988, pp.61-78.
- Gillespie AE, Williams HP. The impacts of telecommunications liberalisation on small and medium-sized enterprises. Report to the ICCP Committee, OECD. Paris: OECD, 1988.
- Gillespie AE, Fullerton B. The regional impact of European transport and telecommunications policies. In: Molle W; Cappelin R, ed. The Regional Impact of Community Policies in Europe. Aldershot: Avebury, 1988, pp.88-110.
- Goddard JB, Gillespie AE. Advanced telecommunications and regional economic development. In: Robson BT, ed. Managing the City: The Aims and Impacts of Urban Policy. London: Croom Helm, 1987, pp.84-109.
- Gillespie AE, Howells J, Williams HP, Thwaites AT. Competition, internationalisation and the regions: the example of the information technology production industries in Europe. In: Breheny MJ; McQuaid R, ed. The Development of High Technology Industries: An International Survey. London: Croom Helm, 1987, pp.113-142.
- Gillespie AE. Telecommunications and the development of Europe's less-favoured regions. Geoforum 1987, 18(2), 229-236.
- Gillespie AE, Green AE. The changing geography of producer services employment in Britain. Regional Studies 1987, 21(5), 397-411.
- Hepworth ME, Green AE, Gillespie AE. The spatial division of information labour in Great Britain. Environment and Planning A 1987, 19(6), 793-806.
- Goddard JB, Gillespie AE. Advanced telecommunications and regional economic development. The Geographical Journal 1986, 152(3), 383-397.
- Goddard JB, Gillespie AE, Thwaites AT, Robinson JF. The impact of new information technology on urban and regional structure in Europe. Land Development Studies 1986, 3(1), 11-32.
- Owen DW, Coombes MG, Gillespie AE. The 'urban rural shift' and employment change in Britain. In: Danson M, ed. Redundancy and Recession: Restructuring the Regions. Norwich: Geobooks, 1986, pp.23-48.
- Foord J, Gillespie AE. Office Work and New Technology in Tyne and Wear. Northern Economic Review 1985, 12.
- Gillespie AE. Telecommunications and the development of the less favoured regions of Europe. L'Europe des Communications, le Bulletin de l'IDATE 1985, 21.
- Goddard JB, Gillespie AE, Robinson J, Thwaites AT. The impact of new information technology on urban and regional structure in Europe. In: Thwaites AT; Oakey RP, ed. The Regional Economic Impact of Technological Change. London: Frances Pinter, 1985, pp.215-242.
- Owen DW, Gillespie AE, Coombes MG. Job shortfalls in British local labour market areas: A classification of labour supply and demand trends, 1971-1981. Regional Studies 1984, 18(6), 469-488.
- Gillespie AE, Goddard JB, Robinson JF, Smith I, Thwaites AT. The Effects of New Information Technology on the Less Favoured Regions of the Community. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1984.
- Gillespie AE, Owen DW. Developments in the NUMAC labour market information system. In: Healey M, ed. Urban and Regional Industrial Research: the changing UK data base. Norwich: Geobooks, 1983, pp.39-50.
- Gillespie AE. Population and employment decentralisation and the journey to work. In: Champion AG; Goddard JB, ed. The Urban and Regional Transformation of Britain. London: Methuen, 1983, pp.160-186.
- Gillespie AE. Technological Change and Regional Development. In: Annual Conference of the British Section of the Regional Science Association. 1983, University of Durham: Pion Ltd: London.
- Spence N, Gillespie AE, Goddard JB, Kennett S, Williams A. British Cities: An Analysis of Urban Change. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982.
- Owen DW, Gillespie AE. The changing relationship between local and national unemployment rates in northern England, 1971-1980. Environment and Planning A 1982, 14(2), 183-193.
- Gillespie AE, Owen DW. Unemployment trends in the current recession. Area 1981, 13(3), 189-196.