Visiting Staff
David Bradley
Principal Research Associate
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7546
- Fax: +44 (0) 191 232 9259
- Address:
Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS)
3rd Floor
Daysh Building
University of Newcastle
Newcastle upon Tyne
David is a part-time Research Associate involved in directing research. David has led numerous studies across a range of policies with spatial impacts.
David is also a Partner with Bradley Research and Consulting.
Commercial consultancy in areas of programme and policy evaluation, urban regeneration and property development, spatial strategies
Roles and Responsibilities
Securing contracts
Managing / directing research / consultancy studies
BA Hons Geography
M Phil Town and Regioanl Planning
Previous Positions
Research Manager Ecotec
Consultant Price Waterhouse
Senior Consultant Price Waterhouse
Member of the Royal Town Planning Institure
Member of the Institute of Economic Development
Life Member National Trust
Basic French
Informal Interests
Research Interests
David's main expertise lies in the evaluation of policies and programmes with a spatial impact. David has led more than 50 studies and advised a broad range of organisations such as Government Departments, Police Constabularies, Regional Development Agencies, local authorities, LSCs, and the EU.
Other Expertise
Public Sector relocation
Knowledge Intensive Business Services
Locational requirements and residential preferences of mobile professionals / home based business services
Economic Impact Analysis
Current Work
Evaluation of Newcastle Science City Enterprise to Business
Evaluation of NE1 Newcastle City Centre Business Improvement District
My Newcastle - Young children's sense of place and the buildings and spaces they like and dislike
Industrial Relevance
Assessment of the case for government relocations helped to inform the Lyons review
Evaluation of civilian roles within Northumbria police helped to inform workforce modernisation
Economic impact assessment of closure of RAF Boulmer may have influenced shelving of plans to close RAF Boulmer
Undergraduate Teaching
Postgraduate Teaching
Evaluation workshop, CURDS MA in Regional Development
- Bradley DP, Bradley J, Coombes M, Grove L, Thomas S, Young C. The extent of crime and anti-social behaviour facing designated heritage assets. London, UK: English Heritage, 2012. English Heritage Research Paper.
- Bradley DP. Buildings, Mounuments and spaces that are important to young people and the contribution of the historic built environment to young people's sense of place. Regions Magazine 2011, 284(1), 5-8.
- Bradley DP, Coombes M, Bradley J, Tranos E. Assessing the importance and value of historic buildings to young people. London, UK: English Heritage, 2011. English Heritage Research Report.
- Bradley D, Benneworth P. Ex Post Evaluation of the ERDF in Objectives 1 & 2 (2000-2006) Work package 4: Structural Change and Globalisation North West Case Study. London: European Commission, 2010. DG InfoRegio Evaluations.
- Bradley D, Millard J, Meyerhoff-Nielson M, Hughes G, Gareis K, Hielmann G. Study on the development of the Information Society in EU rural development and regional policies. London: European Commission, 2009. European Commission DG Information Society (Infso).
- Bradley DP, Coombes M, Bradley J, Tranos E. Sense of Place and Social Capital and the Historic Built Environment: Report of Research for English Heritage. London: English Heritage, 2009. Heritage Counts.
- Walker J, Donaldson C, Laing K, Pennington M, Wilson G, Procter S, Bradley D, Dickinson H, Gray J. Evaluating Budget-Holding in Lead Professionals within Multi-Agency Children’s Services in England. London, UK: Department of Children, Schools and Families, 2009. DCSF Research Reports RR143.
- Tomaney J, Bradley DP. The economic role of mobile professional and creative workers and their housing and residential preferences: Evidence from North East England. Town Planning Review 2007, 78(4), 511-530.
- Marshall JN, Hodgson CM, Bradley DP. Public sector relocation and regional disparities in Britain. Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy 2005, 23(6), 883-906.
- Marshall JN, Bradley DP, Hodgson CM, Alderman NF, Richardson RGW. Relocation, relocation, relocation: Assessing the case for public sector dispersal. Regional Studies 2005, 39(6), 767-787.
- Marshall JN, Bradley DP, Hodgson CM, Richardson RGW, Alderman A, Benneworth P, Tebbutt G, Charles DR, Gillespie A, Tomaney J, Goddard JB. Public Sector Relocation from London and the South East: Evidence to the Lyons Review on behalf of the English Regional Development Agencies. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University, 2004.
- Chatterton P, Bradley DP. Bringing Britain Together? The limitations of area-based regeneration policies in addressing deprivation. Local Economy 2000, 15(2), 98-111.
- Charles DR, Bradley DP, Chatterton P, Coombes MG, Gillespie AE. Core Cities Centres for Regeneration. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, 1999.
- Richardson RGW, Bradley DP, Jones I, Benneworth P. Employment location in North East England, Conference on Employment in the North East of England. In: Town and Country Planning Association seminar series "The People: Where Will They Work?". 1999, Newcastle upon Tyne: Town and Country Planning Association.
- Richardson RGW, Bradley DP, Jones I, Benneworth P. The North East. In: Breheny M, ed. The people: where will they work? Report of TCPA research into the changing geography of employment. London: Town & Country Planning Association, 1999, pp.145-167.