Visiting Staff
Peter joined CURDS as a Research Associate in October 2013. Previously, he was a CURDS Visiting Fellow and a Member of the CURDS International Advisory Board. He is also a former doctoral student at CURDS, having been awarded his PhD by Newcastle University in 2005.
Peter has significant experience and expertise as a senior public sector executive in the North of England. He specialises in urban and regional governance, infrastructure funding and financing, universities, transformational change, and in the preparation and implementation of research, strategy and policy in local and regional development. Alongside his role at CURDS, Peter is Executive Director of Yorkshire Universities - the regional consortium of universities and higher education institutions in Yorkshire and the Humber. He was previously Deputy Local Growth Consultant at the Higher Education Council for England, and part of the specialist team that oversaw the Leading Places and Local Growth Academy programmes.
Peter was a member of the CURDS team in 2013 that led on a national project, alongside University College London, which undertook a comprehensive audit of all 39 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in England. The project was part of the Spatial Economics Research Centre Programme, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Welsh Assembly Government. The study identified several critical areas for the development of LEPs, including future capacity building and leadership challenges.
From January 2008 to May 2012, Peter was Director of the Tyne and Wear City Region Partnership, where he was responsible for the development and delivery of the Tyne and Wear City Region Economic Review and the Tyne and Wear City Region Multi Area Agreement (MAA). As City Region Director, he led the preparation of the formal written submission to Government to establish the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP). Peter headed the NELEP Interim Secretariat (advising the LEP Chair and LEP Board), where he worked on Enterprise Zones, Growing Places Fund, Transport & Infrastructure, Business & Enterprise, Skills & Employment, Inward Investment & Trade, European Funding, Rural Growth Networks and Access to Finance.
Prior to joining the Tyne and Wear City Region, Peter held the role of Assistant Chief Executive at the North East Assembly (NEA), where he had lead responsibility for: Scrutiny and Policy Development of the North East Regional Economic Strategy; Social Policy; North East England European Strategy; and the North East England European Office based in Brussels. He also had corporate responsibility for NEA Business Planning and Financial Management.
Earlier in his career, Peter was the first Regional Policy Officer appointed by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in its Northern Region, covering North East England and Cumbria. He was the principal adviser for the Northern TUC on all regional and local economic development matters, and he contributed significantly towards the development and implementation of TUC research, policy and campaigns on a wide range of economic, employment and social issues.
Peter combines in-depth professional experience in UK local and regional government with long-standing intellectual interest in the governance of local and regional development. His current research focuses on the funding, financing and governance of urban infrastructure and processes of policy and fiscal decentralisation, with particular attention given to the new Metro-mayoral institutional developments in England and Industrial Strategy.
Between October 2013 and March 2018 he was a member of the multi-disciplinary i-BUILD (Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery) Research Centre; a joint collaboration between Newcastle University, the University of Leeds and the University of Birmingham. i-BUILD focused on infrastructure at the scale of towns and cities where infrastructure is most dense and where the interdependencies between infrastructures, economies, society and the environment are most profound.
Within i-BUILD, Peter critically analysed the regulation and governance arrangements for urban infrastructure funding and financing, with empirical case studies focusing on the UK's 'City Deals' and 'Devolution Deals'. Alongside Professor Andy Pike, Director of CURDS, and Professor John Tomaney, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, he examinined the funding, financing and governance of transport infrastructure in the London 'global city-region'. He played a leading role in the preparation of the 2015 i-BUILD Mid-term Review and 2018 i-BUILD Final Report. In 2016, he was part of the CURDS team that delivered an ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Project designed to strengthen the contribution of CURDS within policy debates on decentralisation within England, in which he was a co-author of the report 'Decentralisation: issues, principles and practice'. He is currently working on another ESRC IAA project on Metro-mayors and will start a new IAA project in August 2018 on Industrial Strategy.
Since joining CURDS in October 2013, Peter has led the preparation of CURDS' written evidence submissions to Parliamentary inquiries, including: 'Fiscal Decentralisation in England; 'Devolution in the UK - Post Scottish Referendum'; 'Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill'; '100% Business Rates Retention'; and 'The Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine'. He also produced iBUILD's responses to the UK National Infrastructure Commission's (NIC) calls for evidence on 'Connecting Northern Cities' and 'London's Transport Infrastructure', and CURDS' responses to government consultations on 'The Governance and Structure of the NIC', 'Future governance of the Public Works Loans Board' and 'Industrial Strategy Green Paper'.
In 2017, Peter led a CURDS team that undertook a study for the Trades Union Congress that set out the case for a new Industrial Strategy for Tees Valley, and between November 2017 and March 2018 he was a member of the Steer Davies Gleave consortium that evaluated the One Public Estate 'public assets' programme.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. ‘Deal or no deal?’ Governing urban infrastructure funding and financing in the UK City Deals. Urban Studies 2019, 56(7), 1448-1476.
- O'Brien P, Kempton L, MacKinnon D, Pike A. Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee inquiry into 'Supporting Regional Investment and Growth': A submission by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies. 2019. In Preparation.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Strickland T, Thrower G, Tomaney J. Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
- O'Brien P, O'Neill P, Pike A. Funding, financing and governing urban infrastructure. Urban Studies 2019, 56(7), 1291-1303.
- Pike A, Coombes M, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Austerity states, institutional dismantling and the governance of sub-national economic development: the demise of the Regional Development Agencies in England. Territory, Politics, Governance 2018, 6(1), 118-144.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. Governing the 'ungovernable'? Financialisation and the governance of transport infrastructure in the London 'global city-region'. Progress in Planning 2019, 132, 100422.
- Tomaney J, O'Brien P, Pike A. Planning for Infrastructure. In: Ferm J; Tomaney J, ed. Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. London: Routledge, 2018.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. Governing infrastructure funding and financing. In: Martin, R; Pollard, J, ed. Handbook of Geographies of Money and Finance. Cheltenham: Elgar, 2017, pp.223-252.
- O'Brien P, Coombes M, Dawley S, Evans L, Pike A. How to Create Great Jobs: Towards a Regional Industrial Strategy for Tees Valley: A Report for the TUC by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, Newcastle University. Trades Union Congress, London: Newcastle University, 2017.
- O'Brien P, Dawley S, MacKinnon D, Pike A, Tomaney J. Industrial Strategy Green Paper Consultation: A submission by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, Newcastle University. 2017. Submitted.
- O'Brien P, Coombes M, Dawley S, Evans L, Pike A. Towards a Regional Industrial Strategy for Tees Valley. 2017.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. Beyond the northern pitchbook. In: Raco, M, ed. Britain for Sale? Perspectives on the costs and benefits of foreign ownership. London, UK: The Smith Institute, 2016.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Kempton L, MacKinnon D, McCarthy A. CURDS evidence to the Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Select Committee Inquiry into the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine. 2016.
- Pike A, Kempton L, Marlow D, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Decentralisation: Issues, Principles and Practice. CURDS, Newcastle University, 2016.
- O'Brien P, Dawson R, Pike P, Purnell P, Tomaney J. National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence: ‘Connecting northern cities’, evidence submitted by the iBUILD Infrastructure Research Centre. 2016.
- O'Brien P, Dawson R, Pike A, Tomaney J. National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence: ‘London’s transport infrastructure’, evidence submitted by the iBUILD Infrastructure Research Centre. 2016.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. City Deals, Decentralisation and the Governance of Local Infrastructure Funding and Financing in the UK. National Institute Economic Review 2015, 233(1), R14-R26.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. CURDS Submission to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee Inquiry into the 'Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill'. 2015. Submitted.
- Pike A, Marlow D, McCarthy A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Local institutions and local economic development: the Local Enterprise Partnerships in England, 2010-. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2015, 8(2), 185-204.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. The financialisation and governance of infrastructure, iBUILD Working Paper No. 8. 2015.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. 'The governance of local infrastructure funding and financing'. Infrastructure Complexity 2015, 2, 3.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, MacKinnon D, Marlow D, Robson L. CURDS submission to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee Inquiry into the 'Fiscal Devolution to Cities and City Regions'. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Urban and Rural Development (CURDS), Newcastle University, 2014.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. Deal or No Deal? UK City Deals as Infrastructure Funding and Financing Mechanisms. iBUILD Working Paper 2014, 13.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee Inquiry into ‘Devolution after the Referendum’, written evidence submitted by CURDS, Newcastle University. 2014.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. The Governance of Infrastructure Funding and Financing: A Literature Review, iBUILD Working Paper 3, iBUILD, Newcastle University. iBUILD Working Paper 2014, 3.
- Pike P, Marlow D, McCarthy A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Local Institutions and Local Economic Growth: The State of the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in England - A National Survey. London, UK: Spatial Economics Research Centre, 2013. 150.
- Tomaney J, Pike A, McCarthy M, O'Brien P. Regional governance and economic development in England. Administration 2013, 61(3), 13-30.
- Marlow D, McCarthy A, O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. The State of the LEPs: A National Survey. Where Next for Local Enterprise Partnerships? 2013, 66-47.
- Pike A, Coombes M, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. The case for the abolition of the RDAs in England: An Assessment. 2012.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Coming in from the cold? Trade unions in local and regional development. In: Diamond J; Liddel J; Southern A; Townsend A, ed. Managing the City. London: Routledge, 2007.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Devolution and the Trades Union Congress in North East England and Wales. Regional and Federal Studies 2006, 16(2), 157-177.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Devolution and the Trades Union Congress in North East England and Wales. Regional and Federal Studies 2006, 16(2), 157-178.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Trade Unions in Local and Regional Regeneration. In: Diamond J, Liddel J; Southern A; Townsend A, ed. Managing the City. London: Routledge, 2006, pp.56-72.
- Henry N, Pike AJ, Tomaney J, O'Brien PE, Coombes MG, Conway C, Dawley SJ, Champion T. What works in regional economic development: learning from international best practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: One North East, 2006. Research and Evaluation Reports.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. Devolution, the governance of regional development and the Trade Union Congress in the North East region of England. Geoforum 2004, 35(1), 59-68.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Trade unions in local and regional development and governance: The Northern Trades Union Congress in North East England. Local Economy 2004, 19(2), 102-116.
- Shaw K, Humphrey L, OBrien P, Tomaney J. ‘Stakeholder involvement in the new regional governance: a case study of the North East Assembly’. Northern Economic Review 2003, 33/34, 1-18.
- Pike AJ, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Devolution and the Trades Union Congress in the north east region of England and Wales. In: Economic governance post-devolution: differentiation or convergence?. 2003, London: Regional Studies Association.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Regionalisation, devolution and the trade union movement. Antipode 2002, 34(5).
- Shaw K, Humphrey L, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. The Engagement of Economic and Social Partners in a Directly Elected Regional Assembly for the North East. Newcastle upon Tyne: North East Assembly, 2002.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. The TUC and New Labour's "Regional Fix". Labour and Industry 2002, 13(2), 39-67.