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Learning for local inclusive growth policies

Date: 2 February 2023 | Time: 13.30
Location: Henry Daysh Building, Newcastle University

Organised by CURDS, Insights North East and the Cities & Local Growth Unit, this seminar brought together academics and policymakers from across the UK to share their ideas, innovations, and practices in building inclusive and sustainable economies in cities. 

Making city economies more inclusive and sustainable has become a pressing priority for politicians and public policymakers in the contemporary era of rising social and geographical inequalities. While cities are seen as dynamic and productive engines of their national economies, the potential benefits they can generate are not always equally shared nor accessible to their residents. Generating and spreading opportunity more widely is central to ensuring people and places are not ‘left behind’ by their evolving city economies. 


14:00 - Welcome and Introduction

(Professor Danny MacKinnon and Professor Andy Pike, CURDS, Newcastle University; Andrew Battarbee, Cities & Local Growth Unit)

14:15 - Insights North East Introduction

(Dr Louise Kempton, CURDS, Insights North East)

14:25 - Session: Learning for Local Inclusive Growth Policies

(Chair: Professor Danny MacKinnon, CURDS, Newcastle University)

14:30 - Local inclusive growth policies and experiences from Birmingham

(Anne Green, City REDI, University of Birmingham)

14:45 - Inclusive Growth Network

(Annabel Smith, Centre for Progressive Policy)

15:00 – Inclusive growth in Scottish city-regions

(Dr David Waite, University of Glasgow) 

15:15 – Q & A with speakers

15:45 - Wrap-up, thanks and next steps 

(Professor Danny MacKinnon, CURDS, Newcastle University)

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