Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies

Staff Profile

Professor Danny MacKinnon

Professor of Regional Development and Governance; Director of CURDS


Roles and Responsibilities

Director, Centre for Urban & Regional Development Studies (CURDS)



Ma (Hons) Geography, University of Dundee, 1995 

PhD Geography, University of Edinburgh, 1998



2009-2013: Senior Research Fellow, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow.

2001-2009: Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Aberdeen.

2000-2001: Research Fellow, Department of Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen.

1999-2000: Research Associate, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University.



Royal Geographical Society/ Institute of British Geographers (RGS / IBG)

Google scholar profile






Research Interests  

I am an economic and political geographer whose research is centrally concerned with the institutions and politics of local and regional development. Recent work has contributed to debates in Evolutionary Economic Geography and to questions of urban and regional adaptation and change in particular. Since 2021, I have been leading an international project titled 'Beyond left behind places' with colleagues in CURDS/UCL, France & Germany. My future research agenda involves linking urban and regional development to sustainability transitions through new projects on: new renewable energy paths for coastal economies; labour market transition in energy intensive regions; and, joined-up sustainability transition at the community level (as part of a new ESRC Centre for equitable and sustainable low carbon living, led by the University of Manchester).

Current Postgraduate Supervision

Laura Ginn

Jeroen Royer (based at IfL Leipzig & University of Jena)



Undergraduate Teaching

GEO2099 Economic Geography

GEO3114 Local and Regional Development


Postgraduate Teaching

GEO8030 Geographical Inequalities & Policy
