Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies

Our Research

Our Research

Our research work is wide-ranging and global in scope.

Our research includes defining places, including the iconic features of a region such as the Angel of the North. Photo by Graeme Peacock

The ethos of CURDS research is academic excellence and policy relevance. CURDS is comprised of a diverse group of researchers who work on the theoretical, empirical and policy dimensions of urban and regional development in an international context. Our research is anchored in economic geography, but extends into the overlapping spheres of spatial analysis and modelling, demography, housing, and planning. CURDS has a long-standing interest in patterns of social and spatial inequality with a particular focus on the development of peripheral regions. Our research employs a range of methods, stretching from quantitative approaches and spatial modelling to qualitative case studies and critical policy analysis.  

Research Themes

  • People and Place
  • Evolution and Transition
  • Governance, Institutions and Inclusion

Research Funders

CURDS undertakes research for a wide range of international, national, regional, urban and local organisations.

Research Outputs

CURDS produces a range of different published outputs from its research including books, papers in academic journals, research reports, blogs and articles for the specialist and general media.

Engagement and Impact

From its establishment in 1977, CURDS has engaged with policy questions and sought to deliver impact from its research.

Through its work, CURDS engages with a range of public, private and civic organisations internationally.

For the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), two of the five impact case studies submitted by the Geography department at Newcastle University were based on research carried out at CURDS.  These highlighted the work of Mike Coombes in setting international standards for the definition of official labour market boundaries and the work of Andy Pike and colleagues on tackling spatial disparities through improved subnational economic governance in the UK.